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        일본의 빈집정비대책특별조치법과 지방자치단체의 역할

        채우석(Chae, Woo-Suk) 강원대학교 비교법학연구소 2018 江原法學 Vol.55 No.-

        한국에서는 농어촌인구가 대도시권으로 이주하고, 저출산 · 고령화사회로 진입함으로써 빈집이 대량으로 발생하고 있다. 이에 따라 한국은 소규모주택 및 빈집정비특례법 을 제정하여 빈집문제를 해결하려고 하고 있다. 일본은 이와 같은 상황을 이미 오래 전부터 경험을 하였다. 따라서 본 연구는 빈집문제를 해결하기 위한 일본의 법제와 정책을 검토하여 보고자 한다. 특히 일본의 지방자치단체가 빈집을 해결하기 위하여 어떠한 권한을 행사하는지 살펴보고, 그 특징과 한계에 대하여 논의한다. 한편으로 일본의 지방정부는 강력한 행정조치에 따라 궁극적으로 빈집을 철거하여 쾌적한 생활환경을 조성하고자 하고자 한다. 그러나 빈집 등의 소유자 등은 주변의 생활환경에 악영향을 미치지 않도록 적절한 관리를 하도록 책무를 부과하고 있는 규정(법 제3조)에 입각하여 빈집의 소유자가 스스로 관리를 할 수 있도록 경제적 보조를 적극적으로 실시하고 있는 점, 각 지자체가 관리가 불가능한 빈집을 매각하거나, 재활용할 수 있도록 다양한 정책을 실시하고 있는 점은 주목할 필요가 있다. 이와 같이 빈집을 최대한 활용하기 위하여 여러 가지 사업을 전개하고 있는 점은 한국의 빈집문제를 해결하는데 많은 시사점을 얻을 수 있다. In Korea, the population of rural areas has been migrating to the metropolitan area for a long time, and entering a low birth rate and aging society has resulted in a large number of empty houses. As a result, Korea is attempting to solve the vacancy issue by enacting ‘Act on Special Cases Concerning the Vacant Houses and Rearrangement of Small Area’. Japan has already experienced this situation for a long time. Therefore, this study examines Japanese legal system and policy to solve the vacancy problem. In particular, it examines the role of Japanese local governments in resolving vacant houses, and discusses their characteristics and limitations. Local governments in Japan intend to dismantle empty houses ultimately to create a comfortable living environment in accordance with strong administrative measures. On the other hand, local governments actively provide economic assistance to allow owners of empty houses to manage themselves. In addition, local governments are implementing various policies to sell or recycle vacancies that can not be managed. The fact that many various projects are being carried out in order to utilize the vacant house can provide many suggestions for solving the vacancy problem in Korea.

      • KCI등재

        일본의 교육행정처분기준

        채우석(Chae Woo-Suk) 한국토지공법학회 2008 土地公法硏究 Vol.39 No.-

          Today, as industrial capitalism accelerates corporative social structure has been more firmly formed. These social environment has been gradually heating up the academic background competition between individuals. But on the other hand, tendencies in neglecting the human dignity due to the emphasis on higher education has emerged. Thus the need of actualizing proper education has been eagerly demanded, and the government has been suggesting various educational reform programs. As fundamentally the education reform is linked to the social system"s change, the reform inevitably accompanies change in the legal system.<BR>  In this time of change, it is very meaningful to examine the Japanese education administration and education related laws through comparative law methods. This study will see through the Japanese education related laws, and further examine the administrative action and the standards of the action which are centered on school education administration. Furthermore, this study will find suggestions for the current flows of the Korean legal system and cases by arranging the leading cases in education administration.

      • KCI등재

        情報公開와 判例의 動向

        채우석(Chae Woo-Suk) 한국토지공법학회 2004 土地公法硏究 Vol.24 No.-

        Many of professors and lawyers had emphasized the need for an informed citizenry in Korea and Japan, after the most powerful twentieth-century argument for constitutional right to know had come from western nations. The existence of such a constitutional right to know about doings of government has long been in dispute. But during 1996-1999, the Freedom of Information Act was established in Korea and Japan. This study reviews the cases relating to Freedom of Information Act in Korea and Japan. Since the enactment of FOIA, we can realize increased awareness of the usefulness of the FOIA by interest groups, individuals, and businesses.

      • KCI등재후보

        裁量行爲와 司法審査 - 初期의 美國行政法制를 中心으로 -

        채우석(Chae Woo-Suk) 한국토지공법학회 2003 土地公法硏究 Vol.19 No.-

        The history of American administrative law consists in large part of a game of procedural catch-up. Courts and legislatures attempted to control agencies' autonomy only after agencies came to wield substantive authority. This tardiness stemmed initially from the fundamental antipathy of Anglo-American jurisprudence to administrative law. This attitude finally crumbled under the weight of the New Deal's administrative activity. A decade after the New Deal had endowed the agencies with vast substantive power. Congress provided procedural rules for the exercise of that power in the Administrative Procedure Act of 1946. The APA essentially divides administrative action into three parts ; quasi-judicial adjudication; quasi-legislative rulemaking; and a residual category, which called ""informal action"". This Article analyzes the standards of review, the scope of review, and the nature of the remedies that courts have found appropriate for discretionary agency action and deregulation cases. In the process of shaping these elements of review, this article argues, the courts have transformed the way they perceive the role of administrative agencies generally.

      • KCI등재

        課徵金制度에 관한 一考察

        채우석(Chae Woo-Suk) 한국토지공법학회 2004 土地公法硏究 Vol.22 No.-

        The introduction of surcharges system in Korea was included in Monopoly Regulation and Fair Trade Act established in 1980. This surcharge system has been influenced by the Japanese counterpart, which imposed on the cartel for the rise in price of the entrepreneurs. However, we have expanded and adopted variously in individual laws not only the subjects of the levy on surcharges through the reform of MRFTA since 1980s, but also the surcharges system itself. In this aspect, there have been many discussions in regards of the surcharges system. This study defines the legal characteristics of the surcharges system and discusses the presence of violation for the constitutional doctrine of double jeopardy taking place due to the levy on fines and administrative penalty or parallel levy on administrative penalty.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        保健行政과 行政處分 - 일본법제를 중심으로

        蔡羽奭(Chae Woo-Suk) 한국토지공법학회 2006 土地公法硏究 Vol.31 No.-

          Regarding the administrations of public health of Korea and Japan, there are some differences found in the administrative structures, policies, and systems, there is a fair amount of similarity between the laws and the principles of law constituted for the administrations of these two countries. If we look at the Food Hygiene Laws of the two countries, for example, the purposes and contents are almost the same and the functions and roles of the administrations are very similar.   In case of Japan, however, laws are fractionated according to the type of business such as the hotel business law, the public bathroom law, the barbers law, the hair dressers law, etc. Thus it seems that many suggestions can be provided from Japanese laws.   We cannot conclude, however, that our laws and policies are behind by no means. There are rather more innovative parts in our law.

      • KCI등재

        토양오염의 방지를 위한 규제법제와 주민참가

        채우석(Chae, Woo-Suk) 한국토지공법학회 2010 土地公法硏究 Vol.48 No.-

        토양오염으로 인한 국민건강 및 환경상의 위해를 예방하고, 오염된 토양을 정화하는 등 토양을 적정하게 관리․보전한다고 하기 위한 목적을 가진 토양환경보전법이 제정되어진지 이래 10년의 세월이 흘렀다. 그 동안 토양환경보전법은 몇 차례에 걸친 개정을 거듭하면서 오염토양의 정화에 많은 공헌을 하였다. 그러나 한편으로는 법을 집행하는 과정에서 여러 가지 발생하는 문제점이 있기도 하였다. 그러한 문제점들의 하나로서 지적되고 있는 것이 시민들이 참여할 수 있는 법제도가 부족하다는 견해이다. 이에 따라 본고는 토양환경보전법에서 규정하는 내용을 토대로 주민참가제도의 활성화를 위한 방안을 모색하여 보고자 한다. 이를 위해 본고는 일본의 토양오염대책법의 주요 내용과 미국의 수펀펀드법(CERCLA and SAR)의 시민참가에 관한 내용을 비교법적 시각에서 검토한다. It has been 10 years since Soil Environment Prevention Act has been enacted with the objective of optimal management and preservation of soil for protection of people's health from soil pollution and prevention of environmental harm by and through purification of polluted soil. Through numerous amendments, Soil Environment Prevention Act has much contributed to the purification of polluted soil. But on the other side, it has reviled various problems in carrying out its course. One of the problems being discussed is that is lacks legal framework for the residents' participation. This paper will seek methods to vitalize residents'participation system with the basis on the regulations stated in the Soil Environment Prevention Act. For this purpose, major details of the Japanese Soil Pollution Countermeasures Act and people's participation in United States CERCLA and SARA will be analyzed with comparative law prospective.

      • KCI등재

        지방자치단체의 국제교류를 위한 법제연구

        채우석(Chae, Woo-Suk) 한국토지공법학회 2014 土地公法硏究 Vol.67 No.-

        최근 각 지방자치단체는 여러 가지 법률 또는 조례를 통하여 국제교류사업을 추진하고 있다. 이에 따라 국제교류를 위한 지방자치단체의 조례의 내용이 현행의 법률에 비추어 어떠한 법적 성격을 갖고 있는가 고찰할 필요가 있다. 이를 위해 조례제정권의 범위에 관한 일반론을 근거로 국제교류와 관련된 대표적인 조례를 분석하여 그 문제점을 지적한다. 또한 국제개발협력기본법에 따라 국제개발협력을 수행하는 지방자치단체와 조례에 따라 국제교류를 추진하는 지방지치단체와의 관계를 정리하여야 한다. 이를 통해 국제개발협력기본법의 규정을 검토하여 보면, 지방정부가 국제개발협력을 추진하기 위해서는 여러 가지의 입법적 한계를 갖게 된다. 특히 국제개발협력의 추진과정에서 지방정부의 참여가 배제되어 있는 점은 지적되어야 한다. 따라서 본 연구는 이러한 한계를 극복하기 위한 몇 가지 입법적 해결 방안을 제안하여 보고자 한다. Recently various local governments are promoting international exchange based on different laws and ordinances. As such, study on the legal characteristics of the ordinances which are the basis for the local governments's international exchange in comparison to the current laws are necessary. This paper will point out major issues by analysing the typical ordinance related to international exchange based on general theory of the scope of enactment power of ordinances. Futhermore, the relationship between local governments acting based on the Framework Act on International Development Cooperation and the ordinances need to be cleared. In analyzing the codes of the Framework Act on International Development Cooperation, one can identify various legislative limitations when pushing forward international development cooperation by local governments. Especially the fact that the local governments are excluded from participating in the process of initiating international development cooperation need to be pointed out. Thus, this study will provide few legistrative solutions to overcome these limitations.

      • KCI등재

        도로관리에 관한 법적 고찰

        채우석(Chae, Woo-Suk) 한국토지공법학회 2012 土地公法硏究 Vol.56 No.-

        도로는 일반적으로는 공물의 대표적인 시설로 보고 주로 전통적인 행정법학 분야에서 공물법으로서 그 법리를 구성하여 왔다고 할 수 있다. 특히 우리의 행정법학에서는 공물법에 관하여 주로 독일과 일본의 영향을 받아 행정법의 각론분야의 일부분으로 다루어 왔으며, 그 내용은 주로 공물의 성립과 소멸, 공물제한, 공물의 관리 및 공물의 사용 등을 중심 으로 설명되어 왔다. 그러나 이러한 도로의 법적 성격은 시대적 변화에 따라 점차적으로 바뀌어 가고 있다. 전통적인 법제에 의한 논의의 중심이 도로관리에 있었다고 한다면, 이제부터는 관리와 더불어 시민들이 보다 효율적이고 편하게 이용할 수 있도록 제공되는 공적 물건으로 이해할수 있는 법리가 제기되어야 한다. 아울러 도로는 국토의 이용과 개발이라고 하는 차원에서 현대사회의 커다란 주제로 논의되는 환경의 문제와 연계하여서 법리를 구성해야 할 필요가 있다고 생각된다. Roadways are typically regarded as one of the representative public property and the laws on public property within the traditional administrative law has been the basis of its legal principals. The laws on public property, especially in Korean administrative law jurisprudence, has been studied as one of the itemized discussions within the administrative laws due to the influence of German and Japanese laws and the studies are focused to public property's establishment, extinguishment, limitation, management and it's use. However the legal characteristic of roadways has been changing with the periodical change. If the studies and discussions within the traditional laws were focused on the maintenance of roadways, one need to raise the legal principal which can, including the maintenance, provide the basis of roadways as public goods that are provided to the public for more efficient and comfortable use herefrom. Furthermore, the legal principals regarding roadways should be formed in connection to the environmental issues which is the biggest issue in modern society on the basis of national land use and development.

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