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      • 시판 항생제들의 대추나무빗자루병 치료약제 가능성 비교

        박철하,이세표,차병진 충북대학교 농업과학기술연구소 1994 農業科學硏究 Vol.11 No.2

        To minimize the trial and error by farmers who have no other choice but to use antibiotics for human-disease control, because no agricultural tetracycline for jujube witches-broom disease is available at this point. therapeutical efficacy of several commercial antibiotics against the disease through trunk injection was evaluated. The efficacy of human tetracyclines in trunk injection of jujube tree for witches-broom therapy varied to some extnet. Tetracyclines for intravenous or subepidermal injection showed the strongest symptom-suppression effect. Those, however, were not practical because of high price. On the other hand, tetracyclines in capsule were much cheaper than the former and can be used practically. For trunk injection, just the powder in capsule should be dissolved in clean water and then filtered through cheese cloth or tissue papaer to remove the sediments unnecessary for trees. Otherwise, the sediment would clog the injection hole and the feeder tube. In this experiment. tetracycline HCl of Glaxo made the least sediment in the solution. In addition, the plastic bottle to contain Korean wine was much cheaper and more practical than the commercial one for tree injection.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        총허용어획량관리법의 입법론적 연구

        차철표(Cheol-Pyo Cha) 한국해사법학회 2003 해사법연구 Vol.15 No.1

        Total allowable catch management regime which is different from the previous fishing management regimes was introduced with the entry into force of UN Convention on the Law of the Sea 1994. Total allowable catch management regime is based on total allowable catch. by considering biological, technological, social, and economical factors. on the basis of MSY calculated in biology. There are the conmmon reasons for adopting total allowable catch as a fishing management. Because it is easy to manage the resources of the vast fishing ground by prohibiting from fishing activities on the relevant kinds of fish when the amount of fishing catch allowed. loaded on land. comes up to the catch level aimed after the fishing activities began as fixed total allowable catch, and to protect from over-fishing on a simple fishing resource and from devastation as well as the solution of the fundamental fishery problem through maintaining general source management system so as to develop the fishery. But olympic and individual quota method as total allowable catch management regime are adopted in our country and made problems as follows: fishing competition between fisheries. over-development of fishing resources. fishing over the amount of allowable catch. discarding a low-price fish. marine accidents and disorder of fishing by hard fishing activities. retarding investment on fishing facilities and development skills. weakening business by investment on required facilities. inspecting problems on fishing activities. As total allowable catch management is not issued as a single act and ruled by a section of fishing industry law. it is not sufficient to carry out total allowable catch management. The questions to protect fishing resource are basically belong to scientists. but the actions to protect must be applied to any people without any discrimination. Nevertheless. total allowable catch management is going to be made mainly for fishing groups in our country. Allocating fishing quota to associations and people as their results may be specific and permanent in the extent of the usage of fishing resources and may retard development of fishery and technology. Accordingly total allowable catch mariagement act which is harmony with the previous fish catch management regime as well as technical management regime in order to use and manage fishery resources effectively must be enacted. therefore the aim of this study is the legislation and it's contents

      • KCI등재

        폐기물 해양배출로 인한 어업피해의 보상에 관한 연구

        차철표(Cheol-Pyo Cha) 한국해사법학회 2007 해사법연구 Vol.19 No.1

          폐기물 배출로 인한 해양환경의 유ㆍ무해 논란과 별도로 육상 폐기물의 처리문제를 해결해 줄 수 있는 대안 장소로 해양을 선택하였고, 폐기물 해양배출은 바다의 정화능력 때문에, 해양에 어떠한 악영향도 미치지 않는 것으로 인식되었다. 그러나 특정한 해역에서 집중적으로 이루어지는 폐기물의 배출이 주변지역의 어류 및 기타 해양생물에 악영향을 주는 등 특정 어업에 피해를 끼치고 있으며, 이에 대한 보상 문제가 발생한다. 동해 병 폐기물 배출해역에서의 폐기물 처리는 그 지역에서 어획되는 어획물(홍게)에서 이물질과 중금속이 발견되고, 이로 인한 홍게 가공품의 수출부진, 가공업체의 감량정책 등으로 홍게통발어업이 더 이상 조업을 할 수 없을 정도의 피해가 발생하고 있다.<BR>  어업피해보상과 관련된 법령은 「수산업법」, 「공익사업을 위한 토지 등의 취득 및 보상에 관한 법」등이 있으나, 해상에서의 폐기물 처리가 공익사업인가에서부터 논란이 있고, 그 손해배상은 어느 법에 의해 보상할 것인지에 대해 논란이 있다.<BR>  따라서 본 논문에서는 폐기물 배출로 인한 어업피해를 구제하기 위한 어업보상에 관하여 일반적인 법리와 함께 동해 병 폐기물 배출해역에서의 손해발생에 대한 보상 문제를 법적 측면에서 연구하였다.   Recently, the waste increases suddenly, because the land control facility is insufficient. The discard of the waste what kind of effect should have gone mad to an oceanic environment, it does not consider not to be, the ocean came to think at the alternative place which is the possibility to solve a land waste problem. And it discharges the waste to the ocean, it started.<BR>  Waste Discard in special oceanic areas is a tendency which becomes accomplished intensively from the waters which is specific to give a harm to fisheries in the discard area and the other marine life it operates, the problem of the compensation against the fisheries damage which is caused by waste discard.<BR>  The law which relates with a fisheries damage compensation is a various branch, the disposal of waste from the sea from common good program authorization is criticism, the compensation in compliance with land back compensation method probably in compliance with the fisheries law compensating probably, against there is criticism.<BR>  Consequently, this research sees investigated the general principle of law regarding the compensation of the fishing industry damage which is caused by waste discard. And it researched the compensation problem against a fisheries damage in the East-sea waste discard area.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        어업의 간접손실보상의 인정기준에 관한 연구

        차철표(Cha Cheol-Pyo) 한국해사법학회 2006 해사법연구 Vol.18 No.2

          공익사업으로 인하여 어장이 폐쇄될 경우, 어업권과 같이 어장이 특정된 어업의 경우는 직접손실로서 어업보상의 대상이 되지만, 어장이 폐쇄되지 않고 인근에서 공익사업을 시행함으로 인하여 인근 어업권에 직간접적인 영향을 미치는 경우에는 그 영향의 대소에 따라 간접손실로 인정된다.<BR>  간접손실보상이란 공공사업의 시행 또는 완성 후의 시설이 기업지 외에 미치는 손실에 대한 보상을 말한다. 「토지등보상법」은 공공사업으로 인하여 발생하는 손실을 보상하기 위한 법률로써 직접적인 손실의 유형뿐만 아니라, 간접손실의 유형을 열거하고 있는데, 간접손실의 유형으로는 공익사업시행지구 밖의 피해로 인한 손실을 규정하고 있다.<BR>  어장이 특정되지 않은 허가어업의 경우에는 직접보상의 대상으로 인정하지 않는 것이 어업보상 실무에서는 일반적이다. 그러나 허가어업은 어장이 특정되지 않았지만 어업허가시 설정된 조업구역의 제한이나 어업자원의 회유로 또는 생육환경 및 어선의 크기 등에 의하여 제한된 장소에서 어로활동을 하는 경우가 많다. 허가어업의 주조업장이 공익사업으로 폐쇄될 경우에는 앞에서 언급한 것과 같이 어떤 형태로든지 피해가 발생한다고 볼 수 있기 때문에, 허가어업도 간접보상의 대상으로 인정되어야 하며, 이러한 피해를 간접손실이라 할 수 있다.   While there have been few disputes about compensation of direct loss from public utility, there have been lots of dispute about scope of loss and coverage of compensation in relation to indirect loss. If there is no compensation for indirect loss of public utility, indirect victims will become scapegoats and land owners within the public utility also suffer from unfairness.<BR>  The current law of acquisition of land and compensation for public utility prescribes the compensation for indirect loss, which covers land, buildings, a small number of remains, damage of fishery, operating loss, and agricultural loss. This study is intended to review the current law and regulations of compensation for indirect loss of fishery and present the standard for the coverage of compensation for indirect loss.

      • KCI등재

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