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        재해보상과 음주운전 사고

        황운희 아주대학교 법학연구소 2017 아주법학 Vol.10 No.4

        산업재해보상보험법은 근로기준법에서 규정한 근로자의 업무상재해에 대한 사업주의 재해보상 책임을 사회보험화 하여, 근로자의 업무상 부상이나 질병을 신속하고 공정하게 보상하여 재해근로자의 재활 및 사회 복귀를 촉진시키며, 근로자가 사망한 경우에는 유족급여를 지급하여 유족의 생활을 보장하고 있다. 이와 같은 산재보험급여 청구권은 근로자의 중요한 근로조건의 하나이기도 하지만 헌법상의 생존권적 기본권인 동시에 재산권적 성격도 지니고 있다. 그런데 근로자의 업무상재해가 때로는 근로자의 범죄행위나 근로자의 범죄행위가 원인이 되어 발생할 때가 있다. 범죄행위는 법률에 의하여 처벌받을 만한 반사회적, 반공공적인 행위로서 형법에 의한 처벌의 대상이다. 국가는 범죄행위에 대하여 처벌할 뿐만 아니라 사전에 예방할 의무가 있다. 이와 같이 근로자의 업무상재해 발생원인이 범죄행위가 원인이 되거나 또는 범죄행위가 곧 업무상재해인 경우 산재보험급여를 지급하여 근로자를 보호할 것인가? 산업재해보상보험법은 근로자의 범죄행위나 범죄행위가 원인이 된 사상(死傷)은 업무상재해가 아니라고 규정하여 보험급여를 지급하지 아니한다. 사회적으로 비난의 대상이 되는 범죄행위와 관련된 근로자의 재해는 국가가 보호할 필요성이 없다는 것이다. 보험급여의 지급이 금지되는 범죄행위 중의 하나가 음주운전 사고이다. 음주운전으로 인한 사고는 단순히 근로자의 재해보상 여부만의 문제가 아니라, 다른 사람의 생명과 신체를 위협하는 반사회적인 범죄행위이다. 근로자의 음주운전 사고로 인한 사상에 대하여 광범위한 기준으로 업무상 재해로 인정한다면, 국가가 관장하는 사회보험 중의 하나인 산재보험이 타인의 생명과 신체를 위협하는 음주운전을 보호하는 것이 된다. 반면에 너무 엄격한 기준으로 업무상재해를 판단하여 재해근로자를 배척하면, 사회적 위험으로 부터 근로자를 보호한다는 사회보험의 이념과 멀어진다. 그러므로 음주운전 사고의 업무상재해는 범죄행위에 대한 징벌적 조치와 사회적인 위험 보호 사이의 균형적인 판단이 요구된다. Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance Act regards laborer’s death from crime or cause of crime as non-occupational accidents, and so, it does not provide insurance benefit as the government is not obligated to protect any death related to criminal act with social disapproval. One of criminal acts banned from accident compensation is drunk driving. Regardless of laborer’s compensation, accident from drunk driving is an anti-social crime which is a threat to human life and safety. Acknowledging laborer’s death from drunk driving as occupational accident with broad criterion may lead Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance Act to embracing drunk driving which is a threat to human life and safety. However, judging laborer’s accident compensation by overstrict standards may also ignore the philosophy of social insurance that is to protect laborers from social danger. Therefore, occupational accident from drunk driving requires balanced judgment between punitive measures and social protection.

      • KCI등재

        요양 중 사망과 장해급여

        황운희 아주대학교 법학연구소 2019 아주법학 Vol.13 No.2

        장해급여는 재해근로자가 요양 받던 부상이나 질병이 치유되어도 신체 등에 장해가 있으면 지급한다. 그런데 재해근로자의 부상이나 질병이 치유되지 않은 상태에서 사망하면, 근로복지공단은 재해근로자의 부상이나 질병이 완치되지 않았다 하여 장해급여를 지급하지 않는다. 이처럼 요양 중 사망에 대한 장해급여 지급 거절은 모든 부상이나 질병에 적용하여도 무리는 없는 것일까? 만일 요양 중에 사망한 재해근로자에게 장해급여를 지급할 수 있다면 그 근거는 무엇일까? 요양 중에 사망한 모든 근로자에게 장해급여를 지급할 수 없는 한계도 분명하게 존재한다. 그러나 증세가 일부 남아 있어 보존적 치료를 받는 것이 증상의 호전을 위한 것이 아니라, 현재의 고정된 증상의 악화를 방지하기 위한 대증적 요법에 불과하여 이미 그 증상이 고정된 상태인 경우까지도 장해급여의 지급을 거절하는 공단의 처분에 문제는 없을까? 판례는 요양 중에 사망한 진폐근로자에게는 미지급 장해급여를 인정하고 있다. 그 이유는 진폐증은 현대의학으로 완치할 수 없다는 특별한 사정을 감안한 것으로 보인다. 그런데 현대의학으로 완치할 수 없거나 회복할 수 없는 부상이나 질병은 진폐만이 아닐 것이다. 재해근로자가 장기간의 요양으로 인한 합병증 등으로 사실상 이미 증상이 고정되어 더 이상의 치료효과를 기대할 수 없는 경우와 기질적 장해, 즉 사지의 단축, 결손, 변형이나 장기의 적출과 같이 이미 증상은 고정되었으며, 계속하여 치료해도 원상회복이 불가능하고 단지 증상의 악화방지를 위한 보존적 치료만을 행하는 때도 있다. 이럴 때도 요양 중에 사망하였다고 하여 진폐근로자와 같이 미지급 장해급여를 지급하여 재해근로자를 보호함이 산재보험법의 목적과 취지에 합당할 것이다. 국민연금법은 ‘사지의 절단’은 그 수술일을 완치일로 보고 있으며, ‘안구 ․ 후두전 적출술’도 그 수술일을 완치일로 보고 있고, ‘폐 ․ 심장 ․ 신장’의 이식을 받은 자는 원칙적으로 수술일로부터 6개월이 지난 날을 완치일로 인정한다. Disability benefits are provided when injured workers maintain disabilities on bodies or others after therapy of harms or illnesses through medical care. However if disabled workers die before the therapy of harms or illnesses, Korea Worker’s Compensation & Welfare Service(KCOMWEL) does not provide any disability benefits on the grounds that the workers’ harms or illnesses had not been fully cured. Would it be reasonable to refuse providing disability benefits for all kinds of harms or illnesses in cases of death during medical care? If disability benefits could be provided for injured workers who died during medical care, then what would be the grounds? There are clearly limitations that cannot provide disability benefits to every worker who died during medical care. However isn’t there any issue on KCOMWEL’s administrative decision refusing to provide disability benefits even for those who currently suffer from sustaining symptoms and need to get conservative treatment not to recover, but to prevent them from getting worse only as symptomatic therapy? There are preceding cases that acknowledge unpaid insurance benefits to be provided for workers who suffered from pneumoconiosis and died during the medical care. The reason seems to be stemmed from consideration of special case that it is impossible to fully cure pneumoconiosis by today’s medicine. However pneumoconiosis would hardly be the only disease that is impossible to be fully cured or recovered by today’s medicine. There are cases in which disabled workers can no longer expect treatment effect due to embedded complications following long-term medical care, and can only sustain conservative treatment not to recover fully but to prevent symptoms from getting worse as in cases of organic disease such as cut, loss, deformation of limbs or loss of organs. In these cases it will be more congruent with the purpose and cause of Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance Act to protect injured workers who died during medical care by providing unpaid insurance benefits as to workers with pneumoconiosis. National Pension Act deems the date of surgery as the date of full recovery for ‘amputation’ and ‘ophthalmectomy ․ laryngectomy’, and principally acknowledges the date of six months after the surgery as the date of full recovery for ‘lung, heart and kidney’ transplant.

      • KCI등재후보

        산재보험 최고보상기준에 대한 詳考

        황운희 한국비교노동법학회 2009 노동법논총 Vol.17 No.-

        Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance benefits is a principle that is paid by criteria the worker's average wage who is suffered a disaster. However, if Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance benefits is calculated by criteria the worker's average wage who is suffered a disaster, income redistribution's function is weak that it is paid the disparity of his average wage. The maximum standard amount of compensation was introduced by the purpose of improving the disparity. Although the worker's wage who is suffered a disaster is higher than the maximum standard amount of compensation, it is paid by criteria Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance benefits' ceiling. Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance benefits is limited that it can't get off the character of damages entirely , unlike other social insurance. Our country chooses the competition adjustment method between Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance benefits and compensation for damages system for preventing the same disaster's duplication compensation. At this time, an amount of the compensation for damages is more increased as a business proprietor isn't subtracted Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance benefits about the amount which exceed the maximum standard amount of compensation. This burden is a structure which still exists a burden exceeding the principle of insurance. Therefore a business proprietor's property right is infringed by the maximum standard amount of compensation, in fact.

      • KCI등재

        원직복직과 해고예고수당

        황운희 아주대학교 법학연구소 2020 아주법학 Vol.14 No.3

        Article 26 of the Labor Standards Act provides as follow: “When an employer intends to dismiss an employee (including dismissal for management reasons), he/she shall give the employee a notice of dismissal at least 30 days in advance of such dismissal, and, if the employer fails to give such advance notice, he/she shall pay such employee a 30 days’ ordinary wage at the least.” This regulation is aimed at protecting against the difficult livelihood of an employee due to sudden dismissal of an employee and losing his/her job. The employer can choose whether to give an advance notice of dismissal to the employee or pay a dismissal notice allowance. When an employer give an employee an advance notice of dismissal, the employee is obligated to offer labor even during the dismissal notice period, and the employer can earn economic benefits from the employee's provision of work. However, in many cases, althought an employer gives up such economic benefits, he/she pays the dismissal notice allowance without an advance notice of dismissal because of reduced trust in a worker. This is why it is hard for the employer to take the employee into the workplace as before. Therefore, the employer pays the dismissal notice allowance to the employee in order to avoid the penalty. If it is determined that the employer's dismissal is unfair, the dismissal becomes invalid and the employee returns to the workplace. If the employee restarted working at the company as before, there would be no need for the employee to find a new job, so there would be no need for the employer to pay the dismissal notice allowance. Nevertheless, paying the dismissal notice allowance is beyond the purpose of an advance notice of dismissal. If the dismissal was invalid, the legal effect should be applied equally to employees and employers. However, it is not fair to ask the employer to still acknowledge the effect of dismissal and pay the dismissal notice allowance even though the effect of invalidation of dismissal applied to an employee. In addition, employees who received the dismissal notice allowance will gain much better economic benefits as the allowance than those who got an advance notice of dismissal. This is not fair even among employees. Therefore, if he/she returns to the workplace due to the unfair dismissal, the dismissal notice allowance will have to be returned to the employer because it is unjust enrichment in accordance with the principle of dismissal invalidation. In addition, the main text of Article 26 of the Labor Standards Act will have to be amended as follow: “When an employer intends to dismiss an employee (including dismissal for management reasons), he/she shall give the employee a notice of dismissal at least one month in advance of such dismissal, or, he/she shall pay such employee one month’s ordinary wage at the least.” Furthermore, it should be eliminated the unnecessary debate, and be maintained the protection of equal value and the principle of proportionality among employees who were dismissed. 근로기준법 제26조는 사용자가 근로자를 해고할 때, 30일 전에 해고예고를 하거나, 예고하지 않으면 통상임금의 30일분을 지급하도록 규정하고 있다. 이 규정은 근로자가 갑자기 사용자로부터 해고되어 일자리를 잃게 되면 생계가 어려워지는 것을 보호하기 위함이다. 사용자는 해고되는 근로자에게 해고예고를 하든지, 아니면 해고예고수당을 지급하든지 선택할 수 있다. 사용자가 해고예고를 하면 근로자는 해고예고기간에도 근로제공 의무가 있으며, 사용자는 근로자의 근로제공으로 인한 경제적 이익을 얻을 수 있다. 그런데도 사용자는 근로자에게 해고예고를 하지 않고, 해고예고수당을 지급하면서 경제적 이익을 포기할 때가 많다. 그 이유는 근로자에 대한 신뢰가 너무 크게 훼손되어 계속하여 고용하기가 어려울 때가 많기 때문이다. 따라서 사용자는 벌칙을 면하기 위하여 해고예고수당을 지급한다. 사용자의 해고가 부당하다고 결정되면, 그 해고는 효력이 없어져서 무효가 되고, 근로자는 원직에 복직한다. 근로자가 복직하여 다시 일하게 된다면 새로운 일자리를 구할 필요가 없어졌으므로, 해고예고수당을 지급할 필요도 없어진다. 그런데도 해고예고수당을 지급하는 것은 해고예고제도의 취지에 벗어난다. 해고가 무효라면 그 법률효과는 근로자와 사용자에게 똑같이 적용되어야 한다. 그런데 근로자에게는 해고 무효의 효과가 적용되어 근로관계가 원상회복되고, 사용자에게는 여전히 해고의 효력을 인정하여 해고예고수당을 지급하라는 것도 공평하지 못하다. 또한, 해고예고수당을 받은 근로자는 해고예고를 받은 근로자에 비하여 해고예고수당만큼의 경제적 이익을 더 누리게 된다. 이것은 근로자들 사이에도 공평하지 못하다. 따라서 부당한 해고로 결정되어 근로자가 사업장에 복직하면, 해고예고수당은 해고무효의 법리에 따라 부당이득이 되므로 사용자에게 돌려주어야 할 것이다. 그리고 근로기준법 제26조의 본문을, “사용자는 근로자를 해고(경영상 이유에 의한 해고를 포함한다)하려면 적어도 1개월 전에 예고하거나, 1개월분 이상의 통상임금을 지급하여야 한다.”라고 개정하여, 불필요한 논쟁을 없애고, 해고되는 근로자들 사이에서도 동일한 가치보호와 비례성이 유지되어야 할 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        최초요양 종결로 인한 장해급여 소멸시효와 재요양 후 장해급여 - 대법원 2015. 04. 16. 선고 2012두26142 판결을 중심으로 -

        황운희 아주대학교 법학연구소 2016 아주법학 Vol.9 No.4

        산재보험법시행령 제58조 제3항은 재요양 후 장해급여를 지급할 경우에 최초요양이 종결될 때에 지급된 장해급여를 공제하고 지급하도록 규정하고 있다. 그런데 재요양을 받고 치료가 종결될 때의 장해상태가 최초요양 종결 때보다 악화되어 장해급여를 지급하여야 하나, 최초 요양이 종결된 때에 장해급여를 청구하지 못하여 이미 소멸시효가 완성된 장해급여도 공제할 수 있는가? 이에 대하여 대법원은 공제할 수 없다고 판결하였다. 그 이유는 산재보험법시행령 제58조 제3항은 장해급여의 중복금지 규정이며, 시효가 소멸된 최초 요양 당시의 장해급여를 재해근로자가 현실적으로 지급받지 못했기 때문이라 하였다. 이와 같은 경우에 재요양 후의 악화된 장해상태에 따른 장해급여를 지급하여도 중복지급의 문제는 발생하지 않는다는 것이다. 이 판결은 재해근로자를 두텁게 보호하는 길을 열었다는 점에서 그 의의가 크다. Enforcement Decree of The Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance Act (Article 58(3)) states that disability benefits from initial medical care are deducted from payment of disability benefits after additional medical care. However, can disability benefits, which were unissued until completion of extinctive prescription, be also deducted when disability benefits are paid as a result of a laborer’s aggravated condition after additional medical care? The Supreme Court ruled against the deduction, for (Article 58(3)) of Enforcement Decree of The Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance Act prohibits any duplicate payments, and the laborer injured by industrial accident has not practically received disability benefits from the initial medical care upon the completion of extinctive prescription. In this case, payment of disability benefits for aggravated condition of a laborer after additional medical care should not be considered as a duplicate payment. The ruling of the Supreme Court is significant that it established the protection of laborers injured by industrial accidents.

      • KCI등재

        산재보험급여의 소멸시효 기산일

        황운희(Whang, Woon-hee) 한국비교노동법학회 2013 노동법논총 Vol.27 No.-

        The industrial accident insurance benefits, which is the social insurance as an obligation of business owners in the Labor Standards Act, is controlled by the government for protecting the rights for living of workers injured by industrial accidents and their bereaved. The social insurance benefits that is controlled by the government is required even special protection than the regular social insurances. Yet, the claims of occupational health insurances is not unlimitedly guaranteed without the period limitation. The claims of occupational health insurance, too, is not able to avoid the legal maxim: the laws aid the vigilant, not the negligent. The initial date in reckoning of extinctive prescription of accident compensation in the Labor Standards Act except the treatment benefit and the temporary incapacity benefit begins from the next day for taking effect of employers’ obligation of accident compensation. Nevertheless, the occupational health insurance benefit has various kinds of insurance benefit depends on the purpose of protecting beneficiaries, and it enforce the pension system for protecting beneficiaries for long periods. Likewise, The initial date in reckoning of extinctive prescription of accident compensation would not be applied uniformly like accident compensation in the Labor Standards Act, but it needs to be preserved by the protection purpose of beneficiaries and the date of payment. Also, the initial date in reckoning of extinctive prescription intends the obligation of the social insurance act for protecting workers injured by industrial accidents and their bereaved upon the aims and ends of the law of workers’ compensation insurance.

      • KCI등재

        산재보험의 유족급여 수급권자

        황운희(Whang Woon-hee) 한국비교노동법학회 2010 노동법논총 Vol.20 No.-

        Survivor's benefits are the insurance benefits paid to guarantee the survivor's living when a worker dies of industrial accident. However, if there is a discrimination or change in reception priority in qualification of recipient based on whether it is survivors' compensation annuity or lump sum survivors' compensation, it can't be a fair system. In qualification of survivors' compensation annuity, a husband should be given the same qualification as well as a wife, and a fetus should also be given the qualification of receiving survivors' benefits. The change in reception priority by a worker's testament should be applied even in the case of survivors' compensation annuity, and to support the purpose of legislation the requirement of testament should be moderated. In addition, plans should be made to prevent survivors' judicial priorities from being disqualified of survivors' benefits by a worker's testament. Also, if adoptive parents have priority in the lump sum survivors' compensation, it should be specified that they should also be given the priority in the case of survivors' compensation annuity.

      • KCI등재

        일용근로자의 퇴직금 산정에 대한 연구

        황운희(Woon-hee Whang) 한국고용노사관계학회 2010 産業關係硏究 Vol.20 No.3

        일용근로자라 하여 근로기준법을 비롯한 노동관계법의 적용에 있어 차별을 받아서도 안 되지만, 지나친 보호규정이 있다면 이 또한 개선되어야 할 과제이다. 일용근로자도 계속하여 1년 이상 근로하다가 퇴직하였다면 퇴직금을 지급 받아야 한다. 그런데 일용근로자의 근로관계는 불규칙함으로, 계속근로의 판단 기준은 단시간 근로자의 “1주 15시간”의 기준에 따라야 할 것이다. 일용근로자의 평균임금 산정도 퇴직 이전 3월간을 기준으로 산정할 수밖에 없으며, 이 금액이 통상임금보다 낮으면 통상임금이 평균임금이 된다. 그러나 통상임금을 기준으로 퇴직금을 산정하게 되면 통상의 근로에 대한 생활임금을 초과하게 된다. 그렇다면 일용근로자의 퇴직금 산정에 통상임금으로 평균 임금을 보장하는 것은 개선되어야 할 것이다. A daily worker should not be discriminated on the application of Labor Relations Act including Labor Standards Act, but if a daily worker is overly protected by provisions, this is also tasks, which must be improved. If a daily worker retired after working with more than 1 year in succession, retirement allowance shall be paid. However, as the labor relations of a daily worker are irregular, a standard of judgment about working in succession will be complied with a short-time worker's standard of "15 hours per 1 week". Computing an average wage of daily worker cannot help calculating based on 3 months of the previous retirement, and if the calculated wage is lower than ordinary wage, ordinary wage is equal to average wage. But if a retirement allowance is calculated by the standard of ordinary wage, it will exceed the wage of ordinary work. Then, to guarantee average wage with ordinary wage for a payment of daily worker's retirement allowance must be improved.

      • KCI등재후보

        未支給 産災保險給與의 相續法理

        황운희(Whang Woon-Hee) 한국노동법학회 2008 노동법학 Vol.0 No.26

        The unpaid insurance benefits in the industrial accident compensation is referred to as the following, that is, if the beneficiary of the insurance dies, then the insurance cannot be paid to the dead beneficiaries in reality, although the claim of the insurance is valid. When it comes to the unpaid insurance benefits, it should be paid to the survivors in accordance with the industrial accident compensation insurance act (including the case of survivors' beneficiaries to the other survivors). By the way, is this regulation connected with succession exclusion provision of civil law or meaning that the unpaid insurance should be paid to the survivors more than anything else, or to the successors other than the survivors but for the survivors? It doesn't recognize succession that the virtual party substituted receiving medical treatment, as medical treatment of the unpaid insurance benefits of the industrial accident insurance cannot succeed for the payment in the actual thing, but the payment in cash recognizes the object of succeeded property. The purport of unpaid insurance benefits is to protect the survivors before the successor, the principle of law should be regarded to be special conditions of succession. Therefore, the unpaid insurance benefits shall be paid to the survivor first; if it were not for the death, it shall be paid to the successor.

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