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      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        계절적인 강우와 기온의 변화에 따른 동물플랑크톤의 반응 종에 관한 연구

        송영희 ( Young Hee Song ),이원철 ( Won Choel Lee ),곽인실 ( Inn Sil Kwak ) 한국하천호수학회 2003 생태와 환경 Vol.36 No.1

        Response-species of zooplankton on precipitation and temperature were investigated in the tributaries of Han River from May to November, 2002. Total 42 species (Rotifer twenty three species, Cladocera ten species, Copepoda eight species and Protozoa one species) were collected in the target location. The highest abundance and the number of species were observed in May. Due to the summer precipitation the abundance of Rotifer and Cladocera were largely decreased in August. Dominant species of Rotifer appeared Brachionus urceolaris, Euclanis dilatata, Lecane luna, Brachionus quadridentatus and Brachionus calyciflorus in May, Monostyla bulla and Conochilus unicornis in August and Brachionus quadridentatus, Euclanis dilatata and Lecane luna in November. Also, the dominant species of Cladocera were Moina weismanni, Simocephalus vetulus, Scapholebris mucronata, in August, Chydorus sphaericus and Alona rectangular in November. Nearest neighbour clustering was implemented for classification of zooplankton abundance in different month of survey locations. The patterning of May and November appeared similar but August was different.

      • KCI등재

        영광 와탄천의 중형동물플랑크톤 군집동태

        이동주 ( Dong Ju Lee ),김세화 ( Say Wa Kim ),이원철 ( Won Choel Lee ) 한국환경생물학회 2009 환경생물 : 환경생물학회지 Vol.27 No.4

        전라남도 영광군 와탄천 지류에 서식하는 중형동물플랑크톤의 종조성과 풍부도, 요각류의 분포 및 환경과의 관계를 조사하기 위하여 2006년 4월, 7월, 8월, 10월, 12월, 2007년 2월 6회에 걸쳐 총 8개의 정점에서 채집을 하였다. 조사 기간 동안 출현한 중형동물플랑크톤은 45개의 분류군으로 요각류는 29종, 지각류는 8종 등이 출현하였다. 우점하는 분류군 중 요각류는 2월에 13종으로 가장 많이 나타난 반면, 7월, 8월에는 4종으로 가장 적게 출현하였다. 중형동물플랑크톤의 출현개체수는 10월 (31~127,587 in-div. m-3)에 가장 높았으며, 12월 (12~233 indiv. m-3)에 가장 낮게 나타났다. 종 다양성 지수는 7월(0.671)이 가장 높게 나타났으며, 8월(0.368)이 가장 낮게 나타났다. 와탄천 지류에서 주요 우점종은 Acartia hongi로 나타났다. A. hongi는 2006년 4월, 12월, 2007년 2월에 출현하였다. 수온 약 12.0℃에서 가장 많은 개체수를 나타내었고, 주로 염분도 30.0 psu 이상인 지역에서 많이 발생하였다. 담수지역에서는 지각류인 Polyphemus pediculus, Moina weismani가 06년 8월에 대량 발생하였다. 우점 분류군이었던 요각류는 집괴분석 결과 조사시기 별로 염분의 변화에 따라서 두개 또는 세개의 무리로 구분되었다. 연구지역에서 중형동물플랑크톤은 수문의 개폐에 따른 염분의 변화와 계절적 차이에 의한 수온이 출현종 조성과 출현 개체수에서 영향을 받았다. Mesozooplankton dynamics were studied in Watan stream which flows into the Yellow Sea in Yeonggwang, Korea. Samples were collected at eight stations bimonthly during April 2006~February 2007. Mesozooplankton community was consisted of 45 taxa (8 cladocerans and 29 copepods). The abundance varied between the highest one (31~127,587 indiv. m-3) in October, and the lowest (12~233 indiv. m-3) in December. Diversity index showed to be the highest value in July (0.671) and the lowest one in August (0.368). A euryhaline species, Acartia hongi was dominant in brackish water stations (the highest abundance at 13.4℃ and 14.1 psu). In freshwater stations of the upstream, two cladoceran species of Polyphemus pediculus and Moina weismani occurred in high abundance in August. Dominant taxa of copepod were clustered to two or three groups mainly due to the difference of salinity gradients. Spatial distribution of mesozooplankton revealed to be determined by salinity gradients which were affected by opening and closing of the artificial dam in Watan stream.

      • KCI등재

        생물다양성 특집원고에 대하여

        이상욱 ( Sang-wook Yi ),이원철 ( Won Choel Lee ) 한국환경생물학회 2014 환경생물 : 환경생물학회지 Vol.32 No.4

        The present note provides an overview of the three succeeding scientific papers, which gives an insight about the multidisciplinary studies and opinion on Biodiversity. These three papers are based on the seminar series of biodiversity organized by the department of life science, Hanyang University during 2011~2013

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        중형저서동물에서 효율적인 DNA 추출 방법 비교 연구

        이승한 ( Seung Han Lee ),백진욱 ( Jin Wook Back ),이원철 ( Won Choel Lee ) 한국환경생물학회 2011 환경생물 : 환경생물학회지 Vol.29 No.3

        The efficiency of mtCOI amplication after DNA extraction of benthic harpacticoid Tigriopus japonicus s.l. was tested under different conditions depending on fixative (99% Ethanol, or 4% Formalin) and additional chemicals (Ludox or Rose Bengal). Each experimental group by the fixative was subdivided into four groups, respectively: 1) Control (fixative only), 2) processed with Ludox HS40, 3) processed with Rose Bengal, and 4) processed with both Ludox HS40 and Rose Bengal. For the 99% ethanol fixed sample, overall success rate of amplification by PCR was 96% or above, while for the 4% formalin fixed one, success rate was much lower than those of ethanol fixed: 1) Control: 27%, 2) Ludox HS40: 3%, 3) Rose Bengal: 7%, and 4) Ludox HS40 and Rose Bengal: 3%. As a result present study verify that 99% ethanol is a proper fixative for DNA extraction in meiofauna organisms.

      • KCI등재

        남극 King George Islands, Marian Cove의 중형저서생물 군집 구조에 관한 연구

        방현우 ( Hyun Woo Bang ),강성호 ( Sung Ho Kang ),이원철 ( Won Choel Lee ) 한국환경생물학회 2005 환경생물 : 환경생물학회지 Vol.23 No.2

        남극 King George Island, Marian Cove에 서식하는 중형저서생물 군집구조, 수직분포 그리고 요각류 군집을 조사하기 위해 2002년 12월 Marian Cove내 5개 정점과 Nelson Island 북동쪽연안 1개 정점에서 자유 낙하 중력 시추기를 이용하여 채집을 실시하였다. 조사기간 중 중형저서생물은 11개 분류군이 발견되었으며, 출현한 중형저서생물의 총 개체수는 322~1575 indiv. l0cm^(-2) 범위로 평균 781 indiv. 10cm^(-2)로 나타났다. 선충류의 평균 개체수는 693 indiv. 10cm^(-2)로 전체 중형저서생물의 88.7%를 차지하는 우점 분류군으로 나타났으며, 저서성 요각류가 53 indiv. 10cm^(-2)로 6.8%를 차지하며 그 뒤를 이어 우점 하는 분류군으로 나타났다. 퇴적물 깊이에 따른 중형저서생물의 수직분포를 보면 70% 이상의 개체가 표층 0~2cm에 집중되어 나타났으며, 깊이 5cm 이하에서는 5% 이하의 낮은 분포를 보였다. 각 정점별 평균 총 생물량은 41~360 μgC 10cm^(-2) 범위로 평균 205 μgC 10cm^(-2)로 나타났으며, 가장 높은 비율을 차지하는 분류군 역시 선충류로 전체 생물량의 62.4%를 차지했다. SPSS를 이용한 상관계수 분석 결과 온도가 중형저서생물 군집에 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났으며, 염분도와 유기물 총량은 중형저서생물 군집에 별다른 영향을 끼치지 못하는 것으로 나타났다. CCA를 이용한 퇴적물 입자와 각 분류군과의 상관관계 분석 결과 다모류, 빈모류 그리고 쿠마류는 실트 및 점토와 높은 상관관계를 가지며, 요각류와 부등각류, 이매패류는 모래, 유공충류는 잔자갈 그리고 동문동물류와 패충류는 중자갈과 높은 상관관계를 갖는 것으로 조사되었고, 선충류의 경우 각 입자와 상관관계가 매우 낮게 나타났다. 환경오염을 모니터링 하는데 가장 유용한 분류군인 요각류는 모두 9개과 19개 속 19개 종이 출현했으며, 가장 다양한 분류군이 나타난 정점 B에서 7개과 13개 속 13개 종이 출현하였다. The community structure, vertical distribution and harpacticoids composition of the meiofauna community were observed from five stations in Marian Cove, King George Island and one station on the northeastern side of Nelson Island. Sample was taken by a free-fall corer in December 2002. Generally, 11 taxa of meiofauna were found, and meiofauna abundance ranged from 322 to 1575 indiv. 10 cm^(-2) (mean 781 indiv. 10 cm^(-2)). Nematodes were the most dominant group, making up 89% of total meiofauna, followed by harpacticoids (6.8%). Benthic harpacticoids appeared 19 species of nine families at all the stations, and most various taxa appeared at station B (13 species of seven families). For vertical distribution, more than 70% of meiofauna was concentrated in the upper 0~2 cm sediment layers, and the density abruptly decreased with depth in all the stations. Total biomass of meiofauna varied between 41 and 360 μgC 10 cm-2, and overall mean biomass was 205 μgC 10 cm^(-2). Also nematodes had the highest percentage of total maiofauna biomass (62.4%). The analysis results of Canonical Correspondence Analysis between meiofauna community and sediment grain size showed that polychaets, oligochaets and cumaceans were influenced by silt&cray, and sand, granule and pebble had a influence on harpacticoids, kinorhynchs and ostracods respectively. But nematodes were not affected by sediment grain size.

      • KCI등재

        4-Nonylphenol에 노출된 Tigriopus japonicus 암컷의 생존율과 포란율

        곽인실 ( Inn Sil Kwak ),박명옥 ( Myung Ok Park ),이원철 ( Won Choel Lee ) 한국환경생물학회 2005 환경생물 : 환경생물학회지 Vol.23 No.2

        포란한 성충 암컷 Tigriopus japonicus (요각류)를 내분비계 교란물질로 잘 알려져 있는 4-nonylphenol에 노출하여 생존율과 포란율의 변화를 살펴보았다. 실험생물은 2004년 4월 제주도 구안연안에서 플랑크톤망으로 쓸어 잡기로 채집한 후 실내순응을 한 달 동안 시친다. 치사율은 노출농도의 높아지면 증가하였으나 그 경향이 뚜렷하지 않았다. 반면, 노출 후 처음으로 치사한 개체가 발생하는 시기는 비처리군과 처리군에 따라 명백한 차이를 보였다. 포란한 암컷을 실험조건에 이동시키면 생리적인 변동으로 인해 알이 떨어졌다가 4~5일 후 비처리군은 100% 포란을 회복하지만 처리 군에서는 89~95%가 회복되어 약제노출에 따른 영향을 보였다. 치사가 발생하는 시기는 비처리 시에는 10일 후부터이지만 노출 시에는 4에서 6일 후부터 발생하였다. The aim of this study was to evaluate the attach rate and survival rate for the female harpacticoid Tigriopus japonicus response to 4-nonylphenol, known endocrine disrupter. The organisms were sampled by net sweeping on the Jeju Island in April, 2004 were reared in the laboratory condition. As the concentrations increased, the mortality was slowly increased. The first day for appearing dead individuals was clearly different between control conditions and treated conditions. When the female with egg sac was moved to experimental conditions for the adaptation, the female was dropped the egg sac from the body and then reproduced the egg sac into four to five days. Usually the female in control group recovered egg sac but that in the treated group made egg sac between 89% and 95% on exposed individuals. The dead individuals for control conditions were showed on ten days after treating chemicals while those for treated conditions were appeared four to six day after exposure to chemicals.

      • KCI등재후보

        여름철 얕은 저수지의 중앙과 연안에서 동물플랑크톤 군집의 서식지 선택

        정현기 ( Hyun Gi Jeong ),서정관 ( Jung Kwan Seo ),이혜진 ( Hae Jin Lee ),이원철 ( Won Choel Lee ),이재관 ( Jaek Wan Lee ) 한국환경생물학회 2010 환경생물 : 환경생물학회지 Vol.28 No.4

        The Abundance of zooplankton was studied in the pelagic and the littoral zone in four shallow reservoirs along with the Nakdong river basin of S. Korea. In the pelagic zone, there was a higher zooplankton density (477.5±312.4 ind. L-1) than in the littoral zone during our study period (t=2.337, p?0.05). Overall, Rotifers were the most abundant group in the studied reservoirs. However, there are no significant correlations between the pelagic and the littoral zone in physical and chemical parameters. In the pelagic and the littoral zone, zooplankton density usually increased with increasing density of aquatic plants in the littoral zone. However, this study showed different trends. Although macrophyte abundance was higher in the littoral zone than in the pelagic zone, zooplankton abundance was higher in pelagic zone. Moreover, when macrophytes (Trapa japonica and Spirodela plyrhiza) covered the complete water surface of the reservoir, zooplankton abundance was higher. It appears that comparisons between the pelagic and the littoral zone give important cues on the selection of habitats by zooplankton. It is assumed that a higher density of aquatic plants does not always imply a higher density of zooplankton in the littoral zone. Furthermore, when the water surface was covered with aquatic plants, the zooplankton communities showed the highest density in the pelagic zone. These results imply that habitat selection of the zooplankton community (Rotifers) is influenced by aquatic plant density with an associated decrease in predation pressure during summer.

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