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      • 中國全日制法科硏究生敎育現狀及問題分析

        소군 ( Jun Shao ),대국립 ( Guoli Dai ) 영산대학교 법률연구소 2015 영산법률논총 Vol.12 No.1

        法科硏究生敎育是我國法學敎育的最高層次,最初只有法學碩士和法學博士兩種學術型學位,註重對學術型、硏究型人才的培養,培養規模不大,畢業生的職業選擇基本與培養目標相契合。隨著我國經濟社會的發展,各領域對法律應用型人才需求增加,國家增設法律碩士專業學位硏究生敎育,法科硏究生的招生規模也隨之擴張。在規模擴大,培養類型增多的情況下,我國的法科硏究生敎育出現了目標定位與就業現實不符、培養模式混同、培養質量下降等問題。控制總體規模,減少學術學位,擴大專業學位硏究生招生,通過與社會需求對接,實行精細化培養,提高硏究生培養質量是我國法科硏究生敎育發展的路徑選擇。 The research program in legal studies is the highest level of legal education in China. Initially, there are only two academic awards, i.e., Masters and PHD in law. These specific awards focus on research. Although the scale of candidates for those programs is limited, the educational objectives are consistent with career development of graduates. With a rapid economic growth, the demand for application-oriented law graduates is increasing. As a result, professional legal education has since been established and expended. Unfortunately, the expansion has caused the law school research graduates`` education objectives and career pursuits becoming unclear and mismatched. In addition, the education model seems premature and the quality of education deteriorated. This paper investigates the current education system in law school research programs in China and argues that the number of legal research students should be capped, research programs should be controlled. Instead, more specific and professional law degrees should be increased. In doing so, the legal education can be better connected with market needs so as to develop a quality legal educational system in the country.

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