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      • 신학대 재학생 욕구 중심의 교회사회복지사 양성 학제에 관한 연구

        조운희(Woon-Hee Cho) 영남신학대학교 2005 신학과 목회 Vol.24 No.-

        The purpose of this study was to research students' needs of educational system for training church social worker in theological university. The objects of this study were 475 students enrolled in theological college. The results were as followings: Indicators which chosen in order to improve educational system part are these such as: the combined education course of the master of divinity and master of social welfare, the integrated curriculum to obtain regular qualifications, the establishment of new departments, presenting a memorial to the plenary session for the placement of church social worker in church, the integrated education system of the college and graduate course. And it need to make effort the placement of assistant minister or preacher charged social welfare or church social worker in community church and to develop systematic training program and curriculum about church social welfare.

      • 요양시설 생활노인과 종사자와의 관계원만성에 영향을 미치는 인권요인 연구

        조운희(Woon Hee Cho) 영남신학대학교 2009 신학과 목회 Vol.31 No.-

        The purpose of this study was to research influence of the human right factor of elderly in nurshing home that affects to relationship with Staff. The results were as followings : First, it seems that residents in nursing home have complaints in being infringed their right of freedom such as 'when be forced to work', 'when not enter nursing home by themselves', 'when not be allowed to use communication stuff and 'when not be accepted their complaint'. the right of life such as 'when not be offered individualized menu', when perceive private sense of shame', 'when not be lived in satisfied nurshing home', 'when not allowed to enter with own things'. Secondly, The more relationship with staffs is harmonious, the more positive correlation shows with factors such as 'when be exposed private information without permission', 'when be received proper medical service', 'when be received unsatisfactory nursing service', 'when not use clean clothes and bedclothes', 'when be understood satisfactory facilities of pride', 'when be received sufficient counseling service', 'when be damaged their self-esteem', 'when be received nursed life with care', 'when be received comprehensive support among the residents', 'when be received customized bathing service, and 'when be recognized private sense of shame'. Thirdly, human right factors affecting relationship between elderlies and staffs are 'when be received insufficient counseling service' and 'health condition'. So social workers should minimize infringement of human right and set the professional relationship with the nurshing home residents to prevent the violent situation in nurshing home.

      • 재가노인의 도구적 일상생활능력에 따른 노인복지서비스 지원방안 연구

        조운희(Woon-Hee Cho) 영남신학대학교 2013 신학과 목회 Vol.40 No.-

        This research surveys and analyzes 176 elderly of Kyeong-buk province for empirically confirms relationship between Instrumental daily living ability of in-home elderlies and home care service, and seeks plans for supplying home care service. The results of research are following; First, most in-home elderly has Instrumental daily living ability for routine, but they need relatively more care for going out to other region, shopping and banking activity. Seconds, these should be prepared in the field of home care service; (1) long and short term institutional care for elderly who need more care for appearance cleaning, (2) long and short term institutional care for elderly who need more care for house cleaning, (3) depression and solitude counseling service and long and short term institutional care for elderly who need more care for mealtime, (4) depression, abuse, and solitude counseling and short and long term institutional care for elderly who need more care for hanging out, (5) prevention service of dementia, depression, abuse, and solitude counseling service, housework, housing and food service, and short and long term institutional care for elderly who need more care for going out to other region, (6) prevention service of dementia, depression, abuse, solitude, emotion counseling service, housework, food, and residential improvement service, and short term institutional care for elderly who need more care for shopping, (7) prevention service of dementia, housework, food and residential improvement service, social service, and short term institutional care for elderly who need more care for banking, (8) prevention service of dementia, depression, abuse, solitude, sexual counseling, housework, food, and residential improvement service, and short and long term institutional care for elderly who need more care for using communication devices, (9) housework and food service, and short term institutional care for elderly who need more care for managing medication. Third, regarding that Korea has already entered into aging society, policy of hobby, leisure, and welfare program for in-home elderly ought to seek plans for productive and meaningful senior life, such as participation in elderly enterprise, or elderly cooperative, as well as providing local social service, job-related leisure activity.

      • 교회사회복지 논제분석에 나타난 사회복지학과 특성화 연구 - ‘마을복지실천가’ 양성을 중심으로 -

        조운희(Woon-Hee Cho) 영남신학대학교 2020 신학과 목회 Vol.54 No.-

        As a result of analyzing the contents of 368 master’s and doctoral dissertations related to church social welfare from 2003 to 2019, the following conclusions were obtained. First, there is a common interest in welfare programs for the elderly and improvement or activation of the church social welfare work. Second, local community welfare or village pastoral practice is taken as an approach strategy. Third, the theological field research is taking a biblical and pastoral approach focusing on ‘rural village’, ‘biblical orientation’, and ‘church growth strategy’. Social Welfare Studies was a social science approach focusing on ‘Perception, Attitude, Consciousness on Social Welfare’, and ‘Degree of satisfaction’. Fourth, in the field of theology and the field of social welfare, it has been developed to the stage of calculating satisfaction outcomes by conducting local (village) welfare activities as a strategy for church growth by exploring factors influencing the practice of church social welfare. Fifth, it was confirmed that a university curriculum for “village ministry” based on community welfare practice should be established. Finally, YoungNam Theological University & Seminary’s Social Welfare Department needs discussions such as re-approval of the department name, structurally, for specialization. And functionally, in response to artificial intelligence technology, social workers’ unique skills development and ‘village welfare practitioners’ training courses should be organized and operated.

      • 교회 구역지도자의 행복감이 교회몰입에 미치는 영향

        조운희(Woon-Hee Cho) 영남신학대학교 2015 신학과 목회 Vol.44 No.-

        This study analyses the questionnaire with 181 Christian area leader in Pohang region about sense of happiness and church commitment. Following is the results of the how effect of the influence of happiness affect church commitment. First, the sense of happiness seems more positive as church commitment, and correlation ratio of the sense of happiness and church commitment is about .281-.750 and also there is positive(+) relation. Secondly, ‘enjoying work’, ‘affecting power about circumference’, ‘esthetic attitude’, ‘life worth while to live’, ‘pleasant association with other person’ and ‘time management’ variable among sense of happiness factor effect on the awareness of church commitment at the rate of p<.05. These 6 indicators showed 47.4%(R²=.474) explanation degree which affect awareness of church commitment. Thirdly, ‘fulling of vigor’ and ‘time management’ variable among sense of happiness factor effect on the behavior of church commitment at the rate of p<.01. These 2 indicators showed 16.1%(R²=.161) explanation degree which affect behavior of church commitment. Thus, because these sense of happiness factor play a vital role in enhancing church commitment, it is primarily requested that the effort of the practical and systematic study and adaption of the promotion of happiness"s sense is needed to enforce church commitment.

      • KCI등재

        종교와 행복 -행복감, 교회몰입 및 구전효과 간의 관계

        조운희 ( Woon Hee Cho ) 한국사회역사학회 2015 담론 201 Vol.18 No.3

        본 연구는 종교가 행복하고 만족한 삶을 영위하게 할 뿐만 아니라, 종교로 인하여 행복한 사람은 궁극적으로 종교체험에서 갖게 되는 신적인 사랑을 이타적인사랑으로 승화시켜 인류사회를 행복하게 만드는 사회적 자본 구축에 촉매역할을수행할 것이라는 전제에서 출발하였다. 그러나 행복심리학자 디너 등은 교가 사람들의 행복을 증진시키는 효과가 있고사람들이 종교를 가짐으로써 행복해지기를 원한다는 것이 분명한 사실이라면, 시간이 갈수록 종교 가진 사람들이 더 늘어야 함에도 불구하고, 사회안전망이 취약하고 빈곤층이 많은 국가에서는 종교로 인하여 행복이 증진되는 효과가 높게 나타나는 반면에 이와 상반된 서구 선진국에서는 오히려 종교인이 급감하는 ‘종교의패러독스’ 현상이 나타나고 있음을 지적하고 있다. 이러한 종교의 패러독스 현상과는 달리 최근 세계은행(2006)이 ‘국부(國富)는 어디에 있는가’(Where Is the Wealth of Nations)라는 보고서에서 후진국의 경우는 자연자본 26%, 만들어낸 자본 16%, 무형자본 59%이고, 개발도상국의 경우는 자연자본 13%, 만들어낸 자본 19%, 무형자본 68%이며, 선진국(OECD)의 경우 자연자본은 2%, 만들어 낸 자본은 17%이지만 인적자본, 사회적 자본, 제도의 질과 같은 ‘무형자본’(intangible capital)이 80%라고 보고하고 있으며, 이 무형자본은 시민참여와 협력 거버넌스 구축, 보다 나은 경제발전과 삶의 질 향상, 연대와 협력을 통한사회적 효율성 증진 등의 역할을 한다고 언급되고 있다. 이는 2005년 현재 우리나라 인구의 절반이상인 53%가 종교인이란 사실은매우 중요한 국가자원으로 주목해야 할 필요성이 있다는 것이다. 이에 본 연구는가구소득이 약 75,000달러 정도 그 이상을 넘으면 행복경험이 평균적으로 전혀늘어나지 않는다는 카너먼의 주장을 토대로 해서, 욕구결핍과 욕구충족은 반복된상태로 은유와 환유 과정을 거치게 된다는 라캉의 욕망이론, 매슬로의 자아실현욕구단계에서의 상위욕구에 ‘종교적 욕구’를 포함하는 욕구위계이론 확장, 그리고성숙한 사람은 종교적으로 생활한다는 올포트의 성숙이론에 대한 통섭적 관점의유용성 등에 대하여 고찰하였다. 연구자는 이론적 검토에서 설정한 행복감이 종교에 영향을 주는가 하는 상향식경로인 행복감 →교회몰입→ 구전효과 가설과 종교가 행복에 영향을 주는가 하는하향식 경로인 구전효과 →교회몰입→ 행복감 가설을 실증적으로 검증하고자 하였다. 실제적으로 경북 P지역의 교회구역지도자 206명을 대상으로 조사분석한결과는 행복감 ⇒ 교회몰입 ⇒ 구전효과, 구전효과 ⇒ 교회몰입 ⇒ 행복감 그리고행복감⇒ 구전효과, 구전효과 ⇒행복감 모형 모두 행복감 요인이 원인변수 또는결과변수로서 강조되어야 하는 것으로 나타났다. 이와 같은 조사결과로부터 행복을 필요로 하는 자를 행복한 사람이 되게 하여 행복함을 구전하는 과정, 신앙인으로서의 행복함이 사회적 자본으로 기여하도록 하는 방안, 이와 아울러 ‘종교교육’ 과 ‘문화운동’을 실제적으로 실행해야 할 필요성 등을 제안하고 있다. This study aims to find out a solution as to how religiosity can play an important role as a cultural movement for the enforcement of social capital. To undertake this study, three questionnaire factors, i.e., sense of happiness, church commitment, and word-of-mouth effect, of 206 Christians in Gyeong-buk, are analyzed to confirm two hypotheses. The findings of this study are as follows: First, compared to church commitment and word-of-mouth effect, the sense of happiness seems more positive, and correlation of the church commitment and word-of-mouth effect is higher. Specifically, there is a big positive (+) relation, with a ratio of about .419-.598, among sense of happiness, church commitment and word-of-mouth effect. Second, according to Baron & Kenny`s procedure(1986), sense of happiness leads to word-of-mouth effect through the medium of church commitment, which means church commitment plays a partial mediating role. Moreover, the significance of the mediating effect is statistically worthy in the rate of p<.01. Mediating effect of church commitment has an indirect influence (61.29%) and a direct influence (38.71%) on word-of-mouth effect. Third, word-of-mouth effect leads to sense of happiness through the medium of church commitment, which means church commitment plays a partial mediating role according to Baron & Kenny`s procedure(1986). Furthermore, the significance of the mediating effect is statistically worthy in the rate of p<.01. Mediating effect of church commitment has an indirect influence (54.81%) and a direct influence (45.19%) on sense of happiness. Thus, the study shows that sense of happiness leads to word-of-mouth effect through the medium of church commitment and vice versa, which means church commitment plays a partial mediating role not only on word-of-mouth effect but also on sense of happiness. It is primarily recommended that the realization of religious education and cultural movement, as well as the effort of the practical and cultural study, is needed so that the sense of happiness as a believer contributes to social capital.

      • 기독교인의 행복감이 교회몰입에 미치는 영향에 대한 삶의 의미의 매개효과

        조운희(Woon-Hee Cho) 영남신학대학교 2018 신학과 목회 Vol.50 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to investigate the mediating effect of meaning of life on the influence of happiness on church commitment by surveying church members. First, the higher the happiness of Christians, the higher the meaning of life and church commitment, and the higher the meaning of life, the higher the church commitment. Secondly, Christian’s happiness and the meaning of life were statistically significant influences on church commitment factors. The degree to which these two factors influenced the church commitment was 30.0% (R²=.300). And the first predictive factor influencing the church commitment was ‘happiness’ and second predictive factor was ‘meaning of life’. Thirdly, according to the analysis procedure of Baron & Kenny(1986), the meaning of life was found to have a partial mediating effect between happiness factor and church commitment. These results were statistically significant at the level of p<.01. The indirect effect of the meaning of life on church commitment was 36.32% of the total effect and the direct effect of happiness on the church commitment was 63.68%. Therefore, the implications for church social welfare practice are as follows. First, the church should seek to strengthen the church commitment by improving the happiness of the saints. And then the church needs practical efforts to strengthen the church’s commitment by improving the meaning of life by improving happiness. Second, the church and the church social worker should eventually lead those who need happiness to become happy people and immerse them in the church as Christians. Practical research and continuous efforts are needed to achieve this.

      • 새마을운동 논제분석을 통한 연구경향에 관한 연구 - 새마을운동과 사회복지 및 마을만들기 중심으로 -

        조운희(Woon-Hee Cho) 영남신학대학교 2021 신학과 목회 Vol.55 No.-

        This study investigated and analyzed the trends of Saemaul Undong research on 296 Saemaul Undong-related master’s and doctoral dissertations from 1973 to February 2021 in the collection of the National Assembly Library. The following conclusions were obtained as a result of analyzing degree year, research purpose, university, graduate school type, degree classification, and thesis topic, focusing on control variables, independent variables, and dependent variables. First, with the globalization of Saemaul Undong, synergistic government-society Saemaul Undong, and the ‘Internet Saemaul Undong’, the development of the prototype of Saemaul Undong in the 1970s and its transformation should continue. Second, Saemaul Undong is not separated from the one-sided view of economic growth or political dictatorship, it was a space in which the governing mechanism of the Park Jeong-Hee system was operated, and as shown in the current mass phenomenon, it should be understood as a space of mutual communication connecting the Park Chung-hee system and the public. Third, ‘Financial support plan for the application of Saemaul Undong for new rural development in North Korea’, ‘Community development that strengthens social capital’ or ‘Saemaul Undong for a synergistic government-society’, ‘Social Capital Centered of Saemaul Undong’ should be activated. Fourth, in order for the village revitalization movement, which has been interested since 2010, to succeed, the ‘theory and practice’ of the ‘original form and transformation’ of the Saemaul Undong should be strengthened and the ‘Saemaul Undong-type village renewal theory development and practice movement’ should be promoted. Fifth, the positive effect of Saemaul Undong as a causal variable on the outcome variable, as well as the mediating and regulatory effects thereof, have been actively investigated and studied, so that the ‘Korean ODA model’ and ‘Korean Saemaul Undong application method’ can be easily applied to Saemaul Undong Globalization should be supported. Lastly, for a successful Saemaul Undong, in underdeveloped countries or local communities, the development and implementation of functional and software-oriented resident participation-oriented process policies must be a prerequisite or parallel to structural and hardware policies. In advanced countries like Korea, where the number is close to 50%, more attention is needed to develop and implement the second and third Saemaul Undong by putting efforts into ‘faith education’ and ‘cultural movement’ in terms of public happiness and public theology.

      • 영남신학대학교 사회복지학과의 문화복지 중심 특성화에 관한 연구

        조운희(Woon-Hee Cho) 영남신학대학교 2014 신학과 목회 Vol.42 No.-

        The purpose of this study was to explore the orientation & conceptual definition of Culture, Culture Welfare, Welfare Culture, and Social Welfare Culture the better training social worker and performance management of social welfare education and practice. The results were as followings : First, Culture definition is ‘the everything produced by man, except that a created thing created by God’, Secondly, Culture Welfare definition is ‘One of the essential social welfare approach in order to recover God’s creative rule(position rule, role rule and relationship rule) as a target of culture’, Thirdly, Welfare Culture is defined as ‘the mechanism of actualization process in order to practice Culture Welfare’, Fourth, Social Welfare Culture is defined as ‘social science aimed attainment of welfare society which was accomplished Culture Welfare, through actualization of Welfare Culture at micro, meso and macro levels’. Fifth, Department of Social Welfare Culture’s primary orientation is rather “Pay It Forward(2000)” movie than “El Sistema(2008) movie”. therefore we must pursuit of social welfare education & social movement for human and society such as a multi-level marketing love system. Sixth, Department of Social Welfare Culture must seek to possess the characteristics of case management and Culture Welfare. Lastly, it needs to examine the detail plan such as educational system. And then accept the certificate of qualification on social worker as a case manager, nurture teacher & culture social worker.

      • 영남신학대학교 학제 및 교과과정 개선방안에 관한 연구

        조운희(Woon Hee Cho) 영남신학대학교 2008 신학과 목회 Vol.29 No.-

        The purpose of this study was to offers improvement and proposal of the active educational course that foster the multi major/degree human resources through the improvement of educational system matching with social needs in YoungNam Theological University & Seminary. The results were as followings: First, university educational course accept the multi major system type of school faculty based on department ① Student in theological department and christian education department accept the the second a certificate of qualification or first certificate of qualification through national test by multi-major(above 14 subjects) completing the social welfare subject and especially, make the teaching course completer of christian education department gain the certificate of qualification of social worker and school social worker. ② Students in social welfare department are given the activity opportunity as ?a educating preacher? by being recognized as ?church educator? by church through multi-majoring completing above 35 points or second-majoring completing above 21 points in theological department and christian education department. ③ Developing and servicing ?the integrated curriculum to obtain regular qualifications? for gain national certificate of qualification of the nurture teacher, youth guider, youth counselor, all-life educator and so on by completing integrated subjects of theological department, christian education department and, social welfare department. Second, divinity school make multi-major theological and social welfare(above 14 subjects) or second-major social welfare(above 8 subjects). And then accept the certificate of qualification on social worker and give the M. Div. of theological and social welfare department major. Thirdly, activating the course of gaining non-government qualification for the quality improvement of the pastor and social worker through the all-life education institute. We need following offer for practice above educational course. First, it needs to make effort the placement of ?assistant minister or preacher charged social welfare? or ?church social worker? in community church and to develop systematic training program and curriculum about church social welfare. Second, it needs to raise semester gaining point from 21 points to above 24 points and introduce ?the point tuition fee system? for the multi-major. Thirdly, it needs to introduce ?minimum major point system」 for the second major of multi-major. Forth, it needs to choose either cooperated educational course or multi-degree course such as 4+1, 2+1, 3+1 educational system or program acquired 21 points to above 24 points(except earlier subjects) per semester. fifth, it needs to examine the detail plan such as a midnight class against the problem like lack of lecture rooms and compositional overlap of lecture time. sixth, it needs to make a long-term effort in introducing an installation of the doctor degree course and increase of enrollment for the integrated education system of the college and graduate course and multi-degree course.

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