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      • 學校組織 관련 제 變因들의 敎師의 組織獻身度에 미치는 영향에 관한 硏究:

        채규조 水原大學校 大學院 1997 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        This study is offering practial aids to school administrator and making a new theory about the relationship between school relation variables and the organizational commitment. This study made it clear the related importance of each subordinate variable and how it affects the organizational commitment of school members, by positively researching the shcool relations and focusing on the need to find out the relationship between those variables. For the positive research, this study tries to inquire and identify the relationship between the school relation variables and organizational commitment, also to find out the facts that effect the variables on the organizational commitment, and make clear the most effective variables on the organizational commitment. The purpose of this study is to find the influential factors and their affect on teacher's organizational commitment. The recognized independent variables affecting teacher's organizational commitment are classified in personal predictors of the teachers, organizational predictors, and job predictors. In other words, the aim of this study is inquiring into the relations of subordinate variables and organizational commitment; Then finding out the more important subordinate variables and their effect on the organizational commitment. The concrete matters of this study for achieving this purpose are as lows : Firstly, find out the affecting relationship of personal predictors and their influence on organizational commitment. Secondly, find out the affecting relationship of organizational predictors and their influence on organizational commitment. Thirdly, find out the affecting relationship of job predictors and their influence on organizational commitment. Fourthly, find out the affecting relationship of all predictors and their influence on organizational commitment. To achieve the purpose of this study, the references about the organization commitment which are the main concepts of this study are studied. On this foundation, totally 14 of the study variables are deduced, the study patterns that are composed of personal, organizational, and job relations are set up, and related researching tools are made. In this study independent variables consists of (1) personal predictors including gender, teaching experience, position in job, view on teaching adn prefessionalism; (2) organizational predictors including the size of school, bureaucratization, leadership, and cohesiveness; and (3) job predictors including job satisfaction, role conflict, job autonomy, job immersion and work load. This study is pragmatic one to find influential factors affecting teacher's organizational commitment. Teachers in 23 elementary schools, including head teachers in Suwon city, Osan city, and whasung county are referenced. Two hundreds and thirty pieces of a questionnaire are distributed and two hundreds and twenty one pieces of a questionnaire are converged. Therefore, convergence ratio is 96.09 percentage. Then two hundreds and nineteen pieces of a questionnaire are analyzed. Statistical technique to analyze this data is multiple regression analysis. The results of the analysis is as follows. First, the affecting relation of personal predictors affecting organizational commitment is as follows. In the variables, the view on teaching is the most important factor in the statistical data and the next is professionalism. Also, in personal predictors, gender, and teaching experience level are not as important in the statistical data. Second, the affecting relationship of organizational rpedictors effecting on organization commitment is as follows. Of these variables, leadership is the most important in statistical data and the next is cohesiveness. In organizational predictors, the size of the school, and bureaucratization are not as important in the statistical data. Third, the affecting relationship of job predictors effecting organization commitment is as follows. Work load is the most important in the sataistical data and the next are job satisfaction, autonomy, and job involvement. In the job predictors, role conflict is not as important in the satistical data. Fourth, the affective relationship of all the predictors effecting organization commitment is as follows. In personal predictors, the view on teaching is the most important in the statistical data. The next factors are leadership, cohessiveness, work load, and job satisfaction. But, other factors are not important. As a result, the following conclusions can be dedued. First, in personal predictors, the most important predictor is the view on teaching. When a teacher's view on teaching is more optimistic with pride and satisfaction in their work, and organizational commitment is higher. Another predictor effecting organizational commitment is professionalism. Professionalism is lower, organizational commitment is higher. Second, in organization predictors, the most important predictor is leadership. Therefore, in the organization, teachers who have more leadership are encouraged to do their best in their job. Also their organizational commitment is higher. In addition, it is the cohesiveness variables that effect on the organizational commitment when school organization members have more cohesiveness, the organizational commitment is higher. Third, in job predictors, the most important predictor is the work load variables. Therefore, when the work load of teachers is lower, organizational commitment is higher. Also, other variable to effect organizational commitment are job satisfaction, job autonomy, and job immersion. When job autonomy and job immersion are higher, organization commitment is higher. Fourth, of all the variables, the most important variables effecting a teacher's organizational commitment are their view on teaching and leadership. As there are more teachers who have a sense of mission for teaching a teacher and a positive view on teaching their satisfaction with teaching, and organizational commitment is higher. When there is leadership encouraging teachers to do their best in their work, organizational commitment is higher. Also, cohesiveness, individual job satisfation, and job autonomy all effect on organizational commitment. There is high cohesiveness and satisfaction, if the teacher's organizational commitment is high. In doing work, organization commitment is high when the job autonomy is guaranteed. As seen from the data, in the personal predictors, by increasing the organization commitment of teschers, they could be made to be satisfied with their job and have a sense of mission. In organizational predictors, to increase the organizational commitment, schools should have their leadership encouraging teachers to do their best in their job and thus increasing cohesiveness of their members to the organization. In job predictors, to increase organization commitment, job autonomy needs to be increased and satisfaction should exist. Also, organization commitment is high when the job autonomy and the job immersion is increased.

      • 음악교육학 석사학위 논문 경향 분석 연구 : 국내 교육대학원 초등음악교육전공 중심으로

        채규조 전주교육대학교 교육대학원 2004 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        본 연구는 문헌 정보의 홍수 속에서 음악학도들에게 필요한 자료를 신속 정확하게 찾는데 느끼는 곤란함과 자료검색을 위한 2차 자료의 필요성에 부응하여 음악교육 연구의 정보자료로서 음악교육 문헌관계 석사학위 논문의 총람을 작성하고 이를 장르별로 분석하였다. 본 연구는 1993년부터 2002년 2월까지 제출된 국내 교육대학원 초등음악교육전공 석사학위 논문 333편의 논문 총람과 내용분석을 실시하였고, 이를 통하여 얻어진 결론은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 전체 333편의 장르별 연구경향은 14개의 장르 중에서 음악교육론 영역과 국악교육영역에 각각 67편(20.1%)으로 가장 많은 연구를 보였다. 이는 본 연구의 대상 논문 작성자들 대부분이 초등교육에 몸담고 있는 교사로서 좀더 체계적이고 과학적인 음악교육을 하기 위한 노력의 표출로서 음악교육학적 측면에서 음악교육방법을 연구해 보려는 시도를 엿볼 수 있다. 또한 최근 들어 서양식의 음악교육을 답습해온 이제까지의 교육에서 탈피해 우리의 것을 바로 알고자 하는 국악에 대한 관심이 고조되고 있는 기조를 반영하여 국악교육의 연구가 활발히 이루어지고 있다. 둘째, 장르별-연도별 연구경향의 전체적인 분석결과를 살펴보면, 전국 교육대학교 교육대학원 초등음악교육전공 논문이 발표되기 전인 1998년까지의 장르별 연구 비중을 살펴보면 음악교육론(28편), 성악교육(14편), 국악교육(14편), 작곡교육(11편), 교육과정(10편)의 순으로 나타났다. 전국 교육대학교 교육대학원 초등음악교육전공 논문이 발표되는 1999년에는 국악교육 9편, 성악교육 7편, 음악교육론 3편으로 국악교육이 가장 많이 연구되었다. 이후 2002년까지의 장르별 연구 비중을 살펴보면 국악교육(49편), 음악교육론(39편), 성악교육(30편), 교육과정(23편), 감상교육(19편)의 순으로 나타났다. 1999년 이후 국악교육의 연구논문이 가장 많이 발표된 데는 앞에서 언급한 바와 같이 본 연구논문의 연구대상 시기인 6차 교육과정 때부터 국악교육에 많은 관심과 영역이 할애되었고 7차에 이르러 초등음악의 50% 가까이를 차지하고 있어 국악교육에 대한 많은 연구가 이루어진 것으로 보여진다. 1992년부터 1998년까지 1편도 제출되지 않았던 피아노 교육관련 논문과 불과 2편만이 제출되었던 음악 교육 평가 영역이 1999년 이후 피아노 교육이 총 7편, 음악 교육 평가 영역이 11편으로 많이 증가되었다. 또한 어느 영역에도 소속되지 않는 새로운 영역의 논문들도 1999년 이후 10편이 발표되었다. 셋째, 장르별-학교별 연구경향의 전체적인 분석결과를 살펴보면, 음악교육론 영역에 가장 많은 논문이 제출된 학교는 부산교육대학교, 서울교육대학교, 인천교육대학교, 청주교육대학교였으며, 음악재능교육영역에 가장 많은 논문이 제출된 학교는 진주교육대학교였다. 성악교육 영역에 가장 많은 논문이 제출된 학교는 공주교육대학교, 전주교육대학교였으며, 작곡교육 영역에 가장 많은 논문이 제출된 학교는 대구교육대학교였다. 국악교육 영역에 가장 많은 논문이 제출된 학교는 광주교육대학교, 부산교육대학교, 인천교육대학교, 춘천교육대학교, 한국교원대학교였다. 이를 토대로 살펴보면 학교에 따라서 장르별로 비중을 두어 연구하는 영역이 다름을 알 수 있다. 또한 서울교육대학교와 한국교원대학교의 경우는 14개 영역 중 종교음악교육, 유아교육, 특수교육의 특수한 영역을 제외하고는 고른 연구의 경향을 보인 것으로 나타났다. 한국교원대학교에서 처음으로 초등음악교육전공의 연구 논문이 발표된 이래 전국의 11개 교육대학교 교육대학원에 초등음악교육전공이 개설되고 논문이 발표되면서 양적, 질적으로 발전하고 있음을 알 수 있다. This essay is to provide a general view of master's theses related to music education as a valuable source of music research and to analyze it according to the music genre. It is helpful for music researchers to find necessary information easily in the plethora of music materials and to resolve the difficulty of information searching. This research investigated a total number of 333 master's theses related to music subjects in elementary school, which was published in Korea from 1993 to February 2002. The results are as follows: First, a research trend by a genre showed that 14 categories among 333 thesis were closely associated with music education and traditional Korean music that were composed of 67 thesis(21.1 %). This revealed that most research was done by elementary school teachers. It can be a good indication that teachers attempt to do systematic and scientific research of music education. It can be interpreted as a trend of avoiding imitating Western style of music education and higher interests in traditional Korean music. Second, the general analysis according to the genre and annual publication showed that 28 thesis were about special areas of music education with 14 being about vocal music, 11 about writing music, and 10 about music curricula before theses of music education of elementary school were published in 1998. The theses relevant to music education of the elementary school at the graduate schools of education started to be published in 1999. Nine theses were about traditional Korean music, seven on vocal music and three on music education. The trend of genre from 1999 to 2002 showed that 49 theses were made in the area of traditional Korean music, 39 about music education, 30 on vocal music, 23 about music education, and 19 concerning how to listen to music. It is believed that much interests in Korean music started at the 6th music curriculum contributed to the abundance of theses related to traditional Korean music, which comprised of roughly 50 % of 7th music curriculum. There was no thesis at the area of piano education from 1992 to 1998 and only two thesis at the area of music evaluation. However, since 1999 seven theses of piano education were published and eleven on music evaluation. Third, general analysis of this research proved that Busan, Seoul, Inchon, and Cheongju National University of Education published most theses of music education, and Jinju National University of Education published a lot of theses related to talented music education. Gongju and Jeonju National University of Education published most theses associated with vocal music. Taegu National University of Education had most theses about writing music. Kwangju, Busan, Incheon, Chuncheon, Korea National University of Education in order had more theses connected with traditional Korean music. This result illustrated the fact that different college explored different genre of music. Seoul and Korea National University of Education had a tendency of studying a variety of spheres among fourteen areas except fields of religion, kindergarden, and special education. The result of this thesis demonstrated that the amount of research exploring elementary school music was increased in the aspect of quality and quality at the eleven National University of Education since Korea National University of Education published their first master thesis.

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