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      • KCI등재

        Psychology of the Self for Ethics: Application of Kohut’s Theory of Narcissism on Ethical Theories of Reinhold Niebuhr and Charles Curran

        송용섭 연세대학교 신과대학 연합신학대학원 2017 신학논단 Vol.90 No.-

        This interdisciplinary essay interacts Heinz Kohut’s Psychology of Self, focusing on the thought of empathy, with the ethical thoughts of Charles Curran and Reinhold Niebuhr. In order to facilitate a dialogue between ethics and psychology, this essay engages Kohut's Self-Psychology with Curran’s thought of the moral agent that may have a capacity to transcend individual and group interests, and with Reinhold Niebuhr's thought that draws a sharp distinction between individual and social ethics. By doing so, I argued that it is necessary for the ethicist to apply Self Psychology to the field of social ethics. I claim that contemporary ethical theories are required of taking psychology as a serious conversation partner. More specifically, I have maintained that Kohut's Self Psychology gives critical perspectives to answer the limitations of contemporary ethical theories: While Curan’s theory emphasizes the person as moral agent and subject, it cannot guarantee the moral person would make a sound choice transcending group interests in social relations. On the other hand, Niebuhr's thought distinguishes correctly the realm of individual ethics from that of group ethics. However, it has no explanation for a rare case that transcends group interests. Kohut's Psychology of the Self, especially, an idea of empathy, provides critical analysis and crucial complements, and, opens possibilities of the reconciliation between these contrary theories. This essay argues that Kohut’s Self Psychology provides the study of ethics with valuable insights on the person as moral being, capacities of plausible analysis of the moral self and its relations with others, and theoretical explanations on the ethical questions that the traditional theories of ethics have yet to give. Therefore, there are many areas in the study of ethics where Kohut's Self Psychology could be applied to. As long as contemporary ethics focus on the person as moral agent and subject, these areas in the study of ethics will increase and expand.

      • KCI등재

        라인홀드 니버의 죄 개념에 대한 미국윤리학계의 수직적, 수평적 논쟁과 이의 비판적 분석: 한인 이민자 여성들의 경험을 중심으로

        송용섭 연세대학교 신과대학 연합신학대학원 2014 신학논단 Vol.76 No.-

        The purpose of this essay is to explore feminist ethicists’ criticisms on Reinhold Niebuhr’s thought of sin and Niebuhrian ethicists’ responses. In order to pursue the purpose, the paper reviews some important literatures by Christian feminists, womanist, Hispanic as well as Christian realists. This research leads to the suggestion of the development of a new concept of women’s sin in reflections of the experiences of Korean immigrant women in U.S. society. Working in the critical literature reviews, “vertical criticism” is employed to explain the critiques of white feminist ethicists directed to Niebuhr’s concept of sin exclusively. Vertical critics argue that Niebuhr’s thought of sin as pride is inappropriate to explain women’ sin is based on the unique experience of women. On the other hand, “horizontal criticism” is used to describe the critical and constructive debates between the feminist as vertical critics and Niebuhrian scholars. Horizontal criticism claims that vertical criticism not only misunderstands Niebuhr’s theology but also misrepresents the experiences of the racial minorities. In order to find the applicability of these arguments to the experiences of Korean immigrant women, this paper critically evaluates these “vertical” and “horizontal” debates from the perspective of Korean immigrant women who are suffered from complex discriminatory conditions such as patriarchal ideology from Korean culture and white racism pervasive in U.S. society. This essay concludes that white feminist arguments are less appropriate than those of womanist and Hispanic ethicists in consideration of the socio-political situations of Korean immigrant women. Therefore, it argues that a concept of women’s sin must be redefined and reconstructed to embrace the experiences of Korean immigrant women in the critical consideration of sexism, patriarchism, classism, and racism in unjust social structures. 본 논문은 라인홀드 니버의 죄 개념에 대한 미국 페미니스트 윤리학자들의 비판과 이에 대한 후대 학자들의 응답들을 소개하고, 이들의 유용성과 한계를 한인 이민자 여성들의 경험을 근거로 비판적으로 분석한다. 특별히, 본 논문은 여성의 고유한 경험을 근거로 니버의 죄 개념의 남성주의적 한계와 위험성을 지속적이고 일관적으로 비판한 백인 페미니스트 윤리학자들의 주장을 “수직적 비판”으로, 1990년대 이후부터 이들의 한계를 새롭게 지적하기 시작한 페미니스트 및 우머니스트 등의 윤리학자들의 상호 대응적 주장을 “수평적 비판”으로 정의함으로써, 니버의 사상을 중심으로 벌어지고 있는 현대 미국 윤리학계의 논쟁을 소개한다. 뿐만 아니라, 이러한 미국 윤리학계의 학문적 토론에서 배제되고 있는 한인 이민자 여성들의 경험 속에는, 사회구조적 차별과 문화적인 억압과 편견이 더욱 복합적으로 작용하고 있음을 밝힌다. 이로써, 본 논문은 여성의 해방을 추구하기 위해 미국 페미니스트 윤리학자들이 사용하는 “여성의 죄”의 개념은 한인 이민자 여성들의 해방을 위해 사용하기는 제한적이므로, 한인 이민자 여성들의 경험을 반영하는 새로운 죄의 개념이 필요함을 주장한다. 따라서, “여성의 죄”의 개념이 한인 이민자 여성들의 해방을 촉진하기 위하여서는, 부정의한 미국 사회 구조속에서 문화적 억압과 편견을 겪고 있는 한인 이민자 여성들의 고유한 경험을, 성차별주의, 인종차별주의, 계급주의만을 반영한 기존의 관점속에 포함시켜, 이를 새롭게 재정의해야만 한다

      • KCI등재

        Anatomy of the Sinoatrial Nodal Branch in Korean Population: Imaging with MDCT

        송용섭,이활,박은아,정진욱,박재형 대한영상의학회 2012 Korean Journal of Radiology Vol.13 No.5

        Objective: To evaluate, on a retrospective basis, the anatomic characteristics of the arterial supply to the sinoatrial node (SAN) in the Korean population using an ECG-gated multi-detector CT (MDCT). Materials and Methods: The electrocardiographic-gated MDCTs of 500 patients (258 men and 242 women; age range, 17-83 years; mean age, 58.6 ± 12.04 years) were analyzed retrospectively. In each case, the SAN artery (arteries) was named according to a special nomenclature with regard to origin, course, and termination. Results: A total of 516 SAN arteries were visualized in 496 patients. The SAN was supplied by a single artery in 476 (96.4%) cases and by 2 arteries in 18 (3.6%) cases. The SAN originated from the right coronary artery in 265 (53.4%) cases and from the left circumflex in 213 (43%) cases. Conclusion: This study can provide basic data on variations of the SAN artery in the Korean population. Objective: To evaluate, on a retrospective basis, the anatomic characteristics of the arterial supply to the sinoatrial node (SAN) in the Korean population using an ECG-gated multi-detector CT (MDCT). Materials and Methods: The electrocardiographic-gated MDCTs of 500 patients (258 men and 242 women; age range, 17-83 years; mean age, 58.6 ± 12.04 years) were analyzed retrospectively. In each case, the SAN artery (arteries) was named according to a special nomenclature with regard to origin, course, and termination. Results: A total of 516 SAN arteries were visualized in 496 patients. The SAN was supplied by a single artery in 476 (96.4%) cases and by 2 arteries in 18 (3.6%) cases. The SAN originated from the right coronary artery in 265 (53.4%) cases and from the left circumflex in 213 (43%) cases. Conclusion: This study can provide basic data on variations of the SAN artery in the Korean population.

      • KCI등재

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