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        이종형,Lee, Jong Hyong The Society of Internal Korean Medicine 1976 大韓韓方內科學會誌 Vol.1 No.1

        소화계질환(消化系疾患)이라고 하면 그 범위(範圍)가 매우 넓으나 대체로 크게 두가지로 구분(區分)할 수 있다. 하나는 소화기계통장기(消火器系統臟器)의 기질적(器質的) 질환(疾患)이고 다른 하나는 음식물(飮食物)의 섭취(攝取) 소화(消火) 흡수(吸收) 및 영양화(營養化)에 관계(關係)되는 기능적(機能的)인 질환(疾患)이다. 한의학상(韓醫學上) 소화계질환(消化系疾患)은 다분(多分)히 후자(後者) 즉(卽) 기능적(機能的) 질환(疾患)쪽을 많이 연구(硏究)한 경향(傾向)이 있으며 이것을 [비위내상(脾胃內傷)]위장병(胃腸病)이라고 부르고 있다. 한의학상(韓醫學上) 음식물(飮食物)과 질병(疾病)에 관(關)한 관찰(觀察)은 일찍이 상고시대(上古時代)로부터 매우 고조(高潮)되였던 것으로 생각된다. 내경(內經)(B. C200)에 의(依)하면 인간(人間)이 그 수명(壽命)을 다함에 있어 무엇보다도 음식(飮食)의 절제(節制)를 잘해야 한다는 설명(說明)이 있고, 천금방(千金方)(AD682)에는 신체(身體)를 강건(强健)케 하는 기본(基本)은 음식(飮食)에 있으며 의자(醫者)가 질병(疾病)을 치료(治療)함에 있어 마땅히 먼저 식치(食治)(식이요법(食餌療法))를 하되 식치(食治)로 낫지 않거던 용약(用藥)하라고 하였고, 삼인방(三因方)(AD1174)는 질병(疾病)의 삼대원인(三大原因) 중(中) 음식(飮食)으로 일어나는 원인(原因)을 가장 중요(重要)한 것으로 보았고 1250년대(年代) 이동원(李東垣)은 [비위론(脾胃論)]을 저술(著述)하여 소화계(消化系)에 관(關)한 이론(理論)을 특별(特別)히 천명(闡明)하였다. 이와 같이 한의학(韓醫學)은 음식(飮食)과 양생(養生), 영양(榮養)과 질병(疾病), 그리고 소화기능(消火機能)에 관(關)하여 고대(古代)로부터 중요시(重要視)해온 것이다. 그러나 그 이론(理論)들이 다분(多分)히 현상적관찰(現象的觀察)과 경험적추리(經驗的推理)로서 설명(說明)되었기 때문에 현대의학(現代醫學)(서양의학(西洋醫學))과 같은 조직해부학(組織解剖學) 및 생화학적(生化學的)인 이론(理論)과는 상위(相違)한 점(點)이 많다. 더욱이 음양오행설(陰陽五行說)이라는 다분(多分)히 형이상적(形而上的)인 학(學) 사유(思惟)로서 관찰추리(觀察推理)되였기 때문에 현대의학(現代醫學)과의 비교설명(比較說明)이 거의 불가능(不可能)하며 또한 한의학이론(韓醫學理論)의 과학적근거제시(科學的根據提示)도 현재(現在)로서는 어려운 형편(形便)이다. 그러나 이 의학(醫學)은 이미 2,000여년간(餘年間) 동양(東洋)에서 전래(傳來)한 경험의학(經驗醫學)으로서 동양인(東洋人)들은 이 의학(醫學)으로 소화계질환(消化系疾患)을 포함(包含)한 여러 가지 인간(人間)의 질병(疾病)을 치료(治療)해 왔고 현재(現在)도 이 의학(醫學)으로 치료(治療)를 하고 있고 실제적(實際的)으로 많은 치효(治效)를 보고 있는 것이다. 그러므로 이 의학(醫學)속에는 아직도 현대과학(現代科學)으로서 해명(解明)되지 못하는 어떤 요소(要素)들이 깃들여 있는 것이 확실(確實)하며 이것을 밝혀내기 위해서 우리 의학자(醫學者)들은 이 의학(醫學)에 관(關)한 모든 것을 연구(硏究)해 보아야 한다. 이런 뜻에서 본고찰(本考察)은 한방(漢方)의 역대제문헌(歷代諸文獻)을 섭렵(涉獵)하여 소화계질환(消化系疾患)에 관(關)한 제이론(諸理論)들을 발췌(拔萃), 한방(漢方)에서 보는 (1) 소화기관(消化器官)의 생리(生理) (2) 병리(病理), 증후(證候) (3) 치법원리(治法原理)을 조사고찰(調査考察)

      • KCI등재

        동계 사료작물을 도입한 이모작 안전 다수성 콩 신품종 ‘연풍’

        이은섭(Eun-Seob Yi),이종형(Jong-Hyong Lee),최병열(Byeng-Yul Choi),이영수(Yeong-Soo Lee),김희동(Hee-Dong Kim),윤홍태(Hong-Tae Yun) 한국육종학회 2015 한국육종학회지 Vol.47 No.4

        A soybean cultivar ‘Yonpoong’ which has safety high yield for double cropping system introduced winter forage crop was released by agricultural resource research institute of ARES, Gyeunggi Province in 2010. The goals of breeding were for large seed size, high yield, and resistance to disease such as spotting disease. ‘Yonpoong’ was derived from the cross of ‘Suwon 191’, which large seed size and high yield, and ‘Suwon 126’, which early maturity cultivar, and short stem. The preliminary, advanced and regional yield trials for evaluation and selection were carried out from 2005 to 2010. ‘Yonpoong’ has a determinate growth habit with purple flower, grey pubescence, brown pod color, yellow seed coat, yellow cotyledon, elongated seed shape, large seed size(28.7 g per 100 seeds). The maturing date was sept. 22. Tofu yield was similar to that of check cultivar ‘Daewonkong’. The average yield of ‘Yonpoong’ was 3.34 MT/ha in the regional yield trials(RTY) carried out in Korea from 2008 to 2010 which 38 percent higher than the check cultivar ‘Daewonkong’.

      • KCI등재

        장류 및 두부용 내재해성 대립 콩 신품종 『강풍』

        이은섭(Eun Seob Yi),김진영(Jin Young Kim),이종형(Jong Hyong Lee),이진구(Jin Goo Lee),한정아(Jeong A Han),강창성(Chang Seong Kang) 한국육종학회 2018 한국육종학회지 Vol.50 No.3

        The soybean cultivar ‘Gangpoong’ was developed for soy-paste and tofu. Suwon 223 and SS 00419 were crossed in 1999 and their progenies were selected from F3 to F5 using the pedigree method. Preliminary yield (PYT) and advanced yield (AYT) trials were conducted from 2008 to 2010, and regional yield trials (RYT) were conducted at three locations from 2011 to 2013. In RYT, ‘Gangpoong’ was stable in variable environments. ‘Gangpoong’ was determinate, with white flowers, yellow elongated spherical seeds, and a light brown hilum. The flowering and maturity dates were July 27 and October 8, respectively. The plant height was 67 cm shorter than that of ‘Daewonkong’ (81 cm, standard cultivar). ‘Gangpoong’ had fewer node numbers (16) than that of ‘Daewonkong (18) and had a heaver seed weight (30.1 g/100-seed weight) than that of ‘Daewonkong (26.0 g/100-seed weight)’. ‘Gangpoong’ showed lodging tolerance. The tofu yield of ‘Gangpoong’ was 213%, and the physical characteristics of tofu were similar to those of ‘Daewonkong (208%, standard cultivar)’. The soybean malt scent and fermented soybean yield of ‘Gangpoong’ were 2 and 105%, respectively. The yield in adaptable regions was 3.4 MT/ha, which was 14% higher than that of ‘Daewonkong’. Therefore, ‘Gangpoong’ could be cultivated and used widely for soy-paste and tofu in the near future (Registration number: 5932).

      • 울산 삼산지역의 대기질예측 및 오염저감대책

        이종형,류병로 大田工業大學 1992 한밭대학교 논문집 Vol.9 No.2

        This study was performed to delineate the present air pollution level in the Saman region of Ulsan, to investigate the environmental effects, and to find the measures of attaining the clean environmental in the Samsan region. The observed concentrations of Sulfur dioxide are 7.1~43.8 ppb at all sites. These values are lower than those of the current air quality standards, 50 ppb. The date also shows that the observed concentrations of hydrogen fluoride are 2.2~4. 4ppb. The simulated concentrations of hydrogen fluoride in 1994 and 1995 belong to enforced environmental standard will be reduce to 0.3 and 0.13 times each than the those of 1991. From the plants tolerance test, the tolerant trees to air pollution in Ulsan industrial estate are recommanded to attain the more clean air.

      • D.P법에 의한 관수로의 최적관경 배열

        이종형,연기석 大田工業大學 1992 한밭대학교 논문집 Vol.9 No.2

        The most recent lack is adequate water divide system. It is dynamic programing method and linear programing method have to optimal solution of pipe diameter for design and planning of pipe line. The attempt to framing the arrangement of optimal pipe diameter of pipe line using dynamic programing by personal computer. The possible to pipe diameter arrangement from input of basic data and control to pipe line design using dynamic programing.

      • 지하매관(地下埋管)에서 침투의 수치 SIMULATION

        안상진,이종형 충북대학교 건설기술연구소 1989 建設技術論文集 Vol.8 No.1

        The method for artificial groundwater recharge can be categorized into two groups, one is well method and the other one is scattering method. Underground piping method belongs to the latter group. It is to infiltrate water from porous pipes buried underground. This paper shows the result of numerical analysis concerning this method. The purpose of the study is to make the infiltration aspects of the method, We have found that the recharge height is effect by the difference of water level and a distance of laying.

      • 단일저유시설(單一貯留施設)에 의한 치수안전도에 관한 수학적 해석

        안상진,이종형 충북대학교 건설기술연구소 1989 建設技術論文集 Vol.7 No.2

        The capacities of drainage and storage facilities for flood control are determined to minimize the total cost under the condition that chance of flooding is less than a tolerable level. An analytical expression of the chance constraint for a flood control system with a storage facility is presented. The capacity of a drainage facility is evaluated based on frequency analysis of $quot;peak discharge$quot; of floods. The capacity of a storage facility may be resonably evaluated through frequency analysis of $quot;total runoff$quot; of floods. Thus characteristics of the flood-chance constraint are analyzed in view of the joint distribution of peak discharge and total runoff. Consequently, simflified expressions of the constraint are presented for practical applications.

      • HEC-1 모형에 의한 강우 - 유출 해석

        안상진,이종형,유봉로 충북대학교 건설기술연구소 1988 建設技術論文集 Vol.6 No.2

        This study is simulated rainfall-runoff relation by HEC-1 model in Bochong stream. In this model, the parameter of rainfall loss rate and unit hydrograph are optimized from the past hydrograph. Runoff estimation is used stream network of the HEC-1 model In addition to the attempt to sensitivity analysis of runoff by rainfall variation. The modeling results that the application of HEC-1 model for other small water shed is resonable.

      • 유출모형특성의 이론적 비교

        안상진,이종형 충북대학교 건설기술연구소 1987 建設技術論文集 Vol.6 No.1

        Runoff is a physical phenomenon. Runoff models based on these hydrological conditions of the basin. In constructing a model, it is important to allow for further developments of tire model, and it is desirable to produce a model which is closely related to more universal rules and faithfully expresses a phenomenon. The runoff models may vary whether they are developed for design criteria or for hydrological forecasting. Runoff models are constructed to simulate a certain runoff condition io a drainage basin area. This study shows some characteristics of National formula, Tank model, Unit hydrograph method, Storage function method and Equivalent roughness method.

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