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        정신지체학생의 발 형태 특성 분석

        정진자 ( Jin-ja Chung ),석정희 ( Jeong-hee Seok ) 한국특수교육문제연구소 2005 특수교육저널 : 이론과 실천 Vol.6 No.1

        본 연구는 정신지체학교학생의 발 특성을 살펴보기 위해 전라도 지역의 정신지체 중학부학생 정신지체학생 92명과 비장애학생 94명을 대상으로 실시하였으며 발의 유형분류를 위한 직접계측은 정신지체학생 92명을 실시하였으며, 편평족의 출현율을 비교 분석하기 위한 간접계측은 비장애학생 94명과 직접계측에 참여한 정신지체학생 92명을 실시하였다. 발의 부위별치수는 산업자원부 기술표준원(1997)에서 제시하는 기준에 따라 행하였으며 발과 관련이 있는 것으로 나타난 신장, 체중을 측정하였으며 발의 부위별 치수는 발길이, 발너비, 발둘레,발뒤꿈치너비, 바깥복사점높이 등의 항목을 측정하였다. 또한 좌.우 발의 차이는 없는 것으로 나타났으므로 오른쪽 발만을 측정하여 얻어낸 결과 첫째, 정신지체학생의 발달이 비장애학생에 비해 느리기 때문에 발길이, 발둘레, 발뒤꿈치너비는 작지만 발너비와 바깥복사점 높이는 오히려 그 수치가 크다는 것을 알 수 있었다. 또한, 정신지체학생은 족시수를 기준으로 유형을 분류하면 표준형이 비장애학생 보다 적고 상대적으로 세장형과 광단형의 비율이 높다. 둘째, 정신지체학생은 족선각 특성에 있어서 변형형이 비장애학생보다 더 많고 족선각이 정상인 발이 비장애학생보다 적다. 그리고 정신지체학생은 비장애학생에 비해 정상의 발이적고 편평족이 많다. 또한 정상체형의 경우에는 정상의 발을 가진 경우가 많았고 이상체형일경우에는 비정상의 발 즉 편평족을 가진 경우가 많다. The purpose of this study was to compare the characteristics of foot shapes between mentally retarded students and nondisabled students. The objects of this study were 92 mentally retarded students and 91 nondisabled students in JeollaProvince. The results of this study were as follows: First, because the development of them is slower than that of the nondisabled students, the foot length, the foot circumference, and the heel width of the mentally retarded students were small. However, the foot width and the outside malleolus height were rather large. In the foot index, the ratio of standard type in the mentally retarded students was lower than that of normal students and relatively the ratios of slender type and broad type were higher.Second, in Metatarso-Phalanx Angle, the mentally-retarded students had the modified types more than the nondisabled students and the normal type less than them. In the type of Clarke Foot Print Angle of the mentally retarded students, Normal foot was 34.8%, Low flatfoot was 55.8%, and Middle flatfoot was 9.8%. In the nondisabled students, Normal foot was 55.5%, Low flatfoot was 39.4%, and Middle flatfoot was 5.3%. As a result, the mentally retarded students had normal feet less than the nondisabled students and flatfeet more than the nondisabled students. Also, when the mentally retarded students were obese, they all had low flatfeet. In the overweight, 16.7% of them had normal feet and 83.3% low flatfeet. In the normal weight, 41.4% of them had normal feet, 53.7% low flatfeet and 4.9% middle flatfeet. In the lack of weight, 33.3% of them had normal foot, 50.0% low flatfeet and 16.7% middle flatfeet As a result, in the normal weight many of them had normal feet, while in the abnormal weight many of them had flatfeet.The objects of this study were randomly selected. the nondisabled students were selected at the specific church in Jeonju. So there are some limitation in the extension of the result of this study to all mentally retarded students and normal students. the nondisabled students were the middle school students of 13-15 ages, but the range of ages of the mentally retarded middle school students was wider than that of the nondisabled middle school students. According to these results, I``d like to offer some suggestion as follows: First, the objects of this study were in Jeollanam-do and Jeollabuk-do Province. So, by researching the objects of wider areas in the following study, the research result is expected to be generalized and help to make footwear like shoes. Second, I compared the mentally retarded students with the nondisabled students according to school years in this study. The study according to ages is needed and also the research objects for foot shape are needed to expand. Third, in this study the foot shapes were compared. In the following study the research of the suitable footwear for the mentally retarded students is needed.

      • KCI등재

        장애대학생의 진로결정 자기효능감과 진로성숙의 영향 변인

        정진자 ( Jin Ja Chung ),임명희 ( Lim Mung Hee ) 한국특수교육문제연구소 2006 특수교육저널 : 이론과 실천 Vol.7 No.4

        본 연구는 장애대학생의 진로결정 자기효능감과 진로의식의 차이와 그에 영향을 미치는 변인을 살펴보기 위하여 전북지역 대학생 109명(장애대학생 39명, 일반대학생 80명)을 대상으로 진로결정 자기효능감과 진로의식 설문조사를 실시한 결과 첫째, 대학생의 진로결정 자기효능감은 장애유무에 영향을 받는 것으로 나타났으며 장애대학생이 비장애대학생에 비해 진로결정 자기효능감이 부정적으로 나타났다. 둘째, 대학생의 진로성숙도는 독립변인 중 장애유무에 영향을 받는 것으로 나타났으며 즉진로성숙도에서 일반대학생에 비해 장애대학생의 진로성숙도가 낮게 나타났다. The purpose of this study was to investigate factors related to the self-efficacies for career decision and career-maturities of college students and college students with disabilities. This paper researches and analyzes the self-efficacies for career decision and the career-maturities from 109 college students (39 disabled students, 70 able-bodied students) in Jeollabuk-do. These are the results of the comparative study. The first, the comparative study discloses that a physical disorder has influence on the self-efficacy for career decision. A disabled student shows a negative attitude about self-efficacy for career decision. A physical disorder has influence on the subordinate-spheres; to collect job information, to set a goal, and to evaluate oneself. A disabled student shows a negative attitude more than an able-bodied student does. There is no variable influence on other subordinate-spheres; to set a plan and to solve a problem. The second, a physical disorder among independent variables has influence on career-maturity. A disabled student has a lower career-maturity than an able-bodied student has. There are no variables to have influence on a decisive attitude, a compromise attitude an inclination among the subordinate-spheres. A disabled student has a lower independent spirit and a lower participation attitude which shows the rate of an active participation in process of decision one``s way than an able-bodied student has. The differences come from difference school years also. This paper has some limited areas. The first, there is no balance of sex and number of research object from each school year. The second, there is no enough number of disabled student to compare each disorder case The third, there is a difficulty to compare each religion and to compare each school department because there is no control of variable according to religions and school departments.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        요리활동프로그램이 정신지체아의 서열개념에 미치는 영향

        정진자 ( Jin Ja Chung ),박현아 ( Hyon A Park ) 한국특수교육문제연구소 2001 특수교육저널 : 이론과 실천 Vol.2 No.3

        본 연구는 요리활동 프로그램이 정신지체아의 서열개념에 미치는 영향을 살펴보기 위하여 전남 목포시 정신지체학교 초등부에 재학중인 아동 4명을 대상으로 요리활동과 관련된 문헌을 기초로 하여 물리적 변화를 아동들이 쉽게 관찰할 수 있고 요리방법을 다양하게 적용할 수 있으며 기초 식품군이 골고루 포함되어 있는 요리 중 아동이 흥미 있어 하는 요리를 15가지 선택하여 요리활동 프로그램을 1주일에 3회씩 20회기를 실시하여 정신지체아동의 길이 개념과 크기 개념에서 변화 크게 나타났으나 양, 무게, 수개념에서는 변화가 적었다. 이는 대상아동의 정신연령과 서열개념의 발달과의 관련에 의한 결과라고 생각된다. This study is designed to shed light on the influence of a program for cooking activities on the order conception of mentally handicapped children. With this in mind, the researcher conducted a cooking-activity program three times a week (a total of 20 sessions) attending an elementary school for mentally retarded children located in Mokpo, South Cholla Province. The findings can be summarized as follows. First, the program is effective in developing the subjects`` conception of length. Child 3 showed the greatest change in the development of the conception of length, while Child 4 showed a low change and Child 1 and Child 2 didn``t show any change. Second, the program is effective in developing the subjects`` conception of size. Child 1 and Child 3 showed the greatest change in the development of the conception of size. Changes were seen in Child 2 and child 1 in the right order. This means that the cooking activities turn out to be very effective in the development of the subjects`` conception of size. Third, the program is lowly effective in developing the subjects`` conception of volume. Child 3 showed a few changes, while Child 1, Child 2, and Child 4 showed no change at all. Fourth, the program is lowly effective in developing the subjects`` conception of weight. Child 4 showed a few changes, while Child 1, Child 2, and Child 3 showed no change at all in terms of scores. Fifth, the program is lowly effective in developing the subjects`` conception of numbers. Child 4 showed a few changes, while Child 1, Child 2, and Child 3 showed no change at all in terms of scores. The researcher should like to make the following suggestions on the basis of the findings. First, it is necessary that effective and specific programs for cooking activities should be scientifically studied with a view to providing handicapped students with a variety of interesting activities on the basis of the results that the program enhances children``s conception of numbers. Second, this study is subjected to limitation as far as the generalization of the findings is concerned. So it is necessary that a sufficient number of subjects and a contrast group should be formed for the purpose of better study. Third, as the type of cooking available in the field is limited with relevant facilities insufficiently provided, cooking activities are not actively conducted. The researcher suggests that teachers should take a more positive interest in cooking.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보


        王璇(Wang, Xuan),정진자(Chung, Jin-Ja),万文静(Wan, Wenjing) 한국시각장애교육·재활학회 2018 시각장애연구 Vol.34 No.3

        本研究为了探索中国视觉障碍教育教师效能感对教师资质的自我认识的影响,以中国的江西,重庆,山东,浙江,安徽,江苏,深圳等七个省市地区的10所特殊教育学校中已取得教师资格证书,并且教龄在3年以上的206名视觉障碍教育教师为研究对象,根据教师资质和教师效能感测定的结果,其研究结论如下;首先,中国视觉障碍教育教师效能感在自我效能感和任务难度偏好领域中认识水平是积极的,自信感领域较为消极。其次,中国视觉障碍教育教师效能感与教师资质呈正相关关系。自我调节效能感领域对特殊教育基础知识、交际能力、教师专业素质和伦理道德、学生发展和特点、诊断与评估、教学策略、教学计划、学习环境和社会性互动、合作9大领域起到了影响;自信感领域对教师资质中的特殊教育基础知识、诊断与评估、教学计划这3大领域起到了影响;但任务难易度偏好领域对教师资质产生不了影响性的作用。以上结论,在中国视觉障碍教育教师的培养课程和教师培训项目中,需要提高教师的资质和教师效能感的方案。 The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of teacher efficacy of teacher for students with visual impairment on the self-perception of teacher s qualities in China. The subjects of this study were 206 teachers with more than three years of experience teaching blind students at the schools for the sensory disorder and the visually impaired in Zangxi, Chongging, Sandong, Zhejiang, Anhui, Xuzhou, Nanjing, Yangzhou and Shenzhen, China. The conclusions based on the measurement of teacher qualifications and teacher efficacy are as followed; First, efficacy of the teachers for students with visual impairment in China had positive evaluation result for self-control efficacy area and task difficulty preference area but negative in confidence. Second, the efficacy of teachers for students with visual impairment in China had positive correlation to the self-perception of teacher s qualities. Self-control efficacy affected basic knowledges for special education, communication, teacher s professionalism and ethics, student s development and characteristic, diagnosis and evaluation, teaching strategy, teaching plan, learning environment and interaction, and cooperation. Self-confidence influences basic knowledges for special education, diagnosis and evaluation, and teaching plan, but task difficulty does not affect teacher s qualities. The results of this study suggest that teachers education programs and teacher training programs for students with visual impairment in China should include methods to improve the qualities of teachers and the teachers efficacy.

      • KCI등재후보

        초등 특수학급 교사의 통합교육에 대한 인식 -전북지역을 중심으로-

        황민옥(Min Ok Hwang),정진자(Jin Ja Chung) 한국재활심리학회 2009 재활심리연구 Vol.16 No.3

        The purpose of this study was to investigate perception on inclusive education of elementary special classroom teachers in Jeollabuk-Do. The subjects of this study were 185 elementary special classroom teachers in Jeollabuk-Do. A total of 117(63%) questionnaires were analyzed. The result of this study were as follows : First, in the advantage of the inclusive education, many elementary special classroom teachers recognized extremely positively the item, ‘children with disabilities can promote sociality development through interaction with a peer group . Second, in the specialty, the perception of teaching-learning method were higher in ‘they can make organization and implementation of adequate curriculum to children with disabilities . At the legal comprehension, the most special class teachers showed a high perception about ‘a responsibility on establishment of convenience facilities , the duty on planning of IEP and ‘the right on admission to a short-distance general school of children with disabilities. Third, in the problem of the inclusive education, they have trouble in operate curriculum and want to have full support to be needed in that curriculum. Fourthly, in the efficient and effective method for the inclusive education, teachers showed a high perception about ‘must develop a program and the method which integrate education for the child with disability and the general child.

      • KCI등재

        보편적 학습설계에 의한 미술 감상활동이 시각장애학교 초등학생의 감상태도 및 학습행동에 미치는 영향

        박계숙 ( Gye Suk Park ),정진자 ( Jin Ja Chung ) 한국특수교육문제연구소 2014 특수교육저널 : 이론과 실천 Vol.15 No.1

        본 연구는 보편적 학습설계에 의한 미술 감상활동이 시각장애학교 초등학생의 감상태도 및 학습행동에 미치는 영향을 알아보기 위해 서울시 소재 시각장애학교 초등학교에 재학중인 4학년 11명(남학생 9명, 여학생 2명)과 6학년(남학생 5명, 여학생 5명) 총 21명을 연구 대상으로 하였다. 연구자가 구안한 보편적 학습설계에 의한 초등학교 미술교과 감상영역 프로그램을 각 학년마다 1주일에 2회씩 10주 동안 총 20회기씩 실시하였으며, 회기 당 소요시간은 40분이었으며 미술 감상태도와 학습행동 평가지를 통해 얻어낸 결론은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 보편적 학습설계에 의한 미술 감상활동이 시각장애학교 초등학생의 미술 감상태도 즉 미술수업내용에 대한 태도, 교육목표와의 적합성에 대한 태도, 적용 타당성에 대한 태도영역의 변화에 긍정적인 영향을 미친다. 둘째, 보편적 학습설계에 의한 미술 감상활동이 시각장애학교 초등학생의 미술 학습 행동즉 관찰능력, 미적특징 이해력, 이해에 대한 적응력 영역의 변화에 긍정적인 영향을 미친다. 이와 같은 연구 결과는 보편적 학습설계에 의한 미술 감상활동이 시각장애 초등학생의 미술 감상활동이 감상태도와 학습행동을 증진시키는데 효과적이라는 점에서 그에 대한 교육적 가치가 높음을 확인할 수 있었다. 그러므로 이러한 결과물을 토대로 시각장애학생의 미술 감상 프로그램의 교육적 효과를 도모하기 위하여 보편적 학습설계와 연계한 교수-학습 방법을 체계적으로 확대시켜 나갈 필요가 있을 것이다. The purpose of this study is to figure out the effect of art appreciation class based on the universal design for learning on appreciation attitude and learning behavior of students in elementary schools for visual impairment. The subjects in this study was 21 students, 11 4th grade students(9 male students, 2 female students) and 10 6th grade students(5 male students, 5 female students). The universally designed art appreciation program, which was planned by the researcher, was conducted 20 times in total for 10 weeks and twice a week for each grade. Also, the lead time for each round of time was 40 minutes and the results gained from the program are as follows. First, the appreciation attitude of the students of elementary schools for visual impairment, that is to say the adequacy between the art class and educational goals and the application of appreciation activity had a positive influence from the art appreciation activity based on the universal design for learning. Second, the art appreciation activity based on the universal design for learning had a positive effect on the art learning behavior of the students of elementary schools for visual impairment. The following result of the study was able to identify its high value in education, in the sense that the art appreciation activity based on the universal design for learning was effective on improving appreciation attitude and observation ability of the students of elementary schools for visual impairment. Therefore, on the basis of this result, it is necessary to systematically expend the teaching-learning method, which was connected with the universal design education, for the promotion of the educational effect on art appreciation activity of the visually impaired students.

      • KCI등재

        중국 시각장애학생 및 청각장애학생의 교육 관련 실험연구 동향 분석 : 최근 10년간(2010년∼2020년)을 중심으로

        송설비(Song Xuefei),정진자(Chung, Jin-Ja) 한국시각장애교육재활학회 2020 시각장애연구 Vol.36 No.4

        Purpose: The purpose of this study was to analyze the trend of experimental research on education for students with visual and hearing impairments published in Chinese journals for the last 10 years. Methods: This study analyzed a total of 31 experimental papers on education for students with visual and hearing impairments. Results: First, the number of participants was mostly 1 for single-subject research and 30 to 60 for group research. There were many studies on elementary school students, infants, low vision, normal hearing and hearing impairment the most. In terms of education related experimental studies, they were mostly (1) studies using low vision aids, hearing aids, and cochlear implants, (2) group experimental research, (3) studies conducted in the treatment room for 3 to 6 months. Second, the independent variables were visual training, sensory training, and auditory language training. The dependent variables were visual ability(visual perception), sensory ability and assistive technology devices, and language ability. Third, the effect was shown to have a significant effect overall. Conclusion: The above research results suggest the tasks and directions for follow-up research on the education of students with visual and hearing impairments in China. 연구목적: 본 연구 목적은 최근 10년간 중국 학술지에 게재된 시각장애학생과 청각장애학생을 대상으로 실시한 교육 관련 실험연구 동향을 분석하는 것이었다. 연구방법: 본 연구에서는 최근 10년간(2010~2020년 5월) 중국 학술지에 개재된 시각장애학생과 청각장애학생 대상 교육 관련 실험논문 총 31편을 분석하였다. 연구결과: 첫째, 연구참여 인원은 단일대상연구 1명, 집단연구 30명~60명이 가장 많았다. 연구대상은 초등학생과 유아 그리고 저시력, 난청+건청을 대상으로 한 연구가 많았다. 교육관련 실험연구는 저시력 보조기기, 보청기+인공와우를 사용한 연구와 집단실험연구 그리고 실험기간 3~6개월 동안 치료실에서 실시하는 연구가 많았다. 둘째, 독립변인은 시각 훈련과 감각 훈련, 청각언어 훈련 연구가 많았으며, 종속변인은 시각 능력(시지각), 감지 능력과 보조공학기기 연구, 언어 능력 연구가 많았다. 셋째, 효과는 전반적으로 의미 있는 효과를 보이는 것으로 나타났다. 결론: 이상의 연구 결과는 중국의 시각장애학생 및 청각장애학생 교육 관련 후속 연구에 대한 과제 및 방향성을 제안하고 있다.

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