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      • Mechanism of guanine-specific DNA damage by UVA and its role in photocarcinogenesis and photoaging

        Kawanishi, Shosuke,Oikawa, Shinji,Hiraku, Yusuke Korean Society of Photoscience 2002 Journal of Photosciences Vol.9 No.2

        Solar UV light is a well-known carcinogen. UVA radiation is probably carcinogenic to humans. In addition, recent investigations point to the importance of UVA irradiation in the photoaging. We investigated the mechanism of sequence- specific DNA damage using $\^$32/P-Iabeled DNA fragments in relation to carcinogenesis and aging. Furthermore, we investigated whether UVA accelerates the telomere shortening in human WI-38 fibroblasts. The exposure of double- stranded DNA fragments to 365 nm light in the presence of endogenous sensitizers produced sequence-specific cleavage at the 5' site of 5'-GG-3' and 5'-GGG-3' sequences. In addition, HPLC analysis revealed that sensitizers plus 365 nm light increased the 8-oxodG content of double-stranded DNA. We discuss the mechanisms of guanine-specific DNA damagecaused by excited photosensitizers in relation to carcinogenesis and aging.

      • Deuterium-labeling Toward Robust Function of Organic Molecules: Enhanced Photo-stability of Partially Deuterated 1', 3', 3'-Trimethyl-6-nitrospiro[2H-1- benzopyran-2, 2'-indoline]

        Kawanishi, Yuji,Inoue, Kyoko,Ohta, Shin-Ichi,Miyazawa, Akira Korean Society of Photoscience 2014 Rapid communication in photoscience Vol.3 No.4

        Synthesis of a deuterium-labeled derivative of nitrospirobenzopyran (NSP), one of representative photochromic compounds, has been described. Four deuteriums were successfully introduced on 1-methyl and ${\alpha}$-methyne relative to spiro-carbon in the title compound with more than 95atom%D purity. Main photodegraded products of NSP were two oxindoles in acetonitrile, and additional products were formed in poly(isobutyl-methacrylate) films possibly due to restricted molecular motion in polymer matrix. Quantitative HPLC analysis revealed that partial introduction of deuterium to NSP brought a noticeable isotope effect, recognizable enhancement in photo-resistivity of NSP, i.e.,8.3% in solutions and 29% in polymeric films.


        Kawanishi,Takuya,Hayashi,Yoshishige 嶺南大學校 環境問題硏究所 1994 環境硏究 Vol.14 No.1

        To overcome the problems brought about by excess nitrogen in water environment, various efforts to enhance denitrification will be necessary, not only in wastewater treatment, but also in the use of natural self-purification processes. We intend to use solid organic matter of high C/N ratio as the carbon source for denitrification. The possible application of this will be enhancement of denitrification in wetland, in soil infiltration wastewater treatments, etc. In this study we use rice straw and investigated the relationship between the amount of rice straw and that of denitrification. Rice straw was packed into column, kept at 25℃, and potassium nitrate solution was supplied continuously at the rate of 25ml per day for 200 days. The amount of rice straw was 0.5, 1.0, 2.0 or 5.0g, concentration of supplied nitrate nitrogen was 0(distilled water), 20, 50 or 200mg per litter. The concentration of nitrate, nitrite, ammonium ion and dissolved organic carbon in the effluent was measured, and the amount of denitrification was calculated based on mass balance. After the continuous nitrate supply experiments, the remained rice straw was weighed and its carbon and nitrogen contents were measured. The mass ratio of denitrified nitrogen to the mass of initial rice straw was about 1.9%. About 68% of original rice straw carbon remained, 21% leached and 9% degraded.

      • KCI등재

        高麗·朝鮮의 非告身 임명문서에 대한 고찰

        Kawanishi Yuya 한국학중앙연구원 2012 장서각 Vol.0 No.27

        This thesis documents on non-Gosin(告身) styled documents in the Goryeo and Joseon Dynasties, which is the written appointments except for regular ones as known as Gosin including Josamunseo(朝謝文書), Gwangyo(官敎), and Gyochop(敎牒). The existence of written appointments, such as Chacheop(差帖) and Jeonryeong(傳令) in the Joseon Dynasty, and Chabu(箚付) from the late Goryeo to early Joseon Dynasty have been confirmed, however, there have been only a few individual researches on it without taking a comprehensive approach. Therefore, this thesis aimed to organize types and functions of non-Gosin styled documents in the Goryeo and Joseon Dynasties and also examine the relations between non-Gosin styled documents and Gosin in the Tang, Song, Yuan, and Ming dynasties in China additionally to see the origin of it. These approaches yielded the following results; first of all, Chacheop, Chagwan(差關), and Jeonryeong were used as a document of appointment in the Joseon Dynasty, which are characterized in that they were granted by central or local officials, not given for Changwan(散官), and used for particular official appointments. As a non-Gosin styled documents from the late of Goryeo to early Joseon Dynasty, there were Chabu, and so on used when appointing people in Jeju or Jusen to Manho(萬戶), Cheonho(千戶), Baekho(百戶), etc.. Moreover, many common points about non-Gosin styled documents are found among the Goryeo, Joseon Dynasties and each dynasties in China which proclaims that the former lies on the latter's genealogy. 이 글은 高麗와 朝鮮의 '非告身 임명문서'에 대하여 고찰한 것이다. 非告身 임명문서란 통상 임명에 사용되었던 告身(朝謝文書·官敎·敎牒) 이외의 임명문서를 가리킨다. 조선시대에는 差帖이나 傳令과 같은 임명문서가, 그리고 고려말기·조선초기(13세기 중엽~15세기 말)에는 箚付 등의 임명문서가 존재하고 있었음을 확인할 수 있다. 이들 非告身 임명문서에 대해서는 이제까지 소수의 개별 연구가 있었을 뿐이고, 그 실태가 종합적으로 검토된 적이 없었다. 때문에 이 글에서는 高麗·朝鮮의 非告身 임명문서의 종류와 기능의 정리를 목적으로 삼았다. 또 非告身 임명문서의 기원에 대해서 고찰하기 위해 중국 여러 왕조(唐·宋·元·明)의 告身과 非告身 임명문서의 관계에 대해서도 살펴보았다. 검토의 결과는 다음과 같다. 조선시대에는 差帖·差關·傳令이 임명문서로서 사용되고 있었다. 그 특징은 ①중앙·지방의 관부·관료에서 발급되었고, ②散官(文武散階)을 부여하지 않았고, ③특수한 관직임명에 사용되었다고 정리할 수 있다. 고려말기와 조선초기의 非告身 임명문서로서는 箚付 등을 들 수 있고, 濟州人이나 女眞人을 萬戶·千戶·百戶 등으로 임명할 때 사용되었던 것이 확인된다. 또 高麗와 朝鮮의 非告身 임명문서와 중국 여러 왕조의 非告身 임명문서에는 공통점이 많아 전자가 후자의 계보 상에 위치하는 것으로 생각된다.

      • KCI등재

        조선성종대(朝鮮成宗代)의 낙산사(洛山寺)관련 문서에 대한 분석 -세역(稅役)면제 문서와 사패(賜牌)-

        카와니시유야 ( Kawanishi Yuya ) 한국고문서학회 2014 古文書硏究 Vol.44 No.-

        조선초기의 공문서는 사례 수가 워낙 적어 그 양식의 변천 과정에 대한 연구가 활발하다고는 말하기 어려운 것이 현실이다. 특히 조선초기의 사원 관련 문서는 거의 남아 있지 않아 본격적인 연구는 이루어지지 않고 있다. 본고에서는 이러한 연구 상황을 개선하기 위한 하나의 시도로서 成宗代에 洛山寺에 발급된 2점의 문서를 예로 들어 그 내용과 문서양식, 발급배경 등에 대하여 분석하였다. 그 문서 중 하나는 1470년(成宗원) 4월 洛山寺의 雜요와 鹽盆(製鹽하는 솥)稅를 면제한 것이다. 이 세역 면제 문서는 특이한 양식이지만, 그 기능으로 생각하면 世祖代의 免役敎旨의 맥을 이은 것으로 생각된다. 또 하나의 문서는 1470년 6월 洛山寺에 노비 20명을 하사한 賜牌이다. 賜牌란 국왕이 노비나 토전을 사여할 때 사용하는 문서이다. 이 賜牌에는 洛山寺가 노비를 영원히 보유할 것을 인정하는 문언이 적혀 있는데, 이것은 문서가 발급된 후 10년이 지난 시기에 추기된 것으로 추정된다. 이들 2점의 문서는 成宗先王睿宗願刹洛山寺睿宗의 명복을 빌 목적으로 발급한 것인데, 그 배경에는 당시 貞熹王后의 垂簾聽政과 院相制가 시행되고 있었고, 왕실 관계자들이 활발하게 사원을 보호하고 있었다는 사회 정치적 조건이 작용하고 있었다고 생각된다. Due to the shortage of examples, there is little achievement focusing on how the style of official documents in the early Joseon Dynasty changed. Especially the number of the documents related to temples in the early Joseon Dynasty is so small that there is almost no proper work on them. In order to develop such a situation, two documents issued to Naksansa temple are analyzed based upon its content, style, and background in this paper. One of the documents is to give an exemption from tax and labor for Naksansa Temple in April, 1470. This document is written by uncharted style which is considered to be based on the one used during the reign of King Sejo(世祖). Another one is a document written for providing 20 slaves for Naksansa temple in June, 1470. This document`s style is called Sapae which was used when King gives lands or slaves. This Sapae includes a passage saying that Naksansa temple was allowed to retain slaves forever. It is estimated to be written additionally 10 years after it issued. These documents were issued to mourn for the loss of the lives of King Yejong(睿宗). On the politics at that time, they were mainly managed by Empress dowager Jeonghui(貞熹王后) and ministers, and royal officials engaged actively in protecting temples.

      • KCI등재

        Advantage of urological experience with both transperitoneal and retroperitoneal laparoscopy in lymph node biopsy for malignant lymphoma diagnosis

        Hiroaki Kawanishi,Katsuhiro Ito,Satoshi Kamido,Yuka Kohno,Toshihiro Uemura,Keiji Kato,Hirotsugu Uetsuki,Hitoshi Ohno,Kazuhiro Okumura 대한비뇨의학회 2016 Investigative and Clinical Urology Vol.57 No.6

        Purpose: Laparoscopic urologists are familiar with both transperitoneal and retroperitoneal approaches. That experience is an advantage when devising a strategy for intra-abdominal lymph node biopsy. We report the feasibility and effectiveness of laparoscopic biopsy using a urological laparoscopic technique for the treatment of patients with clinically suspected intra-abdominal lymphoma. Materials and Methods: From October 2010 to April 2015, a total of 22 patients underwent laparoscopic biopsy for suspected intra-abdominal lymphoma. We adopted a retroperitoneal approach for paraaortic or paracaval masses, whereas we used a transperitoneal approach for mesenteric, iliac, or obturator masses. Whenever possible, an entire node was removed; otherwise, the biopsy consisted of wedge resection sized at least 1 cm3. Results: Biopsy specimens were obtained from the following lymph node sites: 10 paraaortic, 5 paracaval, 3 mesenteric, 2 obturator, 1 common iliac, and 1 perinephric fat. Laparoscopic lymph node biopsy was completed in all patients, and there were no conversions to open surgery. The median operating time was 97 minutes (range, 62–167 minutes). The estimated blood loss was <50 mL in all cases. Postoperatively, one patient (4.5%) had symptomatic chylous lymphocele that required surgical intervention. Precise diagnosis was established for all patients: malignant lymphoma in 20 patients and metastatic urothelial carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma of unknown origin in 1 patient each. All lymphomas could be fully subclassified. Conclusions: Appropriate use of the transperitoneal or retroperitoneal approach is safe and effective for laparoscopic lymph node biopsy in patients with suspected intra-abdominal lymphoma.

      • KCI등재

        Treatment for Osteoporotic Vertebral Fracture - A Short Review of Orthosis and Percutaneous Vertebroplasty and Balloon Kyphoplasty

        Masahiro Kawanishi,Hidekazu Tanaka,Yutaka Ito,Makoto Yamada,Kunio Yokoyama,Akira Sugie,Naokado Ikeda 대한척추신경외과학회 2023 Neurospine Vol.20 No.4

        The management of osteoporotic vertebral fractures (OVFs) in the elderly includes nonoperative treatment and vertebroplasty, but has not been established due to the diversity of patient backgrounds. The purpose of this study was to compare the impact of 3 treatment modalities for the management of OVF: orthotic treatment, percutaneous vertebroplasty (PVP), and balloon kyphoplasty (BKP). The method was based on an analysis of the latest RCTs, meta-analyses, and systematic reviews on these topics. No study showed a benefit of bracing with high level of evidence. Trials were found that showed comparable outcomes without orthotic treatment. Only 1 randomized controlled trial (RCT) showed an improvement in pain relief up to 6 months compared with no orthosis. Rigid and nonrigid orthoses were equally effective. Four of 5 RCTs comparing vertebroplasty and sham surgery were equally effective, and one RCT showed superior pain relief with vertebroplasty within 3 weeks of onset. In open trials comparing vertebroplasty with nonoperative management, vertebroplasty was superior. PVP and BKP were comparable in terms of pain relief, improvement in quality of life, and adjacent vertebral fractures. BKP does not affect global sagittal alignment, although BKP may restore vertebral body height. An RCT was published showing that PVP was effective in chronic cases without pain relief. Vertebroplasty improved life expectancy by 22% at 10 years. The superiority of orthotic therapy for OVF was seen only in short-term pain relief. Soft orthoses proved to be a viable alternative to rigid orthoses. Vertebroplasty within 3 weeks may be useful. There is no significant difference in clinical efficacy between PVP and BKP. Vertebroplasty improves life expectancy.

      • KCI등재

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