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      • 체조선수의 Anomie상태가 적응행동 및 일탈행동과의 관계

        이보선,부기원 강원대학교 체육과학연구소 2001 江原大學校附設體育科學硏究所論文集 Vol.- No.24

        The purpose of this research to test relationship among adapation behavior and deviant behavior according to anmie of athletes. This research which to achieve this purpse sample of high school male - fencing fencing athletes who registered the K.G.A in 2000. A sampling abstraction drew a random sampling 250 athletes among selected 300 athletes. The survey questionnaire were used to collect data. The method made use of anomie index chic the Modem Society Association standardozed sentences by translation anomie index invented by Srole(1956) and supplement-modified by Choi Mi Ran(1998) The analuzed-result as followed. First, as the athletes backgroun, the experience of anomie is hider women than men, Also it is less experience of anomie for lower educated-person and more experienced-person of sports. Second, the type of adaptive behavior as the athletes background, conformable behavior is higher experienced-person who wins a prize than person who not-experienced winning a prize. The rebellious behaviour of adagaviour is the highest in the college group. Third, as the athletes background, Drugs is the highest in the college group, it is higher experienced-group of sports, expeniencid-group of winning a prize and the Roman Catholic than any other groups.

      • KCI등재

        인터넷과 헌법상 쟁점들

        李富夏 법무부 2004 선진상사법률연구 Vol.- No.22

        Das Internet ist zur Zeit die weltweit größte und nach wie vor am schnellsten expandierende Kcmmunikationsstruktur. Electronic Mail (E-Mail) ist der am meisten genutzte Dienst im Internet E-Mail erlaubt es, Text von einem Computer auf einen anderen zu übertragen. Um E-Mail zu nutzen, benötigt man allerdings eine entsprechende Adresse. 1. Die Zusendung von unerwünschter E-Mail-Werbung an Private verstößt nach meiner Auffassung gegen Art 17 KVerfR, sofern der Empfänger nicht damit einverstanden ist oder sein Einverständnis auch nicht im Rahmen einer bereits bestehenden Geschäftsverbindung vermutet werden kann. Nach Auffassung der deutschen Gerichte ist das unaufgeforderte Zusenden von Spam-Mail wettbewerbsrechtlich unzulässig. Der Begriff von Spam-Mail ist mittlerweile ein fester Bestandteil jedes Internet-Glossars. Als Spam-Mail bezeichnet man das massenhafte Versenden von E-Mail im Internet Als verfassungswidrig gemäß Art 17 KVerfR (privacy) gilt die unaufgeforderte Bulk E-Mail beim Leeren des elektronischen Briefkastens die unverlangte Werbung unter Aufwand von Zeit, Mühe und Kosten aussortieren muss. 2. Pomographen, politisch Radikale, Rassisten, Militaristen, Antisemiten und Urheber beleidigender und verleumderischer Aussagen haben das Internet als weltweite unzensierte Plattform entdeckt Das ist nicht selten mit Verstößen gegen Rechtsnormen verbunden. Der Staat ist insbesondere immer dann verpflichtet schützend einzugreifen, wenn untragbare Folgen für individuelle und kollektive Rechtsgüter abzuwehren sind. Die Verbreitung verfassungsfeindlicher rassistischer Äußerungen, Gewaltaufrufe, nationalsozialistischen Gedankengutes und ähnlicher politradikaler Propaganda ist geeignet, die als fundamentale staatliche Gesamtordnung in den Grundwerten der Verfassung niedergelegte freiheitliche demokratische Grundordnung unmittelbar zu gefährden. Außerdem können rassistische, radikale Inhalte sowie Gewaltaufrufe die Würde des Menschen nach Art 10 KVerfR verletzen. 3. Fragliche ist, welche Bedeutung angesichts der zunehmenden Globalisierung dem Grundprinzip internationaler Zuständigkeit, dem Territorialprinzip, hinsichtlich nationaler Regelungen noch zukommen kann. Die Manifestation der Hoheitsakte in Form von schriftlichen Bescheiden oder Gewaltanwendungen läßt sich ebenfalls in den meisten Fällen ohne weiteres einem geographisch abgegrenzten Staatsgebiet zuordnen. Dem Territorialprinzip können die Staatsorgane einfach dadurch Genüge tun, indem sie auf dem Staatsgebiet verbleiben und physisch manifestierte Hoheitsakte nicht über die Grenzen hinweg gelangen lassen. Die Staaten dürfen aber über das Internet keine Hoheitsakte an Adressaten im Ausland versenden. Sie dürfen ebenfalls nicht über das Internet hoheitlich auf Inhalte zugreifen, die auf Rechnern im Ausland abgespeichert sind. 4. Betrachtet man die Kooperation und Koordination von Recht als vordringliche Aufgabe nicht nur auf der staatlichen, sondern auf der internationalen Ebene, so wird deutlich, dass dies ein umständliches, langwieriges und alles andere als einfaches Unterfangen ist. 인터넷의 보편화로 인한 발생하는 헌법상의 쟁점들이 계속하여 제기되고 있다. 특히 인터넷상의 가상공간에서의 표현은 다양하고 복잡한 헌법상의 문제를 불러 일으킨다. 첫째, 인터넷상 표현이 다른 매체에 의한 표현과 상이한 특성을 지니고 있다. 따라서 그에 대한 규율의 특이성이 요청된다. 특히 방송과의 차이를 고찰해보면, 인터넷상 표현은 신속성, 국제성, 비용저렴성, 대량정보전달 가능성의 특징을 지닌다. 그리고 가상공간에서의 ID의 사용은 무책임한 표현이나, 불건전한 정보의 유통을 가능케 한다는 문제점을 지니나, 그럼에도 불구하고 인터넷 가상공간에서의 익명의 사용은 헌법상 위헌의 소지가 없다. 왜냐하면 이러한 ID의 사용은 표현의 자유를 신장시킬 뿐만 아니라, ID사용으로 인하여 표현자(인터넷이용자)의 프라이버시권을 보호할 수 있기 때문이다. 인터넷사이트의 회원가입의 문제는 헌법상 양심의 자유와 인격권의 침해를 유발할 수 있다. 이는 특히 기본기입사항(필수사항)과 관련하여 문제된다. 인터넷상의 인종차별주의적, 폭력찬양적 정보, 폭력선동 및 명예훼손적 표현은 "자유민주적 기본질서"(우리헌법 제4조 참조)를 직접적으로 위태롭게 하며, 그밖에 우리 헌법 제10조에 의거한 "인간의 존엄과 가치"를 침해할 수 있다 둘째, 전통적인 주권개념에 의해 인터넷상의 표현들을 규제하는 주권적 행사를 발휘할 수 있는가는 헌법상 재정립해야 할 부분이다. 인터넷상의 불법적 표현을 규제하기 위해서는 국내법과 국제법의 공조가 필요하다. 셋째, 스팸메일은 규범상 "메일수신자의 의사에 반하여 보내진 전자메일"이라는 광의로 정의내리는 것이 타당하다. 스팸메일을 규제하는 방식으로는 옵트인(Opt-in)방식과 옵트아웃(Opt-out)방식이 있는데, 입법적으로는 온라인 서비스업체들 또는 스팸메일전송자가 스팸메일을 보내기 전에 수신이용자의 동의를 얻도록 하는 옵트인(Opt-in)방식이 실행되어야 할 것이다.

      • 住宅組積壁體의 Styropole 斷熱材 使用前과 後의 比較考察

        梁富弘 忠州大學校 1989 한국교통대학교 논문집 Vol.23 No.-

        When we compare the difference between status before and after using Heat insulating materials, it shows that before using them coefficient of heat transmission is 1.5-2.8 Kcal/m²h℃, While after using them it is 0.4 Kcal/m²h℃. Accordingly we can see there is the necessity of heat insulating which needs only smaller amount of 0.4 Kcal/m²h℃ than the standard of heat control 0.5 Kcal/m²h℃

      • 중소기업의 조직개발과 관리에 관한 통합 모형

        박부수,황인표 순천대학교 지역개발연구소 1997 地域開發硏究 Vol.8 No.-

        최근 중소기업의 중요성이 재인식되면서 중소기업의 생산성 향상을 위한 조직개발과 관리모형 개발에 대한 논의가 활발하게 전개되고 있다. 그러나 중소기업경영관리에 활용가능한 선행연구 실적이 미진하고 개발된 이론 또는 부족할 뿐만 아니라 중소기업에 대한 개념규정마저도 각국에 따라 상이하다. 더구나 중소제조기업의 생산성 향상을 위한 효율적인 조직개발과 관리모형 개발이 전무한 실정이다. 따라서 이 연구에서는 선행연구 결과를 검토하여 중소제조기업에서 실천적으로 적용 가능한 연구모형을 구축해보고 향후 연구의 방향을 제시해 보았다.

      • 國際投資紛爭解決制度 : 受容國과 國際企業間의 投資紛爭을 중심으로

        金富燦 제주대학교 1988 논문집 Vol.26 No.1

        The beat mechanism in the settlement of investment disputes is the prevention of disputes. We have to be concerned about taking the appropriate preventive measures, the stress, therefore, should be placed on the substantive points of agreement about investment between States(host, countries) and foreign private investors(Transnational Corporations:TNCs). But it seems that the possibilities for the consensus in the substantive rules of the international investment are limited by the divergent views between and among host countries and home countries(including TNCs). All efforts at international action for the protecton of investment are limited by the basic conflict between the belief of the capital-exporters(home countries and TNCs) that their property is entitled to protection under international law, and the belie of the capital importers(host countries) that foreign investment should be subject to national law. It remains true of the settlement of investment disputes. A major area in which the international framework is still deficient is the settlement of investment disputes between parties of different nationalities, especially between States and nationals of other States. From the traditional point of view, the individual can't bring up a claim on the basis of international law, and always have to turn to his home country. Host countries have insisted on the settlement of investment disputes between themselves and foreign private investors in their own tribunals, and have offered opposition to home countries'diplomatic protection on behalf of their nationals(TNCs). I think that both the arguments of home countries and those of host countries should be criticized. If the aim of internationa law is to settle the international dispute in a manner fair and just to the parties involved and to give greater securtv to the flow of international investment, it could be accompolished through the establishment of international machinery for the settlement of investment disputes. The organization of internatinoal settlement of disputes resulting from contracts between States and foreign private investors is based in particular on the comperation of the host countries concerned. The cooperation of the parties os indispensable for the build-up and the functioning of the organization of the internaional dispute settlement. The cooperation between States and foreign private investors (TNCs could be enhanced by the recognition of a certain degeree of international legal personality of the private parts. In my opinion, a solution would perhaps be to seek the application of international law on the basis of the recognition of a certain degree of international legal personality of TNCs. Such a solution could benefit social progres and development in that it enable the international economic community to define more efficiently and meaningfully the relation between both groups of international economic actors as well as thier mutual responsibilities under the aegis of international dispute settlement a a last resort. The World Bank has taken the lead in this area by establishing an associated Institution, the International Center for the Settlement of Investment Disputes(ICSID). ICSID is the most recent and promising machinery in this field. It was designed to encourage the flow of private foreign investment to the less developed countries by creating the possibility, subject to the consent of both parties, for acontracting State and a foreign private investor who is a national of another contracting State, to settle any legal dispute that might arise out of such an investment by arbitration before an impartial international forum. ICSID anticipates the view that the breach by a State of its contractual obligations towards a foreign private investor may involve international responsibility, and recognizes the procedural capacity of a foreign private investor for bring up a claim on the basis of international law. But its work thus far has been very limited mainly because of the nonparticipation of many countries, especially in Latin America on the grounds that disputes in their countries should be settled under national jurisdiction. This raises the issue how to widen the use of ICSID.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        방선균이 생산하는 아미노산 대사길항물질, YS-460의 분리 정제 및 특성

        박부길 한국미생물생명공학회 ( 구 한국산업미생물학회 ) 1996 한국미생물·생명공학회지 Vol.24 No.3

        An amino acid antimetabolite named YS-460 was isolated from the culture filtrate of a newly isolated Actinomycetes identified as Streptomyces sp. Fermentation was carried out in the synthetic medium at 30℃ for 5 days. Purification was done by ion exchange resin, active carbon, silica gel column chromatography and obtained 38 mg of pure active substance per liter of the broth. YS-460, an amino acid like substance, has the molecular formula of C_7H_11NO_3. Its structure determined to be furanomycin by spectral analysis. It is active against some bacteria on a chemically defined medium and reversed competitively by L-isoleucine and non-competitively by L-leucine and L-valine.

      • 知川書院의 建築樣式에 關한 硏究

        梁富弘,趙源燮 충주대 산업과학기술연구소 1996 産業科學論文集 Vol.4 No.-

        The result of this paper on the side of architectural types about Chichon Sowon is such as followings ; 1.The placement type is arranged along the type of the shrine in the left and school in the right. 2.The shape of building plane is that the shrine is the open plane figure and has a big floor at the central in school and rooms at both sides. 3.The type of Gongpo is that the shrine is Mu-Chul-Mok Yi-Ikkong and the school is Min- do- li types. 4.The form of the frame is that the shrine is high column type and the school is plane column type. 5.The form of the roof is made of all Paljakkiwa.

      • SCR로 속도제어되는 분권전동기의 안정도에 관하여

        南副熙 울산대학교 1977 연구논문집 Vol.8 No.2

        SCR을 사용한 단상 전파정류에 의하여 속도제어되는 직류분권전동기의 속도 제어에서 적기자 전휴의 연속, 불연속 도통에 따른 전동기의 제어계통 안정도를 Liapunov의 제2방법과 미소신호 해석에 의해서 판별하였다. This paper describes the analytic studies on a variable speed dc shunt motor driven by a single phase full-wave rectifier using thyristors. The studies comprise the armature-current equations, system stability, and gain limits.

      • 방사선이 마우스 위장관에 미치는 gastrin의 면역조직화학적 영향

        김부순 한국위생과학회 2002 한국위생과학회지 Vol.8 No.2

        방사선 조사가 위장관 각 부위(위저부, 유문부, 십이지장, 공장, 회장, 맹장, 결장 및 직장)에 미치는 영향을 관찰하기 위하여 비교적 방사선에 민감한 strain으로 알려진 C57BL/6 마우스의 위장관 부위에 국소적으로 2 또는 4 Gy의 gamma선을 조사하여, 8시간 후 위장관의 변화를 관찰하였다. 위장관에 존재하는 내분비세포의 혈 중 gastrin의 수치와 호르몬을 생산하는 내분비세포의 수적 및 분포의 변화를 각각의 항혈청을 이용한 면역조직화적 방법으로 위장관 각 부위에서 관찰하였던 바 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. gastrin 면역반응세포는 정상군을 포함한 모든 실험군에서 유문부와 십이지장에 국한되어 관찰되었으며, 유문부에서는 방사선 조사선량에 비례하여 정상군에 비해 현저히 감소되었으나, 십이지장에서는 수적 변동은 관찰되지 않고, 방사선 조사선량에 비례하여 탈과립을 보이는 세포들이 수적으로 증가되었다. 한편 혈중 gastrin 함량은 상층 조사군에서만 정상군에 비해 증가되었으며, 중간층 및 하층 조사군에서는 정상군과 유사한 수치를 나타내었다. 이상에서 방사선 조사 후 내분비세포의 감소는 면역조직화학적으로 염색되는 내분비세포의 과립이 혈 중에 유리된 결과로 생각되며, 다른 인자에 의한 탈과립의 자극보다는 방사선이 직접 면역반응세포에 작용할 것으로 생각되었다. To demonstrate the effect of local gamma irradiation on the gastrointestinal tract of the radiation sensitive C57BL/6 mice strain, the histological profiles of the 8 portions of gastrointestinal tract(fundus, pylorus, duodenum, jejunum, ileum, cecum, colon and rectum) were observed 8 hours after irradiation(subdivided into 3 parts, upper, middle and lower irradiated group). Gastrointestinal endocrine cells were determined by immunohistochemical methods using specific antisera against glucagon with their serum levels by radioimmunoassay(RIA). Gastrin-immunoreactive cells were restricted in the pylorus and duodenum of all tested groups in this study. They decreased significantly with amount of irradiated gamma ray in the pylorus. And also, degranulation of these immunoreactive cells with amount of irradiated gamma ray was demonstrated. However, serum gastrin levels increased with amount of irradiated gamma ray in the case of upper irradiated group. In lower and middle irradiated group, however, no change of serum gastrin levels was observed. In conclusion, Hormone in blood increased, well corresponding to those of decrease of immunoreactive hormone- producing cells in gastrointestinal tract.

      • 방사선이 마우스 위장관에 미치는 glucagon의 면역조직화학적 영향

        김부순,조광호,박상옥 한국위생과학회 2002 한국위생과학회지 Vol.8 No.1

        방사선 조사가 위장관 각 부위(위저부, 유문뷰, 십이지장, 공장, 회장, 맹장, 결장 및 직장)에 미치는 영향을 관찰하기 위하여 비교적 방사선에 민감한 strain으로 알려진 C57BL/6 마우스의 위장관 부위에 국소적으로 2 또는 4 Gy의 gamma 선을 조사하여, 8시간 후 위장관의 변화를 관찰하였다. 위장관에 존재하는 내분비세초의 혈 중 glucagon의 수치와 호르몬을 생산하는 내분비세포의 수적 및 분포의 변화를 각각의 항혈청을 이용한 면역조직화적 방법으로 위장관 각 부위에서 관찰하였던 바 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. Glucagon 면역반응세포는 정상군을 포함한 모든 실험군에서 위저부에 국한되어 관찰되었으며, 수적 변동은 관찰되지 않았으나, 방사선 조사선량에 비례하여 탈과립을 보이는 세포들의 수적 증가가 인정되었다. 한편 혈중 glucagon함량은 상층 조사군에서만 증가되었으며, 중간층 및 하층 조사군에서는 정상군과 유사한 수치를 나타내었다. 이상에서 방사선 조사 후 내분비세포의 감소는 면역조직화학적으로 염색되는 내분비세포의 과립이 혈 중에 유리된 결과로 생각되며, 다른 인자에 의한 탈과립의 자극보다는 방사선이 직접 면역반응세포에 작용할 것으로 생각되었다. To demonstrate the effect of local gamma irradiation on the gastrointestinal tract of the radiation sensitive C57BL/6 mice strain, the histological profiles of the 8 portions of gastrointestinal tract(fundus, pylorus, duodenum, jejunum, ileum, cecum, colon and rectum) were observed 8 hours after irradiation(subdivided into 3 parts, upper, middle and lower irradiated group). Gastrointestinal endocrine cells were determined by immunohistochemical methods using specific antisera against glucagon with their serum levels by radioimmynoassay(RIA). Glucagon-immunoreactive cells were restricted in the fundus of all tested groups including non-irradiated normal group, similar number of these immunoreactive cells were demonstrated in all tested groups. While increasing of cell numbers showing degranulation were found found dependent with amount of irradiated gamma ray. However, serum glucagon levels increased with amount of irradiated gamma ray in the case of upper irradiated group. In lower and middle irradiated group, no changes of serum glucagon levels were demonstrated in this study. In conclusion, Hormone in blood increased, well corresponding to those of decrease of immunoreactive hormone- producing cells in gastrointestinal tract.

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