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      • KCI등재

        생활무용 참여 여성들의 신체 지각과 절제된 섭식태도와의 관계

        신혜숙(Hea Sook Shin) 한국무용과학회 2011 한국무용과학회지 Vol.24 No.-

        본 연구는 생활무용 활동에 참여한 여성들의 신체 지각은 종목 선택에 따라 무리한 체형 기준을 적용함으로서 체형 불안이 높아지며, 이는 섭식태도에 영향을 미칠 수 있음을 가정하고, 생활무용 참여 여성들의 주관적 신체지각 불안 수준과 섭식 태도와의 관계를 조사 분석하여 무용 활동과 건강관리의 기초 자료로 제공하고자 생활무용에 참여한 여성 273명을 대상으로 분석한 결과, 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 생활무용 종목 중 댄스스포츠는 라인댄스나 에어로빅스보다 신체 자기불안과 타인에 의한 평가불안이 유의하게 높게 나타났다. 또한 연령이 높은 여성들 임에도 불구하고 이상적인 체형 기대에 의한 자기 불안이 대부분 높게 나타났다, 또한 생활 무용 참여 여성들의 신체 지각인 자기불안과 타인불안은 절제된 섭식절제 태도와의 관계에서 유의한 상관을 보이고 있으며, 신체 지각인 자기불안과 타인불안은 절제된 섭식 태도에 대해 26.6% 설명력을 보이고 있다. 그러므로 생활무용 참여 여성들은 건강을 훼손하지 않도록 자신의 신체적 조건에 맞는 적절한 종목 선택과 더불어 건강한 체형관리에 대한 의식의 개선이 요구된다. This study purposed to obtain basic information for body shape management without negative effects by examining how women subjective physical self?perception affects their eating attitude. For this purpose, we surveyed and analyzed 269 life dance women and drew conclusions as follows. First, dance sports showed significantly higher self anxiety and other anxiety, the sub?factors of physical self?perception, than those line dance and aerobics. Second, moderate eating attitude was not significant in each group. Third, the sub?factors of physical self?perception were in a significant correlation with moderate eating attitude, and physical self?perception predicted 26.6% of moderate eating attitude. Furthermore, among the sub?factors of physical self?perception, self anxiety was higher than other anxiety. The women tended to evaluate their physical shape negatively, and this affected their moderate eating attitude. As women body shape and physical strength are crucial for the artistry and efficiency of their motions, it is considered necessary to give them education so that they develop desirable eating habits that do not ruin their health.

      • KCI등재

        대중무용 활동 청소년들의 집단응집력과 중독과의 관계

        신혜숙(Hea Sook Shin) 한국무용과학회 2010 한국무용과학회지 Vol.20 No.-

        연구는 대중무용 활동에 참여하고 있는 청소년 165명을 대상으로 새로운 사회문화를 창출하고 있는 춤 동아리에서 발생되는 집단응집력과 중독과의 관계를 조사하여 정상적인 대중무용 참여의 기회를 가질 수 있는 자료를 얻고자 한다. 연구도구는 설문지를 이용하였으며, SPSS(ver 16.0) 프로그램으로 자료처리 하여 분석한 결과 다음과 같은 결론을 도출하였다. 첫째, 참여형태 중 경력에 따른 집단응집력은 "1년 미만" 보다 "3년 이상"에서, 참여만족 정도에 따른 집단응집력은 "매우만족"에서 다소 높게 나타났으나 유의한 차이는 보이지 않고 있다. 공연 참여 횟수에 따른 집단응집력은 "참여 경험이 없다" 또는 "년 1,2회 참여" 보다 "1년에 3회 이상" 참여에서 유의하게 높게 나타났다. 둘째, 대중무용 활동 청소년들의 참여형태에 따른 중독현상에서 참가형태 중 경력에 따른 중독현상은 "1년 미만" 보다 "3년 이상"에서 유의하게 높게 나타났으며, 참여만족 정도에 따른 중독현상은 "조금만족" 보다 "매우만족"에서 유의하게 높게 나타났고. 공연 참여에 따른 중독현상은 "참여 경험이 없다"보다 "1년에 3회 이상" 참여에서 유의하게 높게 나타났다. 셋째, 대중무용 활동 청소년들의 집단응집력과 중독 사이에는 유의한 상관을 나타내고 있으며, 집단응집력은 중독에 40.9%의 설명력을 보이는 것으로 나타났다. 또한 집단응집력 하위요인 중 집단수용, 집단관여 요인은 중독에 정적인 관계를 보이고 있으며, 소속불안은 부적인 관계를 보이고 있다. This study examined the relation between group cohesiveness and addiction by surveying 165 adolescents participating in popular dance activities, and drew conclusions as follows. First, as to the relation between group cohesiveness and the pattern of participation in popular dance activities, according to the period of participation, group cohesiveness was somewhat higher in those of "three years or longer" than in those of "less than a year", and according to satisfaction with the participation, it was somewhat higher in those who were "very satisfied," but these differences were not significant. In addition, according to the number of participations in contests, group cohesiveness was significantly higher in those who participated "three times or more a year" than in those who did "none" or "once or twice a year." Second, as to the relation between addiction and the pattern of participation in popular dance activities, according to the period of participation, addition was significantly higher in those of "three years or longer" than in those of "less than a year," and according to satisfaction with the participation, it was significantly higher in those who were "very satisfied" than in those who were "moderately satisfied." In addition, according to the number of participations in contests, addiction was significantly higher in those who participated "three times or more a year" than in those who did "none." Third, in adolescents participating in popular dance activities, group cohesiveness was in a significant correlation with addiction, and group cohesiveness explained 40.9% of addiction. In addition, among the sub-factors of group cohesiveness, group acceptance and group involvement showed a positive correlation with addiction, and belonging anxiety showed a negative correlation with it.

      • KCI등재

        무용수의 공연성취감과 관객몰입과의 관계

        신혜숙 ( Hea Sook Shin ) 大韓舞踊學會 2009 대한무용학회논문집 Vol.60 No.-

        This study purposed to obtain basic materials for improving dance performances to the highest level, and for this purpose, we surveyed 108 students majoring in Korean dance, 72 in ballet, and 75 in contemporary dance sampled from undergraduate and graduate dance students and analyzed their sense of achievement in performance and commitment to audience. From the results of this study were drawn conclusions as follows. First, with regard to the sense of achievement in performance according to the dancers` personal characteristics, a sense of achievement in performance came from the dancers` subjective experiences regardless of their major. On the other hand, according to school year, it was higher in senior students who had rich stage experiences and high abilities to cope with audience or environmental conditions. In addition, the sense of achievement in performance was higher in students who performed once a month and in those who performed at large theaters. Second, with regard to commitment to audience according to the dancers` personal characteristics, commitment to audience in dance performances was an experiential value that dancers commit themselves to the audience through interaction, and was a psychological phenomenon occurring regardless of the dancers` major, school year, and theater size. On the other hand, according to the number of performances, commitment to audience was higher in students who performed once a month, at which the dancers could balance their performance with their skills. Third, the sense of achievement in performance was in a significant correlation with commitment to audience, and it explained 24.4% of the variation of commitment to audience. Among the sub factors of the sense of achievement in performance, commitment to dance work and self recognition had a significant effect on commitment to audience.

      • KCI등재

        댄스 동아리 활동 청소년들의 내적동기와 자기효능감과의 관계

        신혜숙(Hea Sook Shin) 한국무용과학회 2010 한국무용과학회지 Vol.22 No.-

        본 연구는 남자 고등학교 1, 2학년 중 6개월 이상 힙합댄스, 브레이크댄스, 재즈댄스, 방송 댄스, 비 보이댄스 등 댄스 동아리 활동에 참여하고 있는 청소년 165명을 대상으로 내적 동기와 자기 효능감과의 관계를 조사한 결과 다음과 같은 결론을 도출 하였다. 첫째, 댄스 동아리 활동 청소년들의 참여형태에 따른 내적 동기는 참여 기간이 길고, 댄스 동아리 활동에 대한 만족도가 큰 집단에서 유의하게 높게 나타났다. 또한 대회참여 정도에 따른 내적 동기는 대회참여 횟수가 많은 집단에서 유의하게 높게 나타났다. 둘째, 댄스 동아리 활동 청소년들의 참여형태에 따른 자기효능감에서 경력과 대회참여에 따른 자기 효능감은 유의한 차이를 보이지 않고 있다. 반면 댄스 동아리 활동의 참여 만족은 매우만족에서 자기 효능감이 유의하게 높게 나타났다. 셋째, 댄스동아리 활동에 참여한 청소년들의 내적 동기 하위요인과 자기 효능감은 하위요인별 유의한 상관을 보이고 있으며, 내적 동기 하위요인은 신체적, 심리적, 표현욕구, 사회적요인 순으로 자기 효능감 하위요인인 자신감에 영향력이 있음을 보여 주고 있다. 또한 댄스동아리 활동에 참여한 청소년들의 내적 동기 하위요인은 심리적, 사회적 요인 순으로 자기 효능감 하위요인인 조절감에 영향력이 있음을 보여 주고 있다. 댄스동아리 활동에 참여한 청소년들의 내적 동기와 자기 효능감 하위요인인 능력감과의 사이에서는 내적동기 하위요인 중 표현욕구 요인이 자기 효능감 하위요인인 능력감에 영향력이 있음을 보여 주고 있다. This study investigated the relation between inner motive and self-efficacy in 165 adolescents who were male high school students in their 10th or 11th grade and had participated in dance club activities such as hip hop dance, break dance, jazz dance, broadcasting dance, and B-boy dance for over 6 months, and drew conclusions as follows. First, with regard to inner motive according to the type of adolescents' participation in dance club activities, inner motive was high in those who had participated for a long period and those who were highly satisfied with dance club activities. In addition, inner motive was higher in those who had taken part in dance competitions many times. Second, with regard to self-efficacy according to the type of adolescents' participation in dance club activities, self-efficacy was not significantly different according to the adolescents' experience in dancing and their participation in dance competitions. However, self-efficacy was significantly higher in those who were very satisfied with dance club activities. Third, the sub-factors of dance club adolescents' inner motive showed a significant correlation with their self-efficacy. The correlation was high in order of physical desire, psychological desire, expression desire, and social desire, and these sub-factors explained 32.6% of confidence, one of the sub-factors of self-efficacy. Moreover, dance club adolescents' psychological desire and social desire explained 16.5% of regulation, another sub-factor of self-efficacy. As to the relation between the sub-factors of dance club adolescents' inner motive and competence, another sub-factor of self-efficacy, expression desire explained 25.6% of competence.

      • KCI등재

        댄스스포츠 참여 환경요인에 따른 참여만족, 여가몰입과 지속적 참여의사

        신혜숙(Hea Sook Shin) 한국여가레크리에이션학회 2009 한국여가레크리에이션학회지 Vol.33 No.3

        The present study surveyed and analyzed dance sports participants` participation satisfaction, leisure flow and intention of continuous participation according to the environmental factors of participation, and drew conclusions as follows. First, as to participation satisfaction according to the environmental factors of participation, satisfaction was significantly high in those who were `highly satisfied` with the contents of education and `moderately satisfied` with facilities, but no significant difference was observed in satisfaction with the level of tuition. Second, as to leisure flow according to the environmental factors of participation, leisure flow was significantly high in those who were `highly satisfied` with the contents of education, those who were `moderately satisfied` with facilities, and those who paid a tuition of 10,000~30,000 won. Third, as to the relations among participation satisfaction, leisure flow and intention of continuous participation in dance sports, participation satisfaction was found to have a significant effect on leisure flow, leisure flow was found to have a significant effect on continuous participation.

      • KCI등재

        에어로빅댄스와 댄스스포츠가 중년여성의 신체구성 , 유산소능력 , 혈중지질에 미치는 효과

        신혜숙(Hea Sook Shin) 한국체육교육학회 2001 한국체육교육학회지 Vol.5 No.2

        To compare the training effects between AD(aerobic dance) and DS(dance sports), 15middle aged women (7 were trained in AD, 8 were in DS, both had 2-3 years exercise careers) were volunteered as subjects. Body composition, Aerobic capacity, and Blood lipid of all subjects were analyzed, and compared. The results are as follows: 1. Body composition %Body fat are the normal level (below 25% of body weight) in 2 different groups), but AD group`s body weight, LBM, and total body weight were camparatively higher than the DS(but there is no statistical significance) 2. Aerobic capacity AD group showed higher aerobic capacity than the DS with statistical significance(Heart-rate, blood pressure, and maximal Oxygen uptake) 3. Blood lipid There is no significant difference on total choleresterol and TG(triglyceride) between the two groupand the level ranged in normal healthy level.

      • KCI등재

        댄스 동아리 활동 청소년들의 집단응집력 및 운동중독과 스트레스와의 관계

        신혜숙(Hea Sook Shin) 한국사회체육학회 2011 한국사회체육학회지 Vol.0 No.46

        This study examined the relations among group cohesiveness, exercise addiction and stress by surveying 165 adolescents participating in dance club activities, and drew conclusions as follows. First, in adolescents participating in dance club activities, group cohesiveness and exercise addiction showed a significant correlation with each other, and among the sub-factors of group cohesiveness, group acceptance, group involvement, and group respect showed a positive correlation with exercise addiction, and anxiety about belonging showed a negative correlation. Second, in adolescents participating in dance club activities, group cohesiveness and stress showed a significant correlation with each other, and among the sub-factors of group cohesiveness, group involvement showed a positive correlation with stress, and group distrust showed a negative correlation. Third, in adolescents participating in dance club activities, exercise addiction and stress showed a significant correlation with each other, and among the sub-factors of exercise addiction, withdrawal symptom showed a positive correlation with stress.

      • KCI등재

        신체 표현 활동에 참여한 비만아동의 대인관계 형성과 신체 자기지각 및 정서의 관계

        박시내 ( Si Nae Park ),신혜숙 ( Hea Sook Shin ),손주희 ( Joo Hee Son ) 한국무용과학회 2012 한국무용과학회지 Vol.27 No.-

        본 연구는 강원도 지역 시, 군 보건소에서 실시한 ``건강관리 바우처 프로그램``에 참여한 비만아동 총 192명을 대상으로 대인관계 형성과 신체 자기지각 및 정서에 대해 조사 분석하여 신체 표현 활동을 통한 심리적 변인의 기초 자료를 얻고자 상관관계분석, 다중회귀분석을 한 결과 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 첫째, 신체 표현 활동에 참여한 비만아동의 대인관계 형성, 신체 자기지각, 정서의 상관관계 분석에서 유의한 상관을 나타내고 있다. 둘째, 신체 표현 활동에 참여한 비만아동의 대인관계 형성 하위요인에 따른 신체 자기지각 다중회귀분석 결과, 대인관계 형성은 신체 자기지각에 10.5%의 설명력을 나타내고 있으며, "적극형"과 "리더형"요인에서 유의한 관계를 나타내고 있다. 셋째, 신체 표현 활동에 참여한 비만아동의 대인관계 형성 하위요인에 따른 정서 다중회귀분석 결과, 대인관계 형성은 정서에 24.1%의 설명력을 나타내고 있으며, "적극형" "노력형" 요인은 정서와 유의한 관계를 나타내고 있다. 넷째, 신체 표현 활동에 참여한 비만아동의 신체 자기지각 하위요인에 따른 정서 다중회귀분석 결과, 신체 자기지각은 정서에 68.2%의 설명력을 나타내고 있으며, 하위요인 중"특성불안" "신체불안" "타인불안" 요인은 정서와 유의한 관계를 나타내고 있었다. 비만아동들의 대인관계 형성과 부정적인 신체 자기지각은 정서불안과 유의한 관계가 있다. 최근 비만 아동을 위한 많은 프로그램이 적용되고 있으나 비만아동의 예방과 치료에 적용된 종목이 적합한지, 바르게 인식하고 지도해야 할 필요성이 있다. 특히 무용과 같은 신체 표현 활동은 비만아동의 예방차원에서 필요하지만 치료방법으로서는 정서적 측면에서 비효율적이라고 생각되므로 아동의 개인별 특성에 따른 적절한 비만 해소 운동처방이 요구된다. This study selected subjects through purposive sampling from obese children participating in physical expression activities, and used a total of 192 questionnaires in the final analysis. Using analyzable ones among collected data, we performed multi pleregression analysis and correlation analysis with SPSS18.0, and drew conclusions as follows. The results of correlation analysis and regression analysis on interpersonal relation formation, physical self-perception, and emotion in obese children participating in physical expression activities, significant correlations were observed. In addition, "positive type", "leader type" was highly correlated with physical self-perception and interpersonal relation formation influenced physical self-perception by 10.5%. Moreover, interpersonal relation formation influenced emotion by 24.1%, and among the sub-factors of interpersonal relation formation, the "positive type", "effort type" factor was found to be highly correlated with emotion. On the other hand, emotion influenced physical self-perception by 68.2%, and among the sub-factors of emotion, "trait anxiety," "physical anxiety" and "others anxiety" had a significant effect.

      • 시대별 사회심리적 특성에 따른 무용동작

        신혜숙 강원대학교 체육과학연구소 2001 江原大學校附設體育科學硏究所論文集 Vol.- No.24

        This dancing action as in social-psychology character of age was based on the literature and historical monuments. In primitive ages, ancient persons who were relied on Gods believed that dancing, as part of their religious life and for their entertainment could be talked with Gods and therefore their expression techniques were dependent on them. The ancient times, like sports ages were reflected in contemporary social psychology and dancing action at that time was an artificial expression techniques. The middle ages, called mime expression times which had been being difference in social standing were reflected in social-sarcastic-psychology. The modern times that the industrial revolution had been occurred reflected the concept-balance-law of a perfected human essence in the artistic psychology to retrieve the human nature. In modern time, dancing was not only showing a tendency of the self-explanation way in personalisic social trend or primitive-expression-psychology, disclosing the certainty, but also was reflecting a personalistic social psychological trend to express a pure human nature exactly as it was. Therefore, it was temporary, adaptable and showed the complex-expression-technique In unique means.

      • 무용수들의 불안심리에 관한 연구

        신혜숙 강원대학교 체육과학연구소 2001 江原大學校附設體育科學硏究所論文集 Vol.- No.24

        In order to measure a degree of anxiety according to dancing classification and carear classification during theatrical performances, this thesis has measured stage anxiety, state anxiety and trait anxiety from the target of total 119 persons who are korean dancing majors, ballet majors and modern dancing majors of senior high school girls. The results are as following that : 1.As a result of measuring the anxiety in care of the group of dancing majors, all stage anxiety, state anxiety and trait anxiety has a slight difference. 2.The results of anxiety by career of dancer show high degree anxiety of dancer who has dancing under years in korean dance, vallet and modern dance and show that there are no significant meanings.

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