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      • KCI등재후보

        21세기를 향한 국가기술자격제도의 발전방안 연구 : New Directions Towards the 21st Century

        조정윤,박종성,김현수 한국산업교육학회 1999 산업교육연구 Vol.6 No.-

        21세기를 대비한 국가기술자격제도의 발전 방안을 국가 경쟁력 확보 측면에서 모색하기 위해 이 연구에서는 국제 경제 환경 변화에 따른 주요국의 자책제도 대응 방향을 살펴봄으로써 우리나라 국가기술자격제도에 반영해야 할 시사점을 도출하였다. 이와 함께 국가기술자격제도의 운영 실태를 파악하고 자격제도에 관한 요구를 파악하기 위해서 39개 기관을 방문하여 넓은 의미의 국가기술자격 관리자들을 대상으로 면담조사를 수행하였고, 기 국가기술자격 취득자 480명을 대상으로 설문조사를 실시하여 의견을 수렴하였다. 이상의 연구를 통해 21세기를 향한 국가기술자격제도의 발전 방향을 기술·기능 분야의 합리화 방안, 서비스 분야의 합리화 방안, 자격 취득자의 사회적 우대 방안, 자격 정보체제구축 방안, 기초직업능력과의 연계 방안, 민간자격으로 관리·운영의 전환 방안, 국제적 통용성 확보 방안, 통합 국가자격체제 구축 방안으로 나누어서 제시하였다. There are strong links between a nation's economic prosperity, its international competitiveness, and the competency of its population. As international competition intensifies and the rate of economic and technological change accelerates, advanced countries increasingly strive to improve their competitiveness by reforming their national qualification systems. With the advent of the information age and the knowledge- based society, human resource development has become a key factor in determining a nation's competitiveness. And technological qualificatior systems have a direct and significant influence on human resource development. In order to guarantee Korea's continued development as a competitive member of the international community, it is demanded that a Korean Technology Qualification System(KTQS) be established to set Ae nation's future course for the 21st century. Extensive and concrete development plans for KTQS in 21st centry are as follows: First of all, it is essential tc prepare policies for improving the effectiveness and suitability of KTQS and its operations as they apply to the domains of technology and craft. Second, in terms of the service fields, policy measures should be taken to improve and guarantee the diversity of qualification items. Third, appropriate policy measures should be taken in order to raise the general social status of NTQ holders. Fourth, policies should be introduced which will allow for the enhancement of generic competency under the qualification system. Fifth, appropriate policies should be prepared to facilitate a partial transition from a state-run qualification system to a private system. Sixth, with the recent development of international agreements on profession qualifications, it is important to guarantee that Korean qualifications have a common, international currency. Finally, it is imperative that policies be prepared which can establish the necessary foundations for the unification of national qualifications under a single NQ.

      • KCI등재후보

        소아청소년 복합만성질환자 수 및 진료비의 변화: 2011-2021년 건강보험청구자료 분석

        오정윤,조수진,정진선,조진숙,박춘선 건강보험심사평가원 2023 HIRA RESEARCH Vol.3 No.2

        Background: The number of children and adolescents has decreased by more than 3 million over the past 10 years. We analyzed changes in the number of children and adolescents with complex chronic conditions (CCCs) and their medical expenditures between 2011 and 2021. Methods: We used National Health Insurance claims data of patients under the age of 20 from 2011 to 2021. CCCs were classified as pediatric CCCs by Feudtner et al. Patients who repeatedly utilize medical services due to CCCs were defined as patients who sought medical care twice or more within the past 3 years. Their sex, age, CCC categories, and the number of CCC categories were presented using descriptive analyses. Results: The number of children and adolescents with CCCs increased from 345,320 (3.04%) in 2011 to 451,238 (5.33%) in 2021. Patients who repeatedly utilized medical services due to CCCs increased by 71,889 during the same period. The proportion of patients with two or more CCC categories increased from 35.80% in 2011 to 43.67% in 2021. In 2021, patients with other congenital or genetic defect were most common. Medical expenditures associated with CCCs increased from 475,654 million won (12.34%) in 2011 to 768,467 million won (19.11%) in 2021. Conclusion: The number of patients with CCCs and their medical expenditures increased in Korea between 2011 and 2021. The results indicate that consistent national efforts are required to maintain the specialized pediatric care. Further studies are needed to identify pediatric patients who require specialized medical services through various methods.

      • 활성 슬러지와 UF막을 연계한 공법에 있어서 FLUX에 미치는 운전인자의 영향

        윤조희,서정범 嶺南大學校 環境問題硏究所 1995 環境硏究 Vol.15 No.1

        활성슬러지와 UF막을연계조합한 공정을 이용하여 운전조작인자를 변화시켜 처리수의 플럭스에 미치는 영향에 대하여 실험한 결과 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 1)유기물의 용적부하가 증가함에 따라 처리수의 BOD농도는 다소 상승하는 경향이 있었으나 항상 10mg/L이하이었고, SS농도는 전 공정에서 1mg/L 이하로 안정된 수질을 나타내었다. 또한 막면유속은 처리수의 수질에는 영향을 미치지 않았다. 2) 유기물 용적부하 0.4kgBOD/m^3.d에서 막면유속이 0.6m/sec까지는 슬러지 부착현상 등에 의하여 플럭스가 0.05m^3/m^2.d정도로 안정되게 유지되었다. 3) 막면 유속을 1,/sec에서 유기물 용적부하를 0.8kgBOD/m^3.d이하인 경우에는 0.15m^3/m^2.d이상의 높은 플럭스를 나타내었으나 그 이상으로 높게 되면 슬러지부착 및 막의 막힘현상이 발생하여 플럭스가 감소하였다. 4) 반응조내의 미소생물상은 막면유속에 영향을 크게 받았으며 원생동물의 수는 막면유속증가와 함께 지수적으로 감소하였다.

      • KCI등재후보

        재래종 콩 유전자원의 주요 형태적 특성과 변이

        윤문섭,백형진,이정란,김행훈,조양희,안종웅,김창영 한국국제농업개발학회 2003 韓國國際農業開發學會誌 Vol.15 No.4

        본 실험은 한국, 중국 및 일본 재래종 콩 유전자 자원의 주요형질 변이를 조사하고 이들 자원간의 지리적 유연관계를 비교하고자 수행하였으며, 그 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 경장은 한국(66㎝)이나 일본자원(54.9㎝)보다 중국자원(71㎝)에서 더 컸으며, 또한 변이도 중국자원에서 가장 큰 것으로 나타났다. 2. 개화일수 및 생육일수는 한국자원(65.5일, 151.4일)이 가장 길었으며 중국(57일, 120일)과 일본자원(59.9일, 122.4일)은 같은 경향을 나타냈다. 또한 한국과 중국자원은 지역에 따른 차이를 나타냈으나 일본자원에서는 확인할 수 없었다. 3. 백립중은 한국(18.8g), 일본(17.2g) 및 중국(14.7g) 순으로 무거웠다. 특히 한국자원은 9~11g과 23~25g에서 정점을 나타냈고, 변이폭도 가장 컸다. 반면 일본과 중국자원은 13~17g사이에서 정점을 나타냈다. 4. 협수는 중국(46.9개)이나 일본자원(36.5개)보다 한국자원(75.5개)에서 가장 많았으며, 변이폭도 한국자원에서 가장 컸다. 내도복성은 일본자원에서 가장 강하였다. 5. 정준판별분석결과 can 1을 경계로 하여 오른쪽 상하에 한국재래종이 주로 분포하였고 왼쪽에는 중국과 일본 재래종이 주로 분포하여 각 나라별로 고유한 영역을 가지고 분리되었다. 전체적 경향이 중국과 일본자원이 한국자원보다 가까운 경향을 나타냈다. This experiment was carried out to compare the characters of 944 Korean soybean landraces, 716 Chinese, and 170 Japanese soybean landraces introduced from USDA soybean germplasm collection. Cannonical discriminant and cluster analyses were conducted by their origins. The population from China was taller in plant height than those from Korea and Japan, also its variation was largest in Chinese population. The population from Korea was langer than those from China and Japan in terms of days to flowering and maturity. Also, Korean and Chinese accessions appeared the difference of those traits according to latitude. One hundred seeds weight was in the order of Korean(18.8g), Japanese(17.2g) and Chinese populations(14.7g), especially Korean population was distinguished into two groups; the group including accessions between 10 and 15g, and the other group including accessions between 20 and 25g. However, others showed the peak in range of 13~17g. The number of pod per plant was more in Korean accession(75.5) with the largest variation than Chinese(46.9) and Japanese accession(36.5). The distribution of Korean, Chinese and Japanese accessions reflected the origin of accessions analyzed by cannonical discriminant analysis. The relationship between their geographical origins showed the population of China and Japan are losely related.

      • KCI등재후보

        직업교육의 이론적 위상에 대한 재고찰 : 개념과 방법론을 중심으로

        조정윤 한국산업교육학회 2001 산업교육연구 Vol.8 No.-

        지식기반사회는 지식이 생산력의 원천이 되는 사회로서 직업교육에 크게 두 가지의 함의를 제공한다. 하나는 여기서의 '지식'은 기존의 지식과는 다른 실천적·암묵적 지식인데, 이것은 작업 환경에서 지식이 만들어지고 공유되는 과정에 주목할 필요를 제기한다. 또 하나는 직업교육의 관점과 방법론에 대한 근본적인 혁신이 없이는 지식기반사회가 실현되기 어렵다는 것이다. 그러나 직업교육은 질 낮은 교육이며 단순기능의 반복이라는 인식이 이러한 혁신을 가로막고 있다. 이에 따라 본 연구에서는 직업교육에 대한 기존의 관점을 비판적으로 극복할 수 있는 방안을 모색하는 동시에, 직업교육의 방법론을 재정립하고자 하였다. In the knowledge-based society, not only does vocational education take on a new meaning, but its methodology will also make significant contributions to methodology in education overall. Discrepancies still exist, however, in that most vocational education scholars and society in general view vocational education as a form of "low-tier" education, constituting repetitive training of simple skills. The purpose of this study is to establish a new vision for future vocational education and seek, accordingly, an appropriate methodology for vocational education in recognition of its importance. First, the author gives an analysis of the origins and characteristics of existing views on vocational education and points out the epistemological and practical limitations of these approaches. Then, an attempt was made to explore a new perspective that can effectively replace the previous outlook on vocational education. Through the formation of a new vision for future vocational education, the impetus was created for the search into new methodologies in vocational education, with which old stereotypes in prior vocational education could be overcome. Thus, this study approaches this problem from a discussion of recent epistemological debates focusing on the tacit character of knowledge.

      • 다중 탐색기반 고속 블록정합 움직임 추정 알고리듬

        조영창,최병진,윤정오 경운대학교 산업기술연구소 2000 産業技術硏究論文誌 Vol.3 No.1(B)

        Block based fast motion estimation algorithms are based on the assumption that the error in the mean absolute error space monotonically decreases to the global minimum. Therefore, in case of many local minima in a search range we are likely to find local minima instead of the global minimum. This situation is evident in the motion boundary. In this paper we propose the multiple search method. In the proposed method motions are estimated from the many candidate search regions. To reduce the additional search points we reduce the search points using the distance from the initial search point to the recently found vector points. In the simulation the proposed method shows more excellent results than that of other gradient based method especially in the search of motion boundary in PSNR.

      • 천연자원의 간기능 보호 효과에 관한 연구 : Benzo(a)pyrene에 의해 유도된 간기능 장해에 미치는 울금의 효과 The Effect of Curcumae Rhizoma on Benzo(a)pyrene Induced Hepatotoxicity

        조수열,윤수홍,이윤경,이정숙 효성여자대학교 부설 한국환경위생연구소 1992 환경위생연구 Vol.2 No.1

        우리의 생활환경중 어디에나 존재하는 강력한 간독성유발물 benzo(a)pyrene으로 유도된 간장해에 대한 울금의 예방 및 치료효과를 관찰하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 1. 울금 추출물 급여는 B(a)P투여로 증가한 혈청 ALT 와 ALP혈청을 현저히 회복시켰으나 혈청 AST활성은 회복시키지 못하였고, 혈청LDH의 활성은 전 실험군 사이에 유의적인 변화가 없었다. 2. 간조직 및 혈청중의 지질함량 변동은 B(a)P단독투여로 인한 유의성 있는 변화에 대해 단지 혈청중의 HDL-cholesterol과 total cholesterol 함량만이 울금 추출물 투여에 의해 정상범위로 회복되었다. 3. 간조직중의 glutathione 함량은 울금 추출물 투여로 B(a)P 단독투여군에 비해 유의성 있는 회복을 보였고, 과산화지질 함량은 B(a)P 단독투여로 인해 유의성 있게 증가하였으나 울금추출물 급여가 이런 증가를 회복시키지는 못했다. This study was performed to investigate the effect of Curcumae Rhizoma extract on the hepatic detoxication when benzo(a)pyrene, a hepatotoxi-cant, was administrated. The results were as followed : 1. The markedly increased enzyme activities(ALT, ALP) were decreasedby administration the Curcumae Rhizoma extract. 2. Serum HDL-cholesterol and total cholesterol contents were normal inthe Curcumae Rhizoma extract groups. 3. Liver glutathione content were decreased by administration the CurcumaeRhizoma extract. 4. It tended that the curative effects were better than the protective effectsof the Curcumae Rhizoma extract.

      • 反復荷重을 받는 鐵筋콘크리트 내부골조의 履歷특성실험

        조용부,윤정배 慶尙大學校生産技術硏究所 1997 生産技術硏究所論文集 Vol.13 No.-

        The experimental study from interior beam-column joint for RC frames is presented. Test parameters are concrete compressive strength, member flexural strength ratio and joint shear stress, which are the range of critical value for stable behavior. The results from cyclic loading tests show different behaviors with respect to parameters. Further investigations are need for higher concrete strength.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Skin entrance dose for digital and film radiography in Korean dental schools

        Cho, Eun-Sang,Choi, Kun-Ho,Kim, Min-Gyu,Lim, Hoi-Jeong,Yoon, Suk-Ja,,Kang, Byung-Cheol 대한구강악안면방사선학회 2005 Imaging Science in Dentistry Vol.35 No.4

        Purpose : This study was aimed to compare skin entrance dose of digital radiography with that of film radiography and to show the dose reduction achievement with digital systems at 11 dental schools in Korea. Materials and Methods : Forty six intraoral radiographic systems in 11 dental schools were included in this study. Digital sensors were used in 33 systems and film was used in 13 systems. Researchers and the volunteer visited 11 dental schools in Korea. Researchers asked the radiologic technician (s) at each school to set the exposure parameters and aiming the x-ray tube for the periapical view of the mandibular molar of the volunteer. The skin entrance doses were measured at the same exposure parameters and distance by the technician for each system with a dosimeter (Multi-O-Meter : Unfors instruments, Billdal, Sweden). Results : The median dose was 491.2 μGy for digital radiography and 1,205.0 μGy for film radiography. The skin entrance dose digital radiography was significantly lower than that of film radiography (p<0.05). Conclusion : Fifty-nine percent skin entrance dose reduction with digital periapical radiography was achieved over the film radiography in Korean dental schools.

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