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        Observations on the Genetic Structure of Pinus densiflora Sieb. et Zucc(I) : The Young-il Population

        정민섭,Chung, Min Sup Korean Society of Forest Science 1991 한국산림과학회지 Vol.80 No.2

        동립효소(同立酵素) 분석(分析)에 의하여 경상북도(慶尙北道) 영일지역(迎日地域) 한 소나무 집단(集團)의 유전적(遺傳的) 구조(構造)를 산(山)의 남(南)쪽과 북(北)쪽의 소집단(小集團)으로 구분(區分)하여 연구(硏究)하였다. 동립효소(同立酵素) AAT, GDH 및 LAP등 에서 각각 5개, 1개 및 2개의 유전자좌(遺傳子座)가 발견(發見)되였으며 상세(詳細)히 분석(分析)한 6개의 유전자좌(遺傳子座)에는 평균(平均) 3.33개의 유전자(遺傳子)가 있음이 확인(確認)되었다. 6개 유전자좌(遺傳子座)의 average heterozygosity는 양친집단(兩親集團)의 경우(境遇) 0.19였고 차대집단(次代集團)의 경우(境遇)는 0.17이었다. 몇 몇 유전자좌(遺傳子座)에 있어서 남(南)쪽 북(北)쪽 소집단내(小集團內) 및 소집단간(小集團間)에 모계(母系)와 부계간(父系間) 유전자빈도(遺傳子頻度)의 유의차(有意差)가 있었고 남쪽 및 북쪽 소집단간(小集團間)에는 모계(母系) 유전자(遺傳子) 빈도(頻度)에 차이(差異)가 있었다. 이 결과(結果)로 보아 산(山)의 북쪽과 남쪽에 위치(位置)한 소나무 소집단(小集團)에 있어서 교배(交配)가 무작위(無作爲)로 일어나지 않았으며 소집단간(小集團間)에도 자유(自由)롭게 교배(交配)가 이루어지지 않고 있어 이들 소집단(小集團)들은 최소(最小)한 생식집단(生植集團)으로서 부분적(部分的)으로 서로 격리되고 있음이 발견(發見)되었다. 양친(兩親)과 차대집단(次代集團)의 몇몇 유전자형(遺傳子型)들은 Hardy-Weinberg 평형(平衡)을 이루지 못하고 있었다. 이 소나무 집단(集團)의 유전적(遺傳的) 구조(構造)로 보아 현재의 소나무 집단(集團)은 소수(少數)의 양친수(兩親樹)에 의해 형성(形成)된 것으로 생각된다. Genetic structure of a Pinus densiflora population consisting of two subpopulations on the north-and south-facing slopes of a mountain was studied by allozyme analysis. Allozyme variants in aspartate aminotransferase(AAT), glutmate dehydrogenase(GDH) and leucine aminopeptidase(LAP) systems are encoded, at least, by eight loci ; five for AAT, one for GDH and two for LAP. Average number of alleles examined over six loci was 3.33. Average heterozygosity and genetic diversity computed over six loci were, respectively, 0.19 and 2.76 for parental population, 0.17 and 2.22 for progeny population. Differences in allelic frequencies between maternal sources at many of the investigated loci were found and between subpopulations on the north- and south-facing slopes. Allele frequencies of maternal origin at some of the loci were significantly different from each other between the two subpopulations. Thus it appears that the matings within and between subpopulations were not random and the mountain ridge that divides the north-and south-facing slopes isolate the two suhpopulations reproductively to a great extent. Some of the genotypes both in parental and progeny(embryo) groups deviate significantly from the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium state. It appears from the result that the pine population is originated from a few limited ancestral trees and thus consanguineous matings are prevalent in this pine population.

      • KCI등재

        일본산 자작나무의 생장에 관한 연구

        정민섭 ( Min Sup Chung ) 한국산림과학회 1996 한국산림과학회지 Vol.85 No.2

        Three half-sib families of Betula platyphylla var. japonica had been introduced from Japan and tested for their growth potentiality by comparing with control trees originating from previously introduced and cultivated stands of unknown seed origin. Two of the three introduced family groups from Japan showed superior tree growth in both diameter and height to control one up to the age of four. But only one family group remained superior to the control trees at age six. It appeared from the results that Betula platyphylla var. japonica families, introduced from Japan, can be directly used for the production of planting stocks for commercial planting and/or as parental trees for the production of intra- and interspecific hybrids.

      • KCI등재

        잡종채종원에서의 (雜種採種園) 리기다소나무와 테다소나무의 개화

        정민섭 ( Min Sup Chung ) 한국산림과학회 1983 한국산림과학회지 Vol.59 No.1

        Flowering time of Pinus rigida Mill and Pinus taeda L, in an F₁-hybrid seed orchard was investigated for five years from 1971 through 1975. The two tree species flowered during late April to early May at the observation site, Flowering patterns of the two species of different sex of the same species changed yearly during the five observation years. Floral development of the two species appeared to depend largely on temperature factor during the period of the initiation of floral organs up to flowering provided that other environmental factors are normal. Six-days difference in flowing time between female inflorescence of pitch (flower later) and male inflorescence of loblolly (flower earlier) pines effectively isolated the two species reproductively on population levels. Not all of selected trees of the two species for their synchronized flowering appeared to be useful as parental trees for the establishment of F₁-hybrid seed orchards. With the result from this investigation the author suggested to use a modified simple recurrent selection method for pitch-loglolly hybrid pine breeding

      • KCI등재

        임목에 있어서 개화유도에 (開花誘導) 의한 육종싸이클의 단축 Ⅱ. 생장조절 물질 처리에 의한 자작나무와 은자작나무의 개화유도 촉진

        정민섭(Min Sup Chung),조진기(Jin Ki Jo),박상진(Sang Jin Park) 한국산림과학회 1995 한국산림과학회지 Vol.84 No.4

        Betula pendula and B. platyphylla var. japonica seedlings and/or grafts growing inside and outside of a plastic-greenhouse were treated with growth regulators to induce flowering at early stages of seedling and graft developments. The seedlings began to develop female catkins visibly in eight to nine months after seeding and in five months after the first treatment of growth regulators. Thirty three percents of the seedlings grown under controlled environment in the plastic-greenhouse with sufficient nutrient supply developed female catkins both in control plants and in the plants treated with IAA, GA₃ and kinetin, while none on the control plants grown in the field showed any sign of the development of floral organs. Sixty seven percents of the seedlings treated with ABA and SADH grown in the Plastic-greenhouse developed female catkins. All the seedlings treated with 6.24 mM of SADH developed female catkins. SADH treatment to 2-5 year old seedlings and grafts of birch had a tendency of positive effect on inducing and increasing the flowering of the two birch species.

      • KCI등재

        잡종 채종원에서 (採種園) 리기다소나무의 Allozyme 변이와 Allozyme 분석에 의한 잡종종자 발생률의 추정

        정민섭 ( Min Sup Chung ) 한국산림과학회 1984 한국산림과학회지 Vol.66 No.1

        Allozyme study for open pollinated seeds of forty nine pitch pine families in an F, -hybrid seed orchard demonstrated that allozyme variants in aspartate aminotransferase(AAT), glutamate dehydrogenase(GDH) and leucine aminopeptidase(LAP) systems are encoded by at Least eight loci; five for AAT, one for GDH and two fur LAP. Allozyme variations showed polymorphisms at seven of the eight loci, except GDH. Average number of alleles examined over six loci were 2.33 and 2.67 for maternal and progeny groups, respectively. Average heterozygosity and genetic diversity computed over six loci were, respectively, 0.235 and 5.409 for maternal tree group, 0.238 and 5.569 for progeny group. The proportion of F₁-hybrid seeds estimated by allozyme analysis was 0.77%. The estimated proportion of F₁ hybrid seeds by allozyme study is in good agreement with the value 0.73% estimated by morphological study for the proportion of pitch × Loblolly F₁ hybrid seedlings at a nursery. Indications for Wahlund effect, high levels of self-fertilization and for non-random matings in the F₁ hybrid seed orchard call for cautions in estimating allele frequency changes and mating probabilities for the parental and progeny groups.

      • KCI등재

        수본의 (數本) 양친수에 (兩親樹) 의해 전파증식중에 있는 리기다소나무 집단의 유전적 구조

        정민섭 ( Min Sup Chung ) 한국산림과학회 1986 한국산림과학회지 Vol.72 No.1

        Allozyme study on a small pitch pine stand originating and expanded rather rapidly from a few founder trees indicated that the colonization of the pitch pine population was made progressively from the place where the founder trees located to another by moving in cohorts of seeds from a limited number of family or genetically closely related family groups in line with the succeeding generations. This pattern of migration and colonization resulted marked differences in allelic and genotypic frequencies at many of the allozyme loci between the initially colonized subpopulation on the south-facing slope and the lately colonized subpopulation on north-facing slope of a hill. It appeared that gene fixation due to inbreeding and genetic drift occurred at some loci in the pitch pine population or subpopulations. However, even in t 1e inbreeding small pitch pine population or subpopulatzons, a comparatively large amount of genetic diversity or heterozygosity was maintained due to the high levels of gene recombination at many of the gene loci and natural selections favoring for heterozygotes.

      • KCI등재

        소나무의 유전적 구조에 관한 연구 (Ⅰ) : 영일 (迎日) 집단의 유전적 구조

        정민섭 ( Min Sup Chung ) 한국산림과학회 1991 한국산림과학회지 Vol.80 No.2

        Genetic structure of a Pinus densiflora population consisting of two subpopulations on the north-and south-facing slopes of a mountain was studied by allozyme analysis. Allozyme variants in aspartate aminotransferase(AAT), glutmate dehydrogenase(GDH) and leucine aminopeptidase(LAP) systems are encoded, at least, by eight loci : five for AAT, one for GDH and two for LAP, Average number of alleles examined over six lod was 3.33. Average heterozygosity and genetic diversity computed over six loci were, respectively, 0.19 and 2.76 for parental population, 0.17 and 2.22 for progeny population. Differences in allelic frequencies between maternal sources at many of the investigated loci were found and between subpopulations on the north- and south-facing slopes. Allele frequencies of maternal origin at some of the loci were significantly different from each other between the two subpopulations. Thus it appears that the matings within and between subpopulations were not randaraa and the mountain ridge that divides the north-and south-facing slopes isolate the two suhpopulations reproductively to a great extent. Some of the genotypes both in parental and progeny(embryo) groups deviate significantly from the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium state. It appears from the result that the pine population is originated from a few limited ancestral trees and thus consanguineous matings are prevalent in this pine population.

      • KCI등재

        리기다소나무에 있어서 자배 (自配) 후 구과 (毬果) 및 종자의 발달

        정민섭 ( Min Sup Chung ) 한국산림과학회 1983 한국산림과학회지 Vol.62 No.1

        Cone and seed development after self-pollination in 14-year-old Pinus rigida Mill. was investigated in an F₁-hybrid seed orchard that consists of Pinus rigida Mill. and Pinus taeda L. in alternative rows. On an average, 83.8% of the self-pollinated receptive female strobili developed into cones. This value appears to be normal compared to cone development after open-pollination in other pine species such as in Pinus sylvestris L. However, there was a great variation in filled seed development after self-pollination among the investigated individual trees (Table 1-1). The 34.5%, a ratio of filled seeds after self-pollination was significantly lower than 91.7%, that by the open-pollination. Some of the investigated trees developed 70.0%-83.5% of filled seeds after self-pollination. Thus, those are not desirable as trees for seed parent in establishing F₁-hybrid seed orchards in future. A further study on the rate of filled seed development by various pollination systems consisting of self-pollination, self-and cross-pollination with intraspecific, mixed (tree`s own and foreign pollens) pollens and cross-pollination with interspecific, mixed pollens of the two parental tree species is necessary to determine the quality of seed parent trees in establishing F₁-hybrid seed orchards.

      • KCI등재후보

        人爲倍數性林木에 關한 硏究 Ⅷ Pinus banksiana 의 Colchitetraploid의 外部形態에 對하여

        Chung Suk Kim(金鼎錫),Min Sup Chung(鄭珉燮) 한국육종학회 1969 한국육종학회지 Vol.1 No.1

        本 實驗은 種子 colchicine 處理로 獲得된 11年生 4倍性 P. banksiana에 對하여 染色體數의 確認을 하고 外部形態的 持性을 調査하여 다음과 같은 結果를 얻었다. (1) 生長은 4倍性의 5個體 共히 不良하고 一般的으로 針葉은 短小하고 肥厚하였다. (2) 氣孔의 孔邊細胞으 크기는 2倍體에 比하여 18% 增大하였다. (3) 花粉은 氣囊이 退化한 것과 氣囊의 數가 3個 있는 異常花粉 등은 觀察할 수 있었으며 크기는 2倍體에 比하여 16% 可量增大하였다. In order to induce useful auto- and allo-polyploids, in the present study, cytological and morphological characteristics of eleven year old tetraploids Pinus banksiana, which were obtained from the seeds treated with colchicine, were observed as follows: (1) The number of chromosomes in the somatic cells was 2n=48, indicating atetraploid. (2) Growth performance of all the five individuals was poor and their needles were short and thickened. (3) The size of guard cells of stomata increased 18% compared to that of guard cells in the normal 2n plants. (4) Abnormal pollen grains which were degenerated in wings or which had three wings were found and the size of pollen grains increased about 16% compared to the pollen grains of 2n plants.


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