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      • KCI등재후보

        The Situation and Mission of the Korean Diaspora

        조귀삼 한국복음주의선교신학회 2009 복음과 선교 Vol.11 No.-

        한국인들의 디아스포라 시기의 기원을 19세기 중반부터라고 볼 수 있다. 즉 1860년을 기점으로 빈곤탈출을 위해서 한국의 두만강을 건너 서 중국지역의 변방에 농사일을 하기 시작하였고, 1903년 조선 말기의 이민은 미국 하와이섬으로 농장 일을 떠나면서 공식화하기 시작했다. 이후 일본의 강점기 동안에는 정치적인 이유로 인해서 고국을 떠나게 되었다. 1945년 해방과 함께 다양한 이민자들이 나타나기 시작했다. 남미의 농업이민과 선진 서구에로의 유학 이민을 들 수 있다. 현제는 자녀의 조기유학과 함께 급속한 디아스포라가 이루어지고 있으며, 높 아진 경제력과 함께 해외의 기업들을 관장하기 위한 디아스포라 현상 을 볼 수 있다. 현재 600만 명이상 해외에 흩어져 있다. 한인 디아스포라의 역사와 특징은 크게 네 단계로 나누어 볼 수 있 다. 첫 번째 시기는 1860년대부터 1910년(한일합방)까지이다. 두 번째 시기는 1910년부터 1945년까지이다. 이 시기는 일본의 한국지배 기간 이다. 세 번째 시기는 1945년부터 1962년까지의 기간이다. 이는 한국 이 일본으로부터 해방함과 아울러 한국정부 수립 후에 해외에 이민정 책을 수립하는 기간이다. 네 번째 시기는 1962년부터 현재까지의 기간 이다. 중국, 일본, 러시아독립국가연합을 제외한 해외 이민은 주로 취 업이민이 많았다. Cho, Gwi-Sam, The Situation and Mission of the Korean Diaspora 33 한인 디아스포라의 특징을 몇 가지로 살펴보면 다음과 같다. 첫째는 빈곤탈출과 취업의 디아스포라이다. 두 번째는 정치적 망명의 디아스 포라이다. 특히 1910년 일본의 조선 강점은 많은 한인 디아스포라를 만들게 되었다. 셋째는 선진교육을 추구하는 디아스포라이다. 네 번째 는 사업성취를 위한 디아스포라이다. 다섯 번째는 국제결혼을 통한 디 아스포라이다. 그리고 한인 디아스포라들은 세계의 모든 지역에서 교 회를 세우고 활발한 신앙생활을 하고 있다. 한인 디아스포라의 교회사 역을 평가해 보면 다음과 같다. 첫째는 도시에서의 교회설립이다. 둘째 는 한인의 정체성 유지의 교육과 믿음의 신앙이다. 비록 성공적인 선교사역을 해외에서 행하고 있지만 더욱 효과적인 사역을 위해서 다음의 몇 기지를 제언하고자 한다. 첫째는 한민족 공동 체의 네트워크 선교사역이다. 둘째는 NGO의 활용을 통한 사회개발의 동참을 통한 선교사역이다. 세 번째는 기업을 통한 선교사역이다. 네 번째는 한인 2세들의 선교자원화 사역이다. 결론적으로 보면 한인 디아스포라를 통해서 하나님의 나라가 많이 확장되었다. 그들은 불굴의 신앙을 가지고 교회를 개척하고 헌금하고 헌당을 하였다. 이는 한국인이 가진 세계복음화에의 헌신이라고 본다. 이제 한인 디아스포라를 통해서 세계의 대부분의 나라에 복음의 전진 기지가 구축되었다. 중간시대를 통해서 흩어진 유대 디아스포라를 통 해서 세계복음화에의 기폭제가 되었듯이 한인 디아스포라를 통해서 초 대교회의 선교적 전략이 수립되기를 열망한다.

      • KCI등재후보

        소태산(少太山)과 바울의 은혜(恩惠)사상의 비교분석을 통한 선교적 과제 연구

        조귀삼 한국선교신학회 2006 선교신학 Vol.13 No.-

        The Mission Strategies to Won-Buddihism(Wonbulgyo) through comparison between Sotaesan and Apostle Paul' theory of Grace. Gwi-Sam Cho (Associate Professor of Theology on Mission, Hansei University) The doctrine of Won-Buddhism(Wonbulgyo) is based on the Il-Won-Sang(One Circle) as well as the Fourfold Grace. The teaching of Fourfold Grace is the more distinctive and practical doctrine. Jung bin Park (1891-1943), the founder of Won-Buddhism, originated Won-Buddhism after "the great enlightenment" in 1916. He re-created it from Korean traditional religions. The doctrine of fourfold Grace emphasizes following things: the grace of heaven and earth, the grace of parents, the grace of neighbors, the grace of law. The doctrinal chart of Won-Buddhism shows the relationship between the truth of Il-Won-Sang and the fourfold grace as the whole to the part, and unites the faith and gratitude to be practiced whenever and everywhere. Two different grace theories from Sotaesan and Apostle Paul, are compared through out this article. First, Sotaesan understands god as pantheism but Apostle Paul, as creator. Second, salvation is gained from one’s good deeds according to Sotaesan but Apostle Paul asserts that salvation is gained only by the blood of Jesus Christ. Last, while Soetaesan emphasize religion of ethic, Apostle Paul emphasizes religion of life. I strongly suggest three mission strategies to believers in order to evangelize them. First, Christians have to witness the uniqueness of Jesus Christ to Won-Buddhism who believes in syncretism. Next, Christians have to change their Won-Buddhism world-view into Christian world view. Finally, we have to persuade them through love and patience.

      • KCI등재

        Self-Theologizing of the Three-Fold Blessing Which Occurred in the Ministry of Youngsan

        조귀삼 한세대학교 영산신학연구소 2014 영산신학저널 Vol.31 No.-

        The writer would like to study the missiological meaning of the result of self-theologizing which made the church grow as Youngsan made the Three-fold Blessing via making a blessing which is inherent in Korean tradition and known as “redemptive analogy.”The Three-fold Blessing theology of Youngsan applied well to Korean Christians as Youngsan applied blessings in the Bible to the Korean tradition and made it rooted and fruitful. His key message of the Three-fold Blessing is well summarized in 3 John 1:2, “Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well.” If it is evaluated by Korean theology, the theology of blessing is contextualized in the Korean culture.Youngsan made the largest church in the world through the Three-fold Blessing. This can be a successful model of self-theologizing in Korea. When the Gospel came to Korea and survived by itself, Koreans received Biblical truth on “blessings” from a position of a receiver. Youngsan developed this notion of “blessing” in the process ofChristian indigenization and made the church growth greatly. His theology teaches that good God is God of blessing. Indeed, he taught church members that God of Christianity is good God, and made Korean self-theologizing through the missiological application of the Three-fold Blessing.After all, Youngsan made the largest church through the gospel of the Three-fold Blessing, which applied the notion of blessings which Koreans have traditionally. He has practiced serving others as a holistic mission of holistic salvation through church growth and changes the culture of “han” inherent in Koreans and expands to the churches in the world though CGI and centripetal visiting conferences. Thus, the writer argues that Youngsan is a minister who fulfilled self-theologizing in Korea, using the gospel of the Three-fold Blessing which is in the Bible.

      • KCI등재후보

        A Study on Wholistic Mission in Sharing Love and Happiness Foundation Ministry of Youngsan Dr. Yonggi Cho

        조귀삼 한세대학교 영산신학연구소 2011 영산신학저널 Vol.22 No.-

        The ministry of Yonggi Cho, which he began after his retirement, offers important lessons in the context of the modern mission. He work as the wholistic mission is recommended by both traditional and progressive parties. According to this trend, the Sharing of Love and Happiness Foundation can be considered as an example of the wholistic mission, which carries the Great Commission of God by the church. Thus, the writer wants to study the motivation, methods, and influence of “Sharing of Love and Happiness” of Yonggi Cho which belongs to a wholistic mission. The content of this paper is wholistic mission of NGO and “Sharing of Love and Happiness” in the ministry of Yonggi Cho. He made the Three-fold Blessing from the gospel of Jesus. It is a message which confirms that humans have a right to share in salvation of souls, all other matters, and in the well-being of their bodies. The ministry of Cho’s wholistic mission structure is also to change the frame of old traditional dogmatics. He constructed the shape of wholistic mission through three-fold blessings and proved it, through Good People which is a NGO. The writer evaluates that the Sharing of Love and Happiness Foundation is a model of the wholistic mission, presenting the future ministry of the Korean Church.

      • KCI등재

        다문화 청소년을 위한 복지선교 연구

        조귀삼 한국복음주의선교신학회 2014 복음과 선교 Vol.27 No.-

        In the process of globalization, at present the number of immigrants who enter Korea rapidly increases. Since the establishment of nation by the Korean Government, Korea has been a country which transfers the laborers into the construction of Middle East countries and students to study-abroad program all over the world until the early 1990 years. However the country turns into an organizational structure where imports human resources with the success of completing industrialization. Such this phenomenon is simply not only limited to be in the third dimensional industry but also both in the interracial marriage and the trend of increasing the number of bolters from North Korea. In Korea, the population of multicultural residents is recently 1.45 million. Additionally the number of multicultural families has been steadily increased up to three hundred fifty thousand. They have given birth to babies with Korean citizenship as well. As researching about the trend of the multicultural youths who reside in Korea, the immigration from foreign countries, the second marriage of a single parent, the breakaway from North Korea and illegal residence contribute to create such a many multicultural youths in Korea. The multicultural youths have several troubles adapting to the Korean Society. Firstly, it is deficiency of self-esteem caused by their parents’ lacking education. The multicultural children’s parents who support them suffer from economic deficiency, low social status and society’s bias toward the multicultural family. The fact absolutely causes them losing academic capability to accommodate themselves to Korea’s school system. Secondly, it is the loss of opportunity to be affiliated intermediately to the public education system for the youth who just emigrated from foreign countries to Korea. In the end of 2008, the officially submitted report presented that the number of youth from foreign countries was estimated approximately ten thousand. But in fact the actual number of the youth was unofficially thirty thousand at that time. For the worst case those who are not registered in government have been still denied to attend public school in Korea. Thirdly, it is the socially psychological stress caused from a cultural shock. While multicultural women reside in Korea, they have been shocked from the difference between their own background and cultural environment. For they recognize the boundary between the major Korean group and the minor foreign group, they suffer from emotional conflict and severe depression. Such the conflict and psychological disorder have been transferred to their children naturally so that the multicultural youths consequently suffer from the same severe depression as their parents have. Fourthly, it is the deviant behavior caused from family violence. The issue related to multicultural families’ violence increases. As researching the statistic report “Comparing to the 2007 report the case of sexual and severe violence happened in the multicultural family was increased up to four times of it in the end of 2010. The violence in the multicultural family naturally has been leading the case of teenage runaway. As looking into the traits of the teenage runaway, those are low self-esteem, deficiency of confidence, sense of inferiority, sarcastic attitude, negative self-image, embarrassing attitude, frustration, and hardships to build the rust in relationship. By the factors described above, the multicultural youths have obtained the critical attitude toward reality. If emphasizing the older generation’s system and traditional custom to the youths, they definitely fall out to their own world in which they establish. Additionally the multicultural youths are sexually open-minded so that they just not only turn down the standard of ethics but also live the pleasure seeking life. In the case letting them to be such there should be socially severe problems. The social conflict of western multicu...

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