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      • KCI등재

        조건문의 담화적 기능

        구현정 ( Hyun Jung Koo ) 한말연구학회 2001 한말연구 Vol.- No.9

        This paper addresses the functions of conditionals in actual discourse situations. It first argues for the importance of appropriate sampling to ensure unbiased interpretation of data. Thus this paper draws upon drama scripts, which is relatively free from shortcomings typically associated with spontaneous utterance data and yet reflects sufficient characteristics of colloquialit, as well as actual discourse transcripts. Conditionals in discourse texts largely function as a cohesive device between discourse units. Such device comprises of repetition, inversion and ellipsis. From a strict informativity perspective, repetition may be viewed as counter-effective. However, from an interactive perspective it may be viewed as a reinforcer- of information between the interlocuters. This has to do with the fact that repetition is more frequently used in colloquial texts rather than in literary texts. Inversion is typically employed when the speaker is seeking confirmation from the addressee or when the speaker is emotional, in which case more important information is uttered first to draw addressee`s sufficient attention to it. With regards to ellipsis, only the apodosis is subject to omission, where elided information is recoverable from the context, idiomaticity, inferences or encyclopedic knowledge. Coherence of the conditionals takes various forms, the typology of which is herein suggested. Relationship with the previous text can be grouped as affirmative acceptance, negative acceptance, and transition, which in turn are subground according to their coherence types; i.e. affirmative acceptance encompasses exposition, assumption, and exemplification; and negative acceptance encompasses contrast and suggestion. Thus the functions are presented in 6 categories and explicated individually. This paper aims at constituting a part of systematic investigation of conditionals in terms of their roles in textuality, discourse and grammar.

      • KCI등재

        장모-사위 대화의 실태 연구 -사위 설문 조사를 중심으로-

        구현정 ( Hyun Jung Koo ) 한국화법학회 2014 화법연구 Vol.0 No.26

        이 연구는 2000년대 이후 언론이나 방송을 통해 문제화되고 있는 장모와 사위의 갈등 양상을 파악하고, 대화를 통한 해결 방안을 모색하기 위한 예비 연구의 성격을 갖는다. 장모와 사위의 대화 실태를 파악하기 위해 구글 문서자료(구글 Docs)를 활용하여 인터넷 설문 조사를 하였다. 설문 문항은 대화 시간과 대화 매체, 대화 주제와 대화만족도 등의 기본적인 요소로 구성하였으며, 국내외에 있는 한국인 기혼 남성 가운데 현재장모가 생존해 있는 사위 응답자 226명이 연구대상으로 참여하여 응답하였고, 응답 결과에 대한 기술 통계 분석을 통해 실태를 파악하였다. 평균적으로 한국 사위는 한 달에 한 번 미만 장모를 만나서, 한 달에 한 번 정도 5분 미만의 대면 대화를 나눈다. 장모와 대화 시간이 부족한 이유는 자신의 일이나 성격 때문이며, 가정생활에 관한 주제로 대화를 한다고 응답하였다. 평균 대화만족도는 5점 척도에서 3.39로 나타났으며, Powell(1969)의 5단계 분석에서는 가장 낮은 5단계인 상투적 대화가 최빈치로 나타났다. 나이를 기준으로 하면 30대 미만의 대화만족도가 높고, 결혼 기간을 기준으로 하면 5년 이하가 높은 것으로 나타나서 사회적 관심군인 이 집단의 대화 시간이나 대화만족도가 오히려 더 긍정적인 것으로 나타났다. 그러나 같은 집에 거주하는 경우 대화 시간이 가장 짧고, 대화 만족도도 낮으며, 짜증 섞인 태도를 대화 불만족 요소로 지적하고 대화를 회피하는 경향도 나타나서 매우 부정적인 것으로 나타났다. This study identifies various aspects of discourse-interactional conflicts between mothers-in-law and sons-in-law that have been increasingly brought to public attention through mass media from the 2000’s. It is intended to serve as groundwork for a future exploration for resolving such conflicts. The present investigation was based on a survey with Google Docs. The electronic questionnaire comprised basic questions regarding the frequency, duration, media, topics and levels of satisfaction from their verbal interaction. The respondents were 226 married men residing in or outside Korea, who had a living mother-in-law. The responses were analysed statistically. The results show that the respondents on average saw their mother-in-law once every month, spending 5 minutes or less in one vis-a-vis verbal interaction. The interactional deficiency, according to the respondents, was largely attributable to their responsibilities at work or their personality. The most common topic was about their home life. The satisfaction level showed 3.39 on a 1-5 Lickert scale. The analysis based on Powell’s (1969) “5 Levels of Communication” revealed that the most frequently occurring conversation type was the “Cliche Level,” the lowest of the scale. Along the variable of the age, the level of satisfaction was the higher among the subjects in their 30s than the others. In terms of the length of life in wedlock, the level of satisfaction recorded highest among those who had been married for 5 years or less, a result unexpected considering the society’s apprehensive attention toward this group. Also notable among the findings is that cohabitation of the in-laws correlated with negative interaction, i.e., when the in-laws were sharing their residences, the subjects reported the shortest interactional time, the lowest satisfaction level, the highest tendency to avoid verbal interaction, and the highest rate of attribution to irritated overtone as the source of interactional dissatisfaction.

      • KCI등재

        남북한 감사 화행 비교 연구

        구현정 ( Koo Hyun-jung ) 한말연구학회 2017 한말연구 Vol.- No.43

        This study investigates the speech act of thanksgiving comparing the speakers of Korean in South and North Korea. An underlying hypothesis is that there may be differences in pragmatic competence of the subjects in the two groups despite the presumed absence of significant differences in their organizational competence to organize discourse with a shared grammar. In order to identify differences in perception and linguistic realization of gratitude, a questionnaire survey has been conducted and its results are statistically analyzed using a chi-square test. The quantificational analysis consists of the perception, degree, target, and the frequency of gratitude expression, and the results show statistically meaningful differences in all these areas. Among significant generalizations is that North Koreans, who hold relatively negative views toward thanksgiving as compared to South Koreans, turn out to express gratitude at a lower frequency. This basic difference leads to mutual misunderstanding: North Koreans view that South Koreans, who profusely give thanks even for insignificant things, do not know decency and are frivolous in words rather than in action, whereas, conversely, South Koreans view North Koreans, who would be expected to express gratitude but fail to do so, are impudent and disrespectful. It is believed that this comparative analysis of thanksgiving speech act revealing differences in perception and expression can help the two groups of Korean speakers better understand each other and become more receptive and tolerant of different verbal behavior. It is hoped that more research in depth and width on diverse speech acts is conducted to help the two groups to overcome potential sources of miscommunications ensuing from differences in language use in specific contexts and, in more general terms, different communication patterns.

      • KCI등재

        드라마 대화에 반영된 갈등 표현 양상

        구현정 ( Hyun Jung Koo ) 한국화법학회 2013 화법연구 Vol.0 No.22

        이 연구는 텔레비전 드라마 대화가 갖는 특성을 바탕으로 하여 대인관계에서 갈등을 일으키는 대화적 요인들에 대해 살펴보았다. 드라마 대화는 작가에 의해 쓰인 글이라는 점에서 문어성을 갖고 있지만, 극중의 시간과 장면에 따라 구성된 실제 세계의 대화로 상호작용이 이루어진다는 점에서 구어성을 갖고 있다, 비록 작가에 의해 우연성 요소들이 배제되고, 작가에 의해 다음 순서가 배당되며, 연기자에 의해 연습된 발화라는 점에서 진정한 구어와는 차이가 있지만, 상호작용을 바탕으로 한다는 점에서 대화분석의 방법론을 적용하여 갈등 유발 요인을 분석해 보았다. 드라마 속 대인 화법에서 갈등은 순서교대를 무시하고, 고의적인 방해를 하며, 대응쌍을 무시하는 것과 같은 대화의 구조 파괴에 의한 갈등과, 그라이스가 제시한 대화의 원리와 격률들을 위배하는 대화의 원리 위배에 의한 갈등, 부적절한 호칭을 사용하고, 높임법을 위배하고, 비속어를 사용하며, 노골적인 체면 손상행위에 의한 갈등 등으로 나타났다. 드라마 대화는 실제 대화를 모방하고 있다는 점에서 이러한 갈등표현 양상들은 일상 대화에서도 장애가 되고, 이것들은 결과적으로 대화에서 갈등을 일으키는 요소가 된다는 점에서 화법 연구의 중요한 수단이 될 수 있다. This research explores the discursive factors that cause conflict in interaction, based on conversations in television dramas. Conversations in dramas can be characterized as having the features of written language as they are written by playwrights. At the same time, they carry the features of spoken language as they are constructed in the temporal and situational frames to represent interactions in the real world. However, they depart from the authentic spoken language in that all contingent elements are intentionally eliminated and all the speaker-turns are planned and assigned by the playwright, and further the lines spoken by the interlocutors are non-spontaneous, memorized speech. Despite these limiting factors, drama conversations are based on interactions and thus qualify as source texts in an exploration into the conflict-inducing factors with respect to research methodologies in discourse analysis. An analysis reveals that conflict-inducing factors in drama conversations are diverse including violating speaker-turns, intentional interruptions, non-compliance of adjacency pairs leading to deviant discourse structures, violations of Gricean principles and maxims, violations of conversational code of conduct by intentionally performing face-threatening acts, uses of improper terms of address, violations of honorification, uses of slang and vulgar language. Since the conversations in dramas are constructed dialogues based on real-life conversations, it is a matter of course that such conflict-inducing factors as found in dramas are in fact conflict-inducing factors in real-life conversations as well. Such conflict inducers in constructed situations may be generalized as the conflict inducers in conversations in general.

      • KCI등재

        유머에 관한 인지적 접근 - 불일치 이론을 중심으로 -

        구현정 ( Koo Hyun-jung ) 한말연구학회 2018 한말연구 Vol.- No.49

        This paper investigates humor from a cognitive approach and classifies the characteristics of linguistic ambiguity that creates the sense of incongruity, which is essential in humor. The processes of incongruity resolution are discussed with reference to the theory of bisociation. According to the typology as proposed here, the ambiguity bringing forth incongruity in humor may fall under one or more of the following three categories depending on the levels of language: (i) ambiguity at the lexical level, e.g., one from phonological similarity, lexical ambiguity, and categorial vagueness, or (ii) ambiguity at the structural level, e.g., structural ambiguity and sentential ambiguity, or (iii) ambiguity at the discourse level, e.g., deviation from discourse presupposition. This paper presents the notion of bisociation, a process involved in the resolution of incongruity. It argues that bisociation is triggered by such cognitive processes as analogy, reanalysis, metonymy, metaphor and conceptual blending, and further that these mechanisms, often resorted to in explanation of language change, can be employed in interpretation of humor as well.

      • KCI등재

        다문화 사회의 화법 교육 ; 다문화 사회의 화법 교육 방향 -학생 현황과 학교 교육을 중심으로-

        구현정 ( Hyun Jung Koo ) 한국화법학회 2010 화법연구 Vol.0 No.17

        단일민족이라는 정체성을 가지고 있던 한국 사회는 2010년 현재 구성원의 2.3%에 해당되는 1,139,283명이 외국인이며, 195개국으로부터 유입된 다양한 인종과 민족이 공존하고 있다. 다문화 구성원의 연령별 비율을 살펴본 결과, 이미 교육 현장에 많은 다문화 가정 자녀들이 함께 교육을 받고 있었으며, 국제결혼 가정 자녀수의 증가 추세로 보아 앞으로 급격하게 증가할 것으로 예측되었다. 그러나 아직 교육에 대한 준비가 이루어지지 않아 중도이탈률이 매우 높고, 차별과 소외로 어려움을 겪고 있었다. 이러한 문제를 해결하기 위해서는 소수자를 위한 배려와 교육 기회 균등을 추구하고, 다수자의 통문화적 능력과 세계 시민 자질을 길러 결과적으로 지구촌 공동체 일원으로 상호이해를 하게 하는 다문화 교육의 도구로서 화법 교육이 이루어져야 한다. 따라서 학교교육의 프로그램 안에서 운영되는 화법 교육은 다수자와 소수자 모두를 대상으로 같은 내용 속에서 서로에게 유의미한 내용들을 습득할 수 있도록 하는 개방적인 교육으로 구성되어야 한다. 이 연구에서는 화법 교육을 통해 소수집단의 학생들에게 정체성과 자존감을 심어 주면서 표준문화로서의 화법 규범들을 알려주어 소통과 적응을 돕는 한편, 다수집단의 학생들에게 문화에 대해 객관적으로 성찰하면서 다양성을 이해함으로써 차별의식이나 편견에서 벗어나 이해와 존중을 할 수 있도록 반성하고 성찰해 볼 기회를 제공하고 다문화적인 관점에서 정체성을 가질 수 있도록 교육하는 것을 목표로 문화 이해와 수용을 위한 화법 교육, 관계 형성과 상호작용을 위한 화법 교육, 정체성 형성을 위한 화법 교육으로 나누어 각각의 교육 내용을 논의하였다. Once known as a ethnically homogeneous society, Korea now has 1,139,283 alien residents from 195 different countries, which account for 2.3 percent of the entire Korean population. A demographic analysis indicates that a large number of children from multicultural families are already in school, and considering the rapidity of the increase of such families in the society, it is expected that the number will sharply increase. However, schools have not yet been equipped with a system that suits the change, which results in a high rate of drop-outs, and alienation and discrimination for those who remain in schools. A solution to such problems calls for speech education as a tool to foster equal education to benefit the minority, and multicultural competence on the part of the majority to ensure mutual understanding in a globalized world. It is necessary, therefore, for the speech education to target the minority and the majority alike so that both groups can acquire meaningful elements on their parts from the identical educational contents offered in an open system. This study addresses such issues as promoting the identity and self-esteem of the minority students through facilitated communication and efficient adaptation with an assistance of the education of speech in the referenced culture; offering the majority students with an opportunity to objectively view their own culture in the context of global diversity and to develop introspective understanding against discrimination and prejudices through establishing their own identity from a multicultural perspective; and systemizing speech education to accomplish the objectives, e.g., understanding and acceptance, relationship building and interaction promotion. and identity formation and reformulation.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        악성 댓글의 사용 실태와 개선 방안 연구

        구현정 ( Hyun Jung Koo ),서은아 ( Eun A Seo ) 한말연구학회 2012 한말연구 Vol.- No.30

        This research is an attempt to classify injurious comment spam based on a collection of instances in online news and to suggest a method of improvement that can be implemented by the netizens. The types of injurious comment spam comprise of abusive language, vulgarism, false rumors, sexual expressions, discriminative expressions, verbal violence, and insulting remarks. Among the 1,529 instances of the retrieved data, frequently occurring forms are abusive language (35.1%), vulgarism (28.9%), derision remarks (10%), verbal violence (9.2%) and ethnic discrimination (8.3%). As a part of the research we posted some suggestions to the comment spam. Among the resuls are:no more spam added on that(63.8%), and deleted the injurious spams by the posters or by the operators(28.1%). Some netizens added some refined comments and/or positive responses to the posting. Only a few of them consistently added the injurious comment spam disregarding the given suggestion (4.8%). As a pilot study, it is suggested in the paper that the clean-up efforts by netizens are a highly efficient and powerful method to reduce injurious comment spam.

      • KCI등재

        텔레비전 어린이 만화에 나타난 국어사용의 문제점 - 지상파 방송 3사 프로그램을 중심으로

        구현정(Koo Hyun-jung),정수희(Jung Soo-hee),김해수(Kim Hae-su) 한국사회언어학회 2006 사회언어학 Vol.14 No.2

          This research explores the linguistic modes of animated cartoon programs focusing on such areas as program titles, subtitles, character names, theme song verses and dialogues in the programs aired by three major broadcasters. Among those that surface prominently are the use of foreign languages and unnecessary foreign borrowings in all research areas; the uses of language of explicit violence and sexuality in theme songs; and violations of linguistic norms involving slang or substandard expressions and grammatical errors. Some issues include the use of an inordinate level of violent and pejorative language, excessive occurrence of foreign words and/or foreign borrowings and foreign-sounding non-words (i.e. nonce words), grammatical violations, and the use of lexis inappropriate for the target audience. These aspects are related to the current state of affairs in the broadcasting industry: the separation of production and broadcasting (i.e., most programs are produced by external program-manufacturers, whose major concerns are marketability and viewer interest rather than the inherent quality of the programs). This research calls for concern over the good of young viewers and of regulation and supervision over broadcasting contents.

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