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      • KCI등재

        지적장애 초등학생의 놀이 활동이 운동지각기능 및 생활기능과 사회ㆍ정서 발달에 미치는 영향

        배광열(Bae, Kwang-Youl) 한국체육과학회 2013 한국체육과학회지 Vol.22 No.2

        This study was aimed at inquiring into the effect of play activities on motor perception function, vital function, and social and emotional development of elementary school students with intellectual disabilities by measuring three times-before the performance of play activities since six weeks, after 12 weeks of completion-respectively, on 30 students with intellectual disabilities in 4th~6th grade attending elementary schools, and then by verifying the effect through the level of change by each group and by period. The result is summarized as follows. The play activities had a significant effect on the motor perception function, vital function, and social and emotional development, and the play activities had a high effect after measure compared to before measure even in the change of difference in before and after by measure time, confirming the usefulness of play activities. And in the difference between self-initiated strategy, peer-initiated strategy and teacher-initiated strategy of play activities, a teacher-initiated strategy had the highest effect, followed by a peer-initiated strategy and a self-initiated strategy. The systematic instruction and strategy initiated by teacher had the highest effect, while a self-initiated strategy had the lowest effect when it was performed in consideration of the student’s own physical characteristics and ability, indicating that it is important to apply teacher-initiated play activities and use a teacher-initiated strategy.

      • KCI등재

        초·중·고 통합체육 수업에 대한 인식이 수용태도 및 사회성 발달에 미치는 영향

        배광열(Bae, Kwang-Youl) 한국체육과학회 2012 한국체육과학회지 Vol.21 No.2

        The aim of this study is to analyze the effect of the recognition of comprehensive physical education lessons for elementary, middle and high school students on receptive attitude and social development. The subjects of this study examined 200 male and female students for grades 5 to 6 in the elementary schools and 300 students comprised of each 150 students in the middle and high schools located in the metropolitan areas(Seoul, Incheon, Gyeonggi). Through the purposive sampling which is one of the nonprobability sampling, the study collected the research materials of 458 students divided into 2groups according to the standards that who has experience of comprehensive physical education lessons or not. The result of main analysis is summarized as follows. First, The result which verified the effect of the recognition of comprehensive physical education lessons for elementary, middle and high school students on receptive attitude showed that the need, facilities and educational programs for comprehensive physical education lessons have a significant positive effect on receptive attitude in the statistics. Second, the result which verified the effect of the recognition of comprehensive physical education lessons for elementary, middle and high school students on the social development showed that the need of comprehensive physical education lessons also has a significant positive effect on the social development. Third, the improvement in the receptive attitude of comprehensive physical education lessons is a very important factor to develop the social development for students as the receptive attitude of comprehensive physical education lessons for elementary, middle and high school students showed a significant positive effect on social development. Consequently if the opportunity that disabled students and general students actively interact with each other is provided in a variety of ways through comprehensive physical education lessons, social and academic integration which are more active and comprehensive pursued by the integrated education will be achieved.

      • 판단능력이 부족한 범죄 피해자를 위한 의사결정지원모델 모색

        배광열(Kwang Youl Bae),허정훈(Jung Hoon Huh) 한국후견·신탁연구센터 2020 후견과 신탁 Vol.3 No.1

        헌법은 타인의 범죄행위로 인하여 생명 신체에 대한 피해를 받은 국민은 법률이 정하는 바에 따라 국가로부터 구조를 받을 수 있다고 규정하고 있고(제30조), 그에 따라 범죄피해자 보호법에서 피해자에게 구조금을 지급하거나 상담지원, 의료비지원, 법률구조 등을 할 수 있다고 정하고 있다. 그러나 비장애 범죄피해자와는 달리 특성과 상황을 감안한 보다 세밀한 지원이 필요한 발달장애, 정신장애, 치매 등을 이유로 판단능력이 부족한 범죄피해자에 대하여 아직까지 진지한 고민이 이루어지지 않고 있다. 그런 상황에서 2019년 2월 필자를 포함한 여러 기관에서 지적장애 범죄피해자에 대하여 특정후견을 개시하고, 후견인이 그가 받은 범죄피해구조금을 신탁함으로써 범죄피해자가 피해를 회복하고, 사회에 통합될 수 있도록 지원하는 모델이 시도되었다. 이 모델은 불가피하게 법정후견제도를 이용했다는 점에서 일정부분 한계를 지니고 있다. 이에 필자는 본고에서 범죄피해자가 그의 판단능력이 허락하는 범위 안에서 자신의 의사대로 신뢰할 수 있는 사람에게 자신의 사무를 위임하도록 하는 것이 자립을 위해서도 더 도움이 될 것이라는 가정아래 판단능력이 부족한 범죄피해자를 위한 새로운 의사결정지원모델을 제안했다. 이 모델은 범죄피해자 보호법 개정을 통해 판단능력이 부족한 범죄피해자에 대해 구조금 지급결정을 할 때에는 이를 일정 요건을 지닌 수탁자에게 신탁할 수 있게 하여, 후견인의 존재유무와 관계없이 구조금이 안전하게 관리될 수 있도록 하였고, 범죄피해자의 지원자는 수탁자가 지급하는 수익금이 피해자를 위해 활용될 수 있도록 지원하는 역할을 맡도록 하고 있다. Constitution of the Republic of Korea stipulate that “Citizens who have suffered bodily injury or death due to criminal acts of others may receive aid from the State under the conditions as prescribed by Act.”(Article 30). Follow this article Crime Victim Protection Act stipulates that the government can provide relief funds to victims, provide counseling support, medical support and legal aid. Unlike non-disabilities crime victims, however, no serious concern has been made yet for those who lack decision-making abilities due to developmental disabilities, mental disabilities and elderly dementia, which require more detailed support considering their characteristics and circumstances. In such a situation, a model was attempted in February 2019 by various agencies, to launch a specific guardianship for victims of developmental disabilities, and to help victims recover their damages and integrate into society by setting trust the crime damage relief that the victims received. This model has some limitations in the inevitable use of the legal guardian system. In response, I proposed a new support decision making model for victims of crimes who lack decision-making abilities on the assumption that allowing them to delegate their affairs to someone they can trust will be more helpful for self-reliance as well, within the scope of their ability to making decision. This model enables settle the trust to a trustee who has certain requirement when making a decision on the payment of relief funds to a victim through the revision of the Crime Victim Protection Act, so that the relief fund can be safely managed, regardless of the existence of the guardian, and that the supporter of the criminal victim is responsible for helping the proceeds paid by the trustee be utilized for the victims.

      • 한국 성년후견제도에 있어서 후견대체제도(임의후견 및 후견신탁)

        배광열(Bae Kwang Youl) 한국성년후견학회 2015 성년후견 Vol.- No.3

        고령화사회에 진입한 우리나라에서 치매는 더 이상 특이한 질병이 아닌, 누구라도 걸릴 수 있는 흔한 질병이 되고 있다. 그러나 그에 대한 대비는 미진한 상황이고, 그에 따른 문제들은 심각한 사회문제가 되고 있다. 특히, 고령자들이 노후를 안정적으로 살아가기 위해서는 본인이 현재 보유하고 있는 각종 자산들을 효율적으로 활용하는 것이 필수적인데 치매환자들은 인지기능의 저하로 인하여 그와 같은 재산관리를 적절히 수행할 수 없어 위험에 직접적으로 노출되게 된다. 고령자, 특히 치매환자들이 위 위험들로부터 벗어나 노후를 안정적으로 살아갈 수 있는 제도로 2013년부터 시행된 성년후견제도가 있고, 그와 함께 고령자의 재산 보호ㆍ관리를 위한 민사신탁이 있는바, 양제도를 결합하여 이용하게 되면 치매환자들은 보다 두터운 보호를 받을 수 있을 것이다. Dementia is no longer an unusual disease, in an aging society like Korea. But our society is not well prepared for the problems about dementia, causing many social issues around it. To protect "elderly welfare" and their social safety, management of elderly"s asset is the most important thing to be mentioned. But due to their lack of cognitive function, people with dementia cannot manage their financial issues, leading them to face serious risks. In Korea, there are several systems to protect elders(especially with dementia) from the dangers related to financial management. One is the "Guardianship System for adults" which is stipulated in Korean Civil Law, and another is "trust" for protection and management of elderly"s asset. If these two systems are well used in combination, we can expect a great promotion in spheres of protecting people with dementia.

      • KCI등재

        걷기운동프로그램이 지적장애 학생의 체력 향상에 미치는 영향

        배광열(Kwang Youl Bae),김성수(Sung Su Kim) 한국사회체육학회 2010 한국사회체육학회지 Vol.0 No.39

        This study aims to examine the relationship between walking exercise programs and the improvement of the physical strength of mentally retarded students. Four students from a special school for the mentally retarded in Gyeong-gi province participated in a walking exercise program after school for eight weeks from September 1 to November 7, 2008, to compare and analyze the effect of such program on the improvement of the physical strength of the students. To measure their body strength, standing high jumps and standing long jumps for quickness, sit-ups for endurance, and forward bending for flexibility were used. The data was processed using the multiple baseline design across the subjects, and the conclusion was derived from the changes in the measurements for each event at the baseline stage, the intervention stage, and the follow-up stage. The following results were achieved. First, the walking exercise program improved the measurements for the standing high jumps and the standing long jumps, which measured the students` quickness. This indicates that the walking program improved the physical strength, specifically the quickness, of the mentally retarded students. Second, the walking exercise program improved the measurements for the sit-ups, which measured the students` endurance. This indicates that the walking program improved the physical strength, specifically the endurance, of the mentally retarded students. Third, the walking exercise program improved the measurements for the forward bending exercise, which measured the students` flexibility. This indicates that the walking program improved the physical strength, specifically the flexibility, of the mentally retarded students.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        초ㆍ중ㆍ고 특수체육 교사의 전문 지도요인이 지적장애학생의 수업만족도에 미치는 영향

        배광열(Bae, Kwang-Youl) 한국체육과학회 2012 한국체육과학회지 Vol.21 No.1

        This study was carried out to seek parents’ recognition of the effect of special role factors of elementary, middle and high school teachers for adapted physical education on learning satisfaction among students with intellectual disabilities. It chose 300 parents of children, who does adapted physical activities in elementary, middle and high schools, as objects of study. The result was summarized as follows. The effect of special coaching factors of elementary, middle and high school teachers for adapted physical education on satisfaction with teachers showed that the coaching factors such as sociability, physical strength and health, and rehabilitation will and ability have a significant positive effect on the satisfaction with teachers. ill the effect of special coaching factors of elementary, middle and high school teachers for adapted physical education on satisfaction with program, they had a significant positive effect on the satisfaction with program. Besides, the satisfaction with teachers for adapted physical education and the satisfaction with programs had also a significant positive effect on the learning satisfaction. Consequently, proper special coaching factors and recognition for students with intellectual disabilities of elementary, middle and high school teachers for adapted physical education will be able to effectively affect students’ physical strength and health, and rehabilitation ability.

      • KCI등재

        특수학교 지적장애학생의 특수체육프로그램에 대한 학부모와 특수체육교사의 인식도 및 만족도

        김상두(Sang Du Kim),배광열(Kwang Youl Bae) 한국사회체육학회 2013 한국사회체육학회지 Vol.0 No.54

        The purpose of this study is to analyze the degree of recognition and satisfaction with special physical education program of intellectually-disabled students in special schools by parents and special physical education teachers. To achieve the purpose of this study, this research is conducted for 2 month, from May to July 2013 by parents with mentally disabled children aged 7 to 18 and special physical education teachers in national, public and private special schools carrying out the special physical education program in Seoul, Incheon and Gyeonggi-do and to analyze this statistics, stratified cluster random sampling was used. This study reflects 337 questionnaires among 350 parents excluding 13 irrelevant questi onnaires and 168 questionnaires among 170 teachers except 2 irrelevant questionnaires on the analysis of the statistics on this study. The main results of this study are summarized as follows. First, the degree of recognition with affective and social development by parents is as following: Parents are most satisfied with private special schools and the results for effectiveness of special physical education and satisfaction level of special physical education program are also the highest ranking in private special schools. Second, in the respect of special physical education teachers, they only show the differences on the elements of cognitive development, and especially most satisfied with the effectiveness of the facilities and special physical education in national and public schools. Third, if the parents recognize the intellectually-disabled students` cognitive, affective, and social development more positively through special physical education, they show more satisfaction with the effectiveness of the special physical education teachers and the program. Finally, if the special physical education teachers recognize more posi-tively the cognition on the special physical education program, they have positive effects on the effectiveness of the special physical education and the satisfaction of the program.

      • KCI등재후보

        신체활동중심 집단상담 프로그램 참여가 시각장애아동의 공간지각력에 미치는 영향

        최창원(Choi Chang-Won),배광열(Bae Kwang-Youl) 한국체육과학회 2009 한국체육과학회지 Vol.18 No.3

        The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of participation in group counselling programs focusing on physical activity on improving and maintaining the spatial perception of children with visual impairments. A total of 10 children with visual impairments were assigned to a group counselling program focusing on physical activity which was adapted to the characteristics of children with visual impairments. The 50 minute-long program was conducted twice a week for two months. The Hill Performance Test on Selected Positional Concepts was used to assess the spatial perception. Pre-tests and post-tests were implemented to observe changes in the spatial perception of the children. Post-tests were made after completing 1 to 16 rounds of the program. A maintenance test was implemented 8 weeks after the completion of the program in the same place. The conclusions of the study are as follows: Participation in the Group Counseling Program Focusing on physical activity had positive effects on improving and maintaining the spatial perception which included body parts' perception and mobility of sub-components of body. This study shows that group counseling programs with a variety of interesting physical activities can be effectively used to improve the spatial perception of children with visual impairments who lack confidence and activeness in physical activities due to their visual disabilities.

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