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      • Structure et contenu dans une selection de contes populaires acadiens: Une analyse semio-narrative

        Fudge, Heather Lynn University of Toronto (Canada) 2001 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2591

        Notre dissertation porte sur neuf recueils de contes populaires publiés des provinces canadiennes Maritimes (la Nouvelle-Écosse, le Nouveau-Brunswick, l'Île-du-Prince-Édouard) et de Terre-Neuve. Notre étude se veut avant tout une description analytique des divers aspects du contenu et de la structure des contes de notre corpus. Nous commençons par la classification: nous organisons les divers éléments de ces textes en trois catégories majeures, c'est-à-dire les personnages, les objets (magiques) et les événements, selon un modèle conçu par Stith Thompson. Nous analysons alors ces composantes des contes choisis en nous inspirant de la méthodologie sémio-narrative, surtout des théories d'Algirdas Greimas, de Joseph Courtés, d'Eleazar Meletinski, et de Paul Larivaille. Pour ces chercheurs, il est important de comprendre la distinction qui existe entre les <italic>motifs</italic> ou la <italic>composante figurative</italic> (c'est-à-dire les personnages et les objets “modaux”) et les <italic>actions</italic> des personnages ou la <italic>composante syntagmatique</italic>. Ces auteurs nous ont donc aidés à voir le conte comme une sorte d'énoncé comprenant un Sujet (ce qui est pour nous un personnage, aidé par des objets modaux) qui est responsable d'une certaine Performance (une action qui mène à l'acquisition d'un Objet de valeur). En faisant ressortir les éléments communs sur les plans formel et figuratif dans les contes de notre corpus, nous avons trouvé qu'il existe un principe organisateur qui transparaît au-delà du réseau de détails que nous avons étudiés. Nous nous servons d'un terme d'Algirdas Greimas pour rendre compte de cette continuité de thèmes dans notre corpus: il explique que le récit peut comporter deux modes narratifs qu'il nomme le <italic>mode déceptif</italic> et le <italic>mode véridique </italic>. Cette relation fondamentale, c'est-á-dire celle de <italic> l'être</italic> vs <italic>le paraître</italic> est, selon Greimas, un aspect typique du conte populaire en général. Dans notre étude, nous examinons le fonctionnement de ce thème dans les textes que nous avons choisis. Nous décrivons ses différentes manifestations (<italic>le mensonge, le secret, la tromperie, le déguisement, l'illusion, la révélation</italic>…) et nous montrons qu'elles font toutes partie d'un système narratif logique et bien organisé.

      • Investigating the interior of West Antarctica with light, radar, and electrical conductance

        Fudge, Tyler Jeffrey University of Washington 2013 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2591

        Ice sheets play an important role in both the modern climate and in past variations of Earth's history. Our understanding of ice sheets has been limited by few observations until recent advances in technology, notably air planes and satellites, which have allowed increasingly more detailed investigations. Here I focus on using the internal structure of ice sheets to place modern observations in context. This is done with a variety of tools. First, I investigated the ability of borehole camera measurements to recover information about the physical properties of firn. I found that a measurement with a single wavelength of light was not capable of differentiating between brightness variations due to changes in grain size and changes in density. An additional measurement in the near infrared, which is sensitive to grain size variations, was identified as a way to differentiate density variations from grain size variations. I also use the internal structure of the ice sheet imaged using ice penetrating radar to examine the past flow structure of a major outlet glacier of West Antarctica. The flow directions were found to have not changed significantly in the past few hundred years and the analysis also revealed that the satellite-derived velocities had uncertainties larger than reported. The internal structure of an ice sheet can also be investigated by drilling an ice core. By obtaining samples of ancient ice, many detailed measurements are possible to look at past variations in climate and ice sheet behavior. I measured the electrical properties of the WAIS Divide ice core and was able to identify an annual signal to a depth of 2800. I then developed the first annually resolved timescale from the Southern Hemisphere that spanned into the last glacial period, 30 ka. The annual timescale allowed identification of accumulation-rate changes not resolvable in other Antarctic ice cores. The timescale and accumulation-rate history were combined with the water stable isotopes, sea-salt sodium, and climate modeling to show that the onset of deglacial warming in West Antarctica occurred before a trigger from the Northern Hemisphere with a likely cause increasing local insolation. The annual timescale was also used to assess the timescales from other coastal Antarctic ice cores. The timescales of these 3 cores were based on linear interpolation, which causes significant problems: large age uncertainty between tie points, large changes in the duration of climate events at the tie points, and a consistent bias to older ages. Two inverse techniques were developed to improve timescale interpolation.

      • Alliance Re-formation: Uncertainty, Inexperience, Complexity and Termination Experience in the Thoroughbred Horse Industry, 2005--2010

        Fudge, Darcy Kathryn University of Minnesota 2013 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2591

        My dissertation investigates the effects of alliance termination conditions on alliance re-formation by the former partners. While the existing literature assumes that an alliance forms after termination in the same way as it formed initially, I treat termination as the beginning of a process rather than as an independent event. I argue that alliance re-formation is distinct from alliance formation due to the attributions the former partners develop concerning their prior termination. Alliance terminations are often ambiguous and subject to multiple interpretations. I identify typical alliance termination antecedents, such as primary uncertainty, task inexperience and complexity, as important conditions under which the termination occurs that counter intuitively facilitate alliance re-formation. These factors frame the termination as a positive attribution, based upon incidents which are exogenous, uncontrollable and rare. Further, I find greater alliance termination experience enhances alliance re-formation, allowing firms to adjust expectations from alliance terminations. I test these ideas on a longitudinal sample of 2,256 terminated alliances that include alliance re-formations in the Thoroughbred horse industry, where alliance partners breed and co-own horses to sell at auction. Using this unique data set to account for the fit and the performance of the terminated alliances, I find support for my hypotheses for primary uncertainty and termination experience. My dissertation makes a number of important theoretical contributions by showing that alliance re-formation has a set of antecedents distinct from factors informing initial formation, and that termination experience is an important antecedent to the trust and the re-creation of trust. These findings have valuable practical implications for strategic management and organizational practitioners.

      • An anti-realist account of aesthetic appreciation

        Fudge, Robert Stephen Syracuse University 2001 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2591

        The aesthetic appreciation of an object is fundamentally an appreciation of certain of its properties, especially those that have a distinctively aesthetic character. What this means differs, depending on whether one is a realist or anti-realist about aesthetic properties. I argue for aesthetic property anti-realism, according to which aesthetic properties do not exist objectively in themselves, outside of our having certain kinds of experiences, and show how this bears on the issue of aesthetic appreciation. Against theorists like Marcia Eaton, Kendall Walton, Gary Iseminger, and James Anderson, I argue that aesthetic appreciation should not be defined primarily in terms of affective states or aesthetic value (though this latter notion is a necessary component of <italic>positive</italic> aesthetic appreciation). Instead, I argue that having an aesthetic appreciation of something is to have an informed aesthetic experience of it, where aesthetic experiences are defined in terms of our seeing objects as possessing aesthetic qualities, and where an informed aesthetic experience is one that is informed by a certain minimal understanding of the object's non-aesthetic properties. For example, the appreciation of a statue involves having an aesthetic experience of it, which arises out of our knowledge of its cultural/historical properties, the intentions of the sculptor, its expressive and representational properties, etc. The aesthetic appreciation of the statue is positive when we consider an informed aesthetic experience of it intrinsically valuable. I finish by applying my account to the issue of whether the (positive) aesthetic appreciation of unscenic parts of nature requires scientific knowledge.

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