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      • KCI등재

        GMA 용접에서 실시간 비드폭 예측에 관한 연구

        손준식,김일수,김학형,Son, Joon-Sik,Kim, Ill-Soo,Kim, Hak-Hyoung 대한용접접합학회 2007 대한용접·접합학회지 Vol.25 No.6

        Recently, several models to control weld quality, productivity and weld properties in arc welding process have been developed and applied. Also, the applied model to make effective use of the robotic GMA(Gas Metal Arc) welding process should be given a high degree of confidence in predicting the bead dimensions to accomplish the desired mechanical properties of the weldment. In this study, a development of the on-line learning neural network models that investigate interrelationships between welding parameters and bead width as well as apply for the on-line quality control system for the robotic GMA welding process has been carried out. The developed models showed an excellent predicted results comparing with the predicted ability using off-line learning neural network. Also, the system will extend to other welding process and the rule-based expert system which can be incorporated with integration of an optimized system for the robotic welding system.

      • KCI등재

        GMA용접에서 비드단면형상을 예측하기 위한 실험적 모델의 개발

        손준식,김일수,박창언,김인주,정호성,Son Joon-Sik,Kim Ill-Soo,Park Chang-Eun,Kim In-Ju,Jeong Ho-Seong 대한용접접합학회 2005 대한용접·접합학회지 Vol.23 No.4

        Generally, the use of robots in manufacturing industry has been increased during the past decade. GMA(Gas Metal Arc) welding process is an actively Vowing area, and many new procedures have been developed for use with high strength alloys. One of the basic requirement for the automatic welding applications is to investigate relationships between process parameters and bead geometry. The objective of this paper is to develop a new approach involving the use of neural network and multiple regression methods in the prediction of bead geometry for GMA welding process and to develop an intelligent system that visualize bead geometry in order to employ the robotic GMA welding processes. Examples of the simulation for GMA welding process are supplied to demonstrate and verify the proposed system developed using MATLAB. The developed system could be effectively implemented not oかy for estimating bead geometry, but also employed to monitor and control the bead geometry in real time.

      • GMA용접에서 유전자 알고리즘을 이용한 비드높이 예측 모델 개발에 관한 연구

        손준식(Joon-Sik Son),김일수(Ill-Soo Kim),장경천(Kyeung-Cheun Jang),이동길(Dong-Gil Lee) 한국생산제조학회 2006 한국공작기계학회 춘계학술대회논문집 Vol.2006 No.-

        Gas metal arc welding process has been chosen as a metal joining technique due to the wide range of usable applications, cheap consumables and easy handling. Three main indicators such as arc voltage, welding speed and welding current have a big influence in the quality welding. Since all these factors affect the quality of the welded joining parts, the effect of these parameters was investigated experimentally. In this paper, an attempt has been made to develop the predicted models (quadratic and cubic) for bead height using genetic algorithm. Performance of the developed models were proved to be compared to the regression equation.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        신경회로망과 유전자 알고리즘을 이용한 열연두께 정도 향상

        손준식(Joon-Sik Son),김일수(Ill-Soo Kim),이덕만(Duk-Man Lee),권영섭(Yeong-Seob Kueon) 한국생산제조학회 2006 한국생산제조학회지 Vol.15 No.5

        The automation of hot rolling process requires the developments of several mathematical models for simulation and quantitative description of the industrial operations involved in order to achieve the continuously increasing productivity, flexibility and quality(dimensional accuracy, mechanical properties and surface properties). The mathematical modeling of hot rolling process has long been recognized to be a desirable approach to investigate rolling operating practice and design of mill requirement. To achieve this objectives, a new learning method with neural network to improve the accuracy of rolling force prediction in hot rolling mill is developed. Also, Genetic Algorithm(GA) is applied to select the optimal structure of the neural network and compared with that of engineers experience. It is shown from this research that both structure selection methods can lead to similar results.

      • KCI우수등재
      • KCI등재

        접경 속의 접경 -戰後 臺灣의 眷村 형성과 관리-

        손준식(Son Junsik) 중앙대학교 문화콘텐츠기술연구원 2020 다문화콘텐츠연구 Vol.0 No.35

        본 논문은 2차 세계대전 종전 후 대만을 접수하기 위해 또는 1949년 전후 국민당정부를 따라 대만에 온 外省人의 집단거주지 중 하나인 권촌의 형성과 변천과정 및 그 관리와 규모를 종합 정리한 연구이다. 대만으로 철수한 국민당정부는 함께 온 외성인 특히 핵심 통치역량인 군대의 사기를 안정시키기 위해 군인가족이 머물 공간과 생활지원이 급선무였다. 이에 일본이 남겨놓은 시설을 개조하거나 군부대 인근 또는 도시나 향촌 외곽지역에 간이건물을 지어 이들을 집중 수용함으로써 권촌이 형성되기 시작했다. 1980년 이전 세워진 권촌은 크게 일본이 남긴 官舍나 基地, 군 당국이 지은 克難 주택, 婦聯會가 기금을 모아 세운 단지 등 세 유형으로 나눌 수 있다. 이들은 임시거처로 애초 허름하게 지어졌기에 시간이 지나면서 노후화가 심해지고 증개축과 수해 등으로 안전에도 문제가 생겼다. 뿐만 아니라 도시미관을 해치고 개발을 방해하는 존재가 되었다. 이와 함께 2, 3세대의 유출로 공동화와 노령화가 진행됨으로써 재건축이 추진되어 현재는 거의 모두 철거된 상태이다. 권촌에서는 군에 의한 집중 관리가 행해졌다. 우선 관련 법규가 제정되고 관리기구가 지정되어 군인가족에 대한 조사, 권촌 건설과 분배, 생활과 교육 지원 등을 집행하였다. 한편 군의 통제를 받는 자치위원회를 두어 제반 행정업무를 수행토록 하였고 婦女工作隊가 활동한 권촌도 있었다. 부련회가 권촌 부녀에게 제공한 부업과 봉사는 주민의 생활개선에 큰 도움이 되었다. 그 외 국민당 黨部가 조직되어 선거에 주민을 동원하기도 했다. 부대시설로 진료소와 매점 등이 있었으며 일용품을 배급하기도 居住身分證을 발급해 교환할 수 있게 하였다. 권촌은 대부분 소규모로 대도시와 그 주위에 집중되어있었다. 권촌의 수는 육군, 공군, 聯勤, 해군 소속 순으로 많았으며 병종의 성격 상 지역별 분포에 차이를 보였다. 권촌은 병종의 특성, 건설비 기부단체, 인물, 原 駐屯地, 소재지, 주민들의 의지 등을 드러내는 방식으로 이름 지어졌다. 대부분의 권촌은 협소한 공간, 위계적 분배, 폐쇄적 취락이라는 유사한 특징을 갖고 있었고 건물 배치도 크게 다르지 않았다. 촌내에 큰 길 양옆으로 좁은 골목을 사이로 連棟式 건물이 이어져 있고 광장과 방공호, 공동 화장실, 탁아소, 유치원, 농구장 등이 있으며 공용우물 또는 수도가 설치되어있었다. 또한 집집마다 대나무 울타리로 둘러싸여 있고 마을 외곽은 담이나 넓은 도로로 외부와 구분되어있었다. 권촌은 대규모의 강요된 정치적 인구이동이란 특수한 시대배경 하에 형성되었다는 점에서 그 역사적 의의가 있다. 언어와 풍습이 다른 낫선 땅에서 외부와 격리된 독립공간으로 존재했던 권촌은 국민당정부의 지원과 관리를 받으며 그 통치의 지지기반이 되었다. 권촌 1세대는 고향으로 돌아갈 희망을 품고 열악한 환경 속에서 서로 도우며 생활하면서 자연스레 우리는 하나라는 공동체의식을 갖게 된다. 하지만 本省人 여성들이 권촌에 시집오고 2, 3세대가 성장하여 외부세계와 교류하면서 그 폐쇄적인 성격은 점차 희석되어 대만 현지문화와 융합하게 된다. 이어 경제성장과 도시개발로 재건축이 진행되면서 노후 권촌은 마침내 소멸되고 그 주민들은 지역사회의 일원이 되었다. 이처럼 권촌은 접경 공간에서의 조우와 교류, 융합과 공존이라는 진행과정을 잘 보여주는 사례이다.

      • KCI등재

        方豪와『中西交通史』 : 그 사학사적 의미와 한계

        손준식(Son, Jun-sik) 중앙대학교 중앙사학연구소 2020 중앙사론 Vol.0 No.51

        This paper examines the life and achievements of modern Chinese historian Fang Hao(1910-1980) and the meanings of Zhongxi jiaotong shi, one of his representative achievements, in history of historiography including its composition, materials, characteristics and limitations. It is thought that the author, who had never had any formal professional education of history, was able to write a masterpiece of this field not only due to the atmosphere of Chinese universities and academia of the time which emphasized competence rather than educational background, but also with his own effort and will as the greatest driving force. The author lived an extraordinary life by consistently publishing numerous wide-ranging academic writings during his busy daily life of actively participating in various conferences and research institute activities, while fulfilling his duties as a Catholic priest, a director of a press, and a professor as well. Zhongxi jiaotong shi is a book that almost completely summarizes the history of Sino-Western exchange from the prehistoric era to the mid-Qing Dynasty, and it’s difficult to find a research comparable to this in terms of composition, cited materials, historical investigation and perspective. While it describes the relations with the West in a chronological order until the late-Ming dynasty, which is when the contact between China and the West began in earnest, it takes an exceptional approach regarding the Sino-Western cultural exchange mainly developed by Western missionaries after the late-Ming dynasty, by dealing in detail according to each academic discipline. In addition, the trustworthiness of historical investigation is increased by the comparative analysis of various domestic and foreign materials and preceding studies including excavated artifacts and ancient legends, and in some cases it shows flexibility of using materials from East Asian countries that are not in the research range. Moreover, comprehending the phenomenon of Sino-Western exchange from the world-history perspective and focusing on indirect and trivial relations were rare attempts compared to preceding researches. This book not only has expanded the horizon of studies on the history of Sino-Western exchange through finding out historical sources and individual researches unnoticed by others, but is also characterized by solving long-standing issues of academia and correcting errors of related materials and preceding researches which led to a lot of new interpretations. This has been made possible due to the author’s solid basis of Chinese studies, excellent foreign language skills, detailed historical investigation, and his own unique view of the history. The author focused on studying the Sino-Western cultural exchanges during the late-Ming and the early-Qing period because, other than the environmental factors of his growing up and being a priest, he considered the continuation of cultural exchanges with the spirit of mutual equality and respect as the most ideal direction for human society’s coexistence and convergence. As a member of the generation that had experienced inequalities and invasions between China and the West since the Opium War, this perception of the author is thought to be an academic attitude ahead of the times. Although this book has a lot of strengths shown above, it has problems such as poor readability due to the systematic limitation of writing practices of the time, and the misprints caused by rushing printing to use it as a textbook. Quite a few imperfections such as contents that seem to be the author’s mistake or misunderstanding and the lack of consistency(unity) are found additionally. As the author was also aware of these shortcomings and was very dissatisfied by them, it’s a shame he did not have an opportunity to make corrections and supplementations to the end.

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