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      • KCI등재

        A Corpus-based Study of Translation Universals in Korean-English Literary Translation

        정운형 국제언어인문학회 2022 인문언어 Vol.24 No.1

        Translation universals hypothesizes that translational languages have conventional yet unique features of translations, distinct from those of non-translations, and these features are universally present in all translations regardless of language pairs. However, the verification of translation universals has been restricted mainly to genetically close language pairs, such as English and closely related European languages. To confirm its universality, this article investigated Korean-into-English translations in the literary genre, which have remained mostly unexplored in translation universals studies. By constructing an approximately 500,000-word comparable corpus the Comparable Corpus of American and Korean Novels — —this study tested four major sub-hypotheses: simplification, explicitation, normalization, and leveling-out. Setting aside the lexical density of simplification indices, the results from all the other indices mean sentence length, proportions of high- and low-frequency — words, normalized frequencies of connectives and lexical bundles, and standard deviations of lexical density and mean sentence length supported the translation — universals hypothesis, indicating its high generalizability.

      • KCI등재

        Analyzing Lexical Simplification in Interviews of Donald Trump and Joe Biden: Tracking the Trend of Simplification in Presidential Discourse Using Lexical Sophistication Indices

        정운형 서울대학교 언어교육원 2023 語學硏究 Vol.59 No.3

        This research aimed to explore whether the observed lexical simplification in Donald Trump’s interviews is an idiosyncratic trait of his linguistic style or if it transcends to his successor, Joe Biden. To achieve a nuanced analysis, the research introduced novel indices of lexical sophistication, moving beyond traditional surface-level lexical measures such as lexical density and lexical diversity. These new indices gauged the use of difficult words, taking into account academic language and psycholinguistic properties such as concreteness, familiarity, imageability, and meaningfulness. While results based on surface-level lexical indices did not reveal any discernible trend, findings derived from the lexical sophistication indices indicated that lexical simplification was not exclusive to Trump. Instead, it emerged as a trend that persisted in Biden’s interviews notably in aspects such as the use of academic words, concreteness, and, to some extent, meaningfulness.

      • KCI등재후보

        박서양의 간도 이주와 활동

        정운형 ( Jung Woon-hyung ) 연세대학교 의과대학 의사학과 2018 연세의사학 Vol.21 No.1

        Dr. Suh-yang Pak(朴瑞陽, 1885-1940) was a physician and educator and intellectual in early modern Korea. He was the first graduate of Severance Medical College and worked in his alma mater for about 10 years. However, after the Japanese annexation of Korea in 1910, the Japanese government-general of Korea took various measures to shut down mission schools that inspire nation consciousness and promote anti-Japanese consciousness. The government-general urged professors to lecture in Japanese language. Dr. Pak, who knows that it is a Japanese crafty trying to destroy the spirit of Chosen, resigned the college and decided move to Jiandao(間島, hereinafter “Gando”). Dr. Pak's migration to Gando and activities after migration show his spirit of resistance to Japanese Imperialism. He strived for freedom and peace of his people. So he set up a school for his fellow country people who immigrated to Gando, and founded a hospital. Since Gando Massacre(間島慘變, 1920), Korean society in Gando was divided by religion and ideology, and factions were in conflict with each other. At that time, the group which Dr. Pak joined was related to socialism. However he also remained as a Christian. He wouldn't want the freedom of religion to abandon his people. In other words, he chose freedom for his people. He was the medical doctor who loved his brothers, waiting for the liberation of the people, and was ahead of his time.

      • KCI등재

        연희전문학교의 음악교육 - 한국인 교수와 연전음반을 중심으로

        정운형(Woon Hyung Jung) 연세대학교 신과대학(연합신학대학원) 2020 신학논단 Vol.99 No.-

        The founder of Chosen Christian College(延禧專門學校) hoped that Korean youth will become a new personality by the Spirit of Christianity. And they hoped to live with individual freedom and religious freedom. This is the reason why missionaries set up a college. C.C.C. organized music into the curriculum from the beginning. And recommended the students various music activities. So the singing voice of the student sounded back and forth across the campus. Their songs and screams were proud and foulamuls to their brothers who lost their nation. Several Korean people participated as lecturers and professors. They are S. O. Pynn(邊成玉, 1892~1950), W. Y. Paek(白禹鏞, 1883~1930), Nam Suk Paik(白南奭, 1894~?), Yung W. Kim(金永煥, 1893~1978), Chey Myung Hyun(玄濟明, 1902~1960) etc. Through various musical activities their offer, students sensitively recognized various circumstances that are in contact with everyday, they developed flexible, sophisticated and unclogged new abilities and attitudes. Meanwhile, the founder tried to nurture human resources who would love to learn, knowing what to wait “when he launched an aura” to implement the most perfectly what the last thing of Koreans wanted with music. C.C.C. was at its peak in the 1930s. Recorded college song and cheering songs in the record at that Colombian invitation. This means that the music skill and level of C.C.C. students have sufficient commercial and artistic qualities. From the moment of preparing for the establishment of the college, the C.C.C. put music education in mind. Especially, Korean professors spirited up with music education with Mrs. Missionaries. They have integrated their music to cultivate human resources equipped with genuine sword insights and foresight, and have attempted to implement a “confluent of ideas of East-West, 東西古近思想和衷” in accordance with Christian principles.

      • KCI등재

        Arthur L. 베커 선교사와 근대 과학 교육

        정운형 ( Jung Woon Hyung ) 연세대학교 인문학연구원 2017 人文科學 Vol.111 No.-

        베커(Arthur L. Becker, 1879-1978, 白雅悳)는 근대 과학 교육을 통하여 조선의 발전에 이바지한 선교사이다. 그는 언더우드의 연합대학 설립 동지로서, 평양에서의 경험을 살려 관립학교와 차별화된 조선에서 유일한 고등 수준의 과학 교육 기관인 연희전문학교(Chosen Christian College)를 창립하였다. 이처럼 그가 같은 일이지만 새로운 길을 선택한 이유는 식민지 조선의 자주 독립에 이바지할, 곧 조선 사람의 자유와 해방 그리고 평등 실현에 나설 인재를 양성하기 위해서였다. 그런데 베커는 조선의 자주독립을 ‘가장 완벽하게 구현하기 위해 기운을 낼 때를’ 기다리는 사람을 새로운 환경에 놓인 조선에 가장 합한 지도자라고 생각하였다. 일본은 학제 개편을 단행하여 이른바 “시세와 민도”를 앞세워 학문에 정통할 뿐만 아니라 실용 능력을 갖추기 위한 대학 교육을 제도적으로 차단하였다. 또한, 기존의 미션학교에 대해서도 식민지 체제 내로 포섭하기 위한 법적인 장치를 마련하여 선교사들의 대학 설립과 교육 의지를 억제하였다. 이러한 상황에서 베커는 학교의 제도적인 진입과 안착을 위해 조선총독부의 종교교육을 포기하라는 것을 수용하며, 그 대신 논리력과 통찰력을 발휘하게 하는 과학정신 함양의 장(場)인 수물과를 설립하였다. 해방 이후 근대화 과정에서 핵물리학을 국가자원으로 내재화되는 토대를 닦은 이들 중 상당수는 연희전문학교 수물과 출신이다. 그러므로 식민지시기의 선교사와 근대 과학 교육에 관한 토대연구가 절실하다. 특히 과학 교육을 통해 조선의 자주독립을 ‘가장 완벽하게 구현하기 위해 기운을 낼 때를’ 기다리는 인재(人材)의 양성에 헌신한 베커의 연구는 필요 불가결하다. 이 논문은 선교사인 베커가 숭실학당, 합성 숭실대학, 연희전문학교에서 한 과학 교육 활동과 그 결과를 분별하는 것이다. 이와 같은 소개 연구가 도처에 산재해 있는 그의 서신과 일기 등을 수집하고 연구하는 자극제가 되고 나아가 정보통신기술의 융합으로 다가오는 새로운 혁명 시대에 필요한 자세와 지혜를 터득하는 데에 이바지할 수 있기를 기대한다. Arthur L. Becker (1879-1978, 白雅悳) is a missionary who led the development of Korea in modern science education. He became a comrade of Horace G. Underwood and founded Chosen Christian College (延禧專門學校, hereinafter “C.C.C.”), the only high-level science education institution in Korea that distinguished itself from the public schools by using his experience in Pyongyang. Although he is the same thing, he chose the new way for the independence of Chosen(朝鮮). He wanted to train people suitable for the freedom, liberation and equality of Koreans. He regarded the person who waited for “the time to exert his utmost effort to realize the greatest satisfaction in complete perfection” as a man for Korea. Japan institutionally blocked the establishment of universities. In addition, through the legislation, the existing mission schools were incorporated into their system, and the missionaries' establishment and education were deterred. In this context, Arthur L. Becker established Meth. and Physics Dep't as a condition to accept the request of the Governor General of Korea to give up religious education in order to obtain the C.C.C. establishment approval. In the process of modernization after the liberalization, he contributed to the field of nuclear power which was positioned as modern integrated science, and many of them are C.C.C. graduates. But, Becker's research on science education activities is insufficient. It is necessary to conduct research for the correct evaluation of his contribution to the establishment of the modern physics foundation in Korea. Thus, the paper examines the process by Arthur L. Becker as a missionary, at Pyongyang Academy, Union Christian College, and C.C.C.. In such cases, prove that this kind of the introductory research will be a stimulus to collect and study his letters and diaries that scattered, and to the attitude and wisdom necessary for the 4th industrial revolution era.

      • KCI등재

        트럼프의 정치적 담화와 언어적 특성: 장르별 차이와 시간에 따른 변화를 중심으로

        정운형 ( Woonhyung Chung ) 연세대학교 언어정보연구원(구 연세대학교 언어정보개발원) 2021 언어사실과 관점 Vol.52 No.-

        미국 대통령 트럼프의 언어적 특징은 쉽고 반복된 어휘와 짧은 문장의 사용, 그리고 낮은 텍스트 응집성이라고 알려져 있다. 그러나 몇몇 연구들은 그의 언어가 항상 그런 특징을 보이지는 않는다는 것을 보여주었다. 이 연구는 트럼프의 언어 사용을 장르별(인터뷰 대 스피치)로 다양한 언어적 차원에서 분석하고 대통령 당선 전과 후로 나누어 살펴봄으로써 그동안의 그의 언어 사용 특징에 대한 평가와 연구에 대해 양적으로 검증하기 위한 시도에서 시작되었다. 분석 결과, 그의 인터뷰는 기존의 평가와 연구와 마찬가지로 어휘적, 구문적으로 단순한 것으로 나타났지만 그의 스피치의 경우에는 어휘적, 구문적으로 세 명의 전임 대통령들과 유의미한 차이를 보이지 않았다. 더 나아가, 스피치에서는 대통령 당선 이후가 당선 전보다 그의 언어가 어휘적, 구문적으로 복잡해지는 것으로 나타났다. 텍스트 응집성에 있어서도 기존의 평가와는 달리 인터뷰에서 트럼프가 세 명의 전임 대통령들보다 더 높은 응집성 수치를 보여주었다. 이러한 결과는 기존의 트럼프의 정치적 언어 사용에 대한 평가와 연구가 다양한 언어적 차원에서 장르별, 시기별로 다시 검토될 필요가 있음을 보여주는 것이다. US President Donald Trump’s language has been characterized by easy and repeated words, short sentences, and incohesive content. However, some studies have suggested that his language does not always show those linguistic features. This study addressed this unresolved issue by analyzing Trump’s language use by genre (interviews vs. presidential speeches) from various linguistic dimensions, before and during his presidency. Results showed that while his interviews were generally simple in terms of both lexicon and syntax, his presidential speeches showed similar degrees of lexical and syntactic complexity with his three predecessors. Furthermore, his speeches have tended to become more lexically and syntactically complicated since his election. In terms of text cohesion, his interviews showed higher cohesion than those of his three predecessors, although text cohesion of his speeches was similar with them. These results contest the existing assessment that Trump’s language is linguistically simple and incohesive, suggesting that the characteristics of his political discourse should be redefined by genre in terms of language complexity and text cohesion.

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