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      • 입자의 형상에 따른 열영동 현상에 관한 연구

        최광열 漢陽大學校 大學院 2002 국내석사

        RANK : 248671

        본 연구에서는 입자의 형상에 따른 열영동 포집 효율을 관찰하기 위하여 온도구배가 존재하는 곳에서라면 다른 메카니즘에 비해 열영동력이 지배적으로 작용하는 입자크기 30nm~80nm 범위에서 전구체인 TEOS(tetrarthylorthosilicate)의 몰농도를 조절하여 응집 및 비응집 실리카 입자를 기상응축법으로 합성하였다. 증발기와 전기로를 구성하여 입자를 발생시켰고, 발생된 입자의 농도분포는 SMPS(scanning mobility particle sizer)를 이용하여 측정하였다. DMA(differential mobility analyzer)를 이용하여 원하는 크기의 단분산성 입자를 열영동 집진기(thremophoretic precipitator)에 보내주었으며, CNC(condensation nuclei counter)를 이용하여 실시간으로 열영동 집진기 통과 전과 후의 입자 농도를 측정함으로써 열영동 포집 효율을 비교할 수 있었다. 열영동 집진기로는 동심 이중관을 구성하였고, 이들 합성된 입자형상의 확인은 입자포집기와 TEM(transmission electron microscope)을 이용하였다. 그 결과로 TEOS의 몰농도가 증가함에 따라 비구형의 응집된 입자가 발생하였고, 비응집입자가 응집입자에 비해 열영동 효율이 높게 나타났으며, 입자크기가 커질수록 입자의 응집도에 따른 열영동효율의 차이가 크게 나타났다.

      • 전문대학생의 직업기초능력에 대한 자기인식정도가 직업관정립과 자기효능감 향상에 미치는 영향

        최광열 경상대학교 행정대학원 2011 국내석사

        RANK : 248639

        본 연구에서는 간호계열 학생들을 중심으로 본인이 가지고 있는 직업기초능력을 인지시키고 이를 개발함으로써 자신의 직업에 대한 직업관을 정립하고 이를 통해 자기효능감을 개발하여 현 전문대학의 교육과정 개선방안을 모색해보고자 경남지역과 부산지역의 보건대학 간호과 3학년과 4년제 대학 간호학전공자를 중심으로 설문지를 이용하여 직업기초능력, 직업관, 자기효능감에 대한 조사를 실시하였다. 모든 설문지는 자기 기입법으로 구성되었으며 방문 및 우편수거를 실시하여 부실한 응답을 제외한 최종 보건전문대학 155부, 간호대학 117부의 조사지를 이용하여 연구결과를 도출하였다. 설문조사를 통해 측정한 결과 진주지역 간호계열 전문대학 학생들의 직업기초능력, 직업관, 자기효능감은 거의 4년제 간호대학 학생들의 수준과 유사한 수준을 보였으며, 부산지역은 다소 떨어지는 것을 확인할 수 있었다. 비록 수리능력이 매우 떨어지는 양상이었으나 그 외 다른 수준에서는 진주지역 간호전문대학 학생들의 수준은 매우 높은 수준임을 확인할 수 있었다. 하지만 가설검증 결과에서는 연구대상자들이 전혀 차이가 없었던 직업관 정립은 리더십이 강해지면 직업관 정립에 도리어 방해가 되는 요인임을 알 수 있었다. 따라서 학생들로 하여금 리더십 배양에 대한 인식강화보다는 문제해결능력이나 경력개발, 팀워크를 배양시킴으로써 본인의 기본기를 탄탄하게 갖추게 함이 직업관을 향상시키는 주요요인으로 작용함을 알 수 있다. 그러나 자기효능감에 대해서는 리더십이 향상됨으로써 높아지는 효과가 있음이 나타났다. 자기효능감 중 일반적 자기효능감에서는 직업관정립과는 무관하지만, 사회적 자기효능감에 대해서는 직업관정립으로 인해 많은 향상효과가 있음이 나타났다. 이 연구결과를 토대로 전문대학 학생들의 직업능력을 향상시키기 위해서 다양한 직업배양프로그램을 개발하여 학생들의 직업능력을 향상해야 하지만 본인 스스로의 리더십이 때로는 직업을 선택하거나 직업 활동에 다소 방해요인이 될지도 모르는 위험한 요인이 될 수 있음을 환기시켜 대학생들에게는 함께 할 수 있는 공동체 의식이나 팀워크 배양을 더욱 향상시키고, 사회적인 면을 배양하기 위해서는 책임감이나 자신감 또한 무시할 수 없는 주요 요인임을 인식해야 한다. This study's purpose is to find the improvements of current college educational course, to help students be aware of their key competencies and to develop their self efficacy and establish their occupational views. I carried out a survey of key competencies, occupational views and self efficacy of Nursing College 3-year students and 4-year University nursing majors. All of the questionnaires consisted of self-written blank forms, and both visit survey and mail survey were used. The research result was drawn from 155 questionnaires of 3-year Nursing College and 117 ones of 4-year Nursing University except truthless responses. The result shows that key competencies, occupational views and self efficacy of 3 year Nursing College students in Jinju were almost similar to the those of 4-year University Nursing students, but those of college students in Busan were a little lower. Comparing to 4-year university students, students in Jinju were inferior in scholastic ability and they were superior in other all aspects. Although hypothesis test showed that research subjects had no difference in occupational view establishment, stronger leadership was a major disturbing factor to it. Therefore, developing students' key competencies by strengthening problem-solving skills, career development and teamwork can be seen as a major factor to improve occupational view. Also, a sense of self-efficacy became stronger as their leadership was improved. While general self-efficacy was independent of work ethic establishment, social self-efficacy was improved considerably by occupational view establishment. The findings shows that college should improve students' key competencies by developing various occupational programs. Students should be reminded that their own leadership sometimes can be a disturbing factor to job select and occupational activities. Also, they should be aware that their own confidence and responsibility is a major factor to improve community spirit, teamwork and social aspects.

      • BIM기반 건설정보화시스템의 현장 적용성 평가모델 구축 방안 연구

        최광열 慶尙大學校 2012 국내석사

        RANK : 248639

        As construction information technology has recently and rapidly developed, construction projects also get to be larger and more complicated. As the size of building projects get to be larger and more complicated, requirements from the many views including improvement of their productivity, quality control, management of the costs and management of the construction period are being generated. To satisfy these requirements, especially, big construction companies started to develop PMIS(Project Management Information System) and introduce construction projects in the middle of 1980s. As the Korean construction industry recently gets to be complicated, the systematic management and operation of construction project information are required. Therefore, the construction information system which was developed and used as the limited items in the recent project business is being extended to all the knowledge areas for efficiency of business and especially, introduction of the BIM(Building Information Modeling) system and development of BIM-based construction information system are being actively arranged. But people who use this BIM-based construction information system are very limited. It's because the management-centered system not the actual users-centered, that is, foremen-centered system has been built and used. This implies that reflection of the requirements of foremen who is the actual users is inadequate when the system is built. Therefore, utilization of foremen was very low. This study tries to suggest the model which can evaluate field application of the BIM-based construction information system which needs it as it is being used to increase its utilization or its development is completed. It is thought that field application of the BIM-based construction information system, utilization and the use effect in the fields will be increased by presenting its detailed improvements through the suggested evaluation program. 최근 건설 정보화 기술이 급속히 발전함에 따라 건설프로젝트도 대형화 복잡화 되어가고 있다. 건설프로젝트의 규모가 대형화 되고 복잡해져 감으로써 건설프로젝트의 생산성 향상, 품질관리, 원가관리 및 공기관리 등 많은 관점에서의 요구사항이 발생하고 있다. 이러한 요구사항들을 충족시키기 위해서 1980년대 중반부터 대형건설사를 중심으로 건설정보화 시스템(Project Management Information System; PMIS)을 개발하고 건설프로젝트에 도입하기 시작했다. 최근 국내 건설 산업이 복잡화 되어감으로써 건설프로젝트 정보의 체계적인 관리와 운용이 요구되고 있다. 따라서 최근 프로젝트 업무에 관해 제한적인 항목으로 개발되어 사용되었던 건설정보화시스템이 업무의 효율성을 위한 전(全) 지식영역으로 확대되고 있으며 특히, BIM(Building Information Modeling)체계의 도입과 BIM기반의 건설정보화시스템 개발이 활발히 진행되고 있다. 하지만 이러한 BIM기반 건설정보화시스템을 사용하는 사람들은 매우 제한적이다. 왜냐하면 실사용자, 즉 현장관리자의 중심이 아닌 경영진 중심의 시스템이 구축되어지고 사용되어져 왔기 때문이다. 이는 시스템의 구축 시 실사용자인 현장관리자의 요구사항의 반영의 미비함을 보여주고 있다. 따라서 현장관리자들의 활용도는 매우 저조한 수준 이였다. 본 연구에서는 BIM기반 건설정보화시스템의 활용도를 높이기 위해 현재 사용되고 있거나 개발이 완료되어 현장 적용성 평가가 요구되는 BIM기반 건설정보화시스템의 현장 적용성에 대한 평가를 할 수 있는 모델을 제시하고자 한다. 제시하는 평가프로세스를 통하여 BIM기반 건설정보화시스템의 세부적인 개선사항을 제시해줌으로써 BIM기반 건설정보화시스템의 현장 적용성을 높이고 현장에서의 활용도 및 사용 효과를 높일 수 있을 것이라 사료된다.

      • 직업기초능력이 진로준비행동에 미치는 영향에 관한 실증연구 : 경영 및 IT계열 전문대학 학생을 중심으로

        최광열 경상대학교 대학원 2017 국내박사

        RANK : 248639

        This study aims to identify the factors affecting the career preparation behavior of business and IT college students and to understand their career development process based on social cognitive career theory(SCCT). Major variables of SCCT include self-efficacy, outcome expectation, goals, interest, individual variables and environmental variables. This study explains how these major variables of SCCT affect the process of career-related interest, career decision-making, and job performance of college students. This study uses the career preparation behavior as a criterion variable, career decision self-efficacy, outcome expectation, interest and self efficacy as leading variables and key job competencies as a source of outcome expectation. The participants of this study were 743 students of IT and Business college, from D College in A, from B College in B and from J and Y College in J area. Face to face surveys and web surveys were conducted from Oct. 23 to Nov. 17, 2016. This study made the data analysis of questionnaire of 625 persons except for 123 insincere questionnaires. This study attempted to analyze the casuality among variables of key job competencies, career decision self-efficacy, major interest, outcome expectation, career preparation behaviors in general education on the NCS. The result of this analysis is as follows. It was found that self development ability (job adaptation group), information ability (job competency group) and job ethics (job adaptation group) affected career decision self-efficacy. It suggests that when each student makes self-directed future plan with a good understanding of themselves and develops their job competencies with thorough vocational understanding, they can experience the process of rational career goal setting and strategy development, which leads to higher levels of self efficiency, inherent values and goal orientation, in turn, career awareness and career decision self efficiency of students also may increase. This study analyzed the direct and indirect effects of independent antecedent factors on endogenous variables in the structural model by using bootstrap. The result of this analysis is as follows. First, it was found that the total effect of information ability on career decision self-efficacy and career preparation behavior was significant. Second, the total effect of job ethics on interest in major and career preparation behavior was significant. Third, the total effect of self development ability on career decision self-efficacy was significant. Lastly, the total effect of interpersonal abilities on the outcome expectations and major interests was significant. It showed that the resource management ability (job competency group) and the interpersonal ability (workplace adaptation group) among the basic occupational skills have significant influence on outcome expectations. These results are consistent with the findings from the previous studies that strong interpersonal skills and efficient management of external and internal resources may improve the effectiveness of learning and increase participation and performance. It suggested that the career decision self-efficacy greatly affects the outcome expectations because career decision self-efficacy is a psychological factor that is affected most by anxiety about job competence, role conflict and new environmental adaptation. Therefore, it showed that when students improve interpersonal skills and cultivate effective resource management ability, they can reduce interpersonal anxiety in future workplace and develop strong interpersonal skills to cope with new relationships. This way, students can design their own future career plan with higher levels of outcome expectations. It was also found that career decision self-efficacy affects major interest, that outcome expectation influences major interest, and that major interest affects career preparation behavior. Therefore, when students successfully perform the assigned tasks in relation to their career and this experience makes lots of contributions to higher career decision self-efficacy. As a result, students’ interest in their major will increase and various methods are more likely to be put into practice in preparation of the career. The key job competencies of IT and business sector include information utilization ability and tasks to collect, analyze and manipulate information. To summarize this study, higher levels of job attitude, work ethic and self-development ability and the interpersonal abilities make lots of contribution to more desirable career decision self-efficacy, higher interest in major, and effective career preparation behaviors for IT & Business students. It is therefore necessary to provide a systematic career program that improves career preparation behavior and provides relevant information regarding effective career decision making for each student, so that each student can improve their key job competencies.

      • 최대 허용 납기가 존재하는 잡샵 스케쥴링을 위한 디스패칭 룰

        최광열 인천대학교 대학원 2016 국내석사

        RANK : 248639

        Satisfying the delivery due dates of orders is one of the most important performance measures of operating a production system. In many manufacturing or service industries, there exists maximum allowable tardiness for orders. If the delivery for customer’s order is late for its due date within the maximum allowable tardiness, the supplier pays the penalty fee although the customer allows late delivery. If the delivery will be late over the maximum allowable tardiness, customers cancel their orders and try to find the other suppliers. In this case, the supplier may have to scrap the products of the canceled orders if there are no other customers to buy the products. In this study, we study the job shop scheduling problem with maximum allowable tardiness with the objective of minimizing the total weighted tardiness. Two kinds of penalty costs are considered, i.e. one for tardy jobs and another for canceled jobs. We extend well-known priority rules for the single machine total tardiness scheduling to solve the considered problem. Computational experiments on 90 test instances show that the suggested priority rules work much better than existing ones. 오늘날 주문의 납기 준수는 생산시스템의 가장 중요한 성능평가 척도로써 인식되고 있다. 생산시스템에서 주문의 납기가 준수되기 위해서는 우선 해당 주문의 납기가 합리적으로 결정되어야 한다. 최근 들어 합리적인 주문의 납기 결정에 관련된 연구가 활발히 진행되고 있다. 일반적으로 경쟁시장에서 고객의 주문에 대한 빠른 대처가 큰 경쟁력으로 여겨진다. 많은 제조 또는 서비스 산업에서는 각 주문에 대한 계약에 의해 허용될 수 있는 최대의 납기지연 시간이 존재하며, 이에 따라 주문자는 허용된 납기지연 시간이 초과된 주문은 취소할 수 있다. 본 논문에서는 총 가중 납기지연 최소화를 위한 잡샵 일정계획문제를 다루며, 납기가 지연된 주문들에 대해 두 가지 종류의 벌칙 금을 고려한다. 첫 번째는 허용한도 내에서 지연된 주문에 대한 납기지연 벌칙 금이며, 두 번째는 허용한도를 초과한 납기지연에 의해 발생한 주문취소에 대한 벌칙 금이다. 본 연구에서는 기존의 납기지연 최소화 일정계획문제를 위해 개발된 우선순위규칙을 확장, 잡샵 상황에서의 최대 납기지연 한도가 있는 각 주문들에 대해 적합한 우선순위규칙들을 제시하며, 비교 분석 한다.

      • 무인항공기 자격제도 개선방안 연구 : 국내 현행법 및 제도를 중심으로

        최광열 공주대학교 안보과학대학원 2018 국내석사

        RANK : 248639

        Korea has designated unmanned aerial vehicles (drones) as the driving force of the fourth industrial revolution, and aims to increase the market size to 4.1 trillion won by 2026 and commercialize 60,000 industrial drones. In the process of implementing this goal, social problems such as aviation safety, privacy invasion, various accidents and crimes will occur in proportion to the policy problems that are difficult to meet the rapidly increasing population and user demand of unmanned aerial vehicles. However, if the regulation is overly strengthened, the related industries will shrink, and excessive deregulation for industrial revitalization will cause side effects that harm aviation safety, so these two policies should be harmoniously unfolded. At this point, the accident rate is higher than that of the drones, and most accidents are caused by Human Error. The policy of eliminating the demand for credentials by increasing the number of professional education institutions is insufficient to achieve both aviation safety and industrial activation. The problem is that there is no qualification standard for unmanned aerial vehicles with a weight of 150kg or more, which is currently only used for military purposes. It is desirable to prepare in advance because the weight will increase when long-term unmanned aerial vehicles or unmanned aerial vehicles for cargo transportation are developed. In order to prevent these possible problems in advance and realize sustainable industrial development, it is necessary to improve the certification system of unmanned aerial vehicle workers and to establish a systematic integrated and systematic management system. Unmanned aerial vehicles need to completely separate the classification system from manned aircraft and manned ultra-light flight equipment to establish an independent and integrated classification system. By applying a subdivided credential system for each worker operating an unmanned aircraft in this independent classification system and setting and managing a periodic renewal period, aviation safety can be secured and national credibility can be improved by international organizations such as ICAO. It is also necessary to develop a future-oriented policy with the large-scale UAVs in mind, such as public institutions, military use, and research, by expanding the range of policies currently being pursued mainly on unmanned multi-copters. In the case of non-business unmanned aerial vehicles, the qualification system should be operated separately for national institutions and public and personal purposes in the future. In the case of personal use, there is no separate management system. In the case of personal drones, if the regulations are not regulated, serious social problems will arise in which workers who do not know the compliance matters are unwittingly criminals or abused by crime. Although some countries do not regulate private unmanned aerial vehicles as model aircraft (model Aircraft), Korea is a pilot license, which is one of economic regulations besides the current social regulation (Popular compliance) considering the narrow land and population density. In the case of military unmanned aerial vehicles, it is a policy direction that is favorable to secure aviation safety and related industries by applying integrated qualifications and safety standards to the civilian, government and military, and managing exceptions in special areas. For example, military unmanned aerial vehicle operation personnel are required to acquire qualifications from the Ministry of Land, and then to use them by providing specialized education and training internally. If you acquire a nationally recognized qualification and receive specialized education and accumulate experience in practice, it is also very positive in terms of fostering professional manpower. The unmanned aerial vehicle maintenance certificate should also be newly established and operated. Since the structure and operation method of the unmanned aerial vehicle system is different from that of the manned aircraft, there should be a separate maintenance function. In the case of small size, the pilot can play the role of the mechanic, but in the case of medium and large size, a separate credential should be established. Although regulation should not be strengthened for aviation safety, deregulation for industrial revitalization is also excessive, which will cause side effects. In order to achieve these two goals harmoniously, it is necessary to make efforts to implement professional, sustainable and appropriate policies for domestic emotions and environment by referring to examples of developed countries of unmanned aerial vehicles. I think that the first step is to legislate the matters related to the operation of unmanned aerial vehicles and supplement the manpower management system for related workers.

      • DDoS 공격 탐지에 효율적인 트래픽 비율 분석법(ETAM)

        최광열 고려대학교 컴퓨터정보통신대학원 2008 국내석사

        RANK : 248639

        In these days, a distributed denial-of-service attack (DDoS attack) is a one of the most famous malicious attempt to make a computer resource unavailable to its intended users. Although DDoS can be launched by primitive tools, it is very harmful to network infrastructure. Therefore we should detect DDoS attack immediately and work out a countermeasure. In this paper, we introduce effective traffic analysis method to detect DDoS attacks called ETAM and verify our proposed method by evaluations. DDOS공격은 인터넷 환경에서 네트워크나 개인 호스트를 위협하는 대표적인 공격 트래픽이다. DDOS공격은 특정한 패턴을 가지고 있지 않기 때문에 탐지가 어려울 뿐 아니라 간단한 TOOL로 공격이 가능하여 심각성이 크다. DDOS공격을 방어하기 위해서는 DDOS 공격 트래픽에 대한 정확한 분석과 탐지가 선행되어야 한다. 본 논문에서는 TCP 플래그의 트래픽 비율 분석법(ETAM)을 소개하고 DDoS 공격 징후를 효율적으로 감시해 낼수 있는 트래픽 비율 분석법을 제안하여 공격을 탐지할 수 있음을 보인다.

      • 강의실 관리를 위한 시각화 시스템 제안

        최광열 경상대학교 정보과학대학원 2006 국내석사

        RANK : 248639

        A Proposal about System of Visualization for Management of Lecture Room. The purpose of this study is to suggest visual system that is able to manage a lecture room through screen. Especially in lecture rooms of university or college, this system with visualization techniques is necessary to deal with large amount of work and to check the result effectively from the screen. With this system, it is possible to manage lecture rooms regardless of the location of the person in charge and to figure out how many rooms are available or not available. Also, it is helpful to catch current use condition, make up the missing classes and distribute appropriate lunch time by managing each lecture room. This system is much more useful than the old one that caused many problems such as delay of working hours, overlapped information, low reliability and difficult real-time management. However, the system proposed in this study can solve the problems since it is able to provide on-line real time information being requested effectively and promptly. Hereafter it is necessary to complement this system and to link with lecture timetable for effective lecture room use. In addition to this, three-dimensional system will help manager to realize much more convenient visualization system.

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