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      • 농인의 다양한 직업전략을 위한 전문직 진출 사례에 관한 연구

        배한선 나사렛대학교 재활복지대학원 2007 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        농인은 전문적인 취업알선기관의 직업재활서비스를 통하여 취업이 되었음에도 여전히 고용의 안정은 이루지 못하고 있는 실정이다. 농인의 잦은 이직과 부적응현상을 청각의 결함이라는 의사소통의 한계로만 일축하기 보다는 처음부터 고용환경이 열악한 단순생산직에 천편일률적으로 취업 알선한 결과라고 볼 수 있다. 따라서 본 연구는 농인의 고용안정을 도모하기 위하여 농인이 단순생산직이 아닌 다양한 직종에서 특정영역의 전문가로서 직업적 역량을 발휘하게 된다면 농인의 고용안정에 어떠한 영향을 미치는지 전문직고용 창출사례를 통하여 분석하고자 한다. 이에 지역의 편차에 관계없이 전문직에서 종사하고 농인을 대상으로 전문직 진출전 종사업종과, 직업영역에 따른 이직요인, 전문직 진출경로, 전문직에서의 근속연수, 전문직 진출의 성공요인 등으로 고찰하였다. 본 연구를 통해 얻어진 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 농인의 전문직 진출전 종사업종과 근속연수를 살펴 본 결과 단순생산직과 제조업에 종사하고 있었으며, 이 업종에서는 평균적으로 짧게는 3개월 길게는 1년 8개월 단위로 이직하는 것으로 나타났다. 그러나 같은 제조업체에서도 업무의 성격에 따라 반복적인 업무패턴이 아닌 전문적인 기능을 필요로 하는 작업영역에 배치되었을 때에는 근속기간이 5~6년 정도로 월등히 높았다. 둘째, 전문직 진출전 직업력에 따른 이직요인을 조사한 결과 총 12개 사업체에서 외부적 요인으로 인한 이직이 7건 내부적 요인으로 인한 이직이 5건 이었으며, 외부적인 요인에서 이직은 경기침체로 인한 임금체불이 가장 많았으며, 내부적 요인에 의한 이직요인은 근로환경에 대한 불만족과 업무에 단조로움 직업적 자아실현의 상실로 인한 이직이 주요한 요인으로 작용하였다. 그러나 괄목할만한 점은, 처음부터 단순생산직종이 아닌 전문 직종으로 취업한 사례는 취업한 해부터 현재까지 이직 없이 고용을 유지하고 있었으며, 업무를 수행하면서 의사소통으로 인한 어려움은 있지만 심각히 이직을 고려하지 않은 것으로 조사되었다. 셋째, 전문직 진출 경로를 살펴본 결과 자립 취업발굴사례는 부모님의 조언이나 지인의 인맥으로 개별적으로 전문직종에 진출하였으며, 직업재활서비스에 의해 전문직으로 고용을 유도한 사례는 차별화된 직업재활계획을 통하여 전문직에 진출하게 되었다. 그러나 직업재활서비스를 거치지 않은 자립 취업사례라 할지라도 부모님과 지인(acquaintance)등의 조력자(assistant)의 원조와 지지로 전문직으로 진출하였다는 것을 알 수 있다. 넷째, 전문직종에서의 근속연수를 조사한 결과 자립취업 발굴사례는 약 10년 2개월이상, 전문직 창출 사례는 약 3년 5개월 이상으로 나타났다. 이에 따라 전문직 종사자의 근속연수는 약 7년 이상으로 나타났다. 이것은 짧게는 3개월 길게는 1년 8개월 단위로 이직하는 단순생산직종 보다 전문직종에서 상당히 장기적으로 직업을 유지한다는 결과이다. 더욱이 전문직창출사례는 20대를 대상으로 연구기간까지 근속연수를 산정하였기에 비교적 30-40대를 대상으로 한 자립취업 발굴 사례보다 근속연수가 짧게 나타났으나 앞으로 근로가능연령이 더 장기적인 것 을 감안하면 고용유지의 가능성이 더 크다는 것을 내포한다. 그러므로 농인은 단순생산직이 아닌 전문직종에서 장기적으로 고용을 유지하고 직업적 안정을 영위하고 있다는 결론을 갖는다. 다섯째, 전문직 진출의 성공요인을 분석한 결과, 전문직에 종사하고 있는 농인 모두 직장내/외에 직업생활을 영위할 수 있는 심리적 조력자를 두고 있었으며, 특히 직장내에서는 상사와 관리자의 각별한 조력을 받고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 이에 따라 전문직종에서의 고용안정을 위하여 심리적인 지지를 해주는 조력자의 여부는 농인의 직업적응에 유의한 관계가 있음을 시사한다. 전문직 근로현장에서의 의사소통방법은 업무에 필요한 간단한 동작을 제스츄어로 표현하고 간단한 구화를 병행하여 사용하는 경우가 가장 많았으며, 업무의 주요한 사항은 필담을 통하여 이루어지고 있는 것으로 조사되었다. 전문직에서 농인의 직업적 강점은 전문적인 기능에 대하여 탁월한 집중력을 발휘하고 있는 것으로 나타났으며 특히 감각적으로 시각을 활용한 업무능력이 발달된 것으로 나타났다. 전문직에서 농인의 한계점은 청각의 결함에서 오는 의사소통의 문제를 가장 크게 느끼고 있었다. 농인 전문직 종사자는 직업능력과 업무적응을 신장시키는 가장 큰 난제로 의사소통의 문제점을 지적하였으며 농인의 언어인 수화로 직업생활을 영위한다면 전문직에서 요하는 전문 직업능력을 신장시키는데 크게 기여할 것으로 나타났다. 전문직창출사례의 경우 체계적인 직업재활서비스를 실시한 결과 자립취업사례보다 구체적인 취업전략으로 더 빨리 전문직으로 진출할 수 있었다. 또한 취업의 모든 과정에 수화통역서비스를 지속적으로 제공한 결과 업무의 숙련정도가 훨씬 더 빨랐으며, 업무적응초기 심리적인 안정감도 더 크게 나타났다. 전문직에서 직업적 자아실현과 성취감은 매우 높게 나타났으며, 직업적인 성취감은 장기적인 고용을 유지하는데 주요한 원인으로 작용하였다. 농인 전문직종사자는 직업적 능력을 인정받았을 때 자신의 장애에 관한 열등감과 패배감을 극복하고 농인으로서의 자존감과 정체성을 회복하게 되었으며, 이것은 또한 긍정적인 자아상을 형성하는 심리재활적인 효과까지 기대할 수 있었다. 고도의 전문화된 사회에서는 한 가지 탁월한 전문적인 능력을 필요로 하며, 이러한 전문화된 기술을 습득하는데 청각의 결함은 때로는 강점으로 작용할 수 있다. 이것을 적재적소에 배치하고 활용하면, 직업재활전문가조차 상상할 수 없을 만큼 한 개인이 가진 직업적 능력과 사회적 영향력은 실로 무한할 것이다. 그것은 농인 개개인의 자아실현을 통한 직업안정에 기여하는 것은 물론, 농인도 당당히 우리 사회에 한 분야를 짊어질 전문가(professional)로 자리매김 할 수 있다는 가능성을 보여준다. It is our actual situation that the deaf have not realized their stabilities of employment as ever, though they were being employed through the occupational rehabilitation services of professional employment mediation institutions. It may be considered that the frequent changes of occupation and maladjustment phenomenon have been occurred due to the results of monotonous employment mediation to the simple production services with inferior employment environment from the first time rather than spurning them as the limitations of defects in hearing. Therefore, to plan the employment stability of the deaf, this study would like to analyze what kind of effects will be affected on the employment stability of the deaf if the deaf enable to show their occupational competences as professionals for specific areas in various types of occupation other than simple production services through professional employment creation cases. Accordingly, by targeting at the deaf being engaged in the professional services irrespective of the regional deviation, the engaged types of business before entering into the professional services, occupational change factors in accordance with occupational areas, paths to enter into professional services, years of continuous service at the professional services and the success factors for entering into the professional services, etc. were considered. If summarize the results obtained through this study, they are as follows: First, according to the results of review on the engaged types of business before entering into the professional services and years of continuous service of the deaf, most of them were engaged in the simple production services and manufacturing industries, and in these types of business, it was shown that they had changed their occupations in the unit of three(3) months at the shortest and one(1) year and eight(8) months at the longest in average. However, in accordance with the nature of works even in the same manufacturers, the years of continuous service were extraordinary higher to the extent of five(5) ∼ six(6) years when they were placed in the working areas required for professional functions other than repetitive working patterns. Second, according to the results of survey on the occupational change factors in accordance with the occupational capabilities before entering into professional services, the changes of occupation due to the external factors were seven(7) cases and those due to the internal factors were five(5) cases among total of twelve(12) enterprises, and in the external factors, the changes of occupation were mostly occurred due to the overdue wages caused by the economic slump, and in case of the occupational change factors based on internal factors, the changes of occupation due to the unsatisfaction on the working environment, monotonousness of works and the loss of occupational self-actualization were acted as main factors. But, the cases employed as professional types of occupation other than simple production types of occupation from the first time have maintained their employment without any change of occupation from the year of employment until now, and it was investigated that they did not consider changes of occupation seriously though there were difficulties due to the communications in carrying out of their works. Third, according to the results of review on the paths to enter into professional services, the independent employment excavation cases were entered into professional types of occupation individually by utilizing advices of parents of personal connections of acquaintances, and the cases induced to the employment in professional services by the occupational rehabilitation services were entered into professional services through differentiated occupational rehabilitation plans. However, even for the independent employment cases without passing through occupational rehabilitation services, we may know that they were entered into professional services thanks to the help and supports of assistants such as parents and acquaintances, etc. Fourth, according to the results of survey on the years of continuous service at the professional types of occupation, it was shown that the independent employment excavation cases had served for about more than ten(10) years, and the professional service creation cases had served for about more than three(3) years and five(5) months. This shows the result that they have maintained their occupations considerably longer than one(1) year and eight(8) months at the simple production types of occupation. Moreover, the years of continuous service for the professional service creation cases were shown comparatively shorter period than that for the independent employment excavation cases targeted at the persons at their thirties-forties since the years of continuous service for them were calculated for the years of continuous service until the period of this study with targeting at the twenties, but it contains that the possibility of maintaining employment is higher if taking into consideration that their ages possible to work in the future are much longer. Therefore, we have the conclusion that the deaf are maintaining their employment for a long time and conducting occupational stabilities while working in the professional types of occupation other than the simple production services. Fifth, according to the results of analysis on the success factors for entering into professional services, all the deaf engaged in professional services have the psychological assistants possible to help conduct occupational lives within their workplaces/outside of workplaces, especially, it was shown that they were receiving particular assistances from their superiors and managers. Accordingly, it is suggested that there should be a significant relationship with the adaptability of the deaf in the occupation whether they have assistants supporting them psychologically for the employment stability in the professional types of occupation or not. As for the methods of communication at the workplaces in professional services, it was investigated that the cases of expressing simple motions required for the work and using simple cued speech along with them were most frequent, and the important matters of work was accomplished through conversation by writing. It was revealed that the occupational strengths of the deaf in professional services were to display excellent concentration powers on the professional functions, and especially, it was shown that the abilities to work by utilizing eyesights were sensuously developed. The uppermost limit of the deaf in professional services was felt most severely at the communication problem caused by the defect in sense of hearing. The professional workers with hearing difficulties indicated communication problems as the most difficult problems in expanding their occupational abilities and adaptabilities at the works, and it was shown that their professional occupational abilities required at professional services would be expanded greatly if they could conducted their occupational lives by using sign languages which are the languages for the deaf. To overcome these uppermost occupational limits, in case of the professional service creation cases based on the occupational rehabilitation services, the understanding and learning on the contents of work were faster than those for the independent employment cases thanks to the results of providing sign language services throughout the whole courses for employment, and as results of carrying out of the continuous guidance for adaptation, the professional occupational abilities along with psychological adaptabilities had been expanded. The occupational self-actualization and sense of achievement in professional services were shown very high, and the occupational sense of achievement was acted as an important cause for maintaining long-term employment. The professional workers with hearing difficulties overcame inferiorities and senses of defeat and became recovered their prides and identities as the deaf when occupational abilities were recognized, which made the effects of psychological rehabilitation forming positive self-images possible to be expected also. In highly specialized societies, one excellent professional ability is required, and sometimes the defect in hearing can be acted as a strength in learning these specialized technologies. If place the right men in the right places and utilize them, the occupational abilities and social influence possessed by one individual will be actually limitless to the unimaginable extent even for the occupational rehabilitation specialists. It shows the possibility not only that the deaf can contribute to the occupational stability through self-actualization of each person with hearing difficulties, but also that the deaf too can be defined as professionals to take charge in one area of our society fairly.

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