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      • Enhancement and polarization manipulation of photonic spin hall effect with waveguided-SPR method

        Monu Nath Baitha Graduate School, Yonsei University 2023 국내박사

        RANK : 247358

        광자 스핀 홀 효과(Photonic spin Hall effect, PSHE)는 plane-polarized wave가 광 표면에서 반사와 굴절 이후 right and left-handed circularly-polarized wave로 분리되는 현상이다. 광자 스핀 홀 효과는 전자의 홀 효과와 매우 유사하며, 다양한 모델과 구조내에서 연구되어 왔지만 아직까지 그 수치가 작고 편광에 의존적이어서 현실적으로 적용하기 어렵다. 플라즈모닉 시스템에서 스핀 홀 효과의 증폭은 가능했으나, 수평 편광이라는 조건에 한정되어 있었다. 광자 스핀 홀 효과를 더 증폭시키고 편광 의존성을 제어하기 위해 새로운 도파로-표면 플라즈몬 공명 (Waveguided surface plasmon resonance, WG-SPR) 방법을 채택하였다. 본 논문에서의 사용한 구조는 금속층 위의 얇은 유리층으로 구성되어 있으며, 수직 및 수평 편광 모두 적용이 가능하다. 입사광의 편광 상태는 광자 스핀 홀 효과에 상당한 영향을 미친다. 본 논문은 도파로-표면 플라즈몬 공명을 이용한 거대 광자 스핀 홀 효과를 이론적으로 분석하였으며, 그 수치를 밀리미터 수준까지 향상시켰다. 이 연구는 플라즈몬 공명 기반 모델을 사용하여 빛의 수직 및 수평 편광 모두에 대해 거대 광자 스핀 홀 효과를 관찰한 첫 번째 연구이다. 또한, 도파관의 층 두께를 조정함으로써 편광을 능동적으로 조작할 수 있으며, 이러한 효과는 광 스핀을 주로 이용하는 수직 및 수평 편광 기반의 양자 광학 장치 및 센서에 적용할 수 있다. 더 나아가, 편광의 전환이 가능한 스핀 광자 홀 효과를 얻기 위해 새로운 방법을 제안하였다. 결과적으로 구조의 물리적인 변화없이 광자 스핀 홀 효과를 관찰 할 수 있다. 이 연구는 광자 스핀 홀 효과를 향상시키는 입사 공명 각도만 변경하여 편광 모드를 능동적으로 제어하는 데 매우 적합하며, 이러한 효과는 스위치, 빔 스플리터, 필터 등의 광 편광 기반 장치에 적용할 수 있다. 또한, 모든 입사각에 대해 편광 독립적인 광자 스핀 홀 효과를 관찰 할 수 있는 연구를 진행하였다. 모든 입사각, 모든 평면 편광 입사파에 대해 수직 편광 광자 스핀 홀 효과와 수평 편광 광자 스핀 홀 효과가 같음을 보였다 (δ_±^H=δ_±^V). 이 연구는 모든 입사각에 대해 광자 스핀 홀 효과의 편광 의존성을 없애기 위해 빛의 스핀-궤도 결합을 조작한 첫 번째 연구이다. 이 연구의 결과는 편광 독립적인 양자 장치 및 센서에 적용할 수 있다. The photonic spin Hall effect (PSHE) explains the separation of right- and left-handed circularly-polarized waves after reflection and refraction of a plane-polarized wave from an optical interface. It is a direct analogy to the electronic Hall effect. To date, PSHE has been explored for many different models and structures, but still, its small value and polarization dependency limits the practical application. In plasmonic systems, the enhanced spin Hall effect (SHE) was previously possible but only for horizontal polarization. To further enhance the PSHE and control the polarization dependency, the novel waveguided surface plasmon resonance (WG-SPR) method has been adopted. The proposed structure comprises a thin glass layer over a metal layer that produces a hybrid mode of transverse magnetic and a regular waveguiding transverse electric mode. The polarization state of the incident light has a substantial impact on the photonic spin Hall effect (PSHE). This thesis reports a theoretical analysis of the giant photonic spin Hall effect (G-PSHE) using WG-SPR. An enhancement of millimeter-scale (more than 2 mm to submillimeter) is achieved. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to achieve G-PSHE for both vertical and horizontal polarization modes of light with the SPR-based model. Other findings also indicate the manipulation of active polarization mode by only tuning the wave-guiding layer thickness. This study enables the scope for potential applications of both H- and V-polarized based quantum optical devices and sensors, where light spin plays a pivotal role. Further, a novel method has been proposed to get the polarization-switchable PSHE. Outcomes offer the opportunity of eliminating any physical alteration of the given structure to govern the desired results. This research is highly suited to controlling the active polarization mode of enhanced PSHE by only altering the incident resonance angle. It will be a simple alternative for modern light polarization (spin) based devices such as switches, beam splitters, filters, etc. Furthermore, another study revealed an opportunity to polarization-independent photonic spin Hall effect (PSHE), for all incident angles. This work demonstrates that the horizontal (H) and vertical (V) polarized PSHE will remain the same; (�±ு = �±௏) for any plane-polarized incident wave at any incident angle. This is the first study where the Spin-Orbit coupling of light has been manipulated to vanish the polarization dependency of PSHE for all incident angles. The results of this study pave the way for feasible future applications of new polarization-independent quantum devices and sensors.


        TILAK CHANDRA NATH 충북대학교 2022 국내박사

        RANK : 247357

        In view of a growing national and international commitment to control human helminths infection, there is an urgent need to intensify the cases detection from various reservoir hosts and the application of context-based diagnostic methods. The goal of this study was to deepen the understanding of helminthiases, perform a One Health based parasitological screening comprising humans, animals, and environmental samples from same ecological settings and assess feasibility of a diagnostic tool and control intervention in Bangladesh. The dissertation employed a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods including a series of parasitological techniques like copromicroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, experimental sedation, culture and molecular approach. Specimens (stools, soils, and adult helminths) were collected from humans, animals, and environment from the same communities (Dhaka, Chittagong and Chattogram) in Bangladesh. Structured questionnaires and an interventional study were used to collect data. Interviews were conducted among community people and related professionals. The examined host communities harbored diverse types of helminths that were heterogeneously distributed across the hosts. Out of 360 human stool samples, the prevalence of helminths infection was 31.7%. Interventional study showed that integration of new intervention with existing control programs was feasible in the local field settings of the country; however, several barriers like fragmented health delivery system, lack of interdisciplinary communication, and information gaps were dominantly existing. Additionally, this study presents the first human case of Rhabditis sp. infection in Bangladesh; emphasized for careful inspection to diagnose and differentiate the helminths species. Out of 550 fecal samples from animal, 59.6% was found positive for at-least one helminth. This study suggested a new, undescribed nematode, Agriostomum n. sp. (2021) from Black Bangal goat. In captive wild animals, 48.9% of examined fecal samples were found positive for parasitic infections. For the first time, zoonotically important Spirometra decipiens from lion was molecularly characterized in this study. Furthermore, geohelminth contamination was found in 52.5% of examined soil samples. This study also developed a context-based geohelminth diagnostic method and the method found feasible in terms of field applicability and egg recovery rate. And lastly, this study molecularly identified zoonotically important canine hookworms, Ancylstoma caninum from soil that represents a risk to public and animal health. This study assessed the prevalence of helminth infection in humen, animal, wild animal as well as geohelminth contamination, and provides a general overview of host-parasite interactions, diagnostic tools and control strategies of parasitic diseases in Bangladesh. Helminthiases remains dominant among the diverse host range, with a high rate of geohelminth contamination. The need of routine parasitological examination as part of current parasite control programs is highlighted in this study. Armed with this, the study propose One Health approach, integrating human, veterinary, and public health authorities in the development and implementation of parasitic diseases prevention and control strategies.

      • Antecedents of the chief marketing officer's presence and influence in top management teams

        Nath, Pravin The University of Texas at Austin 2006 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        Recent estimates suggest that fifty percent of the Fortune 1000 companies have a Chief Marketing Officer (CMO), defined as an executive in charge of marketing in the top management team (TMT). Further, across firms that have CMOs, there exist differences in their structural positions, and therefore arguably their influence, in the TMT hierarchy. Seemingly, firms differ on these two structural choices of CMO presence and CMO influence, which in turn are indicative of the emphasis firms put on marketing and customer advocacy in the TMT, where corporate strategy is formulated. However, there is no prior research that has attempted to understand this phenomenon. This is surprising given the growing concern about marketing's diminishing role at the level of corporate strategy in the firm. This research attempts to fill this gap by addressing the following two research questions: (1) what are the antecedents of the CMO's presence in the TMT? and (2) what are the antecedents of the CMO's influence in the TMT? Antecedents are identified using rationales that rely on the role of marketing in the firm, the functions that the CMO has, and the information processing requirements and power dynamics of TMTs. Hypotheses for the effects of these antecedents on CMO presence and CMO influence are tested using secondary data for a set of 169 firms across 9 industries for the years 2001-2002. Results show that CMO presence and influence are driven primarily by a combination of strategic and structural factors. Specifically, firms are more likely to have a CMO in the TMT when they have a corporate branding strategy and when their TMTs have relatively low proportions of executives with marketing and/or general management experience. Further, diversification makes CMO presence less likely in relatively smaller firms but more likely in relatively larger ones. Innovation drives the influence the CMO has in the TMT, while marketing and/or general management experience in the TMT reduce it. The results are of significance both to academicians and practitioners concerned with marketing's influence at the level of corporate strategy.

      • The Food Problem and the Aggregate Productivity Consequences of Climate Change

        Nath, Ishan Brownell ProQuest Dissertations & Theses The University of 2019 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        This dissertation consists of three chapters. The abstract for Chapter 1 - the primary paper - is below, along with the titles of Chapter 2 and Chapter 3.Climate change is projected to sharply reduce agricultural productivity in hot developing countries and raise it in temperate regions. Reallocation of labor across sectors could temper the aggregate impacts of these changes if hotter regions shift toward importing food and specializing in manufacturing or exacerbate them if subsistence food requirements push labor toward agriculture where its productivity suffers most. I quantify these effects in two steps. First, I project changes in global comparative advantage by using firm-level micro-data from 17 countries covering over half the world's population to estimate the heterogeneous effect of temperature on output per worker in manufacturing and services. I find large effects of extremely hot and cold temperatures on non-agricultural output per worker, but treatment effects diminish with income and expectations of temperature such that the projected impact of climate change is larger in agriculture than non-agriculture. Second, I embed my estimates in an open-economy model of structural transformation that matches moments on output-per-worker, sectoral specialization, and trade for 158 countries. Simulations suggest that subsistence food requirements dominate labor reallocation in response to climate change on average and the global decline in GDP is 12.0% larger, and 52.1% larger for the poorest quartile of the world, when accounting for sectoral reallocation than in the counterfactual with fixed sectoral shares. The aggregate willingness-to-pay to avoid climate change is 1.5-2.7% of annual GDP and 6.2-10.0% for the poorest quartile. Trade reduces the welfare costs of climate change relative to autarky by only 7.4% under existing policy, but by 30.7% overall and by 68.2% for the poorest quartile in an alternative scenario with reduced trade costs.Chapter 2: Do Renewable Portfolio Standards Deliver Cost-Effective Carbon Abatement?Chapter 3: A Global View of Creative Destruction.

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