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      • KCI등재

        인감증명발급과 국가배상법상 국가 등의 구상권

        심상복(Shim Sang-Bok) 부산대학교 법학연구소 2002 법학연구 Vol.43 No.1

        According to the article 29① of Constitution of the Republic Of Korea, it provides that the public official concerned shall not be immune from liabilities. And this constitutional article was concreted by the article 2② of State Compensation Act. Therefore, the public official who committed tort in official act is responsible to the State etc. when the State etc. compensated to the citizen who is injured by unlawful act committed by a public official in the excercise of public office by the Constitution and the Act. And the article of State Compensation Act which provides the right of the State etc. for compensation to a public official is an institutional system to secure legality of administration and serious official action. But it should be never forgotten that the tight of the State etc. for compensation must be exercised in the limit. And the limit means that the tight should be not to offend active exercise and efficiency of official duty. That is why legislators stipulated a phrase of 'intention or gross negligence’ in the article 2② of State Compensation Act. At first, what the meaning and the character of the tight of the State etc. are is studied by theories and cases concerning institution of the State compensation in this paper. Especially, this paper aims to find out what the duty of care is in a public official's issuance of certificate of seal. Though recent cases concerned with that consent to the meaning of the tight, it may be thought that those cases are rigorous to a public official in judging a public official’s liability. In case of issuing certificate of seal, a public official’ gross negligence should be judged restrictedly, Especially, if a public official issued the certificate of seal by the third party’s unlawful act, it could be said that there is no gross negligence to the public official. Therefore, in that case, the court should have judged a public official no gross negligence. Also, This paper involve the problems caused by the discretionary character of the tight in the Act, and examine the rationality in dividing liability between the State etc. and a public official who committed tort.

      • KCI등재

        현행 주민소환제의 문제점 고찰

        심상복(Shim Sang-Bok) 부산대학교 법학연구소 2009 법학연구 Vol.49 No.2

        주민소환제는 지방자치에 관한 주민의 직접참여를 확대하고 지방행정의 민주성과 책임성을 제고함을 목적으로 하는 제도임을 주민소환법에서 밝히고 있다. 이는 주민의 지방행정에의 참여를 확대하고 선출직 지방공직자에 대한 통제와 주민의 의사에 부합하는 민주적 지방행정의 구현을 위한 것임을 뜻한다. 이러한 측면에서 주민소환제의 실시는 우리의 지방자치를 한 단계 더 발전시키는 계기라고 할 수 있다. 그러나 대의민주제를 기본원칙으로 하는 현재의 지방자치제도 하에서 주민소환제는 주민의 대의기관들 간의 견제균형수단, 지방자치법상의 다양한 주민통제수단 등과 조화될 수 있도록 운용되어야 할 것이다. 또한 주민소환제를 운용하는 과정에서 선출직 지방공직자들의 권리와 권한이 부당하게 침해되어서도 안 될 것이다. 주민소환제가 지방행정에서 발생하는 모든 문제들을 해결하는 만능열쇠가 될 수 없고 되어서도 안 될 것이기 때문이며, 따라서 대의민주제의 보완장치이면서도 비상적 상황에서 대의민주제의 정상화를 위한 최후의 수단으로 활용해야 할 것이다. 따라서 현행 주민소환제가 안고 있는 문제점과 이와 관련된 문제점을 고찰하는 것은 제도의 운용상 나타나는 논란을 최소화하고 더 나은 지방자치를 실현하는 데 의미가 있을 것이다. 그 문제점으로 지적되고 있는 소환대상자의 범위, 선거관리위원회의 활동, 소환사유의 규정 여부, 소환대상자의 권한행사정지, 그리고 지방자치법상 지방자치단체장의 연임제한규정 등에 대해서는 재검토가 있어야 할 것이다. 이러한 문제점들을 개선하고 보완함으로써 주민소환법의 목적인 주민참여의 확대와 지방행정의 민주성 및 책임성의 확보를 실현하는 데 기여하게 될 것이다. The representative democracy is the principle of the local autonomy in the Constitution of the Republic of Korea and it is operated in the way of residents' indirect participation, but it is not enough to control local elected officials' abuse. So we needed other methods, and some of those are being introduced and operated to enhance residents' control by the Local Autonomy Act. The recall system is also one of those, and it is being enforced by the Local Autonomy Act and the Recall of Elected Officials Act after May 2007. And we accept the recall system as one of residents' direct participation systems and expect thar it contributes to the advance of the local autonomy. However, as the recall system being enforced still has problems, it may damage the principle of representative democracy and local elected officials' rights and authority for the exercise of duties. Thus this study is focused on the problems (for example, the objects of recall, statutory stipulating the reasons of recall, and the suspension of the exercise of authority, etc.) of the current recall system by the Recall of Elected Officials Act. By this study, we could develop further the local autonomy and residents' participation and achieve democratic and responsible local administration.

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