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      • KCI등재

        사교육 진화의 양상과 원인을 통해 본 공교육 정상화의 방향

        여영기,엄문영 교육종합연구원 2015 교육종합연구 Vol.13 No.4

        This study came from the two following ideas: One is the discussion that the national education policy paradoxically contributed to private education development in the perspective of Historical New Institutionalism. The other is how to lead students and parents needs to public education system, not private education only. The reason why university admission policy and autonomy policy for private education unintendedly contributed to private education expansion is from inelasticity of public education and ignorance of public education circumstances. The inelasticity of public education caused private education to develop abnormally. This syndicated private education has formed supplier oriented market characteristics using information asymmetry. Therefore, they obtained the ability to propagate in Korean education market. This study analyzed unintended consequences of Korean education policies including university admission policy based on Historical New Institutionalism. Finally, as a suggestion for public education normalization in Korea, we emphasized that not one-sided controlling private education market, but catching the private education merits in terms of systematic factors such as expectation and satisfaction of consumer needs is one of the wisdom for returning students and parents needs to public education system.

      • KCI등재

        A<sup>2</sup>/O 공법을 이용한 소규모 하수처리시스템의 몽골 현지 적용에 관한 연구

        여영기,김영희,Yeo, Yeongki,Kim, Younghee 대한상하수도학회 2017 상하수도학회지 Vol.31 No.5

        The small-scale sewage treatement system with $A^2/O$ process was applied to evaluate applicability for Mongolian sewage, It was designed to have 10 m3/d flowrate and installed in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. During over 6month operation BOD, COD, TN, TP removal efficiency were measured and operation condition was optimized. In addition, MLSS concentration its internal circulation rate and DO were adjusted properly. BOD, COD showed average 88 perecent of removal and TN and TP achieved 81 percent and 88 percent removal efficency, respectively. Maxium influent concentration of BOD, COD, TN and TP was 214 mg/L, 300 mg/L, 24.3 mg/L and 5 mg/L respectively, which were decreased to 4.1 mg/L, 5.6 mg/L, 1.3 mg/L and 0.15 mg/L by the test system. This study show possibility tham small-scale sewage treatment system could be a useful system for scattered sewage wastewater treatment.

      • KCI등재

        A2/O 공법을 이용한 소규모 하수처리시스템의 몽골 현지 적용에 관한 연구

        여영기,김영희 대한상하수도학회 2017 상하수도학회지 Vol.31 No.5

        The small-scale sewage treatement system with A2/O process was applied to evaluate applicability for Mongolian sewage, It was designed to have 10 m3/d flowrate and installed in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. During over 6month operation BOD, COD, TN, TP removal efficiency were measured and operation condition was optimized. In addition, MLSS concentration its internal circulation rate and DO were adjusted properly. BOD, COD showed average 88 perecent of removal and TN and TP achieved 81 percent and 88 percent removal efficency, respectively. Maxium influent concentration of BOD, COD, TN and TP was 214 mg/L, 300 mg/L, 24.3 mg/L and 5 mg/L respectively, which were decreased to 4.1 mg/L, 5.6 mg/L, 1.3 mg/L and 0.15 mg/L by the test system. This study show possibility tham small-scale sewage treatment system could be a useful system for scattered sewage wastewater treatment.

      • KCI등재

        중종대 원점법(圓點法) 연구

        여영기 한국인격교육학회 2024 인격교육 Vol.18 No.1

        This study has delved into archival materials concerning the implementation of Yuhagwonjeombeop(幼學圓點法) during the Joseon Dynasty, aiming to dissect the essence and constraints of the Wonjeombeop reinforcement policy. Yuhagwonjeombeop(幼學圓點法) expanded the application of Wonjeom(圓點) from Sabuhakdang(四部學堂) and Hyanggyo(鄕校)'s Yuhag(幼學) to encompass the examination qualification criteria of Singnyeon(式年) Hyanghanseongsi(鄕漢城試), persisting until the abolition of Seodowonjeombeop(書徒圓點法) in the 32nd year of King Jungjong's reign (1537). The application of Wonjeom(圓點) to Hyanggyo students for Singnyeon Hyanghanseongsi's qualification was unprecedented and has not recurred thereafter. At that time, Yuhagwonjeombeop(幼學圓點法) was enforced to restrict the qualifications of all levels of Gwanhak's students, effectively limiting almost all Gwageo(科擧) and Gwasi(課試)‘s qualifications. The reinforcement of the Wonjeombeop during King Jungjong's reign originated from policy considerations aimed at addressing the quantitative increase in students. However, criticism arose for the excessive enforcement of the Wonjeombeop, which contradicted the educational ideals and beliefs of Yuhag. As local educational autonomy expanded and the availability of competent educators became feasible, both Yuhagwonjeombeop(幼學圓點法) and Seodowonjeombeop(書徒圓點法) were abolished. The introduction and subsequent abolition of the Wonjeombeop during the Joseon Dynasty underscore the complex interplay between the autonomy and coercion facets of academic governance amid the backdrop of quantitative expansion and qualitative improvement of students. 본 연구는 중종대 시행되었던 유학원점법(幼學圓點法) 관련 사료들을 분석하여 원점법 강화정책의 성격과 한계를 논한 것이다. 유학원점법은 중종 11년(1516년) 원점법 적용대상을 사부학당과 향교의 유학(幼學)까지 그 대상을 확대하여 식년 향한성시 응시자격기준을 정한 규정으로서, 이를 필두로 하여 거의 중요한 모든 과거와 과시의 응시자격을 제한하는 방향으로 강화되어갔으며, 중종 32년(1537년) 서도원점법(書徒圓點法)이 폐지될 때까지 시행되었다. 유학원점법은 지방 향교 교생까지 식년 향한성시의 응시자격기준으로 원점을 적용한 것은 전례를 찾아볼 수 없으며 이후에도 나타나지 않는다. 이러한 중종대 원점법 강화정책은 중종대 학생수의 양적 증가에 따른 문제를 해결하기 위한 정책적 고민에서 비롯된 것이었다. 하지만 이러한 원점법의 지나친 강화는 유학의 교육적 이념과 신념에 부합하지 않는다는 비판을 받았으며, 지방의 자치적 교육능력이 제고되고 우수한 교관의 자치적 수급이 가능해지면서 유학원점법과 서도원점법은 폐지되었다. 하지만 유학원점법을 혼란만을 초래했던 제도로 간주해서는 안 된다. 유학원점법은 중종대 재적 학생수의 증가 속에 새로운 학사관리의 필요성이라는 당시 교육문제의 현안 속에서 강구되었던 제도 중 하나이며, 지방 향교의 자치적 운영능력이 성숙해져서 그 교육현안이 해소되면 그 결을 따라 함께 사라지는 것이 더 자연스러운 제도의 진화였기 때문이다. 중종대 원점법 강화 정책의 도입과 폐지는 학생의 양적 증가와 질적 제고라는 배경 속에서 학사관리의 자율와 강제라는 두 측면의 길항관계를 보여준다.

      • KCI등재

        15-16세기 童蒙訓導硏究

        여영기(Yeo, Young-Ki) 교육사학회 2011 교육사학연구 Vol.21 No.1

        본 논문은 16세기 동몽훈도를 중심으로, 15-16세기 동몽교육 담당 교관들의 교육활동의 실제와 그 직제상의 성격을 규명해보고, 당시 교관정책의 변화와 기조를 추론해 본 것이다. 15세기 동몽교육을 담당하는 교사들에 대한 국가의 조치는 주로 장권정책의 일환으로 시행되었다. 『경국대전』「예전」<장권>조의 규정에 근거하여, 국가는 사사로이 동몽들을 오랫동안 가르친 공로가 있는 교사들에게 서반(군직) 체아직을 제수하여 명예를 부여하고, 체아록을 하사하여 생계를 보조해 줌으로써 교육활동을 장려하였다. 단, 이때 내려진 체아직은 入仕의 의미는 없었다. 16세기에 마련된 동몽훈도는 이전 시기 장권규정을 변통하여 제정된 교관직이었다. 중종 11-12년에 동몽훈도 직제 마련을 논의가 집중적으로 진행되지만, 당시의 여러 가지 정치 여건으로 말미암아 설행되지 못하다가, 명종대 <경외학교절목>에서 동몽훈도 관련 규정이 정비됨으로써 그 법제적 기반이 마련되었다. 이로써 조선의 동몽교육 담당 교관정책은 일관된 지속성과 안정성을 확보할 수 있게 되었다. 16세기 동몽훈도는 예조 소속의 관원으로 蔭仕의 階除가 될 수 있었다는 점에서 15세기 체아직으로 서용된 교관들과는 관제상 질적으로 다른 지위를 가진 관직이었다. 따라서 16세기 국가정책의 핵심적 기조는, 대전의 장권 조항을 換骨奪胎시켜 동몽훈도라는 새로운 교관직제를 마련하고, 이들이 가르치던 서재와 서당인 童蒙學을 서울의 四學이하의 공식적 학교체제 속으로 포섭하려는 데에 있었다. 또한 이와 동시에, 이들을 통해 경학을 위주로 한 『소학』중심의 학풍을 동몽단계의 교육부터 실질적으로 강화시켜 나갈 수 있기를 기대하였다. 16세기 동몽교육 담당 교관 연구에서 주목해야 할 또 다른 사실 중 하나는, 도성의 동몽교육 담당 교관인 동몽훈도의 설행과 맞물려, 지방의 동몽교육을 위한 교관직제로 학장제가 논의되고 시행되었다는 점이다. 16세기 학장제는 당시 동몽교육정책의 전체상을 규명하기 위한 필수적인 연구대상이다. 학장제가 도성의 동몽훈도에 준하여 시행되었다는 점에서 본 논문은 학장제 연구의 선행연구가 되며, 지방의 학장제에 관한 연구는 추후 연구과제로 남긴다. This study aimed to take a look at juvenile education instructors active in 15th - 16th centuries with focus on juvenile education officials in the 16th century to examine their education activities and their office characteristics with the aim of determining then state policy on juvenile education instructors. State measures for juvenile education instructors in the 15th century were taken as part of an education encouragement policy. In accordance with the Provision of Education Encouragement, Chapter on Ceremonial Protocols of Gyeonggukdaejeon (National Administration Code), the state honored long-time meritorious private juvenile instructors with Cheajik (遞兒職, an office qualified for receiving a stipend) to support their livelihoods, thus encouraging education activities. However, Cheajik granted to teachers was not intended to actually take a government office. Juvenile education officials, whose system was implemented in the 16th century, came into being by appropriately applying the previous-time Provision on Education Encouragement. The establishment of the office of juvenile education officials was intensively discussed in the 11th-12th years of the reign of King Jungjong, but failed to be implemented due to then various political conditions. The office was established during the reign of King Myeongjong, as the office-related provision was set forth under Gyeongoehakgyojeolmok (京外學校節目, Enforcement Ordinance on Education). This paved the way for Joseon"s policy on this teaching office to be implemented consistently and stably. These juvenile education officials, who belonged to the Ministry of Ceremonies, were allowed to take a government office, unlike juvenile education instructors in the 15th century to whom an honorary office intended for receiving a stipend was assigned. The 16th century state policy aimed to establish a new office of juvenile education officials on the basis of the said Provision of Education Encouragement, and to officially incorporate juvenile eudcation instructors" private schools and juvenile education schools into official school systems of Seoul"s four education institutes. Also, importantly, in line with the implementation of Seoul"s juvenile education officials system, their provincial counterpart office dubbed Hakjangje was established. To further study the entirety of then juvenile education policy, Hakjangje - implemented in the 16th century - should be researched on.

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