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      • Essays in model uncertainty

        Bhandari, Anmol New York University 2015 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247615

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        This dissertation studies insurance arrangements and dynamics of asset prices in environments where models may be potentially misspecified. The first two chapters use Hansen-Sargent multiplier preferences to represent agents' doubts regarding the underlying model as sets of probability distributions that are statistically hard to discriminate. The last chapter investigates model misspecification from a statistical standpoint. It allows for time variation in the parameters governing dynamics of risk factors, risk exposures, and market price of risk and further estimates the model using US asset market data. The insights in the first two chapters come from how doubts interact with wealth heterogeneity. The setting effectively delivers an endogenous component to disagreements (across agents) about the likelihood of future states as a function of the differences in agents' wealth shares. This opens up a new insurance motive that affects how agents trade, and prices that clear insurance markets. In chapter 1, we mainly focus on an exchange economy with aggregate risks and complete markets. The main findings documents how the effects of the doubts driven insurance channel accumulate over time. This is summarized by the changing wealth distribution. The limiting outcomes are contrasted with the Friedmanian conjecture which argues that agents who have incorrect priors do worse in the long run. Although this conjecture holds when agents trust their models, introducing doubts can substantially alter conclusions. A key primitive that turns out to be relevant is the inter temporal elasticity of substitution. Depending on this parameter, small amount of doubts may either ameliorate or amplify the effects on wealth inequality that come from heterogeneous priors. In addition, the transient wealth dynamics deliver countercyclical prices of risk and generates motives for trading on news shocks. The analysis in chapter 1 relies on the presence of aggregate risk. In chapter 2 we study implications of model misspecification in environments with no aggregate risk but idiosyncratic risk that is privately observed and hence uninsurable. The focus here is on market incompleteness; we study two cases, first where we restrict markets such that agents only trade a risk-free bond and the second, where we characterize optimal incentive compatible insurance arrangements. The key finding is that, relative pessimism, or the likelihood of states which have low utility for a particular agent, is diminishing in wealth. Having a large amount of wealth in assets that yield non-contingent return, lowers the volatility of consumption and consequently concerns for misspecification for richer agents. Lastly, in contrast to settings where agents do not have doubts, optimal insurance with private information cab be consistent with bounded long run inequality. The last chapter is a statistical inquiry into understanding the time-variation in asset returns in post-war US data through a lens of a multi-factor asset pricing model. It extends the standard settings with constant parameters to incorporate time variation in parameters that allows one to infer changes in extent, composition and price sensitivity of risks. The setup is kept tractable to permit the use of a Gibbs Sampler for estimation and inference. The findings give a narrative of movements in post-war US equity premium and market price of risks through their low frequency components.


        Bhandari, Pabitra Mani Torch Trinity Graduate School of Theology 2007 국내박사

        RANK : 247359

        This thesis proposes the critical implications of Jürgen Moltmann’s hermeneutic of hope to the suffering church. Chapter two introduces the eschatological orientation of hope. This is done by presenting Moltmann’s concept of promise in the Bible, its history and the experience of human beings as a whole. In Moltmann’s theology, hope is the eschatological interpretation of the biblical promises, history, and the human experience. However, these do not contain the ultimate meaning in and of themselves but wait for their ultimate fulfillment and meaning in the coming Kingdom of God. Consequently, the Christian hope opens up the history for the future possibilities of God. The Trinity is God’s being in action. Therefore, the event of the cross and the resurrection of Jesus is the Trinitarian event where three divine persons love one another mutually in complete selfless love. The suffering of the Son becomes the suffering of the Father. In the process, God is in solidarity with the sufferings of the world. Chapter three deals mainly with Moltmann’s concept of freedom, the human experience of freedom and the church. The eschatological hope is experienced in the history as a life transiting to the future. In light of the future glory, believers receive freedom which is a life in promise and a life open to promise. This freedom leads humans to experience the cross of Christ and participate in the suffering of God. In freedom, the eschatological hope of resurrection is realized in history; therefore, the human opposes death today in history. In the course of realizing freedom today, Moltmann’s hope invites the Church to be in solidarity with the oppressed throughout history, joining various liberation movements. Chapter four provides the critical implications of Moltmann’s exposition of hope and freedom in light of hope to the suffering church. In Moltmann’s hope, the suffering Church receives God on their side in solidarity with them in their suffering. In light of the future hope, the suffering Church realizes the freedom in history, and joins various liberation movements. Since the Kingdom of God for Moltmann is open to all, the suffering Church loses their ontological distinction before God.

      • Variations of Phytonutrient Contents in Capsicum annuum L. as Affected by Environmental Factors

        Bhandari, Shiva Ram Graduate School, Soonchunhyang University 2012 국내박사

        RANK : 247359

        Red peppers are one of the most important horticultural crops and used as spice, vegetables and coloring agent. Phytonutrient contents in red peppers are greatly influenced by both genetic and environmental factors. To quantitatively compare the magnitude of variations in phytonutrients in red pepper induced by environmental factors, red peppers harvested from different cultivation sites, at different harvesting dates at different maturity stages and their phytonutrients were evaluated. Proximate nutrients and most of phytonutrients showed statistically significant site-dependent difference in both large (30 sites from Taean-Gun, Chungnam) or small scale (24 sectors from one site of 1,000 m2 area) experiments. Among evaluated phytonutrients, capsaicinoids exhibited highest site-dependent variations: i.e., coefficient of variation. Compared to small scale (24 sectors of one site), phytonutrients in 30 cultivation sites exhibited higher coefficient of variations although quite similar average values of phytonutrient contents were observed in both experiments. Both 2 tested varieties of red peppers harvested once a week during 2 months of the whole harvesting seasons showed significantly different phytonutrient contents between harvesting times. Such harvesting time-dependent variations were more severe in ascending order of capsaicinoid (CV = 65%) > squalene (CV = 40%) > total flavonoid (CV= 20%) > vitamin C (CV = 19%). Depending upon cultivars and phytonutrients, various patterns of content changes were observed; e.g., continuously increasing, continuously decreasing, high intermediate, low intermediate, and no prominent changes as the harvesting date proceeded from initial to middle and further last harvesting dates. Again, capsaicinoids exhibited higher variations according to maturity changes compared to other phytonutrients analyzed. All tested 6 cultivars showed similar pattern of maturity-dependent changes in all phytonutrients except for capsaicinoids. Differences in maturity-dependent phytonutrient changes corresponding to cultivars could be quantitatively compared in that cv. Superbigarim exhibited wider variations than 5 other tested varieties. Phytonutrient contents observed under different environmental conditions collectively revealed highly positive correlationships among phytosterols, as well as between color (ASTA value) and β-carotene either the variations were induced by cultivation site or harvesting time. Other phytonutrients, however, exhibited relatively not-consistent or low correlationships when different environmental conditions were applied. When relative variation-inducing effects between environmental factors were compared, maturity induced higher phytonutrient variation than cultivation sites and harvesting dates. Among analyzed phytonutrients in this research capsaicin and dihydrocapsaicin exhibited highest variations by changes in any environmental factors such as cultivation site, harvesting time, and maturity levels.

      • (A) search for a Nepali Christian dharma : a constructive theological dialogue

        Bhandari, Pabitra Mani United Graduate School of Theology, Yonsei Univers 2021 국내박사

        RANK : 247359

        네팔 기독교는 네팔이 직면한 정치와 사회적 긴장 속에서 기독교의 정체성과 선교를 정의하는 것이 필요하다. 또한 네팔 기독교는 네팔 사회와 관련된 상황화 신학을 발전시킬 필요가 있고 그 신학이 네팔 사회의 한 부분되어야 한다. 이 논문은 네팔 상황화 신학의 건설적 대화를 위하여 네팔 ‘다르마’(dharma)와 사회적 삼위일체론의 개념을 도출하는 연구이다. 이 과업을 수행하기 위하여, 첫째로 이 연구는 네팔 상황에서의 ‘다르마’의 이해를 발전시킨다. 둘째로, 사회적 삼위일체론이 기독교와 네팔 ‘다르마’의 건설적 대화를 시작하기 위한 적합한 방법인 것을 논의한다. 마지막으로, 네팔 교회가 네팔 사회의 한 부분이 되는 것을 돕고, 당면한 사회적 문제를 다루기 위하여 ‘다르마’와 사회적 삼위일체론의 건설적인 대화를 진행해 나간다. 네팔 ‘다르마’는 가족과 공동체 그리고 국가의 기초가 되는 네팔 사람들의 실천적 종교성을 의미한다. 네팔 문화를 ‘다르마’와 분리하여 생각할 수는 없다. ‘다르마’는 네팔 사람들의 공동의 정체성을 제공함과 동시에 각 개인의 가족과 사회 그리고 국가를 향한 책임감을 나타낸다. ‘다르마’와 분리된 네팔 기독교는 네팔 사회에서 모든 관계를 끊게 한다. 그러나 ‘다르마’는 카스트제도와 여성들의 고통 그리고 가난과 같은 네팔 사회의 다양한 이슈와 관련되어 있다. ‘다르마’를 이용하여 기독교 상황화를 이루어 갈 때, 상황화는 네팔 ‘다르마’와 관련된 사회적 이슈를 다룰 수 밖에 없다. 네팔에서의 상황화 신학은 카스트제도와 여성들의 고통 그리고 가난과 관련된 문제를 다루게 된다. 이런 측면에서 사회적 삼위일체론은 네팔 기독교가 ‘다르마’에 관하여 건설적 대화를 시작하도록 신학적 개방성을 제공한다. 하나님의 페리코레틱 관계 공동체와 인간의 역사를 향한 삼위일체의 개방성을 의미하는 사회적 삼위일체론은 네팔 기독교 공동체를 위하여 신학을 발전시키는 하나의 모델을 제공한다. 따라서 네팔 기독교는 하나님의 페리코레시스와 같이 네팔 사회에서 관계성을 발전시켜 나갈 수 있다. 네팔 기독교가 실천적 종교성으로 변화하도록 ‘다르마’가 이끌 때, 사회적 삼위일체론의 개방성은 ‘다르마’가 네팔 그리스도인의 삶에 실천적인 부분을 형성하도록 돕는다. 친교성과 평등성 그리고 상호간의 복종이 이루어지는 곳에서 ‘다르마’도 삼위일체의 한 부분으로 바뀌어야 한다. ‘다르마’가 네팔 교회에서 삼위일체론의 실천으로서 실행되어져 나갈 때, 네팔 사회의 카스트제도와 여성들의 고통 그리고 가난의 문제가 특별한 삼위일체 선교의 주제가 된다. Christianity in Nepal needs to define its identity and mission to deal with the political and social pressure it faces in its context. Nepali Christianity needs to develop an indigenous contextual theology to make itself relevant in Nepali society. This study aims to bring Nepali dharma and the concept of social Trinity into a constructive dialogue and lay the foundation for a Nepali contextual theology. This research first develops the understanding of dharma in the Nepali context. Secondly, it argues that social trinitarianism is an appropriate platform to initiate a constructive dialogue between Christianity and Nepali dharma. Lastly, it presents a constructive dialogue between Nepali dharma and social Trinity to assist the Nepali church to be part of the society and address the social problems it faces in it. Nepali dharma stands for Nepali people's practical religiosity, the foundation of family, community, and Nepal's whole country. It is unimaginable to know Nepali culture apart from its dharma. Dharma provides a collective identity for Nepali people, and at the same time, it defines every person's responsibility toward family, society, and the country. Nepali Christianity needs to deal with Nepali dharma creatively. Else, the desired relationship with Nepali society becomes superficial. However, various social issues, such as the caste system, women's suffering, and poverty, have entangled Nepali dharma. While seeking indigenization of Christianity in Nepali dharma's likeness, the Nepali church cannot avoid addressing such social issues. Any Nepali contextual theology has to be relevant for addressing the caste-system in the society, women suffering, and the poverty in the country. Social Trinity can provide a theological openness for Nepali Christianity to initiate a constructive dialogue with Nepali dharma. Social trinitarianism, which stands for the community of three divine persons, perichoretic relationship of God, and trinitarian openness toward human history, can provide a model for Nepali Christianity to develop a theology for the Nepali community and establish a relationship with Nepali society in the likeness of divine perichoresis. While Nepali dharma mandates Nepali Christianity to be transformed into a practical religiosity, the openness of social trinitarianism can help it to make a valuable part of Nepali Christian life. Dharma is made part of Trinity, where it is modeled after communion, equality, and mutual surrender. Making dharma as trinitarian praxis puts the Nepali church in a special trinitarian mission for women, low-caste people, and poverty in society.

      • Political instability and economic growth : a case study of Nepal

        Bhandari, Ramila 이화여자대학교 국제대학원 2012 국내석사

        RANK : 247359

        This study aims to analyze the impact of political instability on economic growth in Nepal. Four components (government instability, demonstration/strike, regime change and political violence) are used as components of political instability. This study demonstrates that the continuing political instability has undermined growth by affecting economic program formulated by government and disturbing business environment for private sector. The impact of continuous political instability in Nepalese economy is extensive. This study reveals that political unrest has a) influenced governmental plans and policies b) disturbed tourism sector; c) created a risky environment for investment and disincentive for saving; d) increased trade loss. This case study emphasizes that various components of political instability have different impact on economic growth. Government instability and regime change are more harmful to economic programs initiated by the government whereas strike and political violence are more serious problem to the private sector. The change in legal procedures of election and government formation by consulting political parties can help to maintain stability. Government can propose a direct conversation to agitated group before they announce strike for reducing the number of strikes. 본 논문의 목적은 정치적 불안정성이 네팔의 경제 성장에 미치는 영향을 분석하는 것이다. 정치적 불안정성은 크게 네 가지 요소-1) 정부의 불안정성 2) 데모와 파업 3) 정권 교체 4) 정치 폭력-로 구성되어있으며, 지속적인 정치적 불안정성은 민간 부분에 대한 사업 환경 조성에 악영향을 미쳐 경제 성장을 저하시킨다. 특히 네팔의 경우 정치적 불안정성이 네팔 경제에 미치는 영향은 정부 계획 및 정책 수립에서부터 관광산업 위축, 불안한 투자환경과 저축 억제, 그리고 무역 손실에 이르기까지 광범위하다. 본 사례 연구는 정치적 불안정성의 다양한 구성 요소가 경제 성장에 서로 다른 영향을 미치고 있다는 점을 강조한다. 본 연구에 의하면, 정치적 불안정성의 네 가지 구성 요소 중 파업이 네팔 경제 성장에 가장 부정적인 영향을 미쳤다. 또한 정부 주도의 경제 개발 프로그램에서는 정부의 불안정성과 정권 교체가 해로운 반면, 파업과 정치 폭력이 민간 부분에서는 더 심각한 문제를 일으켰다. 따라서 저자는 정치적으로 안정된 상황을 유지하기 위해서는 정부가 정당과의 협의를 통해 선거관련 법안이나 정부 구성에 대해 변경할 수 있도록 해야 하며, 정치적 소요 집단이 파업을 선포하기 전에 그들과 직접 대화를 시도해야 한다고 제안한다.

      • Numerical and Experimental Investigation of Spring-back in Sheet Metal Forming

        Bhandari Krishna Singh 제주대학교 대학원 2022 국내석사

        RANK : 247359

        판금 형성은 금속 시트가 통상의 실온에서 바람직한 형상으로 형성되는 공정이다. 이 방법은 금속 개질로 유명하다. 따라서 금속, 시트 두께 및 금속 조성의 적절한 선택은 골절을 피하기 위해 고려된다. 그렇기 때문에 스프링백의 오류와 함께 금속판의 성형성과 파라미터를 고려한 연구가 중요한 연구이다. 이 연구 전반에 걸쳐 0.5mm, 0.8mm, 1mm, 1.2mm 및 1.5mm, 알루미늄 금속 시트는 전통적이고 현대적인 기술 기계로 형성되었다. 전통적인 방법의 경우 롤 성형 기계가 사용되는 반면, 현대적인 방법에서는 CNC 밀 링 머시니 금속 시트를 변형시키는 데 사용되었다. 롤 성형기에서, 상이한 앵글 시트가 예를 들어 "L" 및 "U" 형상으로 형성된다. 그리고 180°에 대해 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 및 100 rpm의 다중 압연 속도로 일반 금속 시트를 형성했다. 이는 그림 2에 나와 있이다. 전반적으로, 변형되는 동안, 스프링 백은 금속 시트의 모서리 측면에서 관찰된다. 마찬가지로, 금속을 변형한 후 현대 CNC 기술을 사용하는 동안 금속 시트 스프링 백의 표면에서 관찰된다. 180° 시트의 평면 금속은 10° 내지 90°로 형성되며, 이는 도16에서와 같이 변형되고 있다. 본 실험은 매끄러운 표면과 더 높은 깊이, 개선을 위한 매끄러운 표면 품질 및 스프링백 감소를 위한 금속 시트의 성형성을 평가하기 위해 수행되었다. 스프링백은 감소되었고 매끄러운 금속 시트의 성형성은 실험으로부터 얻어졌다. 나중에 6 장에서는 부드러운 마무리 금속에 대한 산업 아이디어가 논의했다. 매끄러운 완성된 표면을 위해 그리스와 오일과 같은 윤활 사용이 별도로 사용했었다. 그리고, 심지어 복잡한 각도를 변형시키면서 혼합되었다. 그 윤활은 금속 시트에 적용되었이다. 결과적으로, 스프링 백은 혼합 윤활의 도움으로 형성된 금속 시트에서 제어되고 감소되었다. 또한 현대 컴퓨터 수치 제어 CNC는 전반적인 변형 프로세스를 제어하는 데 사용된다. T가 형성된 금속시트는 분쇄되어 형성된 시트가 최종 변형된 금속시트에서 매끄러운 마무리와 함께 얇아지는 표면을 나타낸다. 금속 상 시트는 CNC 기술로 형성되었다. 새로운 상장을 수여하는 산업 제품, 금속 시트가 형성이 소개했었다. 10번 실험을 수행해서 마지막에 질이 좋은 금속 시트를 만들었다. 거칠기, 스프링백 및 최소 최대 깊이와 실험 설정과 방법의 따라 결과를 다를 수도 있다. Sheet metal forming is a process in which a metallic sheet is formed in a desirable shape at a normal room temperature. This method is famous for reforming metal. So proper choice of metal, sheet thickness, and composition of metal are considered to avoid the fracture. That’s why research considering the formability of metal sheets and the parameters along with the error of spring back is important research topic. Throughout the research 0.5mm, 0.8mm, 1mm, 1.2mm, and 1.5 mm, aluminum metal sheet is formed with traditional and modern technology machine. For the traditional method roll forming machine is used, whereas in a modern method CNC milling machine is used to deform metallic sheets. In the roll forming machine, different angle sheet is formed for example “L”, and “U” shape. With a multiple rolling speed of 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, and 100 rpm for 180° a plain metallic sheet was deformed. This is shown in figure 2. Overall, while deforming, spring back is observed at the corner side of the metallic sheet. Likewise, while using modern CNC technology after deforming the metal, at the surface of the metal sheet spring back is observed. Plane metallic of 180° sheet is formed from 10° to 90°, which is being deformed as in figure16. The experiment was performed to evaluate the formability of metallic sheets for a smooth surface and higher depth, smooth surface quality for improvement, and spring back reduction. The spring back has been reduced and the formability of smooth metal sheet has been obtained from the experiments. Later, in the 6th chapter industrial ideas of smooth finishing metal are discussed. For a smooth finished surface, the usage of lubrication, like grease and oil were used separately. And, even mixed, while deforming complex angle. That lubrication has been applied to a metallic sheet. As a result, the spring back is controlled and reduced in a formed metallic sheet with the help of mixed lubrication. Also, modern computer numerical control CNC is used to control the overall deforming process. The formed metallic sheet is milled to deform so the formed sheet shows the thinning surface with the smooth finishing in a final deformed metal sheet. the Metallic prize sheet is formed with the CNC technology. New industrial product for giving an award, metallic sheet is formed. Numerous experiments were conducted. Problem like roughness, spring-back, and minimum-maximum depth was examined with different experiments setup.

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