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      • 대학교 교양과목으로 개설된 음악 관련 교과 분석 : 대전지역 대학교를 중심으로

        변서연 충남대학교 대학원 2018 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        This study examines liberal arts and music education, based on which it comparatively analyzes the current state of music-related liberal arts curriculums in 8 four-year universities in Daejeon. The contents of this study include theoretical background of liberal arts and music education, legitimacy of music education as liberal arts based on the above, and cases of music-related liberal arts curriculums in universities overseas. This study then investigates the objectives of education, liberal arts curriculums and music-related liberal arts courses of 8 universities in Daejeon selected based on literature review. In addition, music-related liberal arts courses in each university are comparatively analyzed by categorizing them into four items: current state of music-related liberal arts courses, composition of music-related liberal arts courses, whether there is a music department, and national and private universities. The following is the result and analyzing music-related liberal arts courses in each university. First, the biggest number of music-related liberal arts courses proportional to the number of students in the university was in KAIST (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology), followed by Mokwon University, Korea Baptist Theological University/Seminary, Pai Chai University, Daejeon University, Hannam University, Hanbat National University and Chungnam National University. KAIST and Chungnam National University had the highest ratio of music-related liberal arts courses compared to the number of students, showing about 35 times difference in terms of ratio. Second, a classification of music-related liberal arts courses in each university by field, genre and connectivity shows that there are more courses on theory than practice, with 5.5 times more courses in Western music than Korean music. In addition, convergence courses were all in private universities. Third, a classification of music-related liberal arts courses regarding whether there is a music department shows that universities with a music department had 9 music-related liberal arts courses on average, and those without a music department had 6 courses. Universities with a music department had 1.48 times more music-related liberal arts courses than those without, indicating that the existence of a music department has an effect on the number of music-related liberal arts courses. Fourth, a classification of music-related liberal arts courses according to national and private universities shows that there are about 3 times more music-related liberal arts courses in private universities than national universities in general. However, there were a few exceptions in which a national university has many music-related liberal arts courses or a private university has only a few, depending on its goal of liberal arts education or educational policy. Based on the results above, this study makes a few suggestions for more effective music-related liberal arts courses. First, it is necessary to increase the number of music-related liberal arts courses. Students will be able to more frequently receive music-related liberal arts education if such courses are included in the liberal arts curriculum as the basic liberal arts courses for freshmen or a program that must be completed before graduation. Second, there must be more emphasis on the importance of music-related liberal arts courses in terms of practice and training. The portion of practice must be increased within the regular liberal arts curriculum in universities so that students can have more direct experiences with music and increase the level of interest and focus. Third, there is a need to increase music-related liberal arts courses in the genre of Korean music. Courses that provide simple interpretation of gugak (Korean traditional music) and practical training of gugak for actual experience must be increased in order to perceive the need for music-related liberal arts courses in Korean music. Fourth, it is necessary to increase convergence courses with connectivity to other fields. By constantly studying convergence courses and linking them with other fields, it will be possible to lead to liberal arts education that creates values meeting the goal of basic liberal arts education. 본 연구에서는 교양교육과 음악교육에 대해 조사하고 이를 바탕으로 대전지역 8개 4년제 대학교의 음악 관련 교양교육과정의 현황을 비교·분석하였다. 연구 내용은 교양교육과 음악교육에 대한 이론적 배경을 조사하였으며, 이를 바탕으로 교양교육으로써의 음악교육의 당위성과 외국 대학에서 이루어지고 있는 음악 관련 교양과정에 대한 사례를 제시하였다. 이러한 문헌 연구를 바탕으로 선정된 대전지역 8개 대학의 교육목적, 교양과정, 음악 관련 교양과목에 대하여 조사하고, 이를 바탕으로 각 대학별 음악 관련 교양과목을 음악 관련 교양과목 개설 현황, 음악 관련 교양과목 구성, 음악과 유무, 국립대학과 사립대학의 네 가지 항목으로 나누어 비교·분석하였다. 연구를 통하여 각 대학별로 음악 관련 교양과목을 분석한 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 대학 학생 수에 비례한 음악 관련 교양과목 개설 현황은 카이스트(한국과학기술원)-목원대학교-침례신학대학교-배재대학교-대전대학교-한남대학교-한밭대학교-충남대학교 순으로 많았으며 학생 수에 비해 음악 교양과목 비율이 가장 높은 카이스트와 충남대학교는 비율 수치가 약 35배 차이를 보였다. 둘째, 대학별 음악 관련 교양과목이 구성된 분야, 장르, 연계성의 항목에 따라 분류해보았을 때 실기보다는 이론 목적의 교양수업이 많으며 한국 음악보다 서양 음악 과목이 5.5배 더 많이 개설되어 있는 것으로 나타났다. 또한 융·복합 수업이 이루어지는 과목은 모두 사립대학에 개설되어 있었다. 셋째, 음악과가 존재하는가의 여부에 따른 음악 관련 교양과목을 분류해보았을 때 음악과가 있는 학교는 음악 관련 교양과목이 평균적으로 9과목 개설되어 있었고, 음악과가 없는 학교는 6과목이 개설되어 있었다. 음악학가 있는 학교가 없는 학교보다 음악 관련 교양과목이 1.48배 정도 더 많이 개설되어 있어 음악과 존재 여부가 음악 관련 교양과목 수에 영향을 주는 것으로 나타났다. 넷째, 국립대학과 사립대학에 따른 음악 관련 교양과목을 분류해보았을 때 대체적으로 사립대학에 개설된 음악 관련 교양과목 수가 국립대학보다 약 3배 많은 것으로 나타났다. 그러나 각 대학마다 교양교육의 목표나 교육 정책에 따라 국립대학임에도 음악 관련 교양과목 개설 수가 많거나, 사립대학임에도 음악 관련 교양과목 개설 수가 적은 예외의 경우도 나타났다. 위와 같은 결과를 바탕으로 더욱 효과적인 음악 관련 교양교육이 되기 위한 몇 가지 방안들을 다음과 같이 제안하고자 한다. 첫째, 음악 관련 교양과목 수의 증설이 필요하다. 음악 관련 교양과목을 교양 과정의 커리큘럼에 편성하여 학부의 신입생을 위한 기초 교양과목이나 졸업 전까지 이수하는 한 과정으로 선정하면 학생들이 음악 관련 교양교육을 받을 수 있는 빈도수가 많아질 것이다. 둘째, 실기 분야의 음악 관련 교양과목의 중요성을 더 부각시킬 필요가 있다. 대학교의 정규 교양교육과정 안에서도 실기의 비중을 늘려 학생들로 하여금 음악에 대한 직접적인 체험 기회와 관심도의 집중을 향상시킬 필요가 있다. 셋째, 한국 음악 장르의 음악 관련 교양과목을 늘려야 한다. 국악에 대한 쉬운 해설과 실제 체험해 볼 수 있는 국악 실기 과목을 늘려 한국 음악 장르의 음악 관련 교양과목의 필요성을 인식할 필요가 있다. 넷째, 타 영역과 연계성을 가진 융·복합 교양과목을 증설할 필요가 있다. 타 영역과 융·복합된 과목을 지속적으로 연구하고 여러 분야와 연계시킨다면 교양기초교육의 목표에 부합하는 가치 창출적인 교양교육으로 이끌어 낼 수 있을 것이다.

      • (The) 'golden tide' seaweed Sargassum horneri in Korean coastal waters : identification of genetic origins of floating populations and genetic comparisons between floating and benthic populations

        변서연 Sangji University 2019 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        Recently, brown seaweeds Sargassum horneri blooming on the eastern coast of China drifted in large biomass with oceanic currents (called “golden tide”) and subsequently floated along the southern coastlines Korea including Jeju Island. These floating populations posed a large threat to both the local economy and coastal ecosystems. I aimed to track geographic or genetic origins of the floating S. horneri populations and to investigate evolutionary relationships and the genetic structure between floating (N=14) and Korean benthic (N=5) populations using two genetic markers, such as mitochondria (mt) DNA cox3 (cytochrome c oxidase subunit 3) and seven microsatellites. Results of genetic structure analysis with microsatellites clearly revealed two separate genetic clusters of each comprised of floating and benthic populations. High levels of inter-population differentiation were detected within Korean benthic samples. Given a shared mtDNA haplotype and oceanic circulation systems, the floating populations may have been originated from the southeastern coast of China (e.g. Zhoushan, Zhejjiang province). The floating populations from the same periods during a 2015-2018 year were genetically more different from one another than those from different periods, suggesting that the floating populations might be of multiple genetic sources within the geographic origin(s). However, my phylogeographic analysis showed that variation in mtDNA cox3 is not sufficiently enough to distinguish floating from Korean benthic populations. Therefore, I further analysed sequence polymorphisms in the whole organelle genomes of a Korean benthic sample (from Jindo Island in the South Sea) in comparison to Chinese sample’s genomes to trace genetic origins of floating biomass more precisely. Using mitochondrial and chloroplast genomes of S. horneri from Nanji Island, Zhejiang in China as a reference, I successfully mapped a mitochondrial genome of 34,620 bp and a chloroplast genome of 124,068 bp for the Korean benthic sample. I found that although the mt genome had a shorter length in size than the chloroplast genome, it had considerably more variable sites. MtDNA cox2 (cytochrome c oxidase subunit 2) gene showed the highest number of six Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) sites and an inter-genic region between nad7 (NADH dehydrogenase subunit 7) and trnP (proline tRNA) genes showed a 14 bp insertion/deletion mutation (indel). I am currently testing those ‘candidate’ genetic markers (an indel and SNPs) on the mt genome for discriminating between floating and Korean benthic samples. My thesis will inform management efforts including the development of “S. horneri blooming forecasting system”, which will assist in mitigating ecological and economic damages on the Korean coastal ecosystems in the future.

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