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      • KCI등재

        아버지의 부모효능감이 자녀의 학교생활적응에 미치는 영향: 가정에서 교육지원활동의 매개효과

        최혜영 ( Hea Young Choi ),이수현 ( Suhyun Lee ) 대한가정학회 2017 Human Ecology Research(HER) Vol.55 No.1

        Father participation in child rearing is gaining its importance in the field of child development. Previous literature consistently suggests the importance of parental efficacy and educational support on children`s school life. However, studies which that focus exclusively on the role of the father`s role are highly limited. Based on previous literature, we hypothesized that parental efficacy would directly and indirectly affect children`s school life via parental educational support at home. We aimed to expand on the previous literature by exploring the relations within fathers. Participants were 662 fathers whose children attended elementary, middle, and high school. We measured parental efficacy, educational support at home, and their children`s school life were measured. Descriptive statistics were first conducted to investigate the general features of participants as well as the correlations between study variables. The research model was analyzed using structural equation modeling in AMOS 20.0. Results proved the direct effect of father`s parental efficacy on father`s educational support at home as well as children`s school life. Fathers` educational support at home mediated the effect of parental efficacy on children`s school life. Our results suggests that fathers who perceive themselves as efficient parents provides a higher level of educational support at home for their children; consequently, children of those fathers in turn adjust better in school and achieve higher grades. Also, the father`s parental efficacy also indirectly exerts positive effects on children`s school life via heightened educational support at home. An importance of paternal participation and support in child rearing and education was highly suggested. Relevant policy issues regarding paternal educational support were discussed.

      • KCI등재

        후기 연진회(鍊眞會)의 사군자 연구 ― 대한민국미술전람회와 전라남도미술대전 출품작을 중심으로 ―

        최혜영 ( Choi Hea-young ) 전남대학교 호남학연구원 2017 호남학 Vol.0 No.62

        본 논문은 광주지역의 가장 오래된 수묵채색화단체인 연진회(鍊眞會, 1938- )의 현대 사군자 양식에 관한 글이다. 근현대 광주화단의 거장 의재 허백련(毅齋 許百鍊, 1891-1977)은 일제강점기 격변하는 국내화단의 흐름 속에서 조선말기의 전통남종화를 지속하여 그린 인물로 잘 알려져 있다. 그는 산수화뿐만 아니라 매란국죽에 화훼류를 더한 팔군자, 십군자를 평생에 걸쳐 다수 남기면서 호남지역의 사군자전통을 이어나갔다. 허백련을 중심으로 결성된 연진회(鍊眞會)는 시대, 구성인물과 모임의 성격이 변화함에 □라 일제강점기의 전기 연진회와 해방이후의 후기 연진회로 구분한다. 후기 연진회는 1950년대부터 허백련의 문하에 들어가 도제식 교육을 통해 서화를 배운 이들로, 그와는 사제관계에 있기 때문에 화풍 간 영향관계가 분명히 드러난다. 이는 호남지역 서화가들의 동호적 성격이 짙은 전기 연진회와 구분되는 점으로, 이러한 특징 때문에 후기 연진회의 초기 창작활동은 기법적, 제재적인 측면에서 허백련의 화풍과 유사한 요소들을 찾아보기가 쉽다. 그 중에서도 남종화 창작활동의 기초단계로 여겨지는 사군자는 이러한 측면이 더욱 두드러지는 장르이다. 즉, 후기 연진회의 사군자는 허백련으로부터 호남화단의 전통 사군자 계보를 이어갔다는 점에서 의의를 지니고 있다. 또한 이들은 1950-1970년대 화단에서 열풍을 일으켰던 대한민국미술전람회, 전라남도미술대전 등 관전에서 괄목할만한 수상실적을 내면서 한국 현대 사군자의 일맥을 이룸으로써 중요하게 여겨진다. 한편으로 왕성한 공모전 활동이 연진회의 사군자 양식에 미친 영향 역시 존재하는데, 관전이 제시한 규격에 따라 사군자를 그리는 화면의 규모가 축소, 정형화되고 그 안에서 제재 선택의 폭도 좁아지게 되었다는 점이다. 이러한 배경 속에서 후기 연진회는 호남화단의 팔군자 전통에 따라 매란국죽 외에도 모란과 소나무 등을 다수 그리는 독자적인 특징을 드러내었다. 또한 일부 작가들은 일명 ‘허백련 풍 사군자’에서 탈피하여 일찍이 개성적인 화풍을 펼쳐나가기도 하였다. 이렇게 허백련의 전통을 이어받은 후기 연진회의 사군자는 이들이 직접 설립, 운영하였던 연진회미술원으로 이어짐으로써 대략 한 세기에 가까운 시간 동안 그 양식이 이어져나갔다는 점에서 의의가 있다. This paper studies modern painting style of the Four Noble Plants(plum blossom, chrysanthemum, orchid, and bamboo) by members of Yeonjinhoe (1938- ), the oldest association of ink and light color painters in Gwangju, the central city of southeastern Korea. Heo Baek-ryeon(1891-1977), pennamed Uijae, is an iconic painter from Gwangju. He is well known for upholding the traditional Southern School painting of the late Joseon period through the great change in Korean painting that occurred during the Japanese occupation. Carrying on the tradition of the Four Noble Plants of the Jeolla region, Heo Baek-ryeon added four or six flowering plants to the original Four Noble Plants and left many paintings of what could be called the Eight Noble Plants and the Ten Noble Plants in addition to landscape paintings. Organized under the leadership of Heo Baek-ryeon, the Yeonjinhoe underwent two distinct phases marked by change in the membership and purpose of meetings of the association: the Early Yeonjinhoe and the Latter Yeonjinhoe. Yeonjinhoe in the latter period was composed of painters who had learned painting from Heo Baek-ryeon through apprenticeship training since the 1950s. Paintings by members of the Latter Yeonjinhoe show obvious influence of the master. It is easy to find similarities to Heo Baek-ryeon’s painting style in earlier works by the Latter Yeonjinhoe members in terms of techniques and subjects. This distinguishes them from paintings by the Early Yeonjinhoe members working on calligraphy and painting in the region, who shared the same basic taste but were independent. Influence of Heo Baek-ryeon is much more apparent in the paintings of the Four Noble Plants that are thought to have been done during the early stage of Southern School painting. In short, the paintings of the Four Noble Plants by members of the Latter Yeonjinhoe are important in that they continued the genealogy of the Four Noble Plants tradition of painting in the Jeolla region following Heo Baek-ryeon. Interestingly, the Latter Yeonjinhoe members made strong showings in major governmentorganized art competitions including the Grand Art Exhibition of Korea and the Grand Art Exhibition of Jeollanam-do Province and formed one of the main streams of the Four Noble Plants in modern Korea. And Yeonjinhoe came to be regarded as an important art circle in Korea. On the other hand, the painting style of the Four Noble Plants of Yeonjinhoe became increasingly influenced by competitions because of the members’ wide participation. Their works became smaller and standardized according to the entry requirements of the competitions, which necessarily narrowed the choice of subjects. Nevertheless, the unique painting style of the Latter Yeonjinhoe showed through, and the members did numerous paintings of peonies and pine trees together with plum blossoms, chrysanthemums, orchids, and bamboo, the four traditional subjects of painters of the Jeolla region. Some painters who emerged from the so-called ‘Four Noble Plants in the Heo Baek-ryeon style’ eventually developed their own unique painting styles, but the style of Four Noble Plants of the Latter Yeonjinhoe, which was built on the tradition of Heo Baek-ryeon, was carried on by the Art Institute of Yeonjinhoe founded and run by members of the Latter Yeonjinhoe. That painting style of Heo Baek-ryeon continued for nearly one hundred years testifies to the importance of the art of Yeonjinhoe.

      • KCI등재

        청소년 자녀를 둔 어머니의 학부모 역할 스트레스, 가족응집력 , 가족적응력이 부모 효능감에 미치는 영향

        최혜영 ( Hea Young Choi ) 대한가정학회 2016 Human Ecology Research(HER) Vol.54 No.4

        This study examined how parental role stress, family cohesion, and family adaptation of mothers who have adolescent children influenced parental efficacy. The subjects were 739 mothers of 370 junior high school and 369 senior high school children. Collected data were analyzed using t -test, correlation analysis, and hierarchical regression analysis after analyzing the data. The results of the study were as follows. First, mothers with high incomes, high educational level, and children with high school grades saw an increase in parental efficacy. Second, there were significant positive correlations in parental role stress, family cohesion, family adaptation and the parental efficacy of mothers. Third, the results of this study showed that parental role stress, family cohesion, and family adaptation were factors to understand the parental efficacy of mothers. Family cohesion was also an important factor to understand the parental efficacy of mothers. The findings confirm that the anxiety of parental role stress for mothers who have adolescent children is not a negative factor in regards to lower parental efficacy. The findings suggest that parental education programs for mothers of adolescent children and a required social welfare system for parental roles was not recognized as a stress factor.

      • KCI등재

        장애 학생을 대상으로 한 진로교육 프로그램의 효과에 관한 메타분석

        최혜영 ( Hea Young Choi ) 대한가정학회 2017 Human Ecology Research(HER) Vol.55 No.3

        This study was to analyze the effects of the career education program for students with disabilities. The analysis was performed based on two research questions. First, the total effect size on the career program for students with disabilities was considered. Second, the difference of the effect size between the sub-groups regarding dependency variables, types of disabilities, types of schools, number of people, and number of sessions was also included for analysis. For this, the author reviewed a database and analyzed 12 previous studies, presented in five master thesis and seven Korean journals from 2005 to 2015 based on the author`s selection criteria. Subsequently, 27 effect size was found. The publication bias was analyzed by Rosenthal`s fail-safe N. The overall effect size for all studies on the random effect model was 1.717, which was positive and high in value. Given the heterogeneity among the effect size, the subgroup analysis was conducted, and indicated that the effect size was significantly high when the purpose of the program was related to the student`s self-decision ability. The results demonstrated that the programs were specified for students with intellectual disabilities, when the schools were elementary, when the number of students in a group was 1-10, and when program sessions lasted more than 21 times, the effect size was high. Implication for the future research and program implication were discussed on these findings.

      • KCI우수등재

        사물의 범주 위계에 따른 영아의 범주화 수행

        최혜영(Hea Young Choi),이강이(Kang Yi Lee) 한국아동학회 2012 아동학회지 Vol.33 No.5

        The purposes of this study were to investigate how children`s categorization differs in object categorical hierarchy and to examine whether these aspects were different according to the children`s age of 18 months, 24 months, 30 months. The participants consisted of 120 young children aged 18 months, 24 months, and 30 months from 31 child-care centers located in middle-income regions of Seoul and Kyonggi Province. The major findings were as follows:First, all the children from all three age groups could consistently differentiate the superordinates; however, they could not consistently differentiate basic categories. Second, 24 month appears to be a critical change period in category development. Third, as the children become older, they are able to acquire more knowledge regarding categories. These results suggested that the advent of ordering, in terms of basic categories as well as superordinates which occurred around the age of 24 month, was confirmed in category development.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

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