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      • (An) intersectional analysis of Afro-descendent and indigenous women’s experience of discrimination and violence and their activism in the South Caribbean Coast autonomous region of Nicaragua

        Downs, Kenny Calmore Woods Graduate School of Government, Business, and Entre 2019 국내석사

        RANK : 2863

        An Intersectional Analysis of Afro-Descendent and Indigenous Women’s Experience of Discrimination and Violence and Their Activism in the South Caribbean Coast Autonomous Region of Nicaragua Kenny Woods Downs Master’s Degree Program on Community Development Leadership The Graduate School of Government, Business, and Entrepreneurship Yonsei University This master’s thesis investigated Afro-descendent and Indigenous women’s rights and activism in the Southern Caribbean Coast Autonomous Region (RACCS) of Nicaragua. It examined both women’s individual rights regarding political participation and a life free from violence, as well as collective rights to communal land using the lens of the intersection of gender and race. The struggle around community land rights analyzed forms of discrimination and violence against women, as well as activist strategies. The study examined how the racialization of space has been a prominent factor in the history of the RACCS. Although the region was granted autonomy from the Nicaraguan state in 1987, Coast peoples continue to struggle to assert their autonomy in the face of mestizo nationalism, which has many dynamics. For this reason, despite the formal rights granted in the constitution and national laws, the many levels of the state are not always effective guarantors of those rights. Furthermore, the autonomy regime pays little attention to upholding gender equality and women’s rights. The central argument to answer that question is comprised of three components. First, the problem identified is that a gender analysis alone, which is found in most of the literature on women and gender in Nicaragua, does not explain the full dimensions of discrimination and violence suffered by Indigenous and Afro-descendent women in the RACCS and Pearl Lagoon in particular as regards individual rights (political participation, violence against women and sexual health) and especially in terms of collective rights (communal lands). Second, it uncovers that the use of an intersectional analytical framework of gender, race and place reveals the full complexity of the violations of Afro-descendent and Indigenous women’s rights, where all women are assumed to be mestizas. Third, this intersectional approach provides the means to highlight the many specific ways that Afro-descendent and Indigenous women defend their individual and collective rights. These include promoting positive uses of culture; developing strategies that respect both individual women’s rights as well as collective rights; training in intersectional analysis and leadership support; and grassroots coordination with mixed civil society organizations and communal governments. The thesis contained a case study of women’s land rights and activism in the Pearl Lagoon Basin because it shows the specificity of Afro-descendent and Indigenous women’s relationship to the land and its fundamental importance to their identity and cultural survival, as well as their specific forms of activism to defend their communal lands against recent and growing threats. These threats include: gender discrimination; the advance of the agricultural frontier by mestizo peasants claiming communal lands and financial support for them; strategies to divide and conquer communities; and land appropriation by local, regional, national and international actors for large-scale capital investments. This study updates existing research that identified that individual women and women’s organizations have developed a variety of strategies. These include documenting cultural practices and using quantitative and qualitative research regarding all three topics studied in the thesis to not only makes visible the current rights situation, but are also used for advocacy purposes. Women have also made strategic use of their traditional forms of informal leadership in order to more effectively defend community rights, as well as struggle against gender discrimination by local and other actors. Indeed, women’s formal and informal organizing around these topics has led to support for their struggles on the part of Coast men and mixed-gender organizations. This thesis sought to contribute to the small but growing literature that documents and makes visible Afro-descendent and Indigenous women’s struggles on the Caribbean Coast. One recommendation was that this evidence-based research be used to develop policy to improve women’s structural intersectionality. Another recommendation was that grassroots organizations continue to build networks and coalitions that contribute to political intersectionality. These would be based on women’s formal and informal leadership and bring together community organizations and community governments that support their demands. By evidencing women’s leadership, as well as their connections to the land, the author intended that the findings and conclusions could have practical applications by encouraging more women to get involved in defending their rights, as well as strengthening support for their activism among civil society organizations and state actors with political will. 니카라과 남부 카리브해 연안 자치지역의 아프리카계 후손과 원주민 여성의 차별과 폭력성에 대한 경험과 그들의 활동성에 관한 교차 분석 연세대학교 정경∙창업대학원 지역공동체개발 지도자양성 석사학위과정 Kenny Woods Downs 본 석사 논문은 니카라과 남부 카리브해 연안 자치구(RACCS)에서 아프리카계 후손과 원주민 여성의 권리와 활동을 조사했다. 정치적 참여와 폭력이 없는 삶에 관한 여성의 개인의 권리와 성별과 인종의 교차점을 이용하여 공동 땅에 대한 집단적 권리를 검토했다. 지역 토지 권리를 둘러싼 투쟁은 여성에 대한 차별과 폭력, 그리고 행동주의 전략을 분석했다. 본 연구는 공간의 인종화가 어떻게 RACCS 자치구의 역사상 중요한 요인이 되었는지를 알아보았다. 첫째는 니카라과의 여성과 성별에 대한 대부분의 문헌에서 발견되는 분석으로는 RACCS 자치구와 진주 라군에서 특히 개인의 권리와 관련하여 토착 및 아프리카계 여성이 겪는 차별과 폭력의 모두를 설명할 수는 없다. 둘째로는 성별, 인종, 장소의 교차 분석틀을 사용하는 것은 모든 여성이 메스티조라고 가정되는 아프리카계 원주민 여성의 권리를 침해하는 것이다는 것을 증명한다. 마지막으로, 이 교차적 접근법은 아프리카와 원주민 여성들이 그들의 개인과 집단적 권리를 옹호하는 많은 특정한 방법을 강조할 수 있는 수단을 제공한다. 이것은 문화의 긍정적인 사용을 촉진하는 것, 개별 여성의 권리와 집단적 권리를 존중하는 전략개발, 교차 분석과 지도력 지원 훈련, 그리고 혼합된 시민 사회 단체와 공동 정부와의 풀뿌리 협조를 포함한다. 본 논문은 진주 라군 분지에서 여성의 토지 권리와 활동에 대한 사례 연구를 포함하고 있는데, 그 이유는 아프리카와 원주민 여성의 육지 관계의 특이성과 그들의 정체성 및 문화적 생존에 대한 근본적인 중요성, 그리고 그들의 공동 영토를 지키기 위한 그들의 특정 형태의 행동주의를 보여주고 있기 때문이다. 또한, 본 연구에서는 개별 여성과 여성단체가 다양한 전략을 개발했음을 확인한 기존 연구를 뒷받침하고 있다. 문화 관행 문서화 및 논문 주제에 대한 양적, 질적 연구를 통해 현재의 권리 상황을 알 수 있을 뿐만 아니라, 옹호적 목적으로도 사용된다. 여성들은 또한 지역 및 다른 행위자들에 의한 성차별에 대항하기 위해 더 효과적으로 지역 사회의 권리를 보호하기 위해 그들의 전통적인 형태의 비공식적 지도력을 전략적으로 이용하였다. 실제로 이러한 주제를 둘러싼 여성의 공식적이고 비공식적인 조직으로 인해 해안 남성들과 혼혈 여성 단체들이 그들의 투쟁을 지지하게 되었다. 본 연구를 바탕으로 증거 기반 연구를 여성의 구조적 교차성을 개선하기 위한 정책을 개발하는데 이용하는 것을 제안한다. 또한 풀뿌리 단체들이 정치적 교차성에 기여하는 네트워크와 연합을 지속적으로 구축해야 한다. 이는 여성의 공식적 또는 비공식적인 리더십에 기초하고 있으며 그들의 요구를 지지하는 지역사회 단체와 지역사회 정부를 한데 모은 것이다. 본 저자는 여성의 리더십과 육지와의 연관성을 입증함으로써 여성의 권리 방어에 더 많은 여성이 참여하도록 유도하고, 시민사회단체와 국가관계자 사이의 활동성에 대한 지지를 강화함으로써 그 결과나 결론이 실질적인 응용이 될 수 있다.

      • Crafting culture: Scrapbooking and the lives of women

        Downs, Heather Ann University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 2006 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2591

        My dissertation examines the process of consumption and how women's relationships with business owners, with other women and with the products that they purchase, enhance commercial activity. Specifically I observe the scrapbooking industry (currently the fastest growing hobby and cottage industry in the United States) and how it utilizes ideologies of family and femininity to engage women's participation in the hobby. Scholars have analyzed women's organizations and businesses, women's relationships, and the meaning of domestic objects, but they have not tied these components into the larger practices of consumption. In my chapter on small business owners, I explore how women experience the contradictory qualities of doing gender publicly, of seamlessly integrating traditional femininity into the business world. This is a site where tradition joins with innovation and women combine their business responsibilities with their own needs under the guise of familial maintenance. In the chapter on the hobbyists, I analyze how important the hobbyists' relationships are with one another in engendering their interest in the hobby. This relationship maintenance is a form of kin work where women use their leisure time to preserve family and friendship networks which in turn supports a commercial industry. The next chapter explores how women negotiate marital power through the financial costs of their hobby. In the chapter on scrapbooks, I examine how the product and women's interpretations of it, sustain enthusiasts' participation in the hobby. Using Bourdieu's theory of family discourse, I explain how the scrapbook presents an idealized version of family life that women are consciously creating through their participation in the hobby. Together these chapters discuss the process of consumption where the individuals and the institution are highly interdependent.

      • High-risk drinking among female athletes at the University of Delaware: Reducing risk through intervention

        Downs, Tracy T University of Delaware 2007 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2591

        Excessive alcohol consumption among college students is one of the most serious public health problems that American colleges face. Research indicates that fraternity and sorority members and student athletes are more prone to high-risk alcohol consumption behavior than the general student population. There is a lack of research regarding binge drinking and alcohol-related problems experienced by female student athletes nationwide and at the University of Delaware. Therefore, an inquiry into the actual statistics of high-risk drinking behaviors among female athletes at the University of Delaware was warranted. Surveys with one-hundred and sixty female athletes at the University of Delaware found that over three-fourths (80.0%) of the female athletes surveyed consumed alcohol in the thirty days prior to the survey. Almost one half (48.7%) fit the definition of a binge drinker and 11.3% reported they do not consume alcohol. The binge drinkers tend to be younger in age, as do the abstainers. However, the non-drinkers are less affluent and hold more conservative attitudes toward alcohol than their drinking peers. The non-drinkers also have slightly higher grade point averages, more scholarship support, and are equally as religious as the drinkers. Furthermore, a direct correlation was found between binge drinking and the likelihood of experiencing a negative alcohol-related problem. The current alcohol education programs are not reducing high-risk drinking and the related consequences among female athletes. Therefore, there are some measures the University of Delaware can take to reduce excessive alcohol use and the related problems experienced by female student athletes. The strategies include: (1) Tailor the current alcohol education and intervention efforts to take into account the differences that exist between the binge drinkers and the non-drinkers; (2) Work with the upperclass student athletes to be mentors and positive role models to younger team members to reduce high-risk drinking; and (3) Use the results from this study to educate athletes about individual perceptions of teammate drinking norms to counteract the effect of a social norming influence on increased high-risk drinking behaviors.

      • Focused Ultrasound Mediated Blood-Brain Barrier Opening in Non-Human Primates: Safety, Efficacy and Drug Delivery

        Downs, Matthew Columbia University 2015 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2591

        The blood-brain barrier (BBB) is physiologically essential for brain homeostasis. While it protects the brain from noxious agents, it prevents almost all currently available drugs from crossing to the parenchyma. This greatly hinders drug delivery for the treatment of neurological diseases and disorders such as Parkinson's, Alzheimer's and Huntington's, as well as the development of drugs for the treatment of such diseases. Current drug delivery techniques to the brain are either invasive and target specific, or non-invasive with low special specificity. Neither group of techniques are optimal for long term treatment of patients with neurological diseases or disorders. Focused ultrasound coupled with intravenous administration of microbubbles (FUS) has been proven as an effective technique to selectively and noninvasively open the BBB in multiple in vivo models including non-human primates (NHP). Although this technique has promising potential for clinical outpatient procedures, as well as a powerful tool in the lab, the safety and potential neurological effects of this technique need to be further investigated. This thesis focuses on validating the safety and efficacy of using the FUS technique to open the BBB in NHP as well as the ability of the technique to facility drug delivery. First, a longitudinal study of repeatedly applying the FUS technique targeting the basal ganglia region in four NHP was conducted to determine any potential long-term adverse side effects over a duration of 4-20 months. The safety of the technique was evaluated using both MRI as well as behavioral testing. Results demonstrated that repeated application of the FUS technique to the basal ganglia in NHP did not generate permanent side effects, nor did it induce a permanent opening of the BBB in the targeted region. The second study investigated the potential of the FUS technique as a method to deliver drugs, such as a low dose of haloperidol, to the basal ganglia in NHP and mice to elicit pharmacodynamical effects on responses to behavioral tasks. After opening the BBB in the basal ganglia of mice and NHP, a low dose of haloperidol was successfully delivered generating significant changes in their baseline motor responses to behavioral tasks. Domperidone was also successfully delivered to the caudate of NHP after opening the BBB and induced transient hemilateral neglect. In the final section of this thesis, the safety and efficacy of the FUS technique was evaluated in fully alert NHP. The FUS technique was successful in generating BBB opening volumes larger on average to that of the BBB opening volumes in anesthetized experiments. Safety results through MRI verification as well as behavioral testing during application of the technique demonstrated that the FUS technique did not generate adverse neurological effects. Conversely, the FUS technique was found to induce slight positive effects on the response of the NHP to the behavioral task. Collectively, the work presented in this thesis demonstrates the safety and effectiveness of the FUS technique to open the BBB and deliver neuroactive drugs in the NHP.

      • The Christian tomb mosaics from Tabarka: Status and identity in a North African Roman town

        Downs, Joan Marguerite University of Michigan 2007 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2591

        The small coastal town of Tabarka near Tunisia's western border has produced more mosaic tomb covers than any other site in Roman North Africa. These fifth and early sixth century monuments show great diversity in both their iconography and epigraphy. They come from several cemeteries and churches in the town and illustrate the commemorative priorities of the population at a time of major transition. This period in Roman Africa is characterized by significant cultural movements and events; the population interred represents the first to have been born into a predominately Christian culture and the area experienced the disruptions of the Vandal invasion and occupation. Within this atmosphere of change, distinct new commemorative priorities are illustrated which seek to distinguishing the individual, and when possible, exalting them for either their service to the church and/or their exemplary Christian virtue. In addition, the small number of clerics' tombs from Tabarka and the relatively large number of ascetic, non-standard ecclesial and secular personalities represented in the town's cemeteries suggest that the community was marked by a vital and unusual population of charismatic leaders rather than by the normal magisterial hierarchy. This is in marked opposition to most other large contemporary Christian cemeteries in the region, whose tombs exhibit greater conformity in their decoration and epitaphs and display few indications of personal identity. Close study of the late nineteenth and early twentieth century excavations at Tabarka shows the town to have been relatively small, but strongly interested in the power of the martyrs although no specific martyr cult can be identified. Particularly among the religiously virtuous, the conjuring of the previous heroic age of persecution by imagery, inscription and the prominent placement of tombs forms an authoritative paradigm for status and legitimacy while the monuments of other graves make pointed attempts through portraiture or unique iconographic compositions to commemorate the dead within acceptable models of modesty. Careful reading of Tabarka's tombs with knowledge of their specific material and cultural context suggests that the monastic institutions and economic engines of the region known from literary sources played a critical role in shaping the commemorative vocabulary.

      • Dividing Sense from Sense: German Post-war Avant-garde Music and the Politics of Listening

        Downs, Benjamin Michael State University of New York at Stony Brook ProQue 2018 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2591

        This dissertation examines post-war avant-garde music in Germany in relation to philosophies of listening. Each chapter shows how different listening communities in late 20th century Germany----composers, music critics, and philosophers----descr. Chapter one argues that the contentious debates over vocal text setting during the late 1950s at Darmstadt belie a fundamental agreement on the power of listening to effect immediacy between sound and listener. This chapter then shows how Helmut.

      • How can Wii learn from video games? Examining relationships between technological affordances and socio-cognitive determinates on affective and behavioral outcomes

        Downs, Edward Paul The Pennsylvania State University 2008 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2591

        When the Nintendo Wii was released to the public in November 2006, video game play was changed. The unique motion sensing technology allowed game players to interact with the game environment using kinesthetic body motions that replicated realworld activities. In essence, the Wii acts as a virtual simulator for many types of games and activities including bowling, tennis and golf. When combined with the ability to customize game avatars, the Nintendo Wii has the potential to be a powerful learning tool. Social Cognitive Theory provides a theoretical model for how these technological affordances may contribute to learning through modeled behavior. A 2x2 fully crossed, between-subjects experiment plus control group was designed to empirically test how the type of controller (motion controller vs. symbolic controller) and avatar customization (customized vs. uncustomized) contribute to cognitive, affective, and behavioral responses when playing the Tiger Woods PGA Tour '08 video game. Specifically, a path analysis examined how the independent variables contributed to perceptions of presence, golf-efficacy, liking of the game of golf, and golf putting skills. Although the original path model was not supported, a revised path model indicates that using the motion controller leads to better video game performance, in addition to better performance in a real-world putting task. Further, use of the motion controller leads to greater perceptions of golf-efficacy (as mediated by presence), and is positively correlated with liking of the Tiger Woods PGA Tour '08 video game, which in turn leads to greater perceptions of liking of the game of golf. Implications of the findings are discussed from theoretical and practical perspectives and directions for future research are proposed.

      • Walnut allergy in context

        Downs, Melanie L The University of Nebraska - Lincoln 2013 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2591

        Walnuts are among the most common causes of tree nut allergy, a condition that affects 0.6-1.14% of North Americans and can be associated with life threatening allergic reactions. While the prevalence and severity of walnut allergy make this condition a concern for both clinicians and the food industry, relatively little is known about the properties and behavior of walnut allergens. The objective of this work was to evaluate walnut allergens in terms of their molecular characteristics, clinical importance, and behavior in the context of complex food systems. Mass spectrometry (MS) analyses revealed greater levels of diversity in walnut allergens than previously understood. The observed variation in native walnut proteins appears to arise from both sequence isoforms and posttranslational modifications, including proteolysis. An example of the latter was demonstrated with the identification of a series of stable peptide fragments, which originated from the N-terminal region of the 7S vicilin-like globulin sequence and showed IgE binding in approximately 27% of sera from walnut-allergic individuals. Greater knowledge of the genomes and proteomes of plant foods is needed in order to fully utilize advanced molecular analysis techniques, including mass spectrometry. Walnut proteins were also shown to have unique solubility requirements that could impact the efficacy of existing clinical diagnostic tools. IgE immunoblotting indicated that 76% of blot-reactive sera from individuals with reported walnut allergy demonstrated IgE binding with the walnut 11S legumin, an allergen particularly insoluble in the types of aqueous solutions traditionally used for diagnostic materials. The development of new diagnostic tools that accommodate the solubility requirements of all of the walnut allergens may be necessary. Lastly, individual walnut allergens were shown to respond differently to thermal processing. Under more intense roasting conditions, the level of total soluble walnut protein decreases dramatically, but the high molecular weight proteins are particularly affected. The insoluble protein fraction does, however, retain at least some of its IgE binding capacity. In addition, MS detection of walnut proteins can be dramatically affected by thermal processing due to changes in solubility and digestibility.

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