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      • KCI등재

        예정일 초과 분만예에 관한 임상적 고찰

        이춘노(CN Lee),이남훈(NH Lee),안관순(GS Ahn) 대한산부인과학회 1975 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.18 No.7

        1. The incidence of prolonged pregnancies was 8.41 % with the highest incidence occuring in the 25-29 years age groups. 2. Of these 323 prolonged pregnancies, 60.4% were multipara and 39.6% were primipara. 3. There was more chance of having large fetuses in prolonged pregnancy than in control group. 4. The onset of labor in prologed pregnancies revealed that 72% were spontaneous in nature and most prevalent in 43 weeks of gestation. 5. The success rate of the vaginal delivery by intravenous oxytocin dripping method was 76.3%. 6. Total duration of labor between prolonged pregnancies and control group was not sighnificantly different. 7. Cesarean section rate was increased in prolonged pregnancies as compared with control group 8. In indication of cesarean section in prolonged pregnancies the C.P.D was the most prevalent and fetal distress and uterine dysfunction were the next. 9. Average weight of baby and placenta were heavier in prolonged pregnancies comparing with control group. 10. Perinatal death was 2.5 times higher than control group.

      • KCI등재

        거대아에 대한 임상적 관찰

        이남훈(NH Lee),이춘노(CN Lee),강정대(JD Kang),안관순(GS Ahn) 대한산부인과학회 1976 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.19 No.2

        1. The incidence of large fetuses weighing 4 kg or more was 5.81% of the total deliveries and the babies weighing 4.5Kg or more was 0.79% of the total 2. Over half of large fetuses (50.87%) were born at 40 or 41 weeks of gestation and 40.53% were over 42 weeks of gestation. 3. The large fetus was more frequency seen in multipara and as the parity increases, the incidence of large fetus was gradually elevated, especially in pare 3 or 4. 4. The majority of large fetuses were found to be born either in mothers aged 30-34 (8.04%) or in 35-39 (8.68%) 5. Most cases of large fetuses were male (61.32%) in their sex and the female fetuses were found in 38.68%(male : female = 3:2) 6. Incidence of anemia in mothers with large fetuses was 7.32% and the anemia was more common in multipare (7.94%) than in primipara (5.48%) 7. Medical complications were noted in 17 cases (5.92%) among 287 mothers with large fetuses the most common complications were diabetes (12cases or 4.17%). Of which overt diabetes was found in 2 cases (1.10%) and prediabetes in 10 cases (5.5%) 8. Obstetrical complications were found in 106 cases (37.21%). The uterine dysfunction (12.89%) and the toxemias (6.97%) were most frequent complications. 9. The babies were born vaginarloute in 75.61% and abdominal route in 24.39%. 10. The rate of cesarean section was 3 times high compaaring with overall and major indication for cesarean section was cephalopelivic disproportion (62.8%) repeat cesarean section (17.14%) and fetal distress (12.86%) 11. The shoulder dystocia occured in 5 cases (1.74%) 12. There were 4 cases of perinatal loss, of which three cases were stillbirth and one cases was neonatal death.

      • KCI등재

        조기파막의 임상적 고찰

        강연위(YW Kang),이춘노(CN Lee),이남훈(NH Lee) 대한산부인과학회 1974 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.17 No.1

        1969년 1월부터 1972년 4월까지 만 3년 4개월 동안 분만한 산모 총 3202예중 조기파막 370 예에 대하여 분석 관찰하여 보면 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 1) 발생빈도는 11.6%였다. 2) 조기파막예에서 발생빈도를 초산부군과 경산부군을 비교한즉 초산부군이 훨씬 높았으며 쌍태임신에서도 조기파막발생률이 높았다. 3) 임신중 산모의 질병은 86예었으며 중요한 것으로는 빈혈이 31예로 가장 많았고 임신중독 증이 30예로 다음 순위였다. 4) 잠재기간 24시간 내에 자연진통발현은 73.6%였으며 임신주수가 길어질수록 잠재시간이 짧았다. 5) 조기파막 370예중 제왕절개는 49예로서 제왕절개율은 1.24%였다. 6) 유도분만 56예중 52예에서 질식분만이 성공하여 유도분만 성공률은 92.9%였다. 7) 합병증으로는 ㄱ) 조산은 17.73% ㄴ) 이상태위는 10.50%였으며 그 중 둔위가 8.87%, 횡위가 0.83%, 안면위가 0.55%였다. ㄷ) 제대탈출은 0.83%였다. 8) 산욕열은 5.95%로 잠재기간이 길어짐에 따라 점차 상승하였다. 9) Prophylactic antibiotics의 사용군과 사용하지 않은 군의 산모이환율은 차이가 없다고 생 각되었다. 10) 백분율로 계산한 주산기사망은 5.8%로 생각되었으며 신생아 사망의 원인은 조산이 많 은 것으로 사료되었다. A clinical observation has been made on 370 cases of spontaneous premature rupture of mambranes out of 3202 deliberies at the Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology, Korea General Hospital from Jan. 1969 to Apr. 1972. The result are as follows : 1) The incidence of S.P.R.M was 11.6%. 2) The incidence of S.P.R.M in relation to parity was higher in primipara group rather than multipara group and also high incidence was noted in twin pregnancies. 3) Anemia and toxemia were the most cimmon disease in S.P.R.M. 4) Spontaneous labor develops in most cases within 24 hours (73.6%). 5) The incidence of cesarean section was 49 cases (13.24%) in all 370 cases with S.P.R.M. 6) The success rate of the vaginal delivery was 92.9% by intravenous oxytocin dripping method. 7) The complication was as follows : a) The incidence of premature birth weight was present in 17.73%. b) Abnormal presentation was present in 10.50% and breech, transverse lie and face presentation were present in 8.87%, 0.83% and 0.55% respectively. 8) Maternal morbidity was present in 5.95% and which was progressively increased according to prolonged lag period. 9) In comparison with used and noused prophylactic antibiotics, maternal morbidity was little change. 10) Perinetal death was present 5.8% and major cause of neonatal death was prematurity.

      • KCI등재

        산욕기 임부에 발생한 Osteritis Pubis 의 1예

        강연위(YW Kang),이춘노(CN Lee) 대한산부인과학회 1974 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.17 No.8

        본례는 30세의 산욕기 산모로서 정상질식분만 후 제 1일에 격심한 치골봉합부 및 양측 대퇴 부, 하복부동통을 호소하며, X선소견은 특징적인 osteolytic change를 볼 수 있었으며, 치료 에서는 Depomedrol의 관절내주사와 대증요법으로 발병 후 약 1개월 내에 완치된 예이다. The author report one case of osteitis pubis which occured in multiparous pregnant woman during the puerperium. Satisfactory results were obtained by local administration of depomedrol and symptomatic therapy. Since this disease entity is known to be ware occurance, literature review is also presented.

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