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      • 통역에서의 비언어적 커뮤니케이션(non-verbal communication)의 기능 및 중요성에 관한 고찰

        변선희 한국외국어대학교 통역번역연구소 2003 논문집 Vol.7 No.-

        In interpretation, the function of non-verbal communication is very important. In this type of communication, the distance, the physical contact, the direction and the action of the body, the gesture and the movement of the body, etc. are included. In this work, we study about the function and the importance of non-verbal communication including paralanguage and the kinesics. We also analyze the relation between the non-verbal communication and the type of interpretation, the relation between the interpretation and the other sectors such as movies, poetry and music and the importance of non-verbal conduct in interpretation. We also treat the voice problem of the interpreters as one element of non-verbal communication. In this study, we emphasize the importance of educating the non-verbal communication in the education center of interpretation including the voice problem. The interpreters must have more interests in their voices. The voice is one aspect that has been studied less in the interpretation. We stress in this study the fact that the education of the paralanguage and kinesics including voice must be realized more actively. As a result of this education, the interpreters can transfer correctly the non-verbal communication as well as the massage of the speaker.

      • 문학번역의 열린 특성

        변선희 한국외국어대학교 통역번역연구소 2002 논문집 Vol.6 No.-

        In literary translation, there is a greater tendency to choose free translation over literal translation. There are many factors for this but this paper focuses on the open characteristics of literary translation. Literary translation has more diverse readers than technical translation and thus translation tend to translate in a more natural manner and try to find familiar expressions. The other aspect of openness of literary translation is the various interpretations of the text. Because of the ambiguity of the text, no translator can understand the full meaning and so the translator can be subjective and can produce various interpretations. We can understand this by the fact that a translator is open compared to a director of an orchestra. Another aspect of the open characteristic of literary translation can be considered in the hermeneutics oriented traductology. By this theory, translation is a continuous process in which a translator tries to find adequate expressions. With regards to this aspect, even if literary translation is incomplete and has limitations, the translator continues to reach the optimal step and tries to do a better translation.

      • 서한 번역의 역어 오류 분석

        변선희 한국외국어대학교 통역번역연구소 2001 논문집 Vol.5 No.-

        The objective of this article is to analyze the errors of translation from Spanish into Korean. For this analysis, we applied the translations done by the students from Korean-Spanish Department of the Graduate School of Interpretation and Translation. Vinet and Darbelet suggest 7 types of translation and among these types, the students tend to do mot-a `-mot, the literal translation when the target language is mother language. And they tend not to care about the gramatical rules of mother language by doing too literal translation. In this article, we would like to stress the necessity of transposition and modulation for a more natural translation with reduction of errors in the target language. Here we also suggest the importance of changing the tense and indicate the damages to Korean language by the influences of foreign languages such as English and Japanese, by analyzing the translations from Spanish into Korean.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        아레나스의 바로크 미학 - 『 황홀한 세상 』 을 중심으로 -

        변선희 한국스페인어문학회 2001 스페인어문학 Vol.19 No.1

        Este arti′culo tiene como objetivo contribuir a la comprensio′n del mundo noveli′stico de Reinaldo Arenas al reflexionar sobre la este′tica barroca de su obra maestra, El mundo alucinante. Esta obra, en el sentido lu′dico, es una parodia de Memorias de Fray Servando Teresa de Mier, fraile mexicano perseguido por sus ideas no ortodoxas en cuanto a la aparicio′n de la Virgen Guadalupe. Arenas es considerado como uno de los autores neobarrocos y su obra maestra tambie′n se considera una obra del barroco americano y del realismo ma′gico. En este arti′culo, to fanta′stico de esta obra se trata como un recurso del barroco, puesto que la literatura barroca apela al instinto, la sensacio′n y la fantasi′a. Esta obra puede encuadrarse en la categori′a de la novela barroca no so′lo por ser una parodia y tener un cara′cter autoreflexivo, sobre el autor mismo, sino tambie′n por otros recursos barrocos. El cara′cter barroco de Arenas esta′ relacionado con su vida misma, su visio′n sobre el continente americano y su concepto del ser humano. Arenas opina que el continente americano y el ser humano tienen rostros opuestos. Esta visio′n es similiar al punto de vista de algunos autores hispanoamericanos segu′n la cual todo tipo de simbiosis y mestizaje produce barroquismo. Asi′ como el ser humano que tiene rasgos opuestos, esta novela tambie′n tiene esta caracteristica. El autor dice que esta novela tiene que leerse como un oleaje que se expande y vuelve continuamente. Esta visio′n es afin a la visio′n dina′mica del mundo del barroquismo, puesto que to que el arte barroco quiere expresar no es la obra acabada sino el movimiento continuo. Para expresar con eficacia su visio′n del mundo y del ser humano, Arenas se sirve de los elementos barrocos. El autor utiliza los rasgos decisivos que afectan al pensamiento barroco ma′s que los elementos del lenguaje, tales como la ironi′a, la sa′tira, la hipe′rbole, lo grotesco, la paradoja, etc. Con estos elementos, Arenas intenta ver no una realidad, sino varias realidades, no una paradoja sino varias paradojas. Para e′l, la vida no es un dogma ni una regla ni una historia, sino un misterio que tiene que atacarse desde varios a′ngulos. En este sentido, los elementos barrocos son los recursos ma′s apropiados para reflejar la visio′n del autor que humaniza con la ironi′a compasiva la tragedia eterna del ser humano a trave′s de la este′tica barroca.

      • Drosophila melanogaster의 y돌연변이체들을 이용한 D.simulans와의 종간 잡종형성

        변선희,이원호 부산대학교 1987 자연과학논문집 Vol.43 No.-

        D. melanogaster의 표준형 및 황체색계열 3돌연변이체들과 D. simulans의 1지역계통을 재료로 하여 히들 사이의 종간잡종형성에 영향을 미칠것으로 예상되는 유전자의 특징과 종간의 유연관계를 해석하기 위하여 종간교배를 통한 잡종형성능, 잡종란산란도, 생산력, 생존도 및 종간잡종의 姙性을 조사한 결과는 다음과 같다. 1) 종간교배에 의한 수정율은 2일교배의 경우 OR암컷과의 交配에서는 약 43.2, y와는 약 41.6, yOR 과는 약 59.0, yf:=와는 19.6%이었고 7일 交配의 경우 OR과는 약 51.7, y와는 약 64.9, y^(OR)과는 약 66.0 그리고 yf:=와는 약 26.5%로서 사용한 재료에 따른 경향성은 거의 유사하였다. 2) 1일동안의 vial당 평균산란도는 OR과의 交配에서는 28-39, y와는 22-29의 범위, y^(OR)과는 27-40, yf:=와는 13-49의 범위로서 사육횟수에 따라 7-36정도의 차이로 다소의 변이를 보이고 있는데, yf:=를 제외하고는 사육횟수에 따른 큰 차이는 없었다. 3) 종간교배에 의한 생산력은 25℃의 경우 5회 연속사육실험에서의 雜種들은 OR과의 交配에서는 1094, y와는 830, yOr과는 148개체로 전부 암컷이어DT고 yf:=와는 수컷만으로서 186개체였다. 18℃의 경우 OR과의 交配에서는 1701, y와는 1534, ^(OR)과는 1905개체로 전부 암컷이였으며, yf:=와는 249개체로 역시 전부 수컷이었다. 4) 종간교배에 의한 生存度는 25℃에서 OR과의 交配에서는 약 45.0, y와는 약 41.0, ^(OR)과는 약 6.0 및 yf:=와는 약 7.0%였으며, 18℃에서 OR, y, y^(OR) 및 yf:=와의 교배조합인 경우 生存度는 각각 36.7, 43.9, 43.2 및 6.1%였는데, 25℃에서 y^(OR)의 경우 18℃와 비교할 때 극히 저조한 生存度를 나타낸 것은 이것이 온도감수성 교배조합임을 시사하고 있다. 5) 종간잡종의 임성조사결과 D. melanogaster의 OR, y, y^(OR)암컷과 D. simulans 수컷과의 종간잡종 암컷은 부모계통수컷과의 交配에서 다음 세대의 유충이 없는 不姙이었고, yf:=와의 종간잡종 수컷도 부모계통 암컷과의 交配에서 역시 不姙이었다. Genetic studies on the interspecific hybridization between Drosophila melanogaster mutants and D. simulans were examined by various measurements of hybridization such as insemination rate, fecundity, productivity, viability, and fertility of the hybrid. D. melanogaster strains were used Oregon-R(OR) and y, y^(OR), yf:=with yellow mutants. D. simulans strain was used Chapel Hill isofemale line from America. The results obtained were as follows: 1) Insemination rates by interspecific cross between D. melanogaster females and D. simulans males were about 43.3 for OR, 41.6 for y, 59.0 for yOR and 19.6% for yf:=in the two days mating, while in the seven days mating the rates were 51.7 for OR, 64.9 for y, 66.0 for y^(OR) and 26.5% for yf:=, respectively. 2) Fecundity per vial per day was ranged from 28 to 39 eggs in OR, from 22 to 29 eggs in y, from 27 to 40 eggs in y^(OR) and from 13 to 49 eggs in yf:=during continuous 5th culture. Variation of fecundity in the interspecific cross was ranged from 7 to 36 eggs during continuous cultures. 3) Productivity at 25℃ was represented by the total number of 1094 females for OR, 830 females for y, 148 females for y^(OR) and 186 males for yf:= during continuous 5th culture. At 18℃, the productivity was represented by the total number of 1701 females, 1534 females, 1905 females and 249 males for each strain, respectively. 4) At 25℃, viability of hybrid between D. melanogaster females and D. simulans males was estimated to be about 45.0 for OR, 41.0 for y, 6.0 for y^(OR) and 7.0% for yf:=, while at 18℃, the value was measured about 36.7, 43.9, 43.2 and 6.1% for each strain, respectively. 5) Fertility of hybrid females from interspecific cross between OR, y, y^(OR) females and D. simulans males investigated by backcross with their parental male files was recognized to be sterile. Fertility of hybrid males from interspecific cross between yf:= females and D. simulans males was also recognized to be sterile.

      • KCI등재

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