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      • 중국 대학 피아노 교육에서 중국 작품의 활용 양상 : 학생과 교사에 대한 설문조사를 바탕으로

        정웨이 호서대학교 일반대학원 2023 국내박사

        RANK : 248655

        중국 대학 피아노 교육에서 중국 작품의 활용 양상 - 학생과 교사에 대한 설문조사를 바탕으로 호서대학교대학원 문화예술학과 박사과정 정웨이 지도교수: 권도희 본 연구에서는 중국 민족음악 교육사를 검토하고 중국 피아노 교재 분석과 학생 및 교강사의 설문조사를 통해, 중국 대학 피아노 교육에서 의 중국 작품의 활용 양상을 고찰하였다. 중국 피아노 교육의 발전 과정을 민국시대(1912-1949), 신중국 건국 초기(1949-1966), 문화대혁명 시대(1966-1976), 개혁개방부터 20세기 말 (1978-2000), 최근(2000-)의 다섯 시기로 구분하여, 민족음악 교육의 발 전과 함께 중국 피아노 음악교육이 서양식 피아노 교육에서 점차 중국 본토의 피아노 교육으로 변화한 것을 파악하였다. 다만 대부분의 교재 에는 중국식 피아노 작품은 상대적으로 낮은 비중을 보여, 학생들의 피아노 학습 수요를 충족시키기에는 부족하다고 할 수 있다. 민국시대는 민족화에 대한 탐구가 중요시되어 중국의 민속음악이나 전통음악을 도입한 중국식 피아노 작품이 다수 창작되었다. 신중국 건국 초기에 중국식 피아노 작품 창작은 민족화와 관련하여 큰 성과를 거두었으나, 문화대혁명기에 문화예술 사업이 큰 충격을 받으면서 중국 식 피아노 창작도 침 제된다. 개혁개방 초기부터 20세기에 이르러 교 육이 회복되면서 중국식 피아노 작품의 창작 수도 증가하고, 소수민족 음악이 피아노 창작의 민족화에 중요한 자원으로 사용되었으며, 최근 동안에는 강한 지역적 특성과 민족적 특성을 가진 피아노 작품이 다수 창작되었다. 300명의 대학 음악 전공생과 30명의 대학 피아노 교강사를 대상으로 설문조사를 하여 실제 교육현장에서의 중국식 피아노 교육에 관한 현 황을 파악했다. 학생들은 중국식 피아노 작품을 학교 수업에서 배우기를 희망하고 있었으며, 교강사들은 피아노 교육에서 중국식 작품의 비 중이 상대적으로 적고 수업 시간에 교육의 수요를 충족시키기 어렵다는 견해를 보였다. 이러한 문제점과 교육 현장의 요구에 따라 중국식 피아노 작품 과정 시스템을 설계하고 피아노 이론 과정과 피아노 실기 과정을 결합한 중 국식 피아노 작품 학습 프로그램 개발의 필요성을 파악할 수 있었다. 이에 중국식 피아노 작품을 교육에서 어떻게 활용할 수 있는지 그 방안을 제안했다. 중국 대학 피아노 전공의 교육 목표에 맞추어 중국식 피아노 작품의 교육 과정 계획 및 평가 시스템을 설계했는데, 이는 중국 대학 피아노 교육에서의 효율적 활용을 기대할 수 있을 것이다. This paper summarizes the history of Chinese folk music education, analyzes the Chinese piano teaching materials, and discusses the application of Chinese works in Chinese university piano education. The development course of piano education in China is divided into five periods: Republic of China (1912-1949), New China (1949-1966), Cultural Revolution (1966-1976), Reform and Opening up to the end of 20th century (1978-2000).However, in most textbooks, the proportion of Chinese piano works is relatively low, which cannot meet the needs of students to learn piano.During the Republic of China, the exploration of nationalization was emphasized, and many Chinese-style piano works introduced Chinese folk music or traditional music were created.In the early days of the founding of New China, the creation of Chinese piano works made great achievements in nationalization, but during the Cultural Revolution, the cause of culture and arts was greatly shocked and the creation of Chinese piano was suppressed. From the beginning of reform and opening up to the 20th century, with the recovery of education, the number of Chinese piano works has increased. A questionnaire survey of 300 music students and 30 piano teachers was conducted to find out the actual teaching situation of Chinese piano teaching.Students want to learn Chinese piano works in the school classroom, and the teaching staff think that the proportion of Chinese piano works in piano education is relatively small, and classroom teaching is difficult to meet the teaching needs. According to these problems and the requirements of the educational field, it is possible to design a Chinese-style piano work curriculum system and grasp the necessity of developing a Chinese-style piano work learning program combining piano theory and piano practice. In response, he suggested how to use Chinese piano works in education. Aiming at the teaching goal of piano major in Chinese universities, this paper designs a training course planning and evaluation system for piano works in Chinese universities. 本研究對中國民族音樂教育史進行了綜述,通過對中國鋼琴教材的分析和學生和教研人員的問卷調查,探討了中國作品在中國大學鋼琴教育中的應用現狀。 將中國鋼琴教育的發展歷程分爲民國時期(1912—1949)、新中國成立初期(1949—1966)、文化大革命時期(1966—1976)、改革開放到 20 世紀末(1978—2000)和新世紀(2000—)五個時期,隨着民族音樂教育的發展,瞭解到中國鋼琴音樂教育逐漸由西式鋼琴教育向中國本土鋼琴教育轉變。但在大部分教材中,中式鋼琴作品所佔比重相對較低,不能滿足學生學習鋼琴的需求。民國時代重視對民族化的探索,創作了很多引進中國民俗音樂或傳統音樂的中國式鋼琴作品。新中國成立初期,中式鋼琴作品創作在民族化方面取得了巨大成果,但在文化大革命時期,文化藝術事業受到巨大沖擊,中式鋼琴創作也受到壓制。從改革開放初期到 20 世紀,隨着教育的恢復,中式鋼琴作品的創作數量也不斷增加,少數民族音樂作爲鋼琴創作的民族化的重要資源,在新世紀中創作了一大批具有強烈地域特點和民族特色的鋼琴作品。 對 300 名高校音樂專業學生和 30 名高校鋼琴教師進行問卷調查,瞭解中式鋼琴教學的實際教學情況。學生希望在學校課堂上學習中式鋼琴作品,教研人員認爲中式鋼琴作品在鋼琴教育中的比重相對較小,課堂教學難以滿足教學需求。 根據這些問題和教育現場的要求,可以設計中國式鋼琴作品課程系統,掌握開發結合鋼琴理論課程和鋼琴實踐課程的中國式鋼琴作品學習項目的必要性。對此,提出了如何在教育中利用中國式鋼琴作品的方案。針對中國大學鋼琴專業的教學目標,設計了中式鋼琴作品培訓課程規劃及評價體系,有望在中國大學鋼琴教育中得到有效利用。

      • 소비자의 전기자동차에 대한 인식연구

        정웨이 서울과학기술대학교 대학원 2019 국내석사

        RANK : 248639

        전기 자동차는 에너지를 절약하고, 대기 오염을 줄이고, 산업 업그레이드를 촉진하기 위한 잠재적으로 효과적인 기술 혁신으로 간주된다. 그러나 EV의 낮은 공개 수용은 EN 시장 침투의 실패로 이어진다. EV 소비자의 잠재적 특성과 EV의 수용을 분석하는 것은 EV의 원격 채택에 도움이 되고 중요한 정책적 의미를 갖는다. 이 논문은 EV의 공개 허용 모델을 구축하면서 1071명의 온라인 자가용 사용자 설문지에 기초한 카이-제곱 검정 및 다항 로지스틱 회귀 모델을 적용하여 EV에 대한 공개 허용을 선택하는 요인을 파악한다. 그 결과는 연령, 교육 수준 및 연간 소득의 변수가 EV의 공개 수용에 상당한 영향을 미친다는 것을 나타낸다. 소비자들은 총각 학위, 15만~3만 위안 사이의 연간 수입, EV에 대한 이해도를 높이고 이전에 EV를 운전한 경험이 있는 제2의 귀로 EV를 구입할 가능성이 더 높다. 회귀 분석 결과는 사회적 영향, 충전 인프라 준비 상태 및 인지된 위험이 EV의 소비자의 수용에 영향을 미치는 세 가지 중요한 요인임을 나타낸다. EV를 구매하지 않으려는 소비자에게 충전 인프라 준비의 영향은 기존 연료 차량을 대체하기 위해 EV를 구매하려는 소비자보다 더 크다. 게다가, 소비자 집단 사고방식은 전통적인 연료 차량을 대체하기 위해 EV를 구입하는 소비자들의 수용에 영향을 미치는 또 다른 요인이다. Electric vehicle is considered as a potentially effective technological innovation to save energy, reduce air pollution and promote the industrial upgrading. However, the low public acceptance of EVs leads to the failure of EN market penetration. Analyzing the potential EV consumers' characteristics and their acceptance of EVs will help to remote EV adoption and have important policy implications. With the construction of the public acceptance model of EVs, this paper applies the chi-square test and a multinomial logistic regression model based on the questionnaires of 1071 online private car users to figure out the factors that have elects on the public acceptance for EVs. The results indicate that the variables of age, education level and annual income have significant effects on the public acceptance of EVs. Consumers are more likely to purchase EVs as a second ear, whose characteristics are bachelor degree, annual income between 150,000 and 300, 000 yuan, having a better understanding of EVs and having driven EVs before. The regression result indicates that the social influences, charging infrastructure readiness and perceived risks are the three important factors influencing consumers' acceptance of EVs. The influence of charging infrastructure readiness on Consumers who are not willing to purchase EVs is greater than those who are willing to purchase EVs to replace the traditional fuel vehicles. Besides, the consumers herd mentality is another factor affecting consumers' acceptance to purchase EVs to replace the traditional fuel vehicles. Finally, policy implications on how to stimulate EV adoption are Key words: electric vehicle; consumer characteristics; public acceptance; logistic regression

      • A Design of Robotic Gripper with Sliding Surface Fingers for Flexible Cable Connector Assembly Task

        정웨이 성균관대학교 일반대학원 2016 국내석사

        RANK : 248623

        The gripper is widely used for pick-and-place in industrial manufacturing process. In these automatic manufacturing industry, how fast and how complicated task can be accomplished most depends on the design of the robotic gripper. In particular, the complexity and precision of automatic electronic manufacturing process demand robotic gripper higher in performance. There is much research on the design of grippers, and much process has been made on objects grasping, including regular and irregular shape objects. While less research is presented on objects reposition such as sliding and orienting, which is usually necessary before assembly. Because it is much easier to execute this motion using a robotic hand with the similar mechanical structure of human hand. However these robotic hands result in complex structure and corresponding control method, and high cost. For the above reason, it is unachievable yet to widely use robotic hands in automatic assembly. In this thesis, an intelligent robotic gripper is designed and tested for the flexible cable connector assembly task, which has the ability of not only grasping but also cable sliding and reorienting. 1-DOF finger with a four-bar linkage mechanism is designed for grasping cables steadily without generating sliding force during grasping process. And a conveyor system is designed for sliding and reorienting cables to get an appropriate position and posture for successful connector insertion task like human worker does. A PSD (Position Sensitive Device) is fixed at the upper finger of the gripper to detect the status of cables during the grasping and reposition process. The proposed gripper is fixed on a robotic manipulator and tested in experiments. The experimental results show the flexible cable connector assembly task can be successfully accomplished by the proposed grasping system. And the permissible error range is also measured in experiments.

      • (The) application of lime sulfur, rare earth, and seawater in apple production

        정웨이웨이 安東大學校 2009 국내박사

        RANK : 248607

        The thinning effect of lime sulfur on two apple cultivars ?Fuji?/M.9 and ?Hongro?/M.9 was investigated during two consecutive seasons. In case of thinning timing, it was normally more effective at full bloom (FB) day than two days after full bloom (DAFB), such as application of 2% lime sulfur on ?Fuji?. Application of 2% lime sulfur resulted in more significant thinning effect on ?Hongro? compared with that of 1% in 2007, although no much difference was observed on ?Fuji?. When 1% lime sulfur was used in multiple applications, thinning effect became stronger with the increased replications, such as that on ?Fuji? axillary fruits, terminal and axillary fruits of ?Hongro?. No significant difference was found on ?Fuji? terminal fruits thinning between different replications in 2006, but it was significantly different in 2007. Supplementation of 2% fish oil did not show any additive thinning effect. Fruit size, mean fruit weight, firmness, soluble solid concentration (SSC), titratable acidity (TA), and return bloom kept unchanged because homogeneous hand-thinning was done 2 weeks after spray. However, fruit skin color of both cultivars was evidently affected by different thinning treatments. Two levels of salinity (100, or 50 times of diluted seawater) were applied on eight-year-old ?Fuji?/M.9 apple trees at ten-day interval before harvest. Foliar seawater inhibited the vegetative growth, and results in an increase in sodium (Na) concentration as well as K/Ca and Mg/Ca ratio, or a decrease of calcium (Ca) concentration in fruit and leaf. But these changes were not statistically significant when the two levels of salinities were used in present study. Foliar seawater spray led to the remarkable increase in soil organic matter content, but had no effect on available Ca, Mg, K, and SiO2 in the soil. Soluble solid concentration and titratable acidity in ?Fuji? fruit was improved by foliar seawater spray. Meanwhile the levels of soluble sugars, including fructose, glucose, sucrose, and sorbitol, were increased due to highly activitated sucrose phosphate synthase (SPS) (EC, sucrose synthase (SS) (EC and neutral invertase (EC Furthermore, a significant increase in anthocyanin concentration was monitored especially when ?Fuji? trees were sprayed with 50 times of diluted seawater for three times. Although fruit firmness was decreased, foliar seawater spray did not cause significant effect on commercial fruit quality after storage compared to non-treated controls. These data suggest that foliar seawater spray is feasible in agriculture for improvement of fruit quality. Eight-year-old ?Fuji?/M.9 trees were foliar sprayed with two fertilizers containing rare earth elements or Ca during two consecutive seasons. Parameters related to fruit quality were evaluated at harvest and during 5-month storage in a commercial cooling house at 4?C and 80-85% RH. At harvest, rare earth or Ca treated ?Fuji? trees did not show any difference on total yield, pulp firmness, soluble solid concentration (SSC), and titratable acidity (TA) compared to the control trees except the high accumulation of rare earth elements (La, Ce, Pr, Gd, and Nd) in ?Fuji? fruit sprayed with rare earth. Rare earth did not affect the accumulations of Ca, Mg, and K in ?Fuji? fruit, however, S concentration was remarkably increased in those treated with rare earth or Ca. Double-spray of 0.2% rare earth maintained pulp firmness, color evolution, TA, and SSC/TA ratio better than other treatments during cold storage. Furthermore it reduced respiration rate and delayed maximum ethylene peak in subsequent shelf life at room temperature, indicating that rare earth is an alternative in prolonging the shelf life for apple fruits in the future. The effect of Ca dips, rare earth dips, or 1-MCP on the quality of minimally processed ?Fuji? apple was studied. Intact fruits were dipped in deionized water (served as control), 2% Ca solution, 2% rare earth solution for 4 min respectively, or treated with 1?l/L 1-MCP for 12 h at room temperature. All of them were stored in commercial cooling storage house at 4?C and 80-85% RH until processing. Fruits were peeled, cored, cut into slices, packed and stored at 4?C. Ethylene production, respiration rate, weight loss, surface color, firmness, titratable acidity (TA), and sensory evaluation were measured during storage. Results showed that similar to calcium dips treatment, rare earth reduced respiration rate, weight loss percentage, and softness, but were not as significant as those of 1-MCP. Furthermore, rare earth had excellent effect on maintaining cut surface color, TA, and sensory evaluation compared to calcium and 1-MCP. These results provide a new insight for rare earth as a potential low-cost alternative for fresh-cut industry since it can offer better maintenance of firmness, surface color, and ensure a 9-day shelf-life at least.

      • The Study on the Impact of Customer Equity on Market Value : A Case of US Telecommunication Industry

        싱, 정웨이 부산대학교 대학원 2023 국내석사

        RANK : 248606

        To gain a comprehensive understanding of the relationship between businesses and markets, professional marketing managers have to frequently address complex cross-functional, cross-border, and interdisciplinary challenges. Technology advancement has enabled businesses to effectively manage their customer base, thereby exerting influence over their operational environment. This capability demonstrates that companies can adopt appropriate marketing strategies to acquire, retain, and enhance customer equity (CE), thus achieving maximum financial returns. However, in the field of customer relationship management research, controversies persist regarding the reasonable separation of acquisition costs (AC) and retention costs (RC) associated with marketing actions as costs have long been a highly contentious topic. To address this issue and improve the calculation of CE, this study proposes a distinct calculation model for AC and RC, building upon previous studies on the relationship between CE and market value (MV). Additionally, this study considers the size of the company, measured by its market share, to analyze the relationship between CE and MV. We collected publicly available data from two telecommunications companies operating in the US. We categorized them as either leader or follower based on their market competition structure and their position within the telecommunications industry. First, we established the relevant theoretical foundation and built upon Song's (2018) time-series calculation model to determine customer lifetime value (CLV) and CE, after subjecting the separation model for acquisition and retention to statistical testing. Second, we employed a distributed lag model analysis to compare the trends in CE and MV for the two companies. We confirmed the effectiveness of our analytical calculation model. The findings indicate that follower firms exert a greater influence on CE’s impact on MV in the long term than leader firms. Consequently, leader firms, while prioritizing customer acquisition strategies, should not underestimate the significance of customer retention strategies. Similarly, follower firms should prioritize strategies for retaining customers. The insights derived from our analysis results can assist marketing managers in developing marketing strategies that foster the growth of companies’ customer performance.

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