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      • 最大反復 回數의 測定結果에 의한 筋力 Training에의 應用 : 中·高等學生을 中心으로

        윤응구 檀國大學校 大學院 1988 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        스포츠에 있어서나 身體活動의 作業能力에 있어서나 또한 사람의 生存性에 있어서도 重要한 要素에 하나인 筋力을 效果的으로 높이기 위한 운동處方의 條件를 밝히고자 中高生 531名(13∼17歲)을 대상으로 하여 여러가지 筋運動에 있어서의 最大反復回數를 測定하여 各 운동의 强度를 推定하려고 하였다. 이를 위해 被檢者는 손집고 엎드려 팔굽혀펴기, 턱걸이, 윗몸 일으키기, 윗몸 젖히기, 무릎굽혀펴기 및 그들의 變法를 包括하는 16種目의 勝운동을 2秒에 1回의 速度(Metronome 使用)로 最大反復回數를 計測·分析했다. 여기에서 얻은 結果는 다음과 같다. 1 .손집고 엎드려 팔굽허펴면서 박수치기의 反復回數는 7回 였으나 通常的인 손집고 엎드려 팔굽혀펴기와 다리를 水平으로 保持된 손집고 엎드려 팔굽혀펴기의 反復回數는 12 ∼ 21回였다. 등에 손집고 팔굽혀펴기 운동에서는 明白하게 回數가 증가하여(25.3回) 强度가 滅하는 것을 示唆하였다. 2. 通常的인 턱걸이 (5.86回)에 比해서 다리를 수평으로 保持된 턱걸이 回數(13.92回)는 明白하게 증가하였다. 3. 뒤로 손집고 누워 다리 벌려 모으기 운동과 윗몸 일으키기 운동의 反復回數는 各各 22 ∼ 46回였다. 4. 엎드려 다리들기와 엎드려 上下體同時에 들기는 거의 같은 反復 回數를 나타냈다. 5. 한다리 무릎 굽혀펴기에서는 9回이며 등에 업고 무릎 굽혀펴기는 3回로 보다 낮은 强度인것이 나타났다. 6. 通常的인 (두다리支持) 무릎 굽혀펴기 運動의 回數는 全年齡에 있어 50回 以上을 나타내고 全種目中에서 가장 낮은强度 라고 생각된다. The purpose of the study was to presume intensity of many muscle strength practice by repeat maximum (RM) measurement. Five hundred and thirty-one middle and high school boys belong from to in years old. The subjects were measured pushup test and four modified pushup test, pull-up test and three modified pull-up test, sit-up test and five modified sit-up test and three leg strength test, one repeat is repeat during two second by metronome. As the results of the study. conclusion were made as follows; Bench pushup test mean store was 25.3 repeats, pushup test mean score was 21 repeats, paralled leg horizontal floor by an assistant which pushup test mean score was 12 repeats and clap subjects hand which pushup test mean score was 7 repeats, which reveled the strength of high intensity. Trunk flexed 90 degree and pull-up of armpit of assistant test mean score was 18 repeats, paralled leg horizontal floor by an assistant which pull-up test mean score was 13.92 repeats and pull-up test mean score was 5.86 repeats, which reveled the strength of high intensity. Sit-up test mean score was 46 repeats, prone lying which trunk up and down est mean score was 27.8 repeats, spine lying which leg is adduct and adduct test mean score was 26 repeats, side lying which leg up and down test mean score 25 repeats, prone lying which trunk and leg up and down test mean score was 17.15 repeats and prone lying which trunk up and down test mean score was 17 repeat, which reveled the strength of high intensity. The subject in straight stand up which knee flexion and extension test mean score was 59 repeats, one leg which knee flexion and extension test mean score was 9 repeats and the subject with another subject on back which knee flexion and extension test mean score was 3 repeats, which reveled the strength of high intensity.

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