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        감정진리와 감정의 적절성 문제에 대한 고찰

        양선이 ( Sun Ny Yang ) 고려대학교 철학연구소 2014 철학연구 Vol.0 No.49

        최근에 드 수자는 감정 진리(emotional truth)문제를 통해 감정에 관한 강한 인지주의가 부딪히는 문제를 해결하고자 한다. 감정에 관한 강한 인지주의자들은 감정을 명제적 판단과 동일시하기 때문에 신체적 증후를 동반하는 감정 경험과 대상에 대한 판단이 실제로 일치하지 않는 경우, 양립불가능한 비일관적 상태에 있게 된다고 비판받아왔다. 드 수자는 감정을 믿음 또는 판단과 달리 지각으로 보게 되면 강한 인지주의처럼 양립불가능한 비일관적인 상태에 있지 않게 된다고 주장한다. 그에 따르면 감정의 참 거짓 여부는 의미론적 만족과 독립적이고, 감정진리는 성공을 의미한다. 그리고 감정의 성공은 형식적 대상(formal object)과의 적합(fitting)여부이기 때문에, 예컨대, 거미 포비아의 경우, 공포의 형식적 대상인 위험성(dangerousness)에 그 공포감정은 적합하지 않으므로, 그 감정은 성공적이지 못하다. 그리고 거미 포비아 같은 경우 판단과 감정모순이 아닌 감각질에 수반한 유인가의 차이 때문이라고 말함으로써 인지주의가 부딪히게 될 모순 상황에서 벗어날 수 있다고 그는 주장한다. 그러나 감정에 대해 형식적 대상과의 적합성(fittingness)외에도 적절성(appropriateness)을 말할 수 있으므로, 드 수자는 적합성 외에도 적절성의 문제 다루어야 한다. 그는 적절성의 기준으로 반성적 평형을 제시하는데, 그가 말하는 반성적 평형의 의미가 구체적이지 않고 너무 모호한 채 남겨져 있다. 드 수자 이론의 더 심각한 문제점은 감정진리를 논하는 데 있어 성공 개념과 적절성 개념을 섞어서 사용함으로써 그는 도덕적 고려와 관련되는 감정의 적절성과 인식적 보증과 관련되는 적합성의 구분을 흐리게 만들었다. 그는 소위 ‘합성문제(conflation problem)`에 빠진다고 볼 수 있다. 드 수자가 이러한 혐의를 벗어나기 위해서는 속성 귀속과 관련된 적절성 개념을 제시해야 한다. 그러나 드 수자는 이러한 도전에 대해 응수하지 못하고 있다. 나는 드 수자가 처하게 된 합성문제를 가치에 관한 반응의존이론을 통해 해결해 보고자 한다. In his recent discussion, de Sousa tires to solve the problem that a strong version of cognitivism of emotion faces. The strong cognitivists put the emphasis on the necessity of the cognitive element having intentional content and take the object of an emotion to be its propositional content. It has been argued that if the strong view were true, emotional recalcitrance would seem to predict that people can be inconsistent state. De Sousa argues that if we take emotion to be perception, unlike belief, we can avoid the difficulty that strong cognitivist faces. De Sousa claims that emotional truth is concerned with the correctness of the emotional evaluation, and holds that it refers not to semantic satisfaction but to success. If this is so, emotional truth can be said to be whether the particular emotional object fits the relevant formal object. A spider-phobic person`s fear of spider is satisfied if spider exists but it is not successful if spiders are not dangerous. Furthermore, he claims that in the case of spider-phobic person`s fear, s/he is not in a contradictory state between the belief and emotion, but it is due to valence supervenient on qualia. Given this, he argues that we can avoid the difficulty that the strong cognitivists face. I shall raise two objections against de Sousa and present the alternatives. In addition to fittingness to its formal object, emotion can be called appropriate or inappropriate. Hence, de Souse should distinguish between propriety and correctness. This is because an emotion can be fitting despite being wrong to feel. de Souse presents a wide reflective equilibrium as the standard of appropriateness. But this idea remains too unclear. More serious problem is that de Sousa`s theory is vulnerable to what D`arms and Jacobson call the “conflation problem”: it offers no resources to differentiate moral and prudential reasons for feeling a sentiment from reasons bearing on whether X is φ. In order to overcome the difficulty that de Sousa face, I shall take a response dependence theory of value.

      • KCI등재

        새로운 흄 논쟁

        양선이(Sun Ny Yang) 철학연구회 2010 哲學硏究 Vol.0 No.88

        The most prominent controversy in Hume scholarship over the last two decades has been the so-called New Humedebate, concerning whether or not Hume is a realist about causal powers. In this paper, I shall focus on a contradiction, to which Hume seem to be committed in order to present a critical examination of the New Hume debate concerning causal necessity. Hume`s contradiction in the Treatise is as follows: 1)We have no ideas except those that are preceded by suitably related impressions. 2) There are no impressions that are suitably related to the idea of a thick necessary connection between distinct events. 3) We have an idea of a thick necessary connexion between distinct events. Hume`s contradiction arises from the incompatibility between empiricist`s principle 1) 2) and a thick necessary connection 3). Hence, the central problem is interpreting Hume is coping with the contradiction. The difference between Old and New Humean lies in presenting the way in which the conflict is to resolve. In interpreting whether Hume`s two definitions of Cause are co-extensive or not, they present the different solutions. Empathizing the inadequacy of the definitions, the New Humean argues that the defectiveness of the definitions derives from the fact that we are ignorant of the nature of causation. On the contrary, for the old Humean, the two definitions capture complementary parts of an overall account, and work together rather than in competition. Moreover the apparent reason why two definitions are needed tells strongly the Old Humean direction. I defend quasi-realist view on causal necessity, or power, which is a form of the Old Humean anti-realism against New Humean realism. According to the quasi-realism, the second definition is to specify a paradigm situation within which the crucial impression of power or necessity arises, enabling that impression -and the corresponding idea-to be identified. It thus satisfies the demands of the copy principle, and shows how the distinctive conceptual content that characterizes causal judgments (i.e. the element of connexion or consequentiality) is derived. This is exactly what is required by Hume`s theory of meaning, and provides the explicit purpose of the quest that leads to the two definitions. I finally show that the debate between Old Humean anti-realism and New Humean realism concerning Hume`s causal necessity can be resolved if we take two systems, or two points of views seriously, of which Hume himself presents in the Treatise.

      • KCI등재

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