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        액상우분뇨 시용과 콩과작물의 혼파가 청보리와 호밀의 생산성, 사료가치 및 단위면적당 유기가축 사육능력에 미치는 영향

        조익환,황보순,이성훈,Jo, Ik-Hwan,HwangBo, Soon,Lee, Sung-Hoon 한국유기농업학회 2010 韓國有機農業學會誌 Vol.18 No.3

        본 실험에서는 월동작물로 재배되는 청보리와 호밀에 화학비료, 유기질비료 및 가축분뇨의 시용 그리고 콩과작물의 혼파재배가 작물의 생산성과 사료가치를 평가함으로써 토양의 지력향상과 함께 양질의 유기조사료를 확보하여 단위면적당 유기가축 사육능력을 추정하고자 무비구, 화학비료 인산칼리 시비구, 화학비료 질소인산칼리 시비구, 유기질비료 시용 액상우분뇨 시용구, 액상우분뇨 시용에 헤어리베치 혼파구 및 액상우분뇨 시용에 사료용완두 혼파구 등 7처리 3반복 난괴법으로 배치하여 실험이 실시되었다. 청보리의 연간 건물, 조단백질 및 가소화양분총량 수량은 화학비료 질소인산칼리 시비구가 액상우분뇨를 시용한 구를 제외하고 다른 처리구보다 유의하게 높았다(p<0.05). 청보리의 조단백질함량은 화학비료 질소인산칼리 시비구(9.8%)와 액상우분뇨 시용과 콩과작물 혼파구(8.6~9.7%)가 처리구보다 유의하게 높았다(p<0.05). 보리를 급여시 유기 한우 암소는 액상우분뇨 시용에 콩과작물 혼파구가 연간 ha당 평균 l.7~1.8두를 사육할 수 있다 호밀의 연간 건물, 조단백질 및 가소화양분총량 수량은 액상우분뇨에 콩과작물을 혼파한 구가 ha당 각각 6.9~7.1, 0.5~0.6 및 4.3~4.4톤으로 나타났다. 호밀의 조단백질함량은 화학비료 시비구가 10.8%로 모든 처리구보다 높았다(p<0.05). 호밀을 급여한 유기한우 암소의 연간 ha당 사육두수는 액상우분뇨 시용에 콩과작물 혼파구가 평균 1.9두를 사육할 수 있다. 단위당 생산수량 및 유기가축 사육능력측면에서 청보리 및 호밀에 대한 가축분뇨의 시용은 화학비료에 준하는 생산성적을 나타내었다. 가축분뇨 시용구내에서 청보리는 헤어리베치와 혼파 시에, 호밀은 사료용완두와 혼파 시에 더 많은 생산수량을 나타내었다. 또한, 가축분뇨 시용구내 콩과작물과의 혼파는 조단백질수량과 가소화양분총량을 증가시켰다. 결론적으로 가축분뇨 시용과 콩과작물과의 혼파는 유기가축사양 시 단백질공급원으로 이용 되는 수입유기곡류를 대체하는 효과를 가질 수 있을 것으로 기대한다. This study was conducted to determine effects of applying cattle slurry and mixed sowing with legumes such as hairy vetch or forage pea on productivity, feed values and organic stock carrying capacity of whole crop barley and rye as winter forage crops, and to obtain organic forages together with higher soil fertility. Experimental plots consisted of 7 treatments, which were non-fertilizer, chemical fertilizer (containing phosphate and potassium: P+K), chemical fertilizer (containing nitrogen, phosphate and potassium: N+P+K), organic fertilizer, cattle slurry, cattle slurry application (mixture with hairy vetch), and cattle slurry application (mixture with forage pea) plots. Each treatment was triplicates, and seven treatments were allocated in a completely randomized block design. For whole crop barley or its mixture crops, annual dry matter (DM), crude protein (CP), and total digestible nutrients (TDN) yields of N+P+K plots were significantly (P<0.05) higher than other plots except for cattle slurry plots. The CP content of barley or its mixture crops was significantly higher tor N+P+K plot (9.8%) and mixture plots with legumes (8.6~9.7%) than those of other treatments. As 450 kg Hanwoo heifers were fed diets included 70% whole crop barley or 70% mixture crops with legumes, mixture plots are capable of raising average 1.7 to 1.8 heads/ha a year. For rye or its mixture crops, annual DM, CP, and TDN yields represented 6.9~7.1, 0.5~0.6 and 4.3~4.4 ton/ha, respectively. The N+P+K plot contained 10.8% CP, which was higher (P<0.05) than all other treatments. In case of 450 kg Hanwoo heifers fed diets included 70% rye or 70% mixture crops with legumes, mixture plots can rear average 1.9 heads/ha a year. When it was considered based on crop yields and organic stock carrying capacity, applying cattle slurry to whole crop barley or rye had the comparable yields and feed values to chemical fertilizer application. Moreover, whole crop barley and rye within cattle slurry plots had a greater combination with hairy vetch and forage pea, respectively, and their mixture crops with legumes had higher crude protein and TDN yields within cattle slurry plots. In conclusion, it would be expected that mixed sowing with legumes in the application of cattle slurry to grass crops could be substituted for imported organic grains as dietary protein sources in feeding organic livestock.

      • KCI등재

        가축분뇨시용이 옥수수와 수수$\times$수수교잡종의 생산성 및 사료가치에 미치는 영향

        조익환,Jo, Ik-Hwan 한국유기농업학회 2008 韓國有機農業學會誌 Vol.16 No.1

        본 실험은 가축분뇨에 의한 유기 조사료를 생산하기 위하여 옥수수와 수수교잡종을 재배 시 가축분뇨의 종료와 시용수준을 달리하여 적절한 사료작물의 선발과 가축분뇨의 적정 시용 수준을 추정하고자 하였다. 그 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 옥수수의 연간 건물수량과 가소화양분(TDN) 수량은 질소, 인산 및 칼리를 시용한 처리구가 ha 당 17.3과 11.7톤으로 가장 높았고 발효우분과 액상우분뇨를 100% 시용한 구는 ha 당 각각 8.9와 6.1톤 및 9.4와 7.5톤으로 무비구(4.8과 2.7 톤/ha)와 인산과 칼리를 시용한 구(8.8과 6.0톤/ha) 보다 높았으며 특히 발효우분 150%와 액상우분뇨 150% 수준을 시용한 구는 각각 11.4와 7.6톤 및 10.3과 7.3톤/ha으로 월등하게 높았다. 2. 옥수수의 조단백질함량은 가축분뇨를 시용한 구에서 $5.6{\sim}6.6%$를 나타내어 무비구(3.9%)와 인산과 칼리만을 시용한 구(5.5%) 보다는 유의하게 높았고 ADF와 NDF 함량은 무비구가 각각 42.4와 58.3%로 다른 처리구 보다 유의하게 높았다. 그러나 TDN 함량은 가축분뇨 시용구에서 무비구과 화학비료구보다 높았으며 특히 발효우분 및 액상우분뇨를 150% 시용한 구에서는 각각 72.3과 70.8%를 나타내어 모든 처리구 보다 유의하게 높았다(p<0.05). 3. 수수$\times$수수교잡종의 연간 건물수량과 TDN 수량은 액상우분뇨 100과 150% 시용구 그리고 질소, 인산 및 칼리를 시용한 처리구가 ha 당 각각 12.4와 7.4톤, 13.1과 7.6톤 그리고 12.6과 7.7톤으로 다른 처리구 보다 유의하게 높았으며(p<0.05), 다음으로 발효우분 150% 시용수준에서 ha 당 각각 9.3과 5.2톤을 나타내었고 인산과 칼리를 시용한 구(8.4와 4.8톤/ha)와 발효우분 100% 시용구(7.4와 4.2톤/ha) 순으로 낮아졌지만 두 처리간 유의한 차이는 나타나지 않았다. 4. 수수교잡종의 조단백질(CP) 함량은 인산과 칼리만을 시비한 구와 액상우분뇨 시용구에서 각각 8.8과 8.6%로 발효우분 시용구($7.5{\sim}8.3%$)와 무비구(4.0%) 보다 유의하게 높았지만 가축분뇨를 100% 시용한 구가 150% 시용 구 보다도 높은 조단백질 함량을 나타내었다. ADF와 NDF 함량은 질소, 인산 및 칼리를 시비한 구와 액상우분뇨 시용구가 각각 30.5와 37.4%로 다른 처리구 보다 유의하게 낮았다. 그러나 TDN 함량은 질소, 인산 및 칼리를 시비한 구와 액상우분뇨 시용구가 각각 61.2와 $58.3{\sim}59.4%$로 가장 높았다. 이상의 결과로부터, 사료작물 재배토양에 화학비료 대신 가축분뇨의 시용은 사초의 건물 및 가소화양분수량을 향상시킬 수 있을 뿐만 아니라, 가축분뇨재활용을 통한 유기조사료의 생산은 환경오염 감소와 자원순환형 친환경 농산물 생산에도 기여할 수 있을 것으로 사료된다. This study was conducted to determine adequate forage crop choice and optimal level of livestock manure, when different types and levels of the livestock manure were applied in corns or sorghum$\times$sorghum hybrids for the production of organic roughages by utilizing livestock manure. For the corn, yields of annual dry matter (DM) and total digestible nutrients (TDN) were highest in N+P+K-applied treatments, showing 17.3 and 11.7 ton/ha, respectively. Treatments applied 100% composted cattle manure (8.9 and 6.1 ton/ha) and 100% cattle slurry (9.4 and 7.5 ton/ ha) in contrast with chemical fertilizer-N had higher yields of DM and TDN than no fertilizer (4.8 and 2.7 ton/ha) and P+K-applied treatments (8.8 and 6.0 ton/ha). Particularly, treatments applied 150% composted cattle manure and 150% cattle slurry were markedly higher, which represented 11.4 and 7.6 ton/ha and 10.3 and 7.3 ton/ha, respectively. Crude protein (CP) contents for corns applied livestock manure ranged from 5.6 to 6.6%, which were significantly (p<0.05) higher than those of no fertilizer (3.9%) and P+K-applied treatments (5.5%). ADF (42.4%) and NDF (58.3%) contents for no fertilizer treatment were significantly (p<0.05) higher than those of other treatments. However, TDN contents were higher for livestock manure treatments than for no and/or chemical fertilizer treatments. In particular, TDN contents of treatments applied 150% composted cattle manure and 150% cattle slurry showed 72.3 and 70.8%, respectively and both treatments were significantly (p<0.05) higher than all of the other treatments. For the sorghum$\times$sorghum hybrid, yields of annual DM and TDN for 100% (12.4 and 7.4 ton/ha) and 150% (13.1 and 7.6 ton/ha) cattle slurry-applied treatments, and N+P+K-applied treatments (12.6 and 7.7 ton/ha) were significantly (p<0.05) higher than those of the others. In the others, 150% composted cattle manure (9.3 and 5.2 ton/ha) had higher annual DM and TDN yields than P+K-applied (8.4 and 4.8 ton/ha) and 100% composted cattle manure treatments (7.4 and 4.2 ton/ha), with no significant difference. Crude protein contents for sorghum$\times$sorghum hybrid applied P+K and cattle slurry were 8.8 and 8.6%, respectively. CP contents for both treatments were significantly higher than those of composted manure ($7.5{\sim}8.3%$) and no fertilizer (4.0%) treatments, but 100% livestock manure treatments had higher CP contents than 150%-applied treatments. ADF and NDF contents for N+P+K and cattle slurry-applied treatments were significantly (p<0.05) lower than the others. However, TDN contents were highest in N+P+K and cattle slurry-applied treatments, showing 61.2 and 58.3 to 59.4%, respectively. These results indicated that application of livestock manure instead of chemical fertilizer to the soil of forage crops might not only improve yields of DM and TDN, but also reduce environmental pollution by producing organic roughages through recycling of livestock manure.

      • KCI등재

        청보리 재배 시 콩과 사료작물의 혼파와 우분의 시용이 생산성, 사료가치 및 유기한우 사육능력에 미치는 영향

        조익환,Jo, Ik Hwan 한국초지조사료학회 2014 한국초지조사료학회지 Vol.34 No.4

        본 연구는 환경오염을 감소시키고 유기축산물의 생산에 기여할 수 있는 유기조사료를 효율적으로 생산하기 위해 대표적인 동계작물인 청보리에 콩과 사료작물의 혼파와 발효우분을 시용하여 생산성과 사료가치를 평가하고, 토양의 지력 향상과 가축분뇨의 자원화를 위한 가축분뇨의 적정시용수준을 구명하여 단위면적당 유기한우 사육능력을 추정하고자 하였다. 콩과 사료작물의 혼파에 따른 평균 청보리의 건물, 조단백질 및 TDN 수량은 5.09~5.21, 0.48~0.51 및 3.19~3.21 톤/ha으로 단파로 재배했을 경우의 4.28, 0.38 및 2.8톤/ha 보다 유의하게 증가하였으나 혼파구 간에는 차이가 없었고, 발효우분의 질소시용수준이 증가함에 따라 청보리의 평균건물, 조단백질 및 TDN 수량은 무비구(3.97, 0.37 및 2.56 톤/ha)에 비해 100~150 kg N/ha (5.23~5.76, 0.49~0.54 및 3.28~3.55)에서 유의하게 증가하였다(p<0.05). 콩과사료작물의 혼파에 따른 조단백질과 ADF 함량은 헤어리베치 혼파구(각각 9.7과 34.5%) >사료용 완구 혼파구(각각 9.3과 33.0%) >청보리의 단파구(각각 8.7과 30.5%) 순으로 유의하게 낮아졌으며 우분 질소시용수준에 따른 청보리의 조단백질 함량과 NDF 함량은 처리수준 간 유의한 차이가 인정되지 않았지만 ADF 함량은 시용수준이 증가함에 따라 유의하게 증가하였고 TDN 함량은 반대로 감소하였다(p<0.05). 콩과 사료작물의 혼파에 따른 청보리에 의한 유기한우 사육능력(체중 450 kg, 400 g 일당증체 목표)은 평균 2.62~2.72두로 유의하게 증가하였고. 발효우분 질소시용수준이 증가됨에 따라 청보리에 의한 유기한우 사육능력은 유의하게 증가하였다(p<0.05). 이상의 결과를 종합해 볼 때, 청보리 재배 시 콩과 사료 작물의 혼파 하였을 경우에는 단파재배 보다 발효우분의 질소시용수준을 ha 당 50 kg 이상 줄이면서도 건물수량을 포함한 생산성과 유기한우 사육능력 증대는 물론 조단백질 함량 등 사료가치를 향상을 시켜 한우 사양 시 조사료자원의 다양화 뿐 아니라 저투입에 의한 고품질 조사료 생산으로 유기축산물 생산에 크게 기여하리라 사료된다. This study was to assess the effect of sowing mixed legume forage and applying cattle manure on the productivity and feed value of whole-crop barley (WCB) as a representative of winter crops and to estimate feeding capacity of Korean native cattle (Hanwoo) per unit area by defining optimal application level of cattle manure for more fertile soil and manure recycling for the purpose of reduced environmental pollution and efficient production of organic forage contributable to production of organic animal products. Sowing mixed legume forage significantly (p<0.05) increased yields of dry matter (DM), crude protein (CP) and total digestible nutrients (TDN) for WCB compared to WCB alone sowing, but there was no difference between mixed sowing treatments. The yields of DM, CP and TDN were significantly (p<0.05) highest in 100~150 kg N/hg. The CP and acid detergent fiber (ADF) contents were highest in mixed sowing with hairy vetch, followed by sowing mixed forage pea and WCB alone (p<0.05). There were no differences in CP and neutral detergent fiber (NDF) contents among cattle manure application levels. As nitrogen application level increased, ADF content increased (p<0.05), but TDN content decreased (p<0.05). Feeding capacity of organic Hanwoo (head/ha) weighing 450 kg of body weight with 400 g of daily gain significantly (p<0.05) increased due to mixed sowing with legume forage, and with increasing application levels of fermented cattle manure, feeding capacity significantly (p<0.05) increased. The results indicate that mixed-sowing of WCB and legume forage not only cut nitrogen application level of fermented cattle manure by over 50 kg per ha but also increased their feed value and productivity, and feeding capacity. This would be contributable to diversity of forage resources as well as production of organic animal product by creating low cost and high quality of forage.

      • KCI등재

        유휴지에서 조사료 생산을 위한 적정 가축분뇨의 시용에 관한 연구 I. 액상구비의 시용시기와 무기태 질소의 첨가가 Orchardgrass의 건물수량에 미치는 영향

        조익환,Jo, Ik Hwan 유기성자원학회 1994 유기물자원화 Vol.2 No.2

        본 연구는 점차 확대되어 가는 유휴지에 Orchardgrass를 재배하였을 때, 액상구비의 시용시기와 무기태 질소추가시비가 건물수량에 미치는 영향을 조사하였다. 연간 ha 당 120kg의 질소에 해당하는 액상구비 ($30m^3/ha$)를 2회 분할 시용으로 연간 5.62~6.67 톤(평균 6.15 ton/ha) 의 건물수량을 얻어 무비구 및 인산과 칼리시용구 보다 0.60~1.65 및 0.16 톤의 증수를 보였다. 무기태 질소를 ha당 120kg 시비하였을 때 대조구에 대한 연간 상대건물수량은 142~146%를 나타낸 반면에, 액상구비의 시용으로는 무비구에 대한 상대건물수량이 112~133%를 기록하였다. 한편 질소시용에 따른 건물생산효율 (kg DM/kg N) 은 액상구비의 시용시에 5.0~13.8의 건물을 생산하였고, 동일한 양(120kg N/ha)의 무기태 질소수준에서는 21.3~23.1kg DM/kg N을 나타내었다. 본 실험의 조건에서 화학비료를 최소화하면서 Orchardgrass 의 잠재생산성을 증대시키기 위해서는 액상구비를 시용한 후 무기태 질소를 추가시비한 경우로서, 이때 무기태 질소의 경제적 시비수준은 119.4~133.3kg/ha의 범위였고 경제적 한계수량은 8.48~8.63ton/ha 를 얻었으며 한계시비수준은 202.8kg/ha 에서 8.98ton/ha 의 최대건물수량을 얻을 수 있었다. The aim of this experiment was to investigate the effects of applying time of cattle slurry and fertilizing added mineral nitrogen on dry matter yield of orchardgrass and also to estimate proper levels of fertilizing nitrogen when idled arable land rapidly increased these days, which was used for the production of Orchardgrass. The results were as follows. 1. The annual yields of dry matter were produced 5.62~6.67 ton per ha when cattle slurry applied at rates of $30m^3$(average mineral fertilizer equivalent to 120kg) per ha in different dressing times. Those were higher 0.60~1.65 ton or 0.16 ton per ha than the yields from non-fertilizing or phosphrous and potassium fertilizing. 2. Relative yields of annual dry matter from mineral nitrogen fertilization of 120kg per ha were 142~146% in comparsion with control plots(cattle slurry plot or phosphrous and potassium plot). On the other hand, those of cattle slurry application were 112~133% in comparion with non-fertilizing plot. 3. The efficiencies of nitrogen on dry matter yield(kg DM/kg N) were 5.0~13.8 DM kg/N kg when cattle slurry applied to Orchardgrass at rates of $30m^3$(average mineral fertilizer equivalent to 120kg) per ha, and were 21.3~23.1kg DM/kg N at the same level fertilization of mineral nitrogen. 4. On the condition of this study, mineral nitrogen were fertilized after applying cattle slurry at rates of $30m^3$(average mineral fertilizer equivalent to 120kg) per ha in order to minimize chemical fertilizer and increase the potential production of Orchardgrass. At this situation, marginal dry matter yields of 8.48~8.63 ton per ha were obtained as the level of economic even point goint when mineral nitrogen fertilization is between 119.4 and 133.3kg per ha. It was possible to obtain the maximal dry matter yield(8.98 tons/ha) with fertilization of 202.8kg N/ha.

      • KCI등재

        농산부산물을 이용한 한국재래산양의 사료개발에 관한 연구

        조익환 ( Jo Ik-hwan ),이성훈 ( Lee Sung-whun ),김재홍 ( Kim Jae-hong ),송해범 ( Song Hai-bum ),전하준 ( Jun Ha-joon ) 한국유기농업학회 1997 韓國有機農業學會誌 Vol.5 No.2

        This study was carried out to investigate the amounts of voluntary intake, digestibility and nitrogen retention in Korean native goats (KNG) fed agricultural by-products containing rice straw (RS) and apple pomace (AP) and to obtain a basic information for establishing the feeding system of KNG. The results are as follows ; 1. Among the chemical composition of experimental diets, the highest values in crude protein (CP ; 18.6%) and crude ash contents (10.7%) were observed in alfalfa hay. Those of RS+AP treatment were significantly low 6.0 and 4.8%, respectively. Acid detergent fiber (ADF), ether extract and non-structural carbohydrate (NSC) contents were shown an adverse tendency. 2. Dry matter (DM) intakes per day in KNG fed RS+commercial diet (CD), RS+AP and RS+AP+CD were significantly lower (P<0.05) 210.3, 228.3 and 263.3g, respectively than 358.1g in alfalfa hay. 3. DM intakes per basal weight expressed as DM g/kg of BW0'75 and DM g/kg of BW(%) were highest (P<0.05) 60.5g and 3.3%, respectively in KNG fed alfalfa hay, any other treatments showed 35.6 to 42.5g and 2.0 to 2.3%, respectively and this result was similar to those of DM intake per day. 4. Digestibilities of DM, organic matter, CP, ADF, neutral detergent fiber (NDF), crude ash and ether extract in alfalfa hay and RS+AP+CD treatment were significantly higher (PC0.05) than RS+CD treatment. Those of CP, ADF and NDF of RS+AP treatment is not significantly different with these treatments. 5. NSC digestibility was higher in alfalfa hay (66.7%) than those of other treatments (44.2~52.0% ; P<0.05). 6. Nitrogen retentions expressed as N retention(g) and N retention(%) in KNG were highest (P<0.05) 0.6g and 15.6%, respectively in RS+AP+CD treatment and RS+CD treatment was lowest (P<0.05) -0.6g and -21.4%, respectively.

      • KCI등재후보

        액상우분뇨의 시용시기와 희석이 오차드그라스의 건물수량과 사료가치에 미치는 영향

        조익환 ( Jo Ik-hwan ) 한국유기농업학회 2004 韓國有機農業學會誌 Vol.12 No.4

        The aim of this experiment was to investigate the effects of applying times and dilution rates of cattle slurry with water on dry matter yields and feed values of orchard grass. Cattle slurry was applied at the rates of average nitrogen fertilizer equivalent to 150㎏/ha/year in 3 cutting frequency. Significantly higher dry matter yields than that of no fertilization (7.56 ton DM/㏊) were recorded in the application of diluted cattle slurry (10.74~13.54 ton DM/㏊) (p<0.05). Especially, this tendency was shown with higher annual dry matter yields at the partitioned dressing times, such as at the applications for 1st and 3rd growth, 2nd and 3rd growth, and 1st, 2nd and 3rd growth respectively. The yields of annual dry matter at fertilizing phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen were higher than no fertilization as 12.42 tons per ㏊. However, with application of diluted cattle slurry, dry matter yields per year (11.96 ton DM/㏊) were significantly higher than those of fertilizing phosphorus and potassium (7.52 ton DM/㏊) (p<0.05). The efficiencies of dry matter production with mineral and cattle slurry nitrogen application (㎏ DM/㎏ N) were 32.7 and 13.4~26.9㎏ DM/㎏ N respectively. Especially, these tendencies were higher in diluted application plots than in no-diluted application plots of cattle slurry. The contents of crude protein (CP, %), neutral detergent fiber (NDF, %), acid detergent fiber (ADF, %), annual yields of CP (kg/ha) and total digestible nutrient (TDNY, kg/ha) of orchardgrass were significantly higher at the application of diluted cattle slurry than those at non-fertilizer application (p<0.05).

      • KCI등재

        분뇨 슬러지 퇴비 시용이 Orchardgrass의 건물 수량과 영양가에 미치는 영향

        조익환 ( Jo Ik-hwan ),이주삼 ( Lee Ju-sam ) 한국유기농업학회 2001 韓國有機農業學會誌 Vol.9 No.1

        This experiment was carried out to investigate the effects of application levels of nightsoil sludge compost(NSC) in 3 and 4 cuttings per annum on the dry matter yields and nutritive value of orchardgrass(Dactylis glomerata L.). Annual nightsoil sludge compost(NSC) were applied at levels of 0,10,20,40 and 80 ton ha<sup>-1</sup>, respectively. Relative yields of each cut to annual dry matter yield were 29.9%, 46.% and 23.2% for 1st cut,2nd cut and 3rd cut in 3 cutting system, 23.7%, 29.3%,34.0% and 13.0% for 1st cut, 2nd cut, 3rd cut and 4th cut in 4 cutting system,respectively. Significantly higher dry matter yield of orchardgrass obtained were 8.11 ton ha<sup>-1</sup> at level of 40 ton ha<sup>-1</sup> yr<sup>-1</sup> in 3 cutting systems, ranges of 7.50~10.71 ton ha<sup>-1</sup> at level of 10~80 ton ha<sup>-1</sup> yr<sup>-1</sup> in 4 cutting systems than those of non application level of NSC, respectively(p<0.05). The mean efficiency of dry matter production to application of NSC(kg DM/ton NSC) were 46 and 102 kg in 3 and 4 cutting systems, respectively. Although th contents of crude protein(CP, %) of orchardgrass were significantly higher at the application levels of 10~80 ton ha<sup>-1</sup> yr<sup>-1</sup> by NSC than those of the application levels at the 0 ton ha<sup>-1</sup> yr<sup>-1</sup> in 3 and 4 cutting systems(p<0.05), the contents of neutral detergent fiber(NDF, %) and acid detergent fiber(ADF, %) were lower in NSC plots than those at the nonapplication plots of NSC. The contents of total digestible nutrient(TDN, %) and relative feed value(RFV) of orchardgrass were significantly increased with increase the applicaton levels of NSC(p〈0.05).

      • KCI등재

        채소용 육묘 상토로서 지렁이분립의 이용

        조익환 ( Jo Ik-hwan ),전하준 ( Jun Ha-joon ),이주삼 ( Lee Ju-sam ) 한국유기농업학회 2003 韓國有機農業學會誌 Vol.11 No.1

        This study was carried out to investigate the effects of different plant growth media on the growth of tomato(Lycopersicum esculentum Mill.) seedlings during growth stages. The media were commercial plant growth medium 100%, earthworm cast(that was produced by vermicomposting of food waste and cattle manure) 100%, earthworm cast 50% + vermiculite 50%, earthworm cast 50% + perlite 50%, earthworm cast 40% + vermiculite 30% + perlite 30%. Plant length(㎜), number of leaves, leaf area(㎠), stem diameter(㎜), plant dry mater were greatest till the 2nd week growth stages in the commercial plant growth medium plots, but those were higher in the earthworm cast than those in the other plant growth media at the later stages of this study(p<0.05). And relative growth rate of biological yield, relative growth rate of shoot and relative growth rate of root were highest in the earthworm cast till the 4th week growth stage. Therefore it can be implied that there is the possibility of potential utilization of earthworm cast, which was produced by vermicomposting of food waste and cattle manure, as vegetable growth medium.

      • KCI등재후보

        가축분뇨의 시용시기와 희석이 목초의 건물생산에 미치는 영향

        조익환 ( Jo Ik-hwan ),이주삼 ( Lee Ju-sam ),안종호 ( Ahn Jong-ho ) 한국유기농업학회 2004 韓國有機農業學會誌 Vol.12 No.2

        The aim of this experiment was to investigate the effects of applying times and dilution rates of cattle slurry on dry matter yields of orchard grass. Cattle slurry was applied at the rates of average mineral nitrogen fertilizer equivalent to 150 kg/ha/year in 3 cutting frequency. Significantly higher dry matter yields than that of no fertilization (3.04 ton DM/ha) were recorded in the application of diluted cattle slurry(5.38~6.25 ton DM/ha) (p<0.05). Especially, this tendency was shown with higher annual dry matter yields at the partitioned dressing times, such as at the applications for 1st and 2nd growth, 1st and 3rd growth, and 1st, 2nd and 3rd growth respectively. The yields of annual dry matter both at fertilizing phosphorus and potassium, and phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen were higher than no fertilization as 5.41 tons and 8.78 tons per ha respectively. However, with application of diluted cattle slurry, dry matter yield per year (5.84 ton DM/ha) was higher than those of fertilizing phosphorus and potassium. The efficiencies of dry matter production with mineral and cattle slurry nitrogen application (kg DM/kg N) were 22.5 and 15.8~18.7 kg DM/kg N respectively. Especially, these tendencies were higher in diluted application plots than in no-diluted application plots of cattle slurry.

      • KCI등재후보

        Vermicomposting에 의한 우분과 음식물쓰레기의 처리에 관한 연구

        조익환 ( Jo Ik-hwan ),이주삼 ( Lee Ju-sam ) 한국유기농업학회 2003 韓國有機農業學會誌 Vol.11 No.4

        This research was made to determine the optimum mixing ratio cattle manure and food waste investigating the effect that gets the growth and reproductive efficiency of earthworm and productivity of earthworm casts at processing process when handled cattle manure and food waste by vermicomposting, in order to establish the treatment system of organic wastes by vermicomposting. Survival ratio of earthworm was highest in the mixing ratio 80~100%: 20~0% of cattle manure and food Waste, and the increasing ratio was highest in cattle manure 100%, and the number of young worms, the weight of young worms and the productivity of earthworm casts in plots more than the mixing ratio 60% of cattle manure were significantly higher than in the other treatment plots(p<0.05). Total nitrogen and carbon contents in earthworm cast were decreased when rearing time of earthworm was increased. Carbon and nitrogen rate(C/N) of earthworm cast in plots more than the mixing ratio 80% of cattle manure was significantly higher than in the other treatment plots (p<0.05). pH in earthworm cast was higher than that in residual matter. The contents of electrolytic conductivity in the higher mixing ratio of food waste were significantly higher than those in the other treatment plots (p<0.05).

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