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        어느 명치 일본작가의 종교관 연구 : 기타무라 도코쿠와 프로테스탄티즘 Kitamura Toukoku and Protestantism

        허배관 한국문학과종교학회 2004 문학과종교 Vol.9 No.1

        Toukoku Kitamura, a Japanese poet and novelist of the Meiji era was committed to Protestantism, and detached himself from it. When he got married with a Japanese lady Mina, Toukoku was baptized at the Sukiyabashi Church, and soon after, he engaged himself in Christian missionary activity. Indeed, it is quite difficult to say definitely what kind of religious stage Toukoku tried to reach, and finally attained. It is because his religious view is nearly mystical. It is because he was not satisfied himself with Christianity that he approached to Oriental religious thoughts. Christian churches did not allow his criticism against Christian society, Toukoku went through hardships. In his works, we can see a kind of frustration in his speculation. But when he tried to enlighten the people in the Meiji era, he found a weapon in religious Unification. Such a revolutionary attempt could not easily accomplish its task, that is, the establishment of the modern self. It is because a kind of feudalism which lingered in the Meiji era fettered people's minds. As to Toukoku, his modern ego was not fertilized enough, because he died so young. This may have been a tragedy not only for Toukoku himself, but also for the modernizing Japan A japanese modem ego stopped its development at the immature state.

      • 명치시대 일본 작가의 종교관 : 北村透谷の基督敎觀分析を 中心に 北村透谷의 기독교관 분석을 중심으로

        許培寬 동의대학교 인문과학연구소 1999 인간과 문화 연구 Vol.4 No.-

        明治時代の基督敎を論じる時は近世の民衆信仰の狀況を檢討する必要がある. 日本を最初に統一した德川家康は身の危險を感じるように成り, 主君に對しての絶對的な忠節を强要する儒敎を導入する反面, 基督敎を信ずるのを强く禁じた. したがって基督敎は近代日本の內に侵透することが出きず, 明治屍臺作家達の間では基督敎を一種のファッションとして考える傾向があった. また, 近代初期に流入された西歐の文學理論は日本の傳統的な思想と不調化になり, 南蠻文化に對しての異質感が蔓延し, 基督敎は明治期の日本に定着することに矢敗してしまった. 近代作家に流入された西歐の文學理論は日本の傳統的な思想と不調和になりも,日本特有の民間信仰と衝突し, 調和した形態を持った. 政治に關心を持っていた彼が大坂事件以後, 目を向いたのは作品活動であり, 結婚當時にあった入信の形もまとな物とは思われい痕迹を多くている. 透谷に影響をあたえた作家に美國のエマソンという作家がいる. ふたりの 共通點は基督敎に屬していた事だけではなく, 基督敎を批判した所にある. その結果, 敎團はたりを異端視し, 團體からふたりを追い出してしまった. ここで問題な傾向が現在の硏究家の間でも起きてう事である. おそらく硏究家というのは常に客觀的な立場から作品分析を行なわなけれらないのにもかかわらず,一定の宗敎團體等に屬し, 特定の宗敎,宗派の觀點を堅持してるのである. 特に笹淵友一氏の硏究は透谷の作品を基督敎の觀點から分析しており, 他の宗敎からの影響の可能性を排除する傾向が目だつ. したがって筆者は透谷の入信の當初から基督敎批判に至るまでの經路を綿密に檢討する必要性を感じる. 透谷の作品の核心なる所は 「內部生命」という語で集約されてあると言えるし, これはエマソンの 「靈感論」の影響を受はているのは確かである. 西洋の宗敎に滿足を得られなかったエマソンは結局, 東洋に關心を特つようになり, 特にヒンズイズムにおける 「ブうフマ」と「アツマ」の思想は, 「大靈」(Over-soul)と 「小靈」(Soul)に飜譯さされ,透谷の 「內部生命論」を生む結果になった. 筆者は本稿透谷の「內部生命」が基督敎の影響ではなく, 佛敎の影響を受けていると言いのではない. むしろ透谷の信仰, というよりも宗敎認識は一つの宗敎, 宗派に限られたものではなく, もっと自由なもの, つまり基督敎, 佛敎, 道敎等のいろなものの集合體であると把握すべきであり, いわば], それらがない交ぜになった?沌なるものであると言いたい. 本稿はその一端にふれてみたわけである. 彼らの思想に關聯すると思われるさまさまな要素からの解析を試みることによって透谷の全體的理解に一?でも近づくことが出來ると思う.

      • KCI등재

        어느 명치 일본작가의 기독교 체험 : 기타무라 도코쿠와 교회 Kitamura Toukoku and the Church

        허배관 한국문학과종교학회 2003 문학과종교 Vol.8 No.2

        Toukoku 's literary career lasted a brief five years, from the publication of Shoshu no shi on 9 April 1889 to his death by suiside on 16 May 1894. Throughout these years, he worked for various Christian missionaries, who not only provided him with his principal means of livelihood, but profoundly influenced his writings. The two most important groups were the Quakers of the shiba Friends Church in Tokyo and the Azabu Christian Church missionaries, also in Tokyo. Toukoku first became connected with the Quaker mission through George Braithwaite, who hired Toukoku as a translator-interpreter sometime before October 1889. At least it is thought that Toukoku was the interpreter who accompanied Braithwaite to Mito that month. In the fall of 1890, Toukoku began working as a teacher at Friends Girl School. Cosand's correspondence with the Women's Foreign Mission Association of the Friends of Philadelphia(W.F.M.A) not only clarifies Toukoku's position but indirectly sheds some light on his relationship with Tomii Matsuko. In the summer of 1892, Mary Morris and Mary M. Haines informed the W.F.M.A. of their decision to return to Japan. For Haines this was to be a three year stay as a teacher at Friends Girl School. At this time, Joseph and Sarah Cosand were on their way back to Japan. Morris and Haines pined them in Vancouver, Canada before sailing to Japan in October. Haines was thus a teacher at the school in August 1893 when Tomii Matsuko died. In January 1892, Toukoku stopped working for both Cosand and Rev. Charles S. Eby of the Canadian Methodist Church. Toukoku commited a suicide at his garden in Shiba Park in the early morning on May 16, 1894. His age was 25.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        기타무라도코쿠와 도쿠토미소호의 문학 ―「인스피레이션」에서 「내부생명론」으로―

        허배관 한국일본근대학회 2011 일본근대학연구 Vol.0 No.31

        기타무라 도코쿠와 도쿠토미 소호가 일본근대문학에서 점하는 위치와 그 역할의 중요성에 대해서는 재론할 필요가 없을 것이다. 명치시대라고 하는 급박한 사회환경 속에서 두 작가는 그 문학적 인식에 있어서 초기에는 같은 노선을 걷고 있었으나, 점차적으로 그 문학적 주장이 차이를 갖게 된다. 본논문은 이러한 두 작가의 문학론의 비교문학적 연구라 할 수 있다. 연구방법으로서는 첫째, 두 작가를 전후한 문학적 환경에 관해 조사하였다. 이어서 소호에 의하여 제기되어진 「인스피레이션」논을 도코쿠가 어떻게 수용하였는가를 살펴 본 후, 양자의 작품에 드러난 문학론의 유이점과 상이점을 구체적인 작품을 예로 들어 비교분석하였다. 비교의 텍스트로는 도코쿠의 경우, 「명치문학관견(明治文學管見)」등의 대표적인 평론을 주로 인용하고, 소호의 경우는 「인스피레이션」, 「관찰(觀察)」 등의 작품을 인용하였다. 이상의 연구를 토대로 도코쿠가 소호의 문학을 어떻게 수용하였고 또한 「내부생명론」을 쓰게 된 과정에 대하여 밝혀 보았다. Kitamura Toukoku and Tokutomi Soho were the two major writers who represented the Meizi Era. In the beginning, they started with a common awareness of what literature is; but over the years, their opinions diverged. This paper tries to make a comparative study of their works. For the understanding of their background, I surveyed the literary environment of the two writers. Specifically, I focused on the way how Soho's view of Inspiration was received by Toukoku and analyzed the likenesses and differences in their works with the relation of reception in mind. I read "Meizibunngakukannkenn" and other important critical essays by Toukoku and "Inspiration" and "Kannsatu" by Soho for the comparative study of their positions. In consequence, I illuminated how Soho's literary position was received by Toukoku and elucidated the meaning of Toukoku's theory of the Inner Life in conclusio

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재후보

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