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        학교장의 자부심(self-esteem)과 교사의 조직헌신도(organizational commitment)와의 상호성

        정진환(Joung Chin-Whan),심태은(Shim Tae Eun) 한국교육행정학회 2005 敎育行政學硏究 Vol.23 No.4

        본 연구는 교사가 학교장 자부심 수준이 높다고 지각되면, 교사의 조직헌신 수준도 높을 질 수 있으므로, 효율적인 학교운영 방안을 위한 조직헌신도 고양 방안의 자료로 교육헌장에 도움을 주고자 하는 것이 목적이다. 이때 교사가 바라본 학교장의 사회적·전문적·직업적 자부심 수준을 알아보고 이러한 학교장의 자부심이 교사의 조직헌신도 즉 학교조직에 대한 충성심, 자발성의지, 가치수용 등에 어떠한 상관관계를 미치는가를 알아보도록 하였다. <br/> 그 결과 교사가 바라본 학교장의 자부심 수준과 교사의 조직헌신도와의 상호성을 보았을 때, 학교장의 자부심이 높을수록 교사들은 학교조직이 추구하는 목표나 가치에 대하여 강한 신뢰와 수용하려는 의사가 높았다고 볼 수 있었다. 그 다음으로 학교조직에 대하여 애착심을 갖고 조직의 발전을 위해 최대한 노력하려는 의사와 상관관계가 있다는 것을 볼 수 있었다. 그러므로 학교장은 자신의 자부심을 향상시키기 위하여 노력해야할 것이다. The purpose of this study was to provide for some basic data useful to enhancement of teachers' organizational commitment to an efficient operation of school, on the assumption that they would be more committed to their school organization when they perceive that their principal's may be highly self-esteemed. For this purpose, the researcher surveyed teachers for their perception of principal's social, professional and vocational self-esteem, and thereby, analyzed the correlation between principal's self-esteem and teachers' loyalty to school organization, their voluntary efforts and accommodation of value.<br/> As a result, it was found that teachers' perceived principal's self-esteem was correlated with their organizational commitment. Namely, the higher a principal's self-esteem was, teachers accommodated school goals and value as well as their affection of school and commitment to development of their organization. Such findings suggest that principals are obliged to endeavor to enhance their self-esteem.

      • KCI등재

        한국 평생학습체제 구축을 위한 방향 모색

        정진환(Joung Chin-Whan) 한국교육행정학회 2005 敎育行政學硏究 Vol.23 No.3

        지난날 국가의 관심이 미흡했던 평생학습은 최근 들어 이에 대한 국민적 관심 고조와 전 세계적인 인적자원개발 및 국가경쟁력 향상이라는 흐름에 힘입어 점차 그 틀을 구축해 가고 있다. 이는 국민들에게 보다 많은 평생교육의 기회를 제공해 줄 수 있다는 점에서 매우 바람직한 현상이다. 그러나 보다 중요한 것은 국민의 평생학습과 관련된 사회적 여건을 바꾸는 것이 시급하며, 평생교육 진흥정책이 해결해야 할 가장 중요한 과제는 평생학습체제를 강화하는 것이라 하겠다.<br/> 현행 평생학습 추진체제의 문제점은 범정부적 차원의 통합적인 평생학습 추진계획의 미비, 체계적인 평생학습 지원체제의 결여, 전담기구의 조직적 취약성, 지역교육청 및 지방자치단체의 평생학습지원체제의 행ㆍ재정적 취약성 등을 들 수 있다. 이러한 문제점을 해결하기 위한 향후 방향 및 과제로는 평생학습시설의 확충과 육성, 평생교육지원기구 운영의 내실화, 평생학습의 전문화, 지역평생교육의 활성화, 정보화, 재정지원의 확충 노력, 성인학습 기회의 확대와 관련 프로그램 개발 보급, 공공성 보장 등이라 하겠다. In the past the nation didn't pay much attention to the lifelong education. But recently the national concern about it is increasing because the human resource development and the national competitiveness in the world are being enhanced. Owing to these the lifelong education has been built its frame more and more. It is a desirable phenomenon in the point of supplying more lifelong education chances to people. There are two important things. One is to change urgently the social environment related to people's lifelong education. the other is to enhance lifelong education system that is the most important problem for the lifelong education promotion policy to solve.<br/> Today we have many problems of lifelong education promotion system. Those are the insufficiency of the integral lifelong education promotion policy in the whole government level, the lack of systematic lifelong education support, the organizational vulnerableness of the exclusive charge, the administrative and financial vulnerableness of the local government and the local educational authority' lifelong education promotion system.<br/> There are some direction and tasks to solve these problems. Those are the enhancement and promotion of the lifelong education facilities, the specialization of lifelong learning, the revitalization of the local lifelong education, the information, the effort to enhance the financial support, the expansion and program development of adult learning, the reinforcement of publicity.

      • 私立學校에 對한 政府規制의 實態

        鄭鎭環,玄鍾九 敎育硏究院 東國大學校 1996 교육문제연구 Vol.11 No.--

        According to the Article 1 of the Private School Acts "The purpose of the Act is to promote the sound development of the privates schools through ensuring the autonomy and encouraging the publicity." However it seems that there are more restrictions and regulations by the government in the operation of the Act. In this sense, this study reviews some articles and clauses of the Act on the following subjects. 1. Authorization and Dissolution of Foundation of the Private Schools. The private schools can be established under the Article to 10 of the Act but the Minister can order the school foundation to break up the school if a school infringe the act. However it could be vicious act because there are no explicit phrases on the conditions of the official sanction and the inability to accomplish the purpose of the school foundation. 2. School Management and the Operation for Profitable Business. The school foundation can operate profitable business under the Clause 1, Article 6 of the Act. But the Article 5 of the School Asset Provision stipulates that the foundation should allot 80% of the profit to the school operational expenses. However the Act stipulates the particulars even to the profit account or the admission fee. Therefore the government make the management or budget of the school adjusted automatically if we consider the fact that the major sources of revenue is the tuition & fees only from students. 3. The Operation of School Affairs. Even though the purpose of school foundation is stipulated under the Article 1 of the Act, the Selection of Students(Article 96, 103, 107, 111), the Revenue of the School(Article 62), the Establishment and Operation of Departments(Article 155), the Books and Publications(Article 157) are stipulated under the separate, too. The above particulars are too restrictive for the foundations to operate the schools according to the Provision on the Purpose of the School foundation(Article 1). It would be desirable to entrust the school managements to the foundation. 4. The Personnel Management of Private Schools The provision on the school personnel is stipulated in the Act on the Government Employee and the Act on the Private Schools. The staff appointment of the private schools should be followed according to the Decree of President. The provisions on the staff appointment should be adjusted according to the characteristics of the privates schools so that the school foundations can select the staff on their will. 5. The Taxation Systems on the Private Schools. The private schools also can get the same taxation advantages corresponding to public schools. Therefore government should try to practice the reduction of and exemption from the various taxes for the private schools. In spite of such conditions, Korean private schools do not enjoy the satisfactory tax advantages

      • 外國의 學校經營組織에 관한 分析的 考察

        鄭鎭環 東國大學校 1990 論文集 Vol.29 No.-

        The Purpose of this study is to provide the basic information necessary to the reorganization of Korean school management organization corresponding to a democratic and autonomic self governing body. The contents of this study are divided by the management levels (central unit, local unit, school unit)depending on the school ncanagement organization of selected nations, and it will be analyzed with al structural figures at each level. It will also make an analysis of the duty and power at each management levels in respect to the school management's functional side. Through such an analysis, this study provided the suggestions that need to reorganize Korean school management structure. For subjects of the study, selected countries are the United States, Japan, England and Germany. the method of this study is based on Kandel's factor analysis. The important facts that was found from this study are as follows: The school management organization of the United States is very conductive to the impovement of service activities and the educational environment. an ideology of decentralization, self-regulation, participation, and cooperation is reflected in the England school organization. Japan's school management organization is centralized but guarantees the political neutrality and self-government. The federal government of Germany contains the Department of Education and a Minister of Educationl. However, the government power of education is reserved to each state. In conclusion, in respect to the foreign school management, the central govern ment has a power to plan, control, and decision making. The local administration, however, has the function of performing educational activities in regard to each regional particular characteristics. Particulary, the local school management provides school principal's duty emphasize to provide the education activities. In sum, This study can see that Korea's powerful central organization must trasfer it's power to the subordinate organizaitons, and it must support these school management organizations. The activities of the central organization should advise and assist the subordinate organization rather than direct them. In accordance with this situation, the Korean school management organization must be reorganized to improve the school's autonomy and self-control ability.

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