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      • KCI등재

        雲溪 金鍾正 尙書論의 특징

        김만일(Kim Manil) 고려사학회 2011 한국사학보 Vol.- No.43

        Kim Jong-jeong(1722~1787) was a Confucian scholar who worked during the era of King Yeonjo(英祖) and Jeongjo(正祖) in the later Joseon Dynasty. An abundance of detailed commentaries on Shang Shu(尙書: the Book of Historical Documents, a.k.a. Shu Jing(書經); Classic of History) are included in the collection of his works called Ungye mango(雲溪慢稿). In his commentaries the texts of Shang Shu are listed with explanatory notes of Shu Ji Zhuan(書集傳; A Collection of Comments on the Shu) by Cai Chen(蔡沈) who was one of Zhu Xi(朱熹)’s eminent disciples. which shows he accepted Cai’s notes that is based on Zhu Xi’s neo-Confucianism as most reasonable and reliable one among many other notes on Shang Shu. At the same time, however. he also adopted the pre-neo-Confucian system of notes of Shang Shu Zheng Yi(尙書定義 ; The Correct Meaning of the Book of Historical Documents by Imperial Authority) written by Kong Ying Da(孔穎達) in the Tang dynasty, Kim evaluated Zhu Xi’s notes on the place names in Shang Shu as an unfinished and open ones, which shows his characteristic attitude to established notes. He was active to accept the existing notes, but also sceptical of the existence of perfect note. His attitude conflicted with the then current neo-Confucianists’ view on Zhu Xi’s notes. He thought that the established note system of Confucian Classics should be challenged as times have changed. Another notable feature of his commentaries is that he accepted the notes of the Joseon Dynasty’s scholars as much as Chinese scholars. He accepted the notes on Shang Shu of Kim Jang-saeng(金長生), Song Si-yeol(宋時烈), Kim Chang-heup(金昌翕), Kim Chang-hyeop(金昌協), and so on. This was an unparalleled attempt in the history of Shang Shu commentaries in the Joseon Dynasty. Kim Jong-jeong tried to examine theories on Shang Shu’s formation and the problem of authenticity about Shang Shu written in Jinwen (今文: current script in Han Dynasty) or Guwen(古文: ancient script), and he also cast doubt on the reliability of forewords to each chapters of Shang Shu called Shuxu(書序). His examination and criticism was focused on Shang Shu per se while most scholars in the Joseon Dynasty immersed themselves in textual critic. Before Dasan(茶山) Jeong Yak-yong(丁若鏞) this kind of attitude was so rare that Kim’s criticism on Shang Shu was significant in the history of Shang Shu commentaries in the Joseon Dynasty. Kim also criticised existing Korean annotations of Shang Shu and proposed amendments. He asserted that Korean annotations did not reflect Shu Ji Zhuan with an accuracy. In this case we can recognize that Kim Jong-jeong acknowledged the superiority of the note system of Cai Chen’s Shu Ji Zhuan.

      • KCI등재

        정약용의 『상서』 「태서」편 고증(1)

        김만일(Kim, Manil) 한림대학교 태동고전연구소 2014 泰東古典硏究 Vol.32 No.-

        The Taishi Chapter of Shang Shu(尙書: the Book of Historical Documents, a.k.a Shu Jing書經; Classic of History) has been one of the main topics of the textual criticism of Shang Shu along with pseudo-guwen(古文: ancient script) Shang Shu, guwen Shang Shu, and Jinwen(今文: current script in Han Dynasty) Shang Shu. Jeong Yakyong had tried to examine Shang Shu text in Maessie Seo Pyeong(梅氏書平: Review on Maessie’s Shu Jing), where had plenty of textual criticism of Taishi Chapter throughout. His points of criticism was as below : one was the exmination on pseudo-Taishi Chapter with regard to Jinwen or Guwen texts, and the other was the historical research on the ground and method of forging of Mai Ze(梅賾). This thesis will review the textual criticism on Taishi chapter of Jeong who had carried out extensive research into pseudo-Taishi chapter, Jinwen Shang Shu of Fu Sheng(伏生) and Guwen Shang Shu of Kong Anguo (孔安國). At first Jeong classified Taishi chapter into five categories from fragments scattered in many books, and also classified these five categories into pseudo- Taishi and genuine one. He demonstrated that pseudo-Taishi had three kinds mainly forged from Baiyu(白魚) and Houwu(火烏) which appeared in Han Dynasty. He also demonstrated that genuine Taishi had the contents about King Wu(武王)’s conquest of Yin Dynasty, and that genuine Taishi be classified into original one and Mai Ze’s. He said Mai’s genuine Taishi was adopted in Shang Shu Zheng Yi (尙書正義 ; The Correct Meaning of the Book of Historical Documents by Imperial Authority) written by Kong Ying Da(孔穎達) in Tang dynasty, and also in Shu Ji Zhuan (書集傳; A Collection of Comments on the Shu) by Cai Chen(蔡沈). Jeong’s classification was the preparatory work for full out examination of Taishi chapter. He researched the method and esource of genuine Taishi text, and in regard to pseudo-Taishi he focused on the relation between Guwen and Jinwen text. Kong Ying Da’s Shang Shu Zheng Yi, Zhu Xi’s Zhu Zi Chuan Shu(朱子全書), and Cai Chen’s Shu Ji Zhuan had said that pseudo-Taishi had been included in Fu Sheng’s Jinwen Shang Shu consisting of 29 chapters. These three explanatory notes were read the most in Chosun dynasty, and also adopted in the most studies on Shang Shu of Chosun dynasty, and therefore the argument that Taishi chapter had been contained in Fu Sheng’s Jinwen Shang Shu was widely accepted in Chosun dynasty. Jeong’s demonstration of Taishi chapter in Maessie Seo Pyeong was intended to correct this widespread error in Chosun dynasty. Jeong said the old argument that Fu Sheng’s 29 chapters had come from original 28 chapters and the added one Taishi be wrong, and that the added one was a called Shuxu(書序: foreword to the each chapter of Shang Shu). He demonstrated that Fu Sheng’s text could not be 29 chapters if Taishi chapter be added because it had appeared in Emperor Wu’s period, and also that Shang Shu consist of 46 chapters based on the record of Yiwenzhi(藝文志: library catalog) in Han shu(漢書:Historical Record of Han dynasty). This 46 chapter Shang Shu was Kong Anguo’s Guwen text. Jeong said that 46 chapters were Fu Sheng’s 29 chapters adding 16chapters and pseudo-Taishi chapter forged in Han dynasty. He concluded that pseudo-Taishi chapter in Han dynasty had been included not in Fu Sheng’s Jinwen Shang Shu but in Gong Angou’s guwen Shang Shu. 상서 「태서」편은 한 대(漢代) 이래로 상서에 대한 문헌고증에서 위고문상서 금문상서 고문상서와 더불어 주요한 주제로 다루어져 왔다. 정약용은 매씨서평에서 상서에 대한 문헌고증을 시도하였는데 그 가운데 「태서」편에 대한 고증이 󰡔매씨서평󰡕 전편에 걸쳐서 산재되어 있다. 이해 대한 논의는 두 가지로 요약된다. 하나는 한대에 출현한 위태서(僞泰誓)에 대해서 금문․고문과 관련하여 고증한 것이다. 다른 하나는 매색본 「태서」에 대해서 위작의 근거와 방법을 고증한 것이다. 본 논고에서는 한대의 위태서를 복생의 금문상서 및 공안국의 고문상서와 관련하여 고증한 정약용의 「태서」편 고증에 대해 밝힌 것이다. 정약용은 여러 전적에 복잡하게 단편적으로 서술된 「태서」편에 대한 기록을 정리하여 「태서」편을 다섯 가지로 분류 정리하였다. 이 다섯 가지 「태서」를 다시 진태서(眞泰誓)와 위태서로 나누었다. 위태서는 한대에 출현한 ‘백어(白魚)’ ‘화오(火烏)’의 내용을 위주로 하는 3가지 종류가 있다고 고증하였다. 그리고 진태서는 주 무왕이 은을 정벌한 내용이며 고경진본 「태 서」와 매색본 진태서로 분류하였다. 이 매색본 진태서가 당대의 󰡔상서정의󰡕에 수용되었으며 채침에게 계승되었다고 하였다. 정약용이 「태서」편을 분류 정리한 것은 「태서」편에 대한 고증을 시도하기 위한 것이었다고 보여진다. 그는 「태서」편에 대한 분류를 기초로 하여 진태서에 대해서는 그 경문이 만들어진 근거자료와 방법에 대해 고증하였으며, 위태서에 대해서는 금문․고문의 관계에 고증의 초점을 두었다. 공영달의 상서정, 주희의 주자전서, 채침의 서집전에서는 한대에 출현한 위태서가 복생의 금문상서 29편에 포함되었다고 주장하였다. 이 세 가지 상서주석서는 조선시대 가장 많이 읽혔고 또 조선의 상서주석서에 가장 많이 언급되었다. 따라서 이들의 「태서」편이 복생의 금문상서에 포함되었다는 주장은 곧 조선시대 상서 「태서」편에 대한 일반적인 인식이었다. 정약용이 󰡔매씨서평󰡕에서 「태서」편에 대해 새로이 고증한 것은 이러한 일반적인 인식의 오류를 바로잡으려는 것이었다. 정약용은 복생의 경문 28편에 「태서」 1편이 더해져서 29편이 되었다는 선유들의 설은 오류이며, 경문 28편에 더해진 1편은 「서서(書序)」라고 고증하여 오류를 정정하였다. 시기적으로 보아 무제 말에 나온 위태서가 그보다 앞선 시기에 이미 29편으로 완성된 복생의 금문상서에 포함되어 다시 29편이 되었다는 주장은 모순이라는 것이 정약용의 고증이다. 또한 󰡔한 서 「예문지」에 상서고문경 46권이라는 기록을 근거로 46권 구성 내용을 고증하였다. 한서 「예문지」에 기록된 상서고문경 46권은 공안국의 고문상서를 말하는 것이다. 이 46권은 복생본과 일치하는 것이 29편, 복생본에 없는 것이 16편, 나머지 1편은 한대의 위태서라고 고증하였다. 한대의 위태서 1편은 복생본 금문상서가 아니라 공안국의 고문상서에 포함되었 다는 것이 정약용의 「태서」편에 대한 고증이다.

      • KCI등재

        지중 변위와 체적 함수비 계측을 통한 사면 거동 분석

        용성(Yongseong Kim),김만일(Manil Kim),타망 비벡(Tamang, Bibek),기환(Jihuan Jin) 한국지반환경공학회 2018 한국지반환경공학회논문집 Vol.19 No.9

        국내 · 외에서는 사면붕괴를 사전에 예방할 수 있는 모니터링 및 자동계측기에 관한 다수의 연구가 수행되어져 오고 있으나, 이러한 연구들은 다소 복잡한 구조로 이루어져 있고, 계측시스템의 대부분은 사면표층에 설치되어 있으며, 사면파괴 전 붕괴징후를 사전에 감지하고 경보를 울려주는 계측시스템에 관한 연구는 미진한 실정이다. 본 연구에서는 강우 조건에서의 사면 붕괴 메카니즘을 파악하기 위하여 사면 붕괴 실험을 수행하고 지중 변위와 체적 함수비 계측을 통해 사면 모델의 붕괴 초기에 발생되는 함수비와 변위 거동 특성을 분석하였다. 본 연구를 통해 고찰된 내용은 지방자치단체에서 집중호우로 인해 급경사지 붕괴위험지역 등 사면붕괴나 산사태가 예측될 때 사전에 주민을 대피시키는 사면붕괴 예 · 경보시스템 구축 시 기초자료로 활용될 수 있을 것으로 기대된다. Several studies have been conducted on monitoring system and automatic measuring instruments to prevent slope failure in advance in Korea and overseas. However, these studies have quite complex structure. Since most of the measurement systems are installed on the slope surface, the researches are carried on the measurement system that detects sign of slope collapse in advance and alerts are still unsatisfactory. In this study, slope collapse experiments were carried out to understand the slope failure mechanism according to rainfall conditions. The water content and displacement behavior at the early stage of the slope failure were analyzed through the measurement of the ground displacement and water content. The results of this study can be used by local government as a basic data for the design of slope failure alarm system to evacuate residents in case of slope failure or landslide due to heavy rainfall.

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