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      • KCI등재

        기와의 분석을 통해 본 부여 화지산 유적의 성격

        이병호 ( Lee Byongho ) 백제학회 2024 백제학보 Vol.- No.47

        이 글은 2000년부터 2023년까지 발굴한 花枝山 일대에서 출토된 수막새를 분석하여 사비도성에서 화지산 유적이 차지하는 위상이나 성격을 추정하였다. 2장에서는 화지산 유적에서 출토된 수막새를 형식 분류하고 제작시기를 추정하였다. 화지산에서는 도면7과 같이 6종류의 수막새가 출토되었다. 1형식 수막새는 기와를 사용한 초석 건물이 처음 사용된 6세기 4/4분기 이후에 속하며, 2·3형식은 6세기 말에서 7세기 초, 4형식과 파문·소문은 7세기 1/4분기 이후 제작된 것으로 보인다. 1형식 이외의 수막새들은 6세기 후엽에 건립된 기와 건물의 수리나 증축을 알려주는 것으로 생각된다. 3장에서는 수막새의 생산지나 同笵 관계를 분석하여 화지산 일대에서 발견된 건물지들의 위상이나 성격을 추정하였다. 2·3형식 수막새의 생산지는 알 수 없지만 1형식은 亭岩里 가마, 4형식은 縣北里 가마, 巴文과 素文은 井洞里·旺津里 가마에서 생산된 것이 확인된다. 이 가마터들은 사비기 대표적인 官營造瓦工房에 해당한다. 화지산에서 출토된 기와류들은 官北里 유적이나 東南里寺址와 가장 유사하며, 掘立柱나 壁柱 건물지에서 초석을 갖춘 기와 건물지로 변화하는 시기나 양상은 扶蘇山城이나 관북리 유적과 가장 유사하다. 또 회백색 토기류를 비롯하여 백자벼루 등 중국도자기가 다수 출토되어 부여지역의 다른 유적들에 비해 위상이 매우 높았음을 짐작할 수 있다. 화지산유적을 離宮이나 別宮, 客館, 望海亭과 같은 정원 시설로 파악하는 것은 이유적의 시간적 변화나 공간적 분포양상을 포괄하는데 한계가 있다. 이에 화지산 일대가 왕궁이나 관청과 같은 관영시설은 아니지만 사비기 백제 최고 지배층들이 사용한 公的인 시설이라는 점에서 王族들의 거주 공간이었을 가능성을 제시하였다. This article analyzes the roof tiles excavated from the Hwajisan 花枝山 ruins excavated from 2000 to 2023 to estimate the status and nature of the Hwajisan ruins in Sabi 泗沘 capital. In Chapter 2, the types of roof-end tiles excavated from the Hwajisan ruins were classified and the production period was estimated. 6 types of roof-end tiles were excavated from Hwajisan, as shown in Figure 7. Type 1 roof-end tile dates from the fourth quarter of the 6th century, when the building using cornerstones was first used, and Type 2 and Type 3 appear to have been produced from the end of the 6th century to the beginning of the 7th century, and Type 4 and pinwheels, and plain-patterned menagerie after the first quarter of the 7th century. It appears to have been manufactured. Roofend tiles other than Type 1 are presumed to be materials that inform the repair or new construction of tiled buildings built in the late 6th century. In Chapter 3, the status and characteristics of the buildings discovered at the Hwajisan ruins were estimated by analyzing the relationship between the production kiln site of roof-end tiles using the same form. Although the production kiln sites for type 2 and 3 roof-end tiles are unknown, it is confirmed that type 1 was produced at the kiln site in Jeongam-ri 亭岩里, type 4 at the kiln site in Hyeonbuk-ri 縣北里, and pinwheels and plain patterns were produced at kiln sites in Jeongdong-ri 井洞里 and Wangjin-ri 旺津里. These kiln sites correspond to representative government-run workshops of the Sabi period(538-660) of Baekje . The roof tiles excavated from the Hwajisan ruins are most similar to the Gwanbuk-ri 官北里 ruins or the Dongnam-ri Temple site 東南里寺址, and the period and aspect of the change from a building site where pits were dug and pillars were built to a tile building using cornerstones are most similar to the Busosanseong Fortress 扶蘇山城 or Gwanbuk ri ruins, which are presumed to be royal palaces or government offices. In addition, a large number of Chinese ceramics, including gray-white earthenware and white porcelain inkstone, were excavated, suggesting that the site had a very high status compared to other ruins in the Buyeo region. Understanding the Hwajisan ruins as a separate royal palace or garden facility such as Manghaejeong 望海亭 has limitations in encompassing the temporal changes and spatial distribution patterns of these ruins. Accordingly, the possibility was suggested that the area around Hwajisan was a residential space for the royal family, as it was not a government-run facility such as a royal palace or government office, but was a public facility used by the highest ruling class of Baekje during the Sabi period.

      • KCI등재

        공주 송산리 고분군 출토 명문전의 재검토

        李炳鎬(Lee, Byongho) 한국고대사학회 2021 韓國古代史硏究 Vol.- No.104

        이 글은 공주에서 발견된 벽돌에 관한 연구사 검토를 바탕으로, 宋山里古墳群에서 발견된 벽돌 명문의 기재 의미를 벽돌의 제작과정이나 벽돌무덤의 축조라는 관점에서 파악해 보았다. Ⅱ장에서는 關野貞와 輕部慈恩 등 초기 연구자들이 공주 출토 벽돌을 처음에는 낙랑 계통이라고 했다가 송산리 6호분 발견 이후 남조 양나라 계통으로 견해를 바꾸는 과정을 추적하였다. 그러한 견해 수정에는 송산리 6호분에서 발견된 각서 명문전의 ‘梁’이라는 글자를 중국 양나라로 해석한 것이 결정적인 계기가 되었음을 지적하였다. Ⅲ장에서는 公州와 樂浪, 南京 출토 벽돌을 비교하여 그 문양이나 제작과정, 사용 방법 등의 차이를 비교하였다. 남조의 영향을 받아 만들어진 공주 출토 벽돌은 낙랑 벽돌과 형태적으로 유사하지만 제작 공정상 차이가 있고, 특히 그것이 사용될 위치를 사전에 고려하여 문양과 문자를 세분하여 제작할 만큼 매우 체계적으로 제작했음을 확인하였다. 나아가 공주출토 벽돌은 남조 벽돌과 마찬가지로 무덤을 축조하기 전부터 나중에 쌓게 될 묘실의 형태나 크기, 사용위치를 구별하여 제작하였고, 각 벽돌의 문양이나 문자는 다른 벽돌과 쉽게 구분하기 위한 일종의 ‘부호’와 같은 것이었음을 재확인하였다. Ⅳ장에서는 송산리 6호분과 무령왕릉 출토 각서 명문전을 새롭게 해석해 보았다. 먼저 송산리 6호분의 ‘梁宣以爲師矣’명 벽돌에 보이는 ‘梁宣’을 ‘양나라 사람 선’으로 해석하지 않고, ‘양선’ 자체를 인명으로 보아 ‘梁宣이 師였다’로 해석해 보았다. 이때의 師는 ‘벽사’나 ‘博士’처럼 벽돌을 전문적으로 제작하는 기술계 관료를 가리키는 용어이다. 또 무령왕릉의 ‘⊏⊐士壬辰年作’에 대해서도 ‘士’를 인명의 일부로 보고 ‘아무개[⊏⊐士]가 壬辰年(512)에 만들다’로 해석하였다. 송산리 6호분이나 무령왕릉에서 출토된 각서 명문전은 벽돌을 제작한 공인의 이름을 밝혀 책임 소재를 명확히 하기 위한 일종의 문서와 같은 것으로 생각된다. This paper attempts to ascertain the meaning of the inscriptions on the bricks unearthed from the ancient tombs in Songsan-ri, Gongju based on a secondary review of the research on ancient bricks found in Gongju. Chapter II of this paper sheds light on the process by which early researchers such as Sekino Tadashi and Garube Jion changed their view about the origin of the bricks unearthed in Gongju, i.e. from Lelang to Liang of the Southern Dynasties of China, after the discovery of Tomb No. 6 in Songsan-ri. Their change of view was based on the Chinese character “梁” (Liang) inscribed on the bricks unearthed from the tomb. Chapter III compares the patterns, production processes, and uses of the bricks unearthed in Gongju, Lelang, and Nanjing. The author observes that the bricks unearthed in Gongju, which were produced under the influence of the Southern Dynasties, are similar in appearance to those unearthed in Lelang, but were made with a different production process. However, both types of bricks appear to have been made very systematically, with much consideration given to the places where they would be used in choosing the decorative patterns and the inscribed characters. Furthermore, the bricks unearthed in Gongju were made in consideration of the shape, size, and location of the burial chamber to be built later, as were those dating from the Southern Dynasties of China. It is also evident that the decorative patterns and inscribed characters were something like a “sign” used to distinguish the bricks from each other. Chapter IV attempts to interpret anew the characters inscribed on the bricks unearthed from Tomb No. 6 of Songsan-ri and the Tomb of King Muryeong. With regard to Tomb No. 6, an attempt has been made to interpret the character “梁宣” inscribed on a brick as “Liangxuan”, i.e. “a person named Liangxuan,” instead of the previous interpretation, i.e. “Xuan, a person from Liang”. In fact, the Chinese character “師” refers to an engineering official specializing in the production of bricks. As for the expression “⊏ ⊐士壬辰年作” inscribed on a brick found in the tomb of King Muryeong, it is interpreted to mean “Mr.□□(⊏ ⊐士) made it in the year of 壬辰 (Imjin, 512 year).” As such, it is thought that the Chinese characters inscribed on the bricks were intended to mark the names of the workers who produced them – presumably for an unknown future use, such as identifying the person responsible for poor workmanship in the production of bricks.

      • KCI등재

        공주 반죽동 출토자료로 본 백제 대통사의 위상

        李炳鎬 ( Lee Byongho ) 공주대학교 백제문화연구소 2019 백제문화 Vol.0 No.60

        이 글은 공주 반죽동 197-4번지와 그 주변에서 출토된 기와 및 소조상 등 출토유물을 분석하여, 그러한 유물들이 기존 백제 사원 연구에서 차지하는 의미를 검토하기 위해 작성되었다. Ⅱ장에서는 반죽동 일대에서 출토된 유물을 소개하고 기술적 특징을 검토했다. 반죽동 출토 와당은 문양의 차이에 따라 원형돌기형과 판단융기형으로 구분할 수 있는데 양자는 와당을 성형하는 방식이나 수키와를 접합하는 기술이 약간 다르다. 암막새의 경우 指頭文과 先端 有段式, 일반적인 암키와가 암막새로 轉用된 것 등 3형식이 있다. 공주 지역에서 처음 발견된 소조상은 소형 파편으로 적갈색을 띠며 태토에 모래가 섞이고 뒷면이 평평하다. 심목을 사용한 흔적이 있고 머리와 몸통을 따로 제작하여 접합했다. 이곳에서는 ‘大通’이 날인된 문자기와, 무령왕릉 벽돌과 동일한 문양전, ‘大通之寺’가 찍힌 고려시대 문자기와 등이 함께 발견되었다. Ⅲ장에서는 이러한 출토자료의 제작시기나 계통, 의미를 검토했다. 원형돌기형과 판단융기형 와당은 남조 梁나라 기와 제작기술의 영향을 받았지만 백제적인 변형을 거친 것이다. 부여·익산의 백제 사원이나 경주 흥 륜사지, 일본 飛鳥寺에서는 최소 두 그룹의 창건와가 확인되는데 대통사에서 그 원형이 확인된다. 지두문 암막새의 경우 북조나 고구려 계통으로 이해되어 왔지만 남조의 영향을 받았을 가능성이 있다. 또 선단 유단식 암막새는 백제 내부의 창안으로 신라나 일본에도 영향을 미친 것으로 보인다. 소조상의 경우 태토나 색깔, 제작기술 등이 부여 정림사지, 南京 지역 소조상과 유사하다. 반죽동 소조상은 출토위치나 공반유물에서 볼 때 웅진기에 속하며, 원래 목탑 내부를 장엄하던 塔內塑像이었을 것으로 보인다. 공주 대통사는 백제적 기술이 구사된 기와를 지붕 재료로 사용한 佛殿과 소조상이 장엄된 木塔이 정연하게 배치된 본격적인 가람으로, 중국 남조와 신라, 일본의 불교문화 교류에서 핵심적인 연결고리가 되는 백제적 사원형의 성립이라는 점에서 의의가 크다. 한편 대통사의 위치는 현재의 대통교에서 공주사대 부고 일대를 가로지로는 동서도로의 북쪽, 고려시대 남북 방향 담장이 확인된 반죽동 330번지의 동쪽에 자리했을 가능성이 높다. This paper was drawn up to check the significance of such materials (i.e., roof tiles and clay-molded objects) as were unearthed from 197-4 Banjuk-dong, Gongju. Chapter II of this paper introduces these items, along with their features. The concave roof-end tiles unearthed from the site are divided into those displaying petal patterns with the end raised sharply and those with embossed petal patterns. The two types show slightly different methods of molding and jointing with convex tiles. There are three types of concave roof-end tiles unearthed: those containing patterns similar to the fingertip, those with a tiered front, and ordinary convex roof tiles-turned convex roof-end tiles. Clay-molded objects first found in Gongju are small, broken, red-brown pieces. The clay used to make them was mixed with sand, and the objects show traces of a wooden core. Their bodies and heads are guessed to have been made separately and jointed together later. Other items also found here include roof tiles displaying the stamped Chinese characters “大通(Daetong)”, patterned bricks similar in design to those found in the tomb of King Muyeol, and roof tiles displaying the stamped Chinese characters “大通之寺(Daetongjisa)” dating from the Goryeo Period. Chapter III checks the timing of the production of the objects found, facts related to them, and their significance. The two types of concave roof-end tiles unearthed are those made by people of the Baekje Period under the influence of craftsmen from the Liang Dynasty during China’s Northern Dynasties period. At least two types of roof tiles are found in Baekje temples left in Buyeo or Iksan, Korea and the site of Heungnyunsa Temple in Gyeongju, Korea and Asukadera Temple in Naran-ken, Japan. It is thought that those found at the site of Daetongsa Temple are their prototypes. The fingertip patterns of concave roof-end tiles are believed to be associated with the Northern Dynasties period of China or Goguryeo, Korea, but they might have also been influenced by those of the Southern Dynasties period of China. As for concave roof tiles with the tiered front, it is guessed that they were first made in Baekje and later influenced those made in Silla or Japan. Looking at the clay-molded objects in terms of their source soil, color, and production skills, they are similar to those found at the site of Jeongnimsa Temple in Buyeo or in Nanjing, China. From the location and the other relics unearthed, those found in Banjuk-dong, Gongju date back to the Ungjin Baeje Period. It is guessed that they were originally internal clay figurines. These objects tell us that Daetongsa Temple in Gongju had a hall where the roof was made with Baekje craftsmen’s own skills and was complete with a wooden pagoda containing clay-molded objects. The fact that it served as a core link between the Buddhist culture of the Southern Dynasties of China and those of Silla/Japan is significant. It is guessed that Daetongsa Temple was located to the north of the curent road between Daetonggyo Bridge and Gongju National University High School and east of 330 Banjuk-dong, where a section of longitudinal fence wall of the Goryeo Period was found.

      • KCI등재

        일본의 도래계 사원과 백제 유민의 동향Ⅰ

        李炳鎬(Lee, Byongho) 고려사학회 2013 한국사학보 Vol.- No.53

        This article discusses recent archaeological research on early Buddhist temples related to the immigrants from the Korean peninsula located in ?saka, ?tsu, T?goku, Kibi in order to understand their influence on early Buddhist culture in Japan. The second section deals with the temples connected to the Baekje immigrants located in the ?saka region. Its major sites include Kudarano Kohori of Setsuno Kuni, the place where a royal descendant of Baekje kingdom named Seongwang resided, and Shitenn?ji Temple and Naniwano Miya Palace. In addition, T?gashi Haichi near the Uehonmachi area is known as a Baekje temple, and the finds from recent excavations conducted in Saikutani and Kuwatsu sites are notable in this regard. It is also worth noting that a mid-seventh century building with its foundation made of roof tiles was excavated in the Shitenn?ji site in ?saka. In addition, the lecture hall in this temple resembles the two-room building type found in the Baekje temples. These finds suggest that the exchange between this region and Baekje predates the fall of Baekje. The third section examines the Buddhist temples related to the Baekje immigrants in the ?tsu region. According to the Nihon Shoki (Chronicles of Japan), a flux of Baekje immigrants settled down in Kanjakigun and Kam?gun in ?mikuni. Excavations of the temple sites revealed several architectural elements that are not found in Asuka and other regions, and they include Kodou-style roof-end tiles, buildings with roof tile foundation, etc. As these features are mostly dated to the latter half of the seventh century, scholars believed that they were related to the migration of Baekje people recorded in the historical texts. However, this supposition appears questionable, as other features of the temples such as the new types of roof tiles have no comparable examples in Baekje. In the case of the roof tile foundation, it is possible that they were adopted before the collapse of Baekje, and thus it should be understood as the result of wider distribution rather than new adoption after the Battle at Baekchon River. The fourth section discusses the immigrants-related temples in the Togoku and Kibi regions. In the case of Togoku, historical records inform us of the immigrants from Goguryeo and Silla in addition to those from Baekje. Terayatsu Haichi is an important Baekje-related site in this region. It is highly likely that this region had direct contact with Baekje in the early seventh century, and the roof tiles with inscriptions are the sole evidence for this relation. As for the Kibi region, Teramachi Haichi site, which is presumed to have been Mitanidera deserves attention. The site yielded characteristic roof tiles referred to as “water drop-shaped tiles.” Although this type of tiles was not found in the Baekje sites, similar tiles were discovered in Nanjing, suggesting a possibility that it was transferred to Japan via Baekje.

      • KCI등재

        일제강점기 익산 지역의 고적조사와 쌍릉 출토품

        이병호 ( Lee Byongho ) 공주대학교 백제문화연구소 2017 백제문화 Vol.0 No.56

        익산 쌍릉은 조선총독부박물관 고적조사 위원이던 谷井濟一가 중심이 되어 발굴을 실시했지만 당시 출토된 유물에 대해서는 木棺 등 일부를 제외하면 거의 알려지지 않았다. 하지만 2015년 말 국립전주박물관에서 『익산 쌍릉』 발굴 보고서를 다시 간행하면서 그간 알려지지 않았던 새로운 자료들을 정리·소개하고, 쌍릉의 무덤 주인공에 관해서도 새로운 견해를 제기하는 등 이 분야 연구에 활력을 주고 있다. 그러나 이 보고서는 발굴한지 약 100년이 지나 발간된 것이기 때문에 자료 상호 간 일부 모순이 보이고, 유물의 출토위치에 있어서도 혼동이 있어 이를 재검토할 필요가 있었다. 이에 Ⅱ장에서는 일제강점기 익산 지역을 중심으로 진행된 고적조사사업과 학술조사에 관한 전반적인 흐름을 정리하였다. 1917년 12월에 진행된 익산 쌍릉 발굴은 부여 능산리 왕릉군에 관한 발굴 조사 직후에 실시됨으로써 그것이 백제 사비기 왕릉급 무덤이라는 것을 명확하게 인식할 수 있었다. 또 그 직후에 나주 반남고분군을 특별조사함으로써 유물 정리 과정이나 유리건판 자료 등에서 출토품이 섞이는 결과가 나타났다고 보았다. Ⅲ장에서는 익산 쌍릉 보고서에 수록된 주요 유물의 출토 위치나 보고서의 분석 결과에 관해 몇 가지 의문을 제시했다. 특히 鍍金透金具가 부여 능산리 중상총에서 출토된 것인지, 또 棺飾鍍金?具라는 유물이 쌍릉 소왕묘에서 출토되었으며, 현재 어떤 유물에 해당하는지에 관해 상세하게 분석하였다. 그밖에도 대왕묘 출토 소형완의 제작지 문제를 비롯하여 대왕묘에서 발견된 치아가 가진 자료 상의 한계, 대금구 중 玉環으로 생각되는 옥 장신구의 의미 등을 검토하였다. 익산 쌍릉의 무덤 주인공을 해명하기 위해서는 현재 남겨진 자료를 정보를 폭넓게 분석하여 우리가 가진 자료의 한계를 인식하면서, 재발굴 등 새로운 자료의 확보 방안이 필요할 것이다. The excavation of the Ssangneung(Twin Tombs) in Iksan was carried out in 1917 by a team of researchers led by Yatsui Seiichi of the Museum of Japanese Government-General of Korea, but little is known about the objects unearthed during the excavation except for the wooden coffins and a few other objects. The Report on the Excavation of the Ssangneung in Iksan published by the Jeonju National Museum toward the end of 2015 shed new light on the materials unearthed from the tombs during that excavation and the occupants of the tombs. However, as the report was written almost 100 years after the excavation, it shows some incongruity among the materials presented and confusion about the exact location of the objects found. Chapter II of this paper arranges the general flow of academic research and the surveys of historical sites carried out in Iksan during the Japanese Occupation. The paper ascertained the view held by the surveyors that the Ssangneung in Iksan were the tombs of kings of Sabi Baekje(538~660), as the survey was made right after the excavation survey of the Ancient Tombs in Neungsan-ri, Buyeo. It is also thought that objects unearthed from different locations became mixed with each other in the course of post-work arrangement of the two ancient tombs and the succeeding special excavation survey of the Ancient Tombs in Bannam, Naju. Chapter III of this paper presents questions about the location of the unearthed objects and results of the overall analysis stated in the said report. In addition, an attempt was made to clarify the following: whether the Gold Plated Openwork Metal Tools(鍍金透金具) were unearthed from No.5 tomb in Neungsan-ri, Buyeo, and whether the Gold Plated Coffin Ornament(棺飾鍍金?具) was unearthed from the Sowangmyo(small royal tomb), etc. The following matters were also reviewed: the production site of the small bowl unearthed from the Daewangmyo(big royal tomb), the limitations presented by the teeth found in the tomb, and the significance of the jade ornaments including a jade ring.

      • KCI등재

        백제와 신라 왕실 여성의 崇佛 활동과 尼寺

        이병호 ( Lee Byongho ) 공주대학교 백제문화연구소 2021 백제문화 Vol.- No.65

        본고는 문헌사료와 고고학 자료에서 확인되는 백제·신라 왕실 여성의 숭불 활동이나 출가한 여성 승려인 비구니와 비구니 사원에 관한 자료를 정리·분석한 것이다. 2장에서는 공주 무령왕릉 출토 유물에 보이는 불교적 요소, 공주 대통사지와 그 주변 유적, 니사로 추정되는 부여 동남리사지, 왕실 여성이 발원한 부여 능산리사지와 익산 미륵사지, 내불당적 성격을 가진 익산 제석사지와 부여 부소산사지 등에 관한 자료를 검토하였다. 고고학 발굴에서 새롭게 드러난 자료를 소개하고, 금석문에서 확인되는 왕실 여성의 숭불 활동을 살펴보았다. 3장에서는 신라 왕실 여성과 비구니, 비구니 사원에 관한 자료를 검토하였다. 신라 불교 수용 과정에서 나타난 사씨의 활동과 소지왕대 궁주 및 진평왕대의 천주사, 법흥왕비와 진흥왕비 및 영흥사, 진평왕대 활동한 지혜 스님, 무술오작비에 보이는 비구니 등의 활동에 관해 정리하였다. 고대 사회에서 왕실 여성들은 단순한 신앙심뿐 아니라 경제력이나 문자 해독 능력을 가지고 있어서 좀더 적극적으로 불교를 옹호하고 확산시키는 데 기여할 수 있었다. 향후 비구니 사원에 관한 구체적인 자료가 증가하기를 기대한다. This study is focused on the Buddhist worship activities spread among the royal ladies in Baekje and Silla and the monasteries and monastic lives of bhikkhuni in both kingdoms based on historical materials. The discussion in the second chapter deals with the materials on the elements of Buddhism found in the artifacts excavated from the Tomb of King Muryeong in Gongju; the Daetongsa Temple site in Gongju and its vicinity; Temple Site in Dongnam-ri regarded as a Bhikkhuni monastery, the temple site in Neungsan-ri; and Mireuksa Temple site in Iksan established under the patronage of royal ladies. Jeseoksa Temple Site in Iksan and Busosan Temple Site in Buyeo are conjectured to have functioned as a palace institution (naebuldang, "inner Buddha's hall"). The discussion also deals with the materials discovered through the latest excavations, including the epigraphic records related with the Buddhist worship among the female members of the Baekje and Silla royal families. In the third chapter, the discussion is focused on the materials on the royal ladies, bhikkhuni, and bhikkhuni monasteries of Silla. The discussion is extended to the activities of Sassi during the course of the Silla's adoption of Buddhism, a court lady during the reign of King Soji, Cheonjusa Temple during the reign of King Jinpyeong, memorial stone steles of King Beopheung and King Jinpyeong, Yeongheungsa Temple, Jihye, who played an eminent role in the development of Buddhism in Silla during the reign of King Jinpyeong, and a bhikkhuni recorded in the inscription of the Musul Ojakbi Stele. Research studies show that royal ladies in the ancient Korean kingdoms of Baekje and Silla were able to make a significant contribution to the development and spread of Buddhism not just due to their religious devotion but also their economic capabilities and literacy. This study is expected to be followed by the discovery of more materials in greater detail related with the Korea's early bhikkhuni monasteries.

      • KCI등재

        부여 구아리 325·326번지 출토 목간에 대하여

        이병호(Lee, Byongho) 한국목간학회 2023 목간과 문자 Vol.- No.31

        이 글은 백제역사문화연구원에서 발굴한 부여 구아리 325·326번지 유적에서 출토된 목간 1점과 목간이 출토된 유적에 대해 검토하는 것을 목적으로 작성되었다. 2장에서는 목간이 출토된 유적의 전반적인 개요를 살펴보았다. 구아리 325·326번지 유적에서는 크게 3개의 문화층이 발견되었는데 2단계 층위에서 벽주건물지와 도로유구 등 주요 유구들이 발견되었다. 그와 동일한 층위에서 각종 토기류와 기와류, ‘後卩’라는 사비기 중앙행정구역의 명칭이 적힌 목간 1점이 출토되었다. 이러한 유구와 유물에 대한 검토 과정에서 이미 발간된 발굴보고서의 오류의 일부를 수정할 수 있었다. 3장에서는 목간이 출토된 유적의 형성 시기와 의의를 살펴보았다. 목간과 함께 발견된 삼족기에 대한 검토 결과 이 유적은 6세기 후엽 이후에 조성된 것을 확인할 수 있었다. 구아리 325·326번지 유적에서 출토된 목간은 1면의 ‘後卩’와 ‘人’ 등 3글자밖에 판독할 수 없었지만, 이 유적과 인접한 구아리 319번지 유적과 밀접한 연관성을 가지고 있다. 구아리 319번지 유적에서는 中部 · 下部 · 前部 등 또다른 五部의 명칭이 확인된 바 있다. 구아리 일대에서는 벽주건물지를 비롯하여 중국제 도자기와 향로형토기 등이 함께 발견되었다. 이러한 점을 고려할 때 구아리 일대에도 쌍북리 일대와 유사한 백제의 중앙행정관서가 자리하고 있었을 가능성이 있다. This article was written for the purpose of reviewing the remains excavated from the ruins of 325·326 Guari, Buyeo, excavated by the Baekje Institute of History and Culture. In Chapter 2, an overall overview of the ruins from which the wooden tablet was excavated was examined. In the ruins of 325·326 Guari, three major cultural layers were found, and major relics such as byeokju壁柱 building site and remains of a road were found on the second floor. On the same level, various earthenware and roof tiles, and a wooden tablet with the name of the Sabi period Central Administrative District, “hubu 後卩”, were excavated. In the course of reviewing these remains and relics, some of the errors in the excavation report that had already been published could be corrected. Chapter 3 examines the formation period and significance of the ruins from which the wooden tablet was excavated. As a result of a review of the three-legged earthenware discovered along with the wooden tablet, it was confirmed that the ruins were built after the late 6th century. The wooden tablet excavated from the ruins of 325·326 Guari could only read three letters, including “hubu後卩” and “in人” on the front page, but it is closely related to the ruins of 319 Guari adjacent to the ruins. In the ruins of 319 Guari, the names of other five-bu五部, such as jungbu中部, habu下部, jeonbu前部 and front, have been confirmed. In the Guari area, chinese inkstone ceramics and earthenware shaped like incense burner, as well as the byeokju building site, were found together. Considering this, it is possible that Baekje’s central administrative office similar to that of Ssangbuk-ri was located in the Guari area.

      • 혼합기 오존 첨가에 따른 가솔린 엔진의 연소특성

        이병호(Byongho Lee),이중섭(Chungseub Yi),전유신(Yousin Jun),정한식(Hansik Chung),정효민(Hyomin Jeong) 한국동력기계공학회 2006 한국동력기계공학회 학술대회 논문집 Vol.- No.-

        In a conventional and lean operating engine, the state of mixture is very important in the combustion and emission characteristics. Lean operation is known to decrease the formation while maintaining a good fuel economy, but the unstable operation due to misfire and erratic combustion prevents engines from being operated at very lean mixtures, so both combustion rates and exhaust emission formation need to be satisfied comparablely. In this study, it is designed and experimented the modified engine, and analyzed the combustion and exhaust emission according to the change of engine speed and with adding ozone. The conclusions were drawn out and enumerated as a following. 1. At the experimental result of automobile diesel engine, it has been verified that the formation of particulate matter(PM) gas is able to be lower with the addition of optimum quautities of ozone. 2. Carbon monoxide(CO) was formed by the lack of oxygen and the thermal dissociation in the combustion process. Therefore, with the change of swirl valve's position and addition of oxygen and ozone, CO formation was decreased by the increasing of excess O2, and increased by the combustion gas temperature higher. As a result of the two effects, CO formation was decreased in this study. 3. Hydrocarbon(HC) was formed by the lack of 02, and the flow of mixture in cylinder. According to opening of the swirl valve and adding the oxygen and ozone, hydrocarbon gas was decreased by respectively 20%, 9%, and 27.5%. 4. Nitric oxides(NOx) was strongly affected by the combustion gas temperature. As a result of respectively experimental conditions, NOx formation was increased about 20% due to be the higher combustion gas temperature.

      • 전기자동차용 CNT 히터의 난방 성능 평가

        이현석(Hyunseok Lee),배석정(Sukjung Bae),허형석(Hyungseok Heo),이호성(Hoseong Lee),이병호(Byongho Lee) 한국자동차공학회 2020 한국자동차공학회 학술대회 및 전시회 Vol.2020 No.11

        One of the most important factors in an electric vehicle is the mileage it can drive on a single charge. Many studies are being conducted on the effects on electric vehicle-mile. When the electric cabin heater is operated in the winter season, power consumption increases and vehicle-mile is significantly reduced. Development of heaters with low power consumption and high heating efficiency is needed. In this study, the performance of conventional positive temperature constant(PTC) heater was compared to a heater with carbon nanotube(CNT) material. Cabin heater was installed in the performance assessment equipment and the performance assessment was performed by simulating the winter season driving environment. Compared to conventional PTC heater, heat capacity of the CNT heater was greater. Pressure drop of CNT heater was high compared to the conventional PTC heater, but the difference was relatively small. CNT heater improved the heat-up rate by 34.2% over the conventional PTC heater.

      • 연소기 열차폐 Ni-Cr 도금 적용 현황과 향후 기술 적용 확대 방안

        이동영(Dongyoung Lee),손은원(Eunwon Son),김진형(Jinhyung Kim),조황래(Hwangrae Cho),방정석(Jeongsuk Bang),이병호(Byongho Lee),김종규(Jonggyu Kim),유철성(Chulsung Ryu) 한국추진공학회 2021 한국추진공학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2021 No.5

        액체로켓엔진 연소실에 적용되는 ZrO₂, NiCrAlY 기반 세라믹용사코팅은 금속과의 열팽창 계수 차이로 인한 박리 발생과 장시간 연소로 인한 삭마가 발생하는 단점이 있다. 이런 단점을 개선하기 위해 해외 기술 선진국에서 적용하고 있는 금속도금 기술을 다단연소사이클 엔진 기술검증용 연소기에 적용하였으며 열차폐 Ni-Cr 도금공정 및 상향 순환식 유동셀을 적용한 전용 도금조를 개발하고 공정 최적화를 수행하였다. 이후 기술검증용 축소형 연소실에 열차폐 Ni-Cr 도금을 확대 적용하여 연소시험을 통해 성능확인 및 기술의 완성도를 높여가고 있다. 본 연구에서는 고압엔진 연소실에 안정적인 열차폐 Ni-Cr 도금기술 적용을 위해 도금공정을 개선하고, 대형엔진 연소실에 적용 가능한 도금공정 방안을 다루었다. Zirconia, ZrO₂ and NiCrAlY-based ceramic thermal spray coating applied to the combustion chamber of a liquid rocket engine has the disadvantages that delamination due to the difference of thermal expansion coefficients between the metals and ablation due to long-time combustion occur. In order to improve these disadvantages, the metal plating technology, which is being used in overseas technologically advanced countries, was applied to the thrust chamber of technology demonstration model of staged combustion cycle engine. Ni-Cr plating process and a dedicated plating tank applied upward circulation flow cell were developed and process optimization was performed. After that, the thermal barrier Ni-Cr plating was applied to the small scale combustion chamber for technology verification. The performance was confirmed by a combustion test, and technology readiness level(TRL) is being increased. This study aims to improve the plating process to apply a stable thermal barrier Ni-Cr plating technology to the combustion chamber of a high-pressure engine and to deal with the plating process method applicable to the combustion chamber of a large scale engine.

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