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        사카 노부요시(坂信彌) ― 가노야(鹿屋)지역에 점령군 `위안`시설 원형을 만든 내무관료

        후지메유키 ( Fujime Yuki ) 한국사회사학회 2017 사회와 역사 Vol.0 No.115

        근현대 일본에서 `폐창`이라 불렸던 내용은 공창제도(공권력을 의한 성매매 통제) 폐지와는 거리가 멀었다. 내무관료였던 사카 노부요시 삶을 따라 보면 `폐창을 향한 국제 여론`을 조심하는 상황 아래 내무성이 어떻게 군대의 이익을 지키고 어떻게 성매매를 통제했는지에 대해서 알 수 있다. 중일전쟁 발발 전년 1936년 가고시마현 경찰부장이었던 사카 노부요시는 가노야 해군항공대에서 요청을 받아 군인 `위안` 시설지구를 가노야 아오키초에 설립했다. 사카는 국내외 폐창 여론이 높으므로 대좌부 면허 지정지를 새롭게 설립하는 것은 어렵다고 판단하여, 법망을 뚫게 하는 방법으로 `댄스홀`이나 `특수음식점`이라는 명목으로 성매매지구를 만들었다. 접대 여성의 성병 검진을 철저히 진행하기 위해 일본정부와 가고시마 현이 검진시설에게 아낌없는 지원을 했다. 사카 노부요시는 1938-1939년에 상해총영사관 영사·경찰부장으로 일했다. 국제도시 상해에서는 일본 내지 이상으로 `폐창` 의식이 강했으니 사카가 취임하기 전부터 거류 일본인을 상대로 하는 일반 성매매 시설과 해군위안소가 존재하여 영사관은 성병검진 실시와 군 위안소로 여성 알선이라는 역할을 다했다. 패전 직후 1945년 8월 18일 내무성 경보국은 각 청·부·현에 대해 점령군 상대 성적 위안 시설 설치를 요구하는 통첩을 보냈다. 경시총감이었던 사카는 `위안소` 설치에 활약했다. 그는 업주에게 RAA(성적위안시설협회)를 조직하게 하여, 여성을 모으고, 시설을 만들었다. 또한 내무성 경제 보안부장과 상담해서 관업은행에 거액의 비용을 융자하게 했다. 사카는 가노야나 상해에서 경찰부장으로 성매매 통제에 관여한 경험으로 점령군 `위안소`를 창설하여 그것으로 전후 공창제도의 기초를 구축한 것이다. 이상과 같이 1930년대부터 1940년에 일본에서 나타났던 `폐창`이라는 주장은 내무성이 군대에 여성을 제공하는 것을 막지 못했고 공창제도는 명칭과 법령 조절로 확충 및 강화되어 갔다. 사카가 체현한 존창론은 오늘날도 여전히 사회에 뿌리깊게 살아남아 있다. Haisho or the abolition of licensed-prostitution, as it is referred to today, was far from “abolition” of such system. It was rather a means of managing prostitution through governmental authority. Traversing the life of Saka Nobuyoshi (坂信彌), a bureaucrat, exposed how the Naimusho (the Home Ministry) preserved military control of prostitution under purview of “international public opinion that headed toward the abolition of licensed-prostitution.” One year prior to the outbreak of the Sino-Japanese War in 1936, Saka Nobuyoshi, then chief of police of Kagoshima Prefecture, established a military “comfort” facility district in Aoki-cho, Kanoya at the request of the Kanoya Navy Aviation. Perceiving the domestic and international backlash that a licensed-prostituion area for Kashizasiki (貸座敷) would cause, he evaded the law through deceptive naming such as “dance hall” or “special restaurant.” An additional testament to the true intentions of this facility was the Japanese government and Kagoshima Prefecture`s strict examinations for venereal diseases they required women to undertake. Saka Nobuyoshi served as consul and a chief of police at the Consulate General of Japan in Shanghai from 1938 to 1939 during the Sino-Japanese War. Despite strong Haisho sentiment in Shanghai, a global city, general prostitution facilities and “comfort” brothels had already existed before Saka`s appointment. The Consulate General served as supplier, providing women for military brothels while forcing them to undergo venereal diseases exams. Soon after the war on 18 August 1945, the Naimusho police department delivered a note to every governmental prefectures, ordering that they install sexual recreation facilities for Occupation Forces. Saka served as police commissioner and played a role in the installation of these “comfort stations.” He ordered related business owners to organize the RAA (Recreation and Amusement Association), assemble women, and create these facilities. Moreover, in consultation with the head of the Naimusho economic security department, he pushed banks through state enterprises to finance large funds to facilitate the construction. Thus, Saka established “comfort stations” for Occupation Forces due to his actions in Kanoya or Shanghai, where he participated in the management of prostitution as chief of police. Consequentially he constructed the foundation for the post-war licensed-prostitution system. The claim for “Haisho” in Japan during the 1930s and 40s could not stop Naimusho from providing women for military “comfort,” which gradually led to the expansion of the licensed-prostitution system through consolidating and management of names and regulations. Sonshoron (存娼論), which Saka had embodied, still lives and is deeply embedded in contemporary society.

      • KCI등재

        모니카 펠튼과 국제여성민주연맹(WIDF) 한국전쟁 진상조사단

        후지메유키 ( Fujime Yuki ) 한국사회사학회 2013 사회와 역사 Vol.0 No.100

        모니카 펠튼(1906~1970)은 런던정치경제대학에서 박사학위를 취득한 후, 런던시의회(LCC)의 노동당 의원으로 선출되었고 제2차 세계대전 중에는 LCC 보급품위원회 의장을 맡았다. 제2차 세계대전 후에는 영국 노동당 애틀리 정권 하에서 주택문제 해결과 신도시 건설이라는 중요 국책을 담당하는 도시계획가로서 높은 평가를 받고 스티브니지 개발공사 총재직을 맡았다. 1950년 한국전쟁이 발발하자 미국과의 동맹관계를 중요시한 영국 애틀리 정권은 군대를 한반도로 파견하고 군사예산을 증액하면서 의료나 교육, 주택 공급 등 국민 복지에 중요한 예산을 삭감했다. 모니카는 노동당원이었지만 애틀리 정권의 전쟁정책을 반대하며 한국전쟁의 실태를 알기 위해 1951년 5월에 국제여성민주연맹이 한반도로 파견한 여성국제조사단에 참여했다. 그녀는 여러 나라에서 다양한 사상과 신조, 그리고 관점을 갖는 여성들이 모인 이 조사단이, 내용 없는 정치적 프로파간다와 무관하게 단 한 가지, 진상규명만을 위해 협동해서 조사를 하고 모두가 확인한 사실만을 보고할 수 있도록 방향 짓는 역할을 했다. 조사 종료 후 그녀는 유엔군에 의한 학살 만행을 규탄하는 보고서 작성에 관여했고, 귀국 후에는 영국군이 한반도에서 철수해야 한다고 국민들에게 호소했다. 이 행동으로 그녀는 공직에서 해임당하고 영국 내 보수 진영은 그녀를 반역죄로 사형에 처해야 한다고 격렬한 공격을 가했지만, 모니카는 이후 평화운동의 국제무대에서 활약하게 되었다. Dr. Monica Felton had been an active Labor party member and in public service, serving on the London County Council, the Hertfordshire County Council, the Ministry of Supply, and so on before she became the Chairperson of the Stevenage Development Corporation under the Attlee government. After the Korea war broke out, British participation in Korea had a negative impact on the Attlee Government’s a National Health Care system, social welfare program and New Town planning which Dr. Felton was seriously concerned with. In order to grasp what happened in Korea, she joined the International Women’s Commission which was a fact finding mission organized by the Women’s International Democratic Federation and visited several parts of North Korea in May 1951 together with other women from seventeen countries in Europe, America, Asia and Africa, who have different religious beliefs and different political views. Some of them were members of different political parties and others with no party affiliations. Dr. Felton made a role in shaping the Women’s Commission’s report free from prejudice and prejudgment. As soon as she returned London, she actively spoke on what she experienced in Korea, She accused the atrocities committed by American and Syngman Rhee troops in Korea and she insisted that UK should withdraw British troops from Korea. As a result, she was dismissed from her position as a chairperson of Stevenage Development Corporation and expelled from Labor Party. She could be prosecuted for treason. Surrounded by harassment and antagonism against her, she never stopped speaking on what she saw in Korea and her opinion to withdraw British troops. Then she became a famous activist in World Peace movement.

      • KCI등재

        Stone Attenuation Value and Cross-Sectional Area on Computed Tomography Predict the Success of Shock Wave Lithotripsy

        Michio Tanaka,Eisuke Yokota,Yoichiro Toyonaga2,Fumitaka Shimizu,Yoshiyuki Ishii,Makoto Fujime,Shigeo Horie 대한비뇨의학회 2013 Investigative and Clinical Urology Vol.54 No.7

        Purpose: To identify the parameters on noncontrast computed tomography (NCCT)that best predict the success of shock wave lithotripsy (SWL). Materials and Methods: We reviewed the records of 75 patients who underwent SWL for urinary calculi measuring 5 to 20 mm. Using NCCT images, we estimated the largest stone cross-sectional area and contoured the inner edge of the stone. Clinical outcome was classified as successful (stone-free or <4 mm in diameter) or failed (stone fragments, ≥4 mm). The impact of preoperative parameters was evaluated by univariate and multivariate analysis. Results: The overall success rate was 73.3%. Average stone attenuation value, stone length, and stone cross-sectional area in the success and failure groups were 627.4±166.5 HU (Hounsfield unit) vs. 788.1±233.9 HU (p=0.002), 11.7±3.8 mm vs. 14.2±3.6 mm (p=0.015), and 0.31±0.17 cm2 vs. 0.57±0.41 cm2 (p<0.001), respectively. In the multivariate analysis, stone attenuation value was the only independent predictor of SWL success (p=0.023), although stone cross-sectional area had a tendency to be associated with SWL success (p=0.053). Patients were then classified into four groups by using cutoff values of 780 HU for stone attenuation value and 0.4 cm2 for cross-sectional area. By use of these cutoff values, the group with a low stone attenuation value and a low cross-sectional area was more than 11.6 times as likely to have a successful result on SWL as were all other groups (odds ratio, 11.6; 95% confidence interval, 3.9 to 54.7; p<0.001). Conclusions: Stone attenuation value and stone cross-sectional area are good predictors of extracorporeal SWL outcome.


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