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      • Issue publics and the Internet: How interested individuals use the Net

        Hidaka, Masaki University of Pennsylvania 2005 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        America can be seen as an amalgamation of many different issue publics, or groups that are composed of citizens with high concern for a single public issue. The amalgamation of various issue publics suggests that there exists a large population of people who are educated and interested in public affairs despite theories to the contrary. If the American public is interested in one or two issues that are of personal importance (but does not always have ample time to become educated or involved in all issues), the Internet may affect how issue publics interact with policy. This is due to the fact that the Internet can serve as a short cut to information and as a forum for political discussion. Given their tendency to educate, discuss and mobilize around certain issues of personal importance, the question of whether issue publics will utilize the Internet as a form of political participation has yet to be fully answered. This research uses two data sets and depth interviews to examine how issue public members use the Internet. It is hypothesized that issue public members use the technology to find specific information on social and policy issues, share information with one another, use sites with opposing points of view, and find the Internet to be a valuable social and political tool. Generally speaking, issue public members are highly adept at finding issue-specific information on the Internet, are not likely to use synchronous functions such as chat rooms and bulletin boards, and share information via e-mail and links. Certain issue publics visit sites with opposing points of view and are also likely to attend online discussions that are relevant to their issues of interest, though this finding was not applicable to all issue publics. Finally, the interviews revealed that issue public members value the technology and feel that it is an integral part of their social and political lives. This entirety of this research suggests that issue public members use the Internet for productive ends.

      • Experiments and simulations of a large area ECR source as an electric propulsion neutralizer

        Hidaka, Yoshiteru University of Michigan 2006 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        The windowed electron cyclotron resonance (ECR) source, invented by Getty, was modified into a windowless ECR source to investigate the potential use of this device as an electron source for the neutralizer of an ion thruster system. This plasma source utilizes linear arrays of permanent magnets placed at the end of a large S-band microwave horn. These magnets are held inside a grill with alternating rows of open spaces and aluminum cross bars. The metal bars are cross-polarized so that microwave radiation transmits through the grill with low reflection. The peak electron density and electron temperature measured 1 cm from the grill surface were 5 x 1010 cm-3 and 10 eV, respectively, for 200 W input microwave power and 1 mTorr argon gas pressure. At the axial distance of 25 cm from the grill surface, these values were 1 x 1010 cm-3 and 4 eV, respectively. The extracted electron current with pulsed bias increased with collector areas and with input microwave powers, as expected, though the increase was not linear. Unexpectedly, however, the current increased as the distance of the collector from the resonance zone was increased. With microwave circuit optimization, the pulsed electron current achieved 0.77 A with a 30-V bias voltage applied to a graphite collector (7.3 cm x 10.7 cm, located 28.3 cm from the grill surface), 200 W input microwave power, and 1 mTorr argon gas pressure. For DC extraction with the same settings, an electron current of 0.51 A was extracted. The 2D simulations using the MAGIC computer code demonstrated electrons gain energy only near the ECR zone (875 gauss contour). The effectiveness of the steel pole pieces designed for the windowless Getty source was also confirmed. The curvature in either electric or magnetic field profile was verified as a necessary condition for ECR to take place. Electron trajectory plots using the TriComp computer code showed electron trapping by the magnetic mirrors. Both experiments and simulations indicated that electron cross-field diffusion near the grill surface was weak due to the strong magnetic field. However, the experiments suggested that the diffusion far from the grill is significant due to the weak magnetic field there, where more electron current can be extracted. Hence, a large portion of electrons in regions far from the grill might be supplied by electrons streaming along the edge field lines, instead of electrons diffusing across the center field lines.

      • 남북한 출신 청년이 만드는 접촉지대의 문화번역과 협력적 생애사 : A 독서모임을 중심으로

        Hidaka, Sawako 연세대학교 대학원 2019 국내석사

        RANK : 247343

        The aim of this thesis is to identify different shapes of power dynamics and identities that are constructed, exchanged and modified within a contact zone between young South Koreans and young North Koreans. Conducting a fieldwork on a book club organized by these young people called “Book Club A,” it finds that the gathering is a place of daily and micro-cultural activities where the cultural medium of books allows its members to share views. The club serves as a physical space of contact for the two groups of young Koreans and also deepens, psychologically and cognitively, their understanding of each other. The number of North Koreans who have defected to South Korea exceeded 30,000 in 2017. Ever since, South Korea has searched for ways to better support South Koreans and North Koreans to "coexist". A series of developments in the two Koreas’ 2018 international relations, including the inter-Korean summit and the North Korea–United States Summit, has heightened much of the South Korean society’s interest in its Northern counterpart. Some in the South have advocated that North Korean defectors should be integrated into South Korea referring to their shared ethnicity. Indeed, South Korea has been an active party of the inter-Korean relations in a macroscopic sense, and yet it has overlooked the fact that there emerged another form of inter-Korean relations at a microscopic level – that between South Koreans and North Korean defectors. This thesis attempts to translate the varying terms through which the young people of two Koreas build their relationships in a cultural space of a book club, and to inquire into the ensuing changes in how they identify themselves in the course of such development. It employs participatory observation and in-depth interviews to reveal what conventions are mutually understood by the members and what their respective locations imply. It may be safe to assume that young South Koreans are the majority while the young North Korean defectors are minority in the South Korean society. And it is an uncontested fact that power relations between them already exists in many areas. Book Club A becomes a space inconsistent with the outside world. Books lay the foundation for conversations led by shared interests while the formality and rituals set by the club endorse equitable social membership. Here in this quotidian and microscopic space, all members, those native to South Korea and those who defected from the North alike, encounter and practice mutual recognition that cannot be experienced beyond its doors. Also, the discussion about books is based on their life experience, which heals them related to the historical division of Korean peninsula and forms mental bond between them. This process can be analyzed through the concept, Collaborative Life History as well as the example of German reunification and separated Korean people. Book Club A is different from public institutions in that it does not provide financial supports to the young North Korean defectors in the South Korean society. Its impact, after all, lies in offering the young North Koreans with the experience of social recognition and interaction that are as crucial to a settlement in the Korean society as is any public support. The presence of this space has a great social significance; it signals to the young generation of the Korean society, whose ethnic diversity exhibits continuous growth in the face of globalization, to explore the possibility of interaction and communication with the minorities of their society. 본 연구는 남북한 출신 청년들이 A 독서모임이라는 문화적 접촉지대에서 역동적인 권력 관계와 정체성을 만들어내고 그것을 서로 교환하며 변화시키는 모습을 분석(번역)하는 연구이다. 연구현장인A 독서모임은 책이라는 문화적 장치를 통해 의견을 나누는 일상적이고 미시적인 문화활동의 장소이다. 본 연구에서는 A 독서모임을 단순히 한국과 북한 출신 청년이라는 두 집단이 물리적으로 접촉하는 공간으로만 보는 것이 아니라 그들이 서로에 대한 이해를 심화시켜나가는 심리적, 인지적 공간으로서의 문화적 접촉지대로 본다. 한국에서는 북한이탈주민 3만 명 세대라고 불리던 2017년쯤부터 본격적으로 북한이탈주민과 한국 사람이 ‘상생’하기 위한 방향성이 계속해서 모색되어 왔다. 특히 2018년에 들어 남북정상회담과 북미정상회담이 연이어 개최되는 등 국제관계가 요동치는 가운데 한국 사회에서는 북한에 대한 관심이 한층 더 높아지고 있다. 한편 한국 사회에서는 민족성을 언급하면서‘한국 사람’인 북한이탈주민을 ‘우리’안에 편입시켜야 하는 존재로 보는 시선이 존재한다. 또한 국제관계라는 거시적인 관점에서 볼 때 한국은 남북관계의 주체라고 하지만 국내라는 미시적인 관점에서 볼 때 한국 사람과 북한이탈주민 간의 작은 남북관계에 대해서는 별로 관심을 보이지 않는다. 본 연구에서는 A 독서모임이라는 문화적 공간에서 남북한 출신 청년들이 다양한 방식으로 관계를 맺어가는 모습과 그들의 변화하는 정체성을 참여 관찰과 심층 면접을 통해 분석(번역)하고 일상적인 현장에서의 남북한 출신 청년의 상호이해와 그들의 위치가 시사하는 의미를 밝혔다. 한국 사회에서 한국 출신 청년은 다수를 차지하며 북한이탈주민인 북한 출신 청년은 소수자인 것은 사실이다. 이들 간에는 여러 분야에 걸쳐 권력 관계가 이미 존재한다. 그러나 A 독서모임에서는 책이라는 문화적 매개체를 통해 그들 간의 대화를 가능케 한다. 또한 동등한 사회적 동료로서 이야기를 나눌 수 있도록 만들어진 의례를 토대로 남북한 출신 청년은 일상적이고 미시적인 공간에서 외부 사회에서는 경험하지 못하는 상호인정의 관계를 실천하고 있다. 또한A 독서모임에서 이루어지는 토론과 논의는 개개인의 인생경험을 공유함으로써 역사적인 분단, 민족의 이산 등의 경험으로 인한 고통과 고독감이 치유되고 구성원 간에서의 공동체성이 생기는 효과를 낳는다. 이러한 과정은 독일통일과 한민족 이산의 사례와 같이 협력적 생애사라는 개념으로 해석할 수 있다. A 독서모임은 공공기관의 지원정책과는 달리, 북한 출신 청년을 경제적으로 지원하지는 못하지만, 한국 사회에 정착하는 데에 있어 경제적 지원 못지않게 중요한 사회적 인정의 감각과 소통의 경험을 제공해준다. 이것은 앞으로도 지구화로 인해 다문화사회가 진행될 한국 사회를 만들어가는 주체인 청년에게 소수자와의 교류와 소통의 가능성을 깨닫게 해준다는 사회적 의미를 지니고 있다.

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