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        한국의 사회적경제

        이해진,LEE Hae-Jin 지역사회학회 2015 지역사회학 Vol.16 No.1

        본 연구는 한국의 사회적경제의 제도화 과정을 국가와 시민사회의 관계를 중심으로 고찰하고, 제도화에 따른 정치화와 탈지역화의 문제에 대해 사회적경제의 지역화 관점에서 대응방안을 모색한다. 이를위해 사회적경제의 관계적-동태적 특성을 혼종성, 고유성, 이동성으로 포착하고 이를 바탕으로 한국 사회적경제의 제도화, 정치화, 지역화의 동학을 정치사회학적 관점에서 분석하였다. 한국 사회적경제의 제도화의 역사는 정부 주도적인 경로 의존성 속에서 시기별로 억압적 제도화, 헤게모니적 제도화, 신자유주의적 제도화 과정으로 전환되었다. 특히, 최근 사회적경제기본법의 제도화 국면에서는 사회적경제 담론을 선점하려는 정치권력의 정치적 아젠다 경쟁, 복지와 경제문제를 우회하려는 신자유주의적 통치전략, 그리고 이를 위한 통합적 정책추진체계 구축과 같은 정치과정들이 발견된다. 정치권력이 사회적경제를 정치적으로 전유하는 정치화 현상이 나타나고 있는 것이다. 반면에 이러한 정치화에 대응하는 사회적 경제 진영의 주도권과 통합적 대응은 미흡한 것으로 평가된다. 그 원인으로는 사회적경제의 제도화에 따른 사회적경제 조직의 분화, 역사적 발전단계 및 이해관계의 차이, 그로 인한 실질적인 연대 경험의 부재를 지적했다. 마지막으로 사회적경제의 정치화와 탈지역화에 대한 대응방안으로 지역사회를 진지로 삼아 대항 헤게모니를 구축하는 사회적경제의 지역화 전략을 제시했다. 이는 지역사회에 배태된 사회적 경제의 사회운동적 성격을 강화하고 아래로부터 사회적경제의 주체와 역량을 확대하는 전략이라고 할 수 있다. This study aims to explore the change and characteristics of the process of institutionalization of social economy in Korea based on the relationship between state and civil society and provide alternative strategies of the localization of social economy as a response to the politicization of the current social economy. This article interprets the characteristics of social economy as hybridity, originality, and mobility and analyzes the dynamics of institutionalization, politicization, and localization of social economy in terms of political sociology approach. Using this analytical framework, this study classified the process of the Korean institutionalization of social economy as oppressive institutionalization, hegemonic institutionalization, and neoliberal institutionalization, which have historically evolved.

      • KCI등재

        중규모 해양모형을 이용한 한반도 주변 해역 해양순환 재현

        이해진,안중배,Lee, Hae-Jin,Ahn, Joong-Bae 한국해양학회 2000 바다 Vol.5 No.3

        본 연구에서는 중규모 해양모형을 이용하여 주어진 한반도 주변 대기경계조건에 대한 해양모형의 반응을 연구하였다. 연구는 크게 스핀업(spin-up) 실험과 재현(reproduction) 실험으로 나뉘는데, 스핀업 실험은 해양모형을 스핀업시켜 기후학적 월평균 해양상태로 유도하는 실험으로 월평균 대기상태를 경계조건으로 하여 해양모형을 장기적분하였다. 재현 실험은 1980년${\sim}$1998년 동안(19년)의 한반도 주변 해역의 해양변동을 재현하고자 한 실험으로 이를 위하여 스핀업 마지막 해의 해양상태를 모형의 초기상태로 하고 그 기간 동안의 월평균 기상 자료를 경계조건으로 해양모형에 적용하여 19년간 적분하였다. 스핀업 실험에서 모형은 동해지역에서의 동한 해류의 이안, 극전선대(polar front)형성 그리고 소규모 에디들에 의한 냉수대의 형성과 황해지역에서의 연안역과 중앙부 사이에 남북으로 형성되는 수온전선 대 그리고 역풍류(Upwind Current)의 변화에 기인한 순환 구조의 계절적인 변동 등 한반도 주변해역에서 나타나는 특징적인 순환들을 잘 모사하였다. 또한 1982${\sim}$98년까지에 대한 재현 실험에서는 주어진 대기 경계조건에 따른 해면온도의 변동성과 기간동안 약 0.5$^{\circ}$C의 해면온도 아노말리의 상승을 관측과 유사하게 모사하였다. 따라서 실험은 모형이 주어진 경계조건에 대하여 해양의 평균적인 상태 뿐만 아니라 변동성도 잘 모사하고 있음을 보여주었다. In this study, the oceanic responses to given atmospheric boundary conditions are investigated using a mesoscale ocean circulation model. The numerical experiments are divided into two parts: One is, so called, spin-up experiment and the other is reproduction experiment. The spin-up experiment simulates climatic state of ocean by integrating the ocean model with upper boundary conditions of the monthly mean atmospheric climate data. In the reproduction experiment, for the reproduction of major oceanic changes around Korean Peninsula during the period of 1980-1998 (19 years), the model has been integrated under the boundary condition of the 19year monthly mean atmosphere data. The spined-up state of ocean generated from the spin-up experiment is assigned to the initial boundary condition of the reproduction experiment. In the spin-up experiment, the model properly simulates the major features of circulation structure around Korean Peninsula; such as separation of East Korean Warm Current (EKWC), formation of the polar front, cold water band associated with the small scale eddies in the East Sea, the formation of front along west coast, and the seasonal variation of circulation pattern caused by changing upwind current in the West Sea. In the reproduction experiment, the model has shown the interannual sea surface temperature variations and a warming trend of about 0.5$^{\circ}$C during the period around Korean Peninsula, as in the case of the observation. Therefore, it is concluded that the model is capable of simulating not only the mean states but also the variabilities of ocean under the given atmosphere boundary conditions.

      • KCI등재

        한국형 구강건강문해력 평가 도구 개발을 위한 예비연구

        이해진 ( Hae Jin Lee ),홍진실 ( Jin Sil Hong ),김주연 ( Ju Yeon Kim ),장기완 ( Kee Wan Chang ) 대한예방치과·구강보건학회 2015 大韓口腔保健學會誌 Vol.39 No.4

        Objectives: Oral health literacy is defined as ‘the degree to which individuals have the capacity to obtain, process, and understand basic oral health information and services needed to make an appropriate health decision’. This goal of this study was to develop an instrument for assessing oral health literacy in Korean adults. Methods: This instrument was developed by using the adult literacy evaluation tool of the Korean Government. The components were mainly related to 2 conditions (‘oral health information’ and ‘dental treatment instruction’), and they were classified into 3 cognitive processes (realistic, deductive, and critical domains). Furthermore, all of the subcomponents were divided into prose and non-prose. Therefore, each of the 12 subcomponents had 4 items, resulting in a final questionnaire with 48 items. A pilot survey was conducted in 51 adults, and the quality of the questionnaire was subsequently evaluated. We identified reliability by using Cronbach’s a, discrimination, and difficulty. Two items from each of the 12 subcomponents were selected as the final items. We set the difference thresholds at over 0.5 and over 0.3 for reliability and discrimination, respectively. Finally, we distributed the difficulty from 35 to 95%. Results: The reliabilities of all items (48) and the final items (24) were 0.838 and 0.836, respectively. The mean discrimination of the final items was higher than that of all items (mean: 0.5 and 0.3, respectively). The difficulty curve of the final items followed a normal distribution. Conclusions: The reliability and validity demonstrated by the final 24 items indicates that they are appropriate for evaluating oral health literacy in adults.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        증례보고 : 전신마취하 제왕절개술 중 발생된 고도 방실 차단

        이해진 ( Hae Jin Lee ),전진영 ( Jin Young Chon ),오용석 ( Yong Seog Oh ),김나현 ( Na Hyun Kim ) 대한마취과학회 2006 Korean Journal of Anesthesiology Vol.51 No.5

        This report is presented in which an asymptomatic parturient with Mobitz I second degree heart block developed high grade heart block during cesarean section under general anesthesia with enflurane. Progression of the block might be associated with vagal reflex. The event in this case suggests that the patients with pre-existing heart block may be a risk factor for development of high grade atrioventricular block during general anesthesia and surgery. (Korean J Anesthesiol 2006; 51: 641~3)

      • KCI등재

        촛불집회 10대 참여자들의 참여 경험과 주체 형성

        이해진(Lee Hae-jin) 비판사회학회 2008 경제와 사회 Vol.- No.80

        이 글은 2008년 촛불집회의 10대 참여자들의 참여 경험을 중심으로 주체 형성 과정을 연구했다. 10대의 촛불집회 참여 경험의 특성이 무엇이며, 이러한 참여 경험이 참여자의 인식 및 행동을 어떻게 바꾸었고, 이를 통해 새롭게 구성되는 주체화의 내용은 어떠한지 실증적으로 탐구하고자 했다. 사회운동 연구에서 감정, 집합적 정체성, 생애사적 영향의 측면에 주목하여 촛불집회 참여 경험을 참여 배경, 참여 과정, 참여 효과로 나누어 분석했다. 연구 자료는 촛불집회 현장에서 실시한 1차면접 설문조사와 이후 70여 일이 경과한 시점에서 이 1차 응답자들을 대상으로 인터넷을 통해 실시한 2차 추적 조사 결과이다. 분석 결과, 10대 참여자들은 분노와 문화적 감수성을 바탕으로 촛불집회를 촛발시키고 대규모로 직접 참여함으로써 시민의식과 민주주의를 체험 학습했다. 또한 이들은 정치세대로서의 인식, 독자적인 정치적 목소리, 일상적으로 정치화된 행동을 보여주었다. 촛불집회 참여를 통해 정치적인 것의 의미 변화를 직접 체득했음을 알려준다. 아울러 지속적인 참여가 시민적·정치적 주체로서의 인식과 행동을 더욱 강화시키는 효과를 발견했다. 특히 이 글에서는 10대 참여자의 분화와 지속에 주목하여 참여 경험의 특성과 '시민적 주체화'와 '정치적 주체화'라는 이중의 주체 형성 과정을 조명했다. 10대 참여자들의 고유한 체험과 기억이 향후 '촛불 세대'로서 개인의 생애 과정과 한국 사회의 새로운 운동 주기에서 어떻게 표출되거나 변형될 것인지 앞으로 지속적인 학문적 관심과 후속 연구가 필요하다. This article analyzed how the participation in 2008 candlelight movement against U.S. beef import liberalization has affected the teenage participants. More concretely, I attempted to deal with the questions of what were the characteristics of their experiences, how the experiences transformed the perception and behavior of participants, and what was the contour of the newly formed subject identity. For this purpose, this study analyzed the motives, processes, and effects of teenagers' participation focusing on the concepts such as emotion, collective identity, and biographical consequences in social movement theories. Two survey data were used: first one was collected by a survey at the place where candle demonstration took place and the other one was a follow-up on-line survey of the same respondents after two and half months. The results of the study are as follows. The fear and anger of teenage participants provoked the candlelight rally, while the participants learned the virtue of civic consciousness and democracy through the participation. In addition, the results showed that they recognized themselves as political generation, voiced their political interests, and conducted political behavior in everyday life. These findings imply that they have become familiar with the meaning and value of the political by experiences of participation in the protests. This study also found that the more they participate, the effect on civic and political awareness and activism are more intense. Most importantly, this paper emphasized the differentiation of participants in terms of subject formation, which I have termed "civic subjectification" and "political subjectification." Further research is in need to see whether the experiences and memory of teenager participants will actually develop into "candlelight generation," which may affect the future trajectory of social movement in Korea.

      • KCI등재

        눈썹과 전두두정부를 침범한 국소피부경화증에 의해 발생한 이차성 흉터성 탈모증

        이해진 ( Hae Jin Lee ),정예진 ( Ye Jin Jung ),김재홍 ( Jae Hong Kim ),윤나영 ( Na Young Yoon ),이원수 ( Won Soo Lee ) 대한피부과학회 2010 大韓皮膚科學會誌 Vol.48 No.8

        Morphea, a subclass of localized scleroderma, is a connective tissue disorder limited to the skin and subcutaneous tissue. We report herein a case of secondary cicatricial alopecia due to morphea, which showed very unusual site and clinical manifestations. A 24-year-old woman presented to the department of dermatology with a solitary skin-colored patch on the frontoparietal area through the eyebrow. The histopathologic findings showed hydrophic changes of the basal cells in the epidermis. In addition, there were broadened, compact, eosinophilic collagen fibers and perifollicular lymphocytic infiltration with loss of elastic fibers and adnexal structures in the entire dermis. On the basis of clinical and pathological findings, she was diagnosed with secondary cicatricial alopecia due to morphea on the frontoparietal area through the eyebrow. (Korean J Dermatol 2010;48(8):722~724)

      • KCI등재

        회사형 조인트벤처(Corporate joint venture)에 있어서 주주협정에 관한 연구

        이해진 ( Hae Jin Lee ) 안암법학회 2012 안암 법학 Vol.0 No.37

        Recently, many forms of joint ventures have been created between corporations, between, individuals, and between corporations and individuals for common purposes. A joint venture refers to as a legal relationship where two or more investors invest, distribute profit, and share losses in order to conduct a business. There arc many forms of joint ventures, which may be divided into contractual, partnership, and corporate joint ventures, depending on their legal characteristics. A contractual joint venture is different from a joint venture partnership (JVP) in that it conducts a joint venture business for a mutual benefit without forming a separate legal vehicle or agent for rights and obligations. Each partner is obliged to take liability with their assets for debts and liability involved in their partnership business defined in the partnership agreement. As long as there are no contradictory agreements, the continuation of the partnership is decided upon the continuing participation of the partners, which is why it is probably the joint venture with the weakest binding power. A joint venture partnership is a partnership entity in the form of a joint enterprise consisting of general partner who have unlimited Liability for the debts of the partnership and limited partner whose liability is limited to his investment in the partnership. Although the limited partners have liability that`s only within the amount of their investment, they cannot participate in business management. On the other hand, a corporate joint venture has various tax benefits compared to the partner association in civil law, and has advantages in the fact that shareholders have a limited liability within the scope of the stocks in which they have invested in. Also, in closed companies with only a small number of shareholders, in order to enforce the relationship between shareholders, voting rights, stock transfer methods, dispute settlement methods and the director`s power are determined by the agreement to operate and control the company jointly. Furthermore, in order to enforce the content of the shareholders` agreement within the corporate system, contents such as, shifting the rights of the director to the shareholders, preserving the responsibility of the director, restrictions on the transfer of shares for maintenance of shareholders` agreement, the right of first refusal regarding withdrawn or expelled shareholders, sanctions on the violator of the shareholders` agreement, dissolution of a company due to the cancellation of the shareholders agreement, is included. The realization of the shareholders` agreement must take place through the management system of the corporation law, but its effect can become a problem when the shareholders` agreement comes in conflict with the corporation law concerning the expulsion of shareholders, restrictions on the transfer of shares, remuneration of directors, and the dismissal of directors. Also, the major shareholders` corporate management by the shareholders` agreement can be recognized as an act that damages the third party with different interests in the company such as minority shareholders and creditors. Furthermore, when the major shareholders take advantage of the company only to take real profits by evading obligations under the corporate law, the shareholders` agreement can cause ``a corporation`s abuse`` or ``a company swindle``, Therefore, regulations should be made concerning this issue. Western countries are revising the corporate law in a way that wili enhance the shareholders` participation and remedies in corporate management and control. In contrast, Korea still seems passive in guaranteeing the shareholders` participation in management and control, on the grounds that these hinder management stability, although the country has already enhanced the rights of minority shareholders and the appraisal rights, etc. Despite shareholders` allowance of participation in company management and the control being partly institutionalized, there should still be more active revisions to shift the corporate law system toward shareholders, thus following the global trend of guaranteeing and enhancing the management participation of shareholders. Although many forms of joint ventures will be established in joint enterprises in the future, there are not many studies that have been conducted in Korea yet. Hopefully in the future, there will be more studies conducted on this subject.

      • 실차 주행시험을 통한 자동차용 전장부품의 피로수명 예측

        이해진(Hae-jin Lee),이정윤(Jung-Youn Lee),오재응(Jae-Eung Oh) 한국자동차공학회 2009 한국자동차공학회 부문종합 학술대회 Vol.2009 No.4

        Electronic hardware has become a critical part of automobiles and the dependence on electronic system is expected to continue to increase. The reliability of electronic hardware that is responsible for operation and safety features on automobiles is a critical design concern. This paper presents the use of techniques for simulating product qualification as well as for product testing of automotive electronic hardware. The mechanical performance of these packages is studied using finite element analysis for given temperature and vibration environments in automotive applications. The system level model is correlated through vibration experiments. To determine the level of loads at the failure site, the test vehicle was instrumented with sensors (strain gages, thermal couples and accelerometers). Using the results of vibration and thermal simulations, fatigue life is predicted based on cumulative damage analysis and material durability information.

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