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        초등 예비교사의 지속가능발전교육 수업 계획과 특성

        주형선(HyungSon Ju),이선경(Sun-Kyung Lee) 한국환경교육학회 2014 環境 敎育 Vol.27 No.3

        We studied how 6 elementary school student teachers designed education for sustainable development (ESD) lessons and what the characteristics of their lesson plans were. The student teachers learned about the nature and purpose of sustainable development (SD) and ESD through playing games on sustainability and equity, taking a field trip to Won-heungi Eco-Park nearby and watching movie ‘Still Life’ and discussing its meaning in the perspectives of environment and economy, society in ‘Biology and Experiments’ class. We collected their ESD lesson plans and notes on the ESD learning in the class. Also, we interviewed about the reason they chose the specific topic and activities and their thoughts on SD and ESD. As a result, we found that the topics and themes which were covered frequently in their ESD lesson plans were closely related to what they learned in ‘Biology and Experiments’ class. Also student teachers`s beliefs on curriculum reconstruction affected their choosing of lesson activities. Two student teachers who experienced the bad influence of large-scale development in their neighborhood when they were young or adolescent adopted the cases in their lesson plans. We suggested to further investigate what factors affected student teachers’ and teachers’ ESD lesson plan in the perspectives of curriculum reconstructions.

      • KCI등재

        지속가능성 및 형평성 개념으로 살펴본 초등예비교사의 지속가능한 발전에 대한 인식

        주형선(HyungSon Ju),이선경(Sun-Kyung Lee) 한국환경교육학회 2013 環境 敎育 Vol.26 No.3

        This study aimed at examining preservice elementary teachers understanding of sustainable development (SD) focusing on the two key concepts of SD, sustainability and equity. 190 pre-service elementary teachers completed a closed-ended questionnaire and were categorized into three groups based on their understanding of sustainability using K-mean cluster analysis. The results showed that no group consistently gave answers maintaining weak sustainability on questions regarding sustainability. Meanwhile, there was a group that expressed some opinions leaning towards strong sustainability while maintaining weak sustainability, or supported both sustained profit generation and realization of sustainability through preservation of ecosystem, which can be regarded to contradict each other theoretically. Three groups which were divided according to their understanding of sustainability showed no statistically significant difference in their understanding on equity. This result didnt provide a sufficient explanation on the relationship between the preservice teacherss understanding of the two core concepts. Future study needs to investigate preservice teachers understanding of SD by employing a research design that allows to uncover this relationship.

      • KCI등재

        환경교육센터의 역할에 대한 사례연구

        주형선(Hyungson Ju),정수정(Suejung Jung) 한국환경교육학회 2018 環境 敎育 Vol.31 No.4

        본 연구에서는 서울시의 한 자치구가 운영하고 있는 ‘가’ 환경교육센터를 사례로 하여 센터가 어떤 일을 하고 있는지, 역할 수행 과정에서 어떠한 특징이 나타나는지를 살펴보았다. 연구결과, ‘가’ 센터는 지역주민을 대상으로 환경교육 기회를 제공하는 것을 센터의 기본적인 역할로 상정하고 있었으며, 이와 함께 주민과 협력하면서 지역의 다양한 환경적 필요를 해결해 나가는 노력을 하고 있었다. ‘가’ 환경교육센터 운영의 가장 큰 특징은 주민과 지역의 환경적 필요를 지역사회와 협력해서 해결해 나가는 것이었는데, 협력은 ‘공동의 필요 확인하기’, ‘도움 구하기, 함께 할 파트너 찾기’, ‘역할 나누고 실천하기’, ‘지역사회와 나누고 공유하기’ 등의 과정을 통해 진행되었다. 본 연구 결과를 통해 환경교육센터의 역할은 교육 프로그램 운영 이외에 지역사회와의 협력을 통한 프로그램 다양화와 지역사회의 공동체성 강화로 확장될 수 있음을 알 수 있다. This study investigated the roles of an environmental education center as an example of ‘A’ environmental education center in Seoul. ‘A’ center was built in 2012 by a municipality in Seoul. One staff in charge of ‘A’ center and three participating community members were interviewed. The research results were as follows: ‘A’ center had two main roles. The first one was to provide environmental education opportunities for the local residents. The second one was to work together with them to address the local environmental needs. As the center cooperated with the community, local people had opportunities to take part in the planning and implementing environmental education programs. As a result, its programs had diversified. Also, the center became the gateway for local residents to participate in the community, which resulted in the development of its social network and the accumulation of social capital. This study showed that the environmental education center could not only provide environmental education programs to local residents but also contribute to the sustainability of the community.

      • KCI등재

        지속가능한 지역사회 만들기의 관점에서 본 청소년 사회참여활동의 의미

        주형선(Hyungson Ju) 한국환경교육학회 2017 環境 敎育 Vol.30 No.2

        본 연구에서는 서울의 한 청소년기관에서 진행된 청소년 사회참여활동 ‘시작된 변화’를 사례로 하여, 지속가능한 지역사회를 만드는 과정에서 청소년 참여활동의 특징과 그 의미를 조사 하였다. ‘시변’ 활동은 청소년이 주체가 되어 활동을 계획하고 실행해 나간다는 점에서 가장 큰 특징이 있다. 청소년은 주제 선정에서 실행까지 전 과정을 스스로 진행하기 때문에 활동 과정 중에 어려움을 겪는다. 하지만 활동 과정에서 많은 즐거움을 느꼈고, 계획한 활동을 완수했을 때는 큰 성취감을 얻는다. 자율적인 활동을 해 본 경험이 적은 청소년이 ‘시변’ 활동을 해낼 수 있었던 데는 ‘센터’의 담당자 및 팀별로 한 명씩 결합하는 대학생 멘토가 도움이 되었다. ‘시변’ 운영의 전 과정에 청소년이 활동의 아이디어를 얻고 지원받을 수 있는 기회가 잘 마련된 것 역시 중요한 역할을 했다. 이러한 지원체제는 ‘시변’을 기획한 청소년센터의 철학과 이를 바탕으로 청소년이 자율적인 활동을 해나가는 방안을 고민해 온 담당자의 노력으로 만들어졌다. ‘시변’을 통해 본 청소년 사회참여활동의 의미는 다음과 같다. 청소년은 ‘시변’ 활동을 통해 마을의 어린이와 다른 청소년, 어른 사이에 다양한 소통과 교류의 기회를 만들었다. 또한 청소년이 현재와 미래에서 보다 지속가능한 사회를 만들어 나가는데 필요한 역량을 기르는 과정이 되었다는 점에서 의미가 있다. 본 연구 결과가 지속가능한 사회를 만드는 데 있어 교육의 역할을 고민하는 사람에게 주는 시사점은 첫째, 지속가능한 미래를 만들기 위해 필요한 가치, 행동, 삶의 방식을 배양하는 과정은 학습자 개개인의 성장과 연계하여 바라봐야 한다는 것이다. 둘째, 지속가능한 지역사회를 만드는 과정에 청소년이 중요한 주체로 참여할 기회를 확대해야 한다. 경험과 실천의 과정에서 학습자 스스로 역량을 개발해 나가야 된다는 점을 기억할 때, 학교 안팎에서 청소년의 실질적 참여를 보장하기 위한 노력을 계속해야 한다. This study investigates the characteristics of youth participation activity and its meaning in the perspective of sustainable community development. The case is about the ‘Just Started Change (Sijakdeon Byunhwa),’ which was initiated by a youth organization in Seoul in 2011. Participants in the activity are middle and high school students. We interviewed the participating teenagers and the staff in charge of the ‘Sijakdeon Byunhwa’ in the organization. The research results are as follows: Activities are characterized by the fact that young people are the subject of its planning and execution. They feel a sense of accomplishment and joy in the course of their activities even though they undergo difficulties in dealing with their own work because of little experience. The advice of a college student mentor and the staff is helpful to them. A workshop in the form of preparatory training is also helpful because they learn the importance of youth participation in sustainable community development and gain ideas for their own activity. It is meaningful that young people have created opportunities for communication and exchange within the village and that they are able to collaborate, speak up, and act for a positive change in our society.

      • KCI등재

        지속가능발전과 지속가능발전교육에 대한 초등 예비 교사들의 인식

        주형선(HyungSon Ju),이선경(Sun-Kyung Lee) 한국환경교육학회 2011 環境 敎育 Vol.24 No.1

        The role of teachers has been explicitly emphasized to implement the vision of sustainable development(SD). Also, it is very important to understand the way student teachers understand SD and how they interpret their own professional task in terms of SD, usually referred to as education for sustainable development(ESD). This study investigated student teachers' perceptions of SD and ESD using group interview. Key findings include, first, that they think SD as development which does not exceed the limits of natural environment and as wise management of resources/protection of environment for future generations. They also think SD as good thing though they don't understand the contested nature of SD. Second they think ESD as education about SD, but some student teachers say they can't explain ESD. Many student teachers prefer field trip to local examples for both elementary school students and themselves. Also they will teach only what the textbook says about SD and ESD during their school placement and as teachers. So it will be the beginning of ESD in school to include SD in the curriculum for students and student teachers. It is suggested to study student teachers' perception of SD focussing on how they think the relationship between protection of environment and economic growth.

      • KCI등재

        환경·지속가능발전교육의 관점에서 본 2015 개정 교육과정 총론 진단 및 차기 교육과정 개선안 제안

        김남수(Namsoo Kim),주형선(Hyungson Ju),이선경(Sun-Kyung Lee) 한국환경교육학회 2020 環境 敎育 Vol.33 No.4

        본 연구에서는 환경·지속가능발전교육 관점에서 2015 개정 국가교육과정의 총론과 2019 누리과정을 분석하고, 이후 개정될 차기 국가교육과정 총론에 대한 개선안을 제안하고자 하였다. 구체적인 연구 질문은 다음과 같다. 1) 2015개정 국가교육과정 총론 문서는 ‘환경’과 ‘환경교육’에 대한 관심을 어느 정도로 어떻게 다루고 있는가? 2) 차기 국가교육과정에는 환경과 환경교육에 대한 관심이 어떤 방식으로 포함되는 것이 적절한가? 환경 문제와 기후변화는 전 세계적으로 주요한 의제이자 공동의 해법이 필요한 문제 영역이며, 학습자들의 환경권 차원에서도 반드시 다루어야 할 영역임에도 불구하고, 2015 개정 국가교육과정 총론 문서에는 가시적으로 반영되어 있지 않았음을 볼 수 있었다. 이에 비해 2019 누리과정 문서에서는 더불어 사는 삶, 추구하는 인간상 등에 환경교육 및 지속가능발전교육 관련 내용이 좀 더 적극적으로 반영되어 있음을 볼 수 있었다. 본 연구 결과에 근거하여 차기 국가교육과정 개정을 위한 교육이념, 추구하는 인간상, 핵심역량, 교육과정 구성의 중점, 학교급별 교육 목표, 학교급별 교육과정 편성․운영의 기준 등 각 항목에 환경교육을 반영하기 위한 제안들이 제시되었다. This study analyzed the general guidelines of the 2015 revised national curriculum and the 2019 Nuri curriculum from the Perspective of Environmental Education and Education for Sustainable Development, and tried to propose a plan to improve the next national curriculum to be revised. Research questions are as follows: 1) How do the general guidelines of the 2015 revised national curriculum deal with interest in environment and ‘environmental education and to what extent? 2) How is it appropriate to include contents of environment and environmental education in the next national curriculum? Environmental issues including climate change are not visible in the general guidelines of the 2015 revised National Curriculum, although they are major agendas around the world and areas that require a common solution, which must be addressed, are in terms of learners rights. In contrast, in the 2019 Nuri curriculum document, it can be seen that the contents related to environmental education and education for sustainable development are more actively reflected in the concept of ‘life of co-existence’ and ‘the human image pursued.’ Based on the results of this study, suggestions to integrate environmental education and education for sustainable development into the next revision of the national curriculum were provided for each item, such as the educational objectives, the human image to be pursued, core competencies, the emphasis on the composition of the curriculum, educational objectives for each school level, and standards for the organization and operation of curriculum by school level.

      • KCI등재

        2015 개정 교육과정 내 환경교육 내용 분석과 시사점: 사회, 과학, 도덕, 실과 및 국어 교과를 중심으로

        이선경(Sun-Kyung Lee),김남수(Namsoo Kim),주형선(Hyungson Ju),곽영순(Youngsun Kwak),박윤경(Yun-Kyoung Park),박형빈(Hyoungbin Park),서우석(Woo-Seok Seo),염은열(EunYeol Yeom),전푸름(Pu-reum Jeon) 한국환경교육학회 2020 環境 敎育 Vol.33 No.4

        본 연구에서는 사회, 과학, 실과, 도덕, 국어과를 중심으로 2015 개정 교육과정 내 환경교육 내용을 분석하여 교과별 환경교육 반영 수준을 파악하고자 하였다. 분석틀은 크게 환경지식, 환경역량, 환경태도·가치, 환경실천 및 참여의 범주로 구성했다. 구체적인 분석 범위는 각 교과 교육과정의 성취기준과 함께 학습 요소, 성취기준 해설, 교수·학습 방법 및 유의 사항, 평가 방법 및 유의 사항, 자료 예시 등을 포함한다. 분석 결과, 초등학교, 중학교, 고등학교 사회, 과학, 도덕, 실과/기술·가정, 국어과 교육과정 내 환경교육 반영 수준은 전체적으로 환경교육 내용이 적합한 방식과 충분한 수준으로 보기에는 어려움이 있다. 환경지식에 비해 환경태도·가치, 환경역량, 환경실천과 참여 범주의 반영은 더욱 낮게 나타났다. 초등학교, 중학교, 고등학교 학교급에 따라서도 환경교육의 반영 정도가 다르게 나타났다. 특히 고등학교 통합사회, 통합과학의 경우는 환경교육 내용의 반영 정도가 다른 과목이나 다른 학교급에 비해 높게 나타났다. 국어과의 경우 환경교육 내용을 교육과정에서 찾아보기 어려웠다. 이러한 분석에 기반하여, 2015 개정 사회, 과학, 도덕, 실과, 국어 교과 교육과정 내에서의 환경교육 반영 특징을 고찰하고, 차기 교육과정에서의 환경교육 강화를 위한 시사점과 고려할 점을 제언하였다. This study aims to analyze the contents and characteristics of environmental education integrated in the 2015 Revised National Curriculum, focusing on social studies, science, ethics, practical arts, and Korean language subjects. This study used content analysis framework of environmental education by Lee et al. (2020), which classified them into environmental knowledge, environmental attitudes and values, environmental competences, and environmental participation and practices. The achievement standards presented in each curriculum were analyzed, and the contents presented in learning elements, explanation of achievement standards, teaching and learning methods, and evaluation methods were also considered. It is difficult to find that the contents of environmental education were integrated in many and various ways in the curriculum of social studies, science, morality, practical science/technology/family, and Korean language subjects at all school levels. The integration of environmental attitude/value, environmental competences, environmental participation and practice categories were even lower. The level of integration of environmental education differed according to elementary, middle, and high school levels. In particular, in the case of integrated social studies and integrated science subjects, the degree of integration of environmental education content was higher than that of other subjects or other school levels. In the case of the Korean language, it was difficult to find the contents of environmental education in the national curriculum. Among content categories of environmental education, environmental knowledge was higher than those of environmental attitudes and values, environmental competences, and environmental participation and practice. Based on the results, this study provides implications and considerations to strengthen environmental education in the next curriculum of each subject.

      • KCI등재

        2015 개정‘통합과학’교육과정의 환경교육 현황 및 개정 방안

        곽영순 ( Youngsun Kwak ),이선경 ( Sun-kyung Lee ),김남수 ( Namsoo Kim ),주형선 ( Hyungson Ju ) 한국생물교육학회 2021 생물교육 Vol.49 No.4

        The goal of this study is to analyze the contents of environmental education reflected in the high school Integrated Science curriculum, and to suggest ways to improve environmental education-related contents in science curriculum in preparation for the new curriculum. A research team composed of professors of science education and environmental education experts jointly analyzed the 2015 revised science curriculum focused on Integrated Science subject. The results include the integrated science curriculum, which is a common subject in high school, among the 32 performance expectations of 9 units, 22 performance expectations were found to be related to environmental education factors. Looking at the environmental education area of the analysis framework, in the case of environmental knowledge, due to the nature of the science curriculum, a lot of natural environment related contents such as earth and ecological system knowledge were represented, and the environmental attitude and value area showed the lowest ratio. For environmental competency, the system & integrated thinking competency was dominant. Based on the results, ways to improve the curriculum was suggested focusing on the characteristics and goal statement of the science curriculum, the skills of the content table, and the performance expectations for each unit.

      • KCI등재

        초중등 사회과 교육과정의 환경교육 현황 및 개정 방안: 2015 개정 교육과정을 중심으로

        박윤경(Yun-Kyoung Park),이선경(Sun-Kyung Lee),김남수(Namsoo Kim),주형선(Hyungson Ju),박새롬(Sae-Rom Park) 한국환경교육학회 2021 環境 敎育 Vol.34 No.1

        이 연구는 현행 초중등 사회과 교육과정에 반영된 환경교육 내용의 현황을 분석하여 개선점을 도출하고, 구체적인 교육과정 개정 방안을 제시하기 위한 것이다. 이를 위해 교과교육 전문가와 환경교육 전문가로 구성된 연구진의 협력적 연구를 통해 2015 개정 『사회』 및 『통합사회』 과목의 교육과정을 분석하였다. 먼저 교육과정 분석 결과, 사회과 교육과정에 환경교육의 4개 내용 요소가 비교적 고루 반영되어 있으나, 환경문제 해결을 위한 통합적 사고, 미래지향적 사고 및 실천 역량의 반영이 미흡하며, 중등 일반사회 영역에서 환경교육 내용 요소가 명시되어 있지 않은 것으로 나타났다. 이와 관련하여, 사회과 교육과정의 환경교육 반영 방향 및 중점을 크게 환경교육의 총체적 접근, 환경문제 중심 접근, 환경교육 요소의 가시화, 환경교육 실천 요소 강화, 환경교육의 지속성과 심화 추구의 다섯 가지로 설정하고, 내용 체계의 ‘기능’과 단원별 성취기준에 대한 구체적인 개정안을 제시했다. This study aims to derive improvement points by analyzing the current status of environmental education contents in the elementary and secondary social studies curriculum and to suggest concrete curriculum revision plans. To this end, the 2015 revised 『Society』 and 『Integrated Society』 curriculum were analyzed through collaborative research between social studies education experts and environmental education experts. First, as a result of the curriculum analysis, it was found that the four elements of environmental education were relatively evenly reflected in the social studies curriculum. However, the contents related to integrated thinking, future-oriented thinking, and practical capacity for solving environmental problems were insufficiently reflected. In addition, it was found that the content elements of environmental education were not specified in the area of secondary general social education. In this regard, the directions of reflecting environmental education in the social studies curriculum were largely set in five ways: a holistic approach to environmental education, an environmental problem-centered approach, clarification of environmental education elements, strengthening elements related to environmental practice, and pursuing sustainability and deepening of environmental education. In addition, specific amendments to the “skills” area of the social studies curriculum content system and the achievement standards for each unit were presented.

      • KCI등재

        원격대학 학습자의 학업적응지원을 위한 원격학습준비도 진단도구 개발

        최효선(Hyoseon Choi),연은경(Eunkyoung Yeon),남나라(Nara Nam),주형선(Hyungson Ju) 한국방송통신대학교 미래원격교육연구원 2019 평생학습사회 Vol.15 No.3

        국내외 원격대학에서는 성인학습자의 학업을 지원하기 위한 방안으로 학습준비도 진단도구를 활용하여 학습자의 대학생활 준비도를 측정하고, 그 결과에 따라 학습방법을 안내하는 방법이 주목받고 있다. 이러한 맥락에서 이 연구는 원격대학 학습자의 학습준비도를 측정할 수 있는 진단도구를 개발하는 데 목적을 두고 있다. 학습준비도 진단도구를 개발하기 위해 문헌 및 사례 분석, 학습자의 학습 과정을 분석한 결과를 토대로 학습준비도 진단도구의 영역, 요인 및 문항을 구성하였다. 개발된 진단도구는 전문가, 대학 실무담당자, 원격대학 재학생을 대상으로 세 차례에 걸쳐 타당화하였다. 그 결과, 원격대학 학습자의 학습준비도 진단도구를 ‘성인학습자로서의 준비’, ‘원격학습자 역량’, ‘대학생활 알아보기’ 등 3개 영역 총 80개 문항으로 구성하였다. 원격학습준비도 진단도구의 타당성 분석 결과, 진단도구는 신뢰롭고 타당하여 진단도구로 활용 가능한 것으로 나타났다. 또한 진단도구에 대한 학습자 반응 역시 대체로 만족스러운 것으로 나타났다. 원격대학 학습자의 학습준비도 진단도구는 원격대학 학업적응을 지원함으로써 여러 학습자의 학업지속 동기를 높일 수 있을 것으로 기대된다. In a distance learning, it is gradually getting attention to measure the distance learning readiness of distance learners by using learning readiness tools as a way to support learner’s distance learning. In this context, this study aims to develop and validate a diagnostic tool that can measure the distance learning readiness of the distance learners. The literature review, case analysis, and analysis of learner’s learning process were used for the development of the learning readiness tool. As a result, the area of the learning readiness tool of the distance learners was divided into three areas: ‘preparation as an adult learner’, ‘competencies of a distance learner’, and ‘learning students’ life’. The results of the three-phase validations for experts, college practitioners, and distance learners showed that the developed learning readiness tool was reliable and valid enough to be used as a learner support tool. It is expected that the distance learning readiness tool for distance learners can improve learning competencies by supporting distance learning adaptation.

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