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      • KCI등재

        정제 제형 제조를 위한 포공영 추출물 함유 분말의 제조 및 평가

        진성규,Jin, Sung Giu 한국분말재료학회 (*구 분말야금학회) 2019 한국분말재료학회지 (KPMI) Vol.26 No.3

        To develop Taraxacum platycarpum extract (TP)-loaded particles for tablet dosage form, various TP-loaded particles composed of TP, dextrin, microcrystalline cellulose (MCC), silicon dioxide, ethanol, and water are prepared using a spray-drying method and fluid-bed-drying method. Their physical properties are evaluated using angle of repose, Hausner ratio, Carr's index, hardness, disintegrant time, and scanning electron microscopy. Optimal TP-loaded particles improve flowability and compressibility. Furthermore, 2% silicon dioxide gives increased flowability and compressibility. The formula of TP-loaded fluid-bed-drying particles at a TP/MCC/silicon-dioxide amount of 5/5/0.2 improves the angle of repose, Hausner ratio, Carr's index, hardness, and disintegrant time as compared with the TP-loaded spray-drying particles. The TP-loaded fluid-bed-drying particles considerably improve flowability and compressibility ($35.10^{\circ}$ vs. $40.3^{\circ}$, 0.97 vs. 1.17, and 18.97% vs. 28.97% for the angle of repose, Hausner ratio, and Carr's index, respectively), hardness (11.34 vs. 4.7 KP), and disintegrant time (7.4 vs. 10.4 min) as compared with the TP-loaded spray-drying particles. Thus, the results suggest that these fluid-bed-drying particles with MCC and silicon dioxide can be used as powerful particles to improve the flowability and compressibility of the TP.

      • 圓鑑國師 沖止의 憂國精神

        秦星圭 新羅大學校 1982 論文集 Vol.13 No.-

        The invasion state of Mongolia has been studied so far respect of anti-Mongolia struggle, especially through research of Sambyulcho, (三別抄) but littler study has been made through Won-Gam-Rok(圓鑑錄) by Choongji(沖止)(1216-1293). Therefore, it is significant to look into real aspect of this society in launching of east expedition toward Japan at that age. In addition, this study is aimed at examining the role of Zen(禪) through Soo-Sun-Sa(修禪社) in the society under control of Mongolia. Soo-Sun-Sa produced 16 reverend priests(國師) since Bojo-Kuksa Jinul(普照國師知訥) and played a great role for Buddhism clearance movement in a place of Honam(湖南) area. Choongli who rose as 6th hand of Choge(曹溪) sect at that time not only played a great role in retaking the temple-farm (寺院田) occupied by Mongolia but also prayed to Buddha every night burning incense for peace of the nation when Kings Gojong(高宗) and Choongryul(忠烈王) frequented the royal family of Mongolia. At that time, of course, the Buddhism had been corrupted to the degree of last stage, and Choongji positively participated in society movement in an effort to prevent corruption in Buddhism. In that age, there were many temples named after sa(社) instead of sa(寺), and this was a result of society movement. When he served as chief of Soo-Sun-Sa, the hard living of people caused by invasion of Mongolia beyond the description, and they said that they could nor even taste soy bean during the 30-years invasion period of Mongolia. Most of the literary men in that age made a desperate effort to take a government post and did not turn an eye to the hard of life of people. That was the current of the age. Choongji, however, had shed tears many times seeing hardship of the people. His true character can be found in that. Around the year of accession to the throne of King Choongryul when the east expedition toward Japan was started, the ordinary people undertook the hardest work to build warships. All of the youngsters were movilized to seashore of Mongolian supervisors. Only children and old men remained in house, and all of the farmlands changed to waste lands. Choongji grown up in this circumstance had a feeling of sympathy that could not find in other people. This seems to have played a great role in forming his thought. Choongji who realized that the duty o priest was to same mankind prayed every night for peace of the nation.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        圃隱 鄭夢周의 佛敎認識

        진성규 한국불교학회 2008 韓國佛敎學 Vol.52 No.-

        Poeun(圃隱=鄭夢周) is thought clearheaded person when considers he win the first place in the state examination in the way of self-education without teacher. His scholastic basis was the Confucianism scriptures including the Four Books and the Three Classics, and his scholastic characteristic was the doctrines of Chu-tz. It was a good choice that selected the doctrines of Chu-tz, the reformative ideology for his study in the age of Buddhism’s philosophic slow decline. And as a result, he became the father of Korean Confucianism. But, because of in the symmetrical period of Confucianism and uddhism, he did severe ethical criticism to the evil of Buddhism, but did not criticize in the doctrine which is basic of Buddhism. A mountain temple was the place for improve his mind, for studying, for enliven his spirits and for forget his cares to Poeun. Once, he had met the Buddhist monk for studying Buddhism doctrine and compare Buddhism with the doctrines of Chu-tz. And his conclusion was that Buddhism and Confucianism has some similar logic, but it will not be able to confront everything and make an exhaustive study of the exact meaning by the Buddhism’ logic. but that conclusion had not the exhaustive logic. In opposition, he was generous to Buddhism. And that reason, he had some extent of understanding about the Buddhism scriptures including the Avatamska Sutra(華嚴經), the Sutra of the Lotus(法華經), and the Shurangama Sutra(楞嚴經). He said, “Reading the trigram of the Book of Changes(周易) is better than reading the Avatamska Sutra.”. This words was a quotation from words of Cheng Yi(程頤), but if Poeun didn’t know about Avatamska Sutra’s logic, he can’t said like that. The Sutra of the Lotus was regarded as basic Buddhiam scripture in the period of Goryeo dynasty, and the Shurangama Sutra was recited by many people of Goryeo Buddhist because it was the scripture of Chan Zong(禪宗). Probably, his understanding about the Shurangama Sutra was fairly good. Because, there was a rumor that Poeun was immersed in the Shurangama Sutra, too. Poeun’s understanding about Buddhism has two sides. One side, he criticized to appearance of Buddhism. And the other side, he has improved his mind and thinking in a Buddhism atmosphere. Sometimes, he reached level of contemplate cosmos at the boundary of self-effacement(物我一如), but this phenomenon was not observed in Buddhism boundary only. In the doctrines of Chu-tz, he expressed practical morality in real life, but somtimes Buddhism boundary became a refuge of him, who has busy spirit, annoyed in the real world that so hard. 圃隱 鄭夢周는 지금까지 東方理學의 祖로 불려진 인물이다. 고려말기 스러져가는 왕조를 붙잡고 혼신의 힘을 다했던 충절의 인물로도 세인들에게 각인되고 있다. 그의 학문적 본령이 性理學인 것도 틀림없는 사실이다. 포은의 학문이 四書 三經을 바탕으로 형성되었지만, 수양을 바탕으로 한 내면의 세계는 山寺에서 이루어지고 있다. 포은에게 있어서 사찰은 浩然之氣를 펼 수 있는 공간이며, 시름을 잊을 수 있는 공간이기도 하였다. 산사에서 승려와 만나 불교교리를 공부하고 질문하면서 성리학과의 차이를 비교할 수 있었다. 즉 불교는 유교와 그 논리가 엇비슷한 데가 많지만 불교의 논리로는 萬事에 응대할 수 없고, 精義를 궁구할 수 없다고 판단하였다. 그러나 그 논리 구조에 대한 철저한 비판과 해석도 없다. 圃隱의 佛敎에 대한 인식은 『華嚴經』·『法華經』·『楞嚴經』 등의 경전에도 나타나고 있다. 周易의 艮卦를 읽는 것이 『華嚴經』을 읽는 것보다 좋다고 한 점은 程伊川의 말을 인용한 것이기는 하지만, 어찌되었던 화엄의 논리를 이해하고 난 후의 평가였다. 『法華經』과 『楞嚴經』에도 이해가 깊었던 것으로도 보인다. 특히 『楞嚴經』에 빠져있었다는 세간의 소문 때문에 정도전으로부터 충고를 받고 있는 사실은 유명한 이야기다. 그러나 포은의 불교경전에 대한 이해의 깊이가 어는 정도인지는 정확히 알기 어렵다. 포은의 불교인식은 해박한 성리학을 바탕으로 불교의 외양을 비판하면서도, 불교분위기 속에서 수양과 사색을 견지하고 있는 모습을 보이고 있다.

      • 高麗後期 信仰結社運動 : 修禪社와 白蓮社를 중심으로

        진성규 중앙승가대학교 1992 僧伽 Vol.9 No.-

        12세기 후반의 무신란은 고려사에 있어 커다란 전환을 이루는 시기였다. 정치ㆍ사회ㆍ경제구조상의 변화에 병행하여 사상 구조상의 변화중 불교계의 양상은 한마디로 신앙 결사가 중핵을 이루었다고 할 수 있다. 결사 운동은 진정한 불자가 되기 위해 뜻을 같이 하는 동지들과 약속하여 함께 수도하며, 나아가 그 사회를 정화하려는 신앙 운동이다. 이 중 고려 후기의 대표적인 결사가 선종 계통의 수선결사와 천태종의 백연결사였다. 결사운동은 중국 동진의 혜원(334-416)이 노산(강서성 구강현)에서 백연사를 맺고, 동지 유유민, 뢰차종 등을 123인을 모아 무량수불상 앞에서 서방정토에 나아기를 서약하며, 염불삼매를 정수하는데서 시작하였다.

      • KCI등재
      • 朝鮮時代 驛에 對한 一考察 : 深層的 硏究를 爲한 -試論-

        秦星圭 新羅大學校 1980 論文集 Vol.9 No.-

        Many of the studies on the history of Korea have been achieved in a political point of view, chiefly based on the histories of kingdoms. This type of study is likely to put an emphasis on the rulers, neglecting the common people, who were really the history makers. Keeping this point in mind, this study aims to tentatively study the post-station system of the Yi Dynasty the main role of which was the delivery of messages and taxes between the central and local governments as well as the transportation services. This study, while touching the general phases of the system, mainly took up the social status of those who were engaged in the post station, including the distribution and structures of the stations. It is revealed that the distribution of the post stations was rather partial towards the local powers. For example, a considerable portion of the stations were located in Kyeongsang Province, which was really powerful at that time. This partial distribution, as it was against the original role, surely provided a lot of inconveniences. The structures of the stations also varied with the provincial powers. The powerful provinces were able to have large-scaled stations and secure more personnel and land The most significant result of this study is that the post-station system, despite its indispensable role, gradually and constantly on the decliine. Various reasons for this could be given, such as the unfair profiteering of powerful clans, the heavy burden of serving traveling envoys, and the low status of the employees. The last was probably the chief reason for its declining. The station employees were not given any opportunities to be recognized or promoted.

      • KCI등재

        난용성 리바록사반 약물의 자가 유화 시스템 분말 제조를 위한 콜로이드 실리카 함유 분말의 제조 및 평가

        진성규 한국분말재료학회(구 한국분말야금학회) 2023 한국분말재료학회지 (KPMI) Vol.30 No.4

        This study aims to prepare a colloidal silica-containing powder to enhance the solubility and dissolution rate of rivaroxaban using a self-nanoemulsifying drug delivery system (SNEDDS). We investigate the impact of colloidal silica on a nanoemulsion system for preparing powdered SNEDDS. The liquid SNEDDS comprises 30/20/50 (w/w/w) Peceol/ Cremophor RH40/Tween 80, which results in the formation of the smallest droplets. Three powdered SNEDDS formulations are prepared by suspending the liquid SNEDDS formulation using colloidal silica and spray drying. The powdered SNEDDS prepared with liquid SNEDDS and colloidal silica at a ratio of 1/0.5 (w/w) exhibits the highest water solubility (0.94 ± 0.62 vs. 26.70 ± 1.81 μg/mL) and dissolution rate (38.4 ± 3.6 vs. 85.5 ± 3.4%, 45 min) when compared to the drug alone. Morphologically, the liquid SNEDDS is adsorbed onto colloidal silica and forms smaller particles. In conclusion, an SNEDDS containing rivaroxaban, prepared using colloidal silica, facilitates the creation of a nanoemulsion and enhances the water solubility of rivaroxaban. Accordingly, this technology holds significant potential for commercialization.

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