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        우리나라 도시 로고의 특성 및 효과 탐색 연구

        홍혜현 ( Hye Hyun Hong ),김주원 ( Joo Won Kim ) 한국지방행정연구원 2014 地方行政硏究 Vol.28 No.4

        그 동안 도시 홍보 및 CI 전략 차원에서 도시 로고 사용이 보편화된 데 비해, 이에 대한 학문적 관심은 매우 부족했었다. 본 연구에서는 일차적으로 우리나라 시·군 단위의 162개 도시 로고를 수집하여 세 가지로 유형화(상징형, 아이콘·인덱스형, 타이포그래피형)하였는데, 추상적인 성격의 ‘상징형 로고’가 상당 수(약 40%) 발견되었다. 특정 대상을 형상화한 ‘인덱스/아이콘형 로고’(약 52%)의 경우 대부분 산, 바다/강, 해 등 자연을 형상화하여 유사성이 매우 높음을 알 수 있었다. 또한 로고 유형에 따른 수용자의 인지적·감정적·행동적 반응을 측정하여 로고의 효과를 탐색한 결과, 각 반응에 있어 로고 유형별 차이가 발견되었으며 특히 상징형 로고가 다른 유형에 비해 전반적으로 부정적인 효과를 보이는 것으로 나타났다. 구체적인 연구 결과를 바탕으로, 우리나라 도시 로고의 잠재적인 문제점을 파악하고 향후 도시 로고 제작 및 활용 시 고려해야 할 사항들에 대해 논의하였다. The purpose of this study is to examine the visual characteristics of logos in South Korean cities and to investigate individuals` cognitive, affective, and behavioral responses to the city logos. As a major visual symbol representing the city`s identity, a city logo is often presented in various channels and vehicles. An analysis of 162 city logos showed that the amount of city logos in the iconic/indexical mode (53%) was larger than those in the symbolic mode (40%) although the number of symbolic logos was not ignorable. A huge similarity was found because the vast majority of iconic/indexical logos represented the natural objects, such as mountain, river/sea, and the sun, which blurred the city`s own characteristics and identity. Depending on the three logo types (symbolic, iconic/indexical, and typographical), individuals` responses (e.g., correct recognition, affection, intention to visit the city, etc.) were analyzed. Based on the results, a guideline for and insights into the effective use of city logos are discus sed.

      • KCI등재

        정부-공중 관계성 향상을 위한 PR도구로서 전자정부의 가능성 탐색 연구

        홍혜현 ( Hye Hyun Hong ) 한국PR학회 2012 PR연구 Vol.16 No.3

        E-government refers to a means of providing citizens with government- related information and services as well as opportunities to interact with the government in its administrative processes through the Internet and other information technologies. Because the ultimate goal of government public relations is to build a favorable government-public relationship by effectively delivering public information and services and promoting citizen participation, the systems for e-government can presumably be understood as a significant public relations tool for government. Thus, this study aimed to examine the relationship between the utilization of e-government and the quality of a government-public relationship, indicated by public trust in government. Using the international datasets of United Nations E-Government Development Index and Edelman Trust Barometer from 24 countries, a cluster analysis was performed. Based on the characteristics of the three identified clusters of countries, this study showed that (1) countries with low use of e-government were likely to be associated with low public trust in government; (2) considerable use of e-government was necessary for high public trust in government although it did not always guarantee high public trust. This study demonstrated the potential role of e-government as an advanced government public relations tool in the digital age. Some practical and theoretical issues were discussed in this regard.

      • KCI등재

        페이스북 건강 증진 메시지의 설득 및 구전 효과: 이득-손실 메시지 프레임과 위험성 인식의 영향을 중심으로

        김지은 ( Ji Eun Kim ),홍혜현 ( Hye Hyun Hong ) 한국PR학회 2015 PR연구 Vol.19 No.1

        As public health has become an important issue at both social and individual levels, many health-related organizations make efforts to disseminate health information and promote healthy behaviors. The organizations are especially paying attention to SNS channels because they are known to be effective for information dissemination based on the network of users. The purpose of this study was to examine the impacts of health-promoting messages delivered through a Facebook page on its users. Particularly, the current study investigated the effects of message frames (gain vs. loss) and perceived risk of the disease described in the messages. Results of an online experiment with a Facebook posting on the turtle neck syndrome showed that a gain-framed message, as opposed to a loss-framed one, was more effective in increasing the participants`` intention to share the information and enact preventive behaviors. Those who perceived greater risk were likely to report higher intentions. The interaction between the message frame and the perceived risk was found in terms of one``s intention to clik ``like`` for the health message in Facebook. Some practical and theoretical implications are discussed in terms of health promotion campaigns via Facebook.

      • KCI등재

        관여도와 사전지식수준에 따른 여성 잡지의 제품 퍼블리시티 효과 연구

        조정식 ( Jung Sik Cho ),홍혜현 ( Hye Hyun Hong ) 한국PR학회 2013 PR연구 Vol.17 No.4

        Product publicity is known as a popular public relations tool for promoting a product or service. However, there has been little research documented to measure the effectiveness of product publicity in a systematic way. Given that most previous measures of publicity effectiveness were provider-centered and credibility-focused, this study aimed to examine the effectiveness of product publicity appearing in major women`s magazines, in terms of cognitive, attitudinal, and conative responses of audiences to the messages, based on one`s level of involvement and prior knowledge. Responses from 600 female audiences, who read the September 2012 issue of ten major women`s magazines, were collected. The results showed that those who had greater level of involvement were more likely to seek and engage in product publicity presented in the magazines, and to be positive toward the messages in terms of message credibility, utility, and favorability. However, the more prior knowledge respondents had the less actively they attended publicity messages. Nevertheless, those with greater prior knowledge showed more positive attitude toward the messages and greater purchase intention. Some theoretical and practical implications were discussed.

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