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      • 농경지 작부체계 변화에 따른 농업용수 이용특성 분석

        박기욱 ( Park Ki-wook ),정원국 ( Jeung Won-kuk ),오승태 ( Oh Sung-tae ),김진택 ( Kim Jin-taek ) 한국농공학회 2007 한국농공학회 학술대회초록집 Vol.2007 No.-

        The purpose of this study are to analyze water use characteristics in the agricultural area. It is necessary to improve the security of rural water supply for the purpose of optimal water supply and adequate irrigation. For the purpose of water management researches including improving irrigation efficiency, the experimental site has been operated. The ratio of actual irrigation quantity in comparison with the simulated irrigation water quantity was between 65% and 148%. Four districts was chosen for estimating canal water losses and management losses. As a result of measuring in those place, the ratio of water losses of canal and management is 30~75%. The ratio of canal water losses is 2~45%, the ratio of management water losses is 25~45%. It is possible to offer priority lists for repair and items which should be managed intensively.

      • SWAT모형을 이용한 농촌지역 하천의 시기별 유량변동 특성 분석

        박기욱 ( Ki-wook Park ),오승태 ( Seoung-tae Oh ),김진택 ( Jin-taek Kim ) 한국농공학회 2009 한국농공학회 학술대회초록집 Vol.2009 No.-

        본 연구는 현장관측자료를 이용하여 유출해석을 위한 수문모형을 비교 분석하여 적합한 수문모형을 선정하고, 농촌지역 하천유량의 시기별 변동특성을 파악하고자 하는 것이다. 우리나라의 농촌지역의 소하천의 수위나 유량관측을 행하지 않은 미계측 유역으로 수문자료의 관측을 거의 하지 않은 상태이므로 하천의 유출특성과 그에 따른 재난대책수립이 어려운 실정이다. 수자원 계획 및 관리에 중요한 요소는 우량, 하천수위, 유량 등의 기초수문자료이다. 자료는 신뢰성이 있어야 하며 동시에 지속적인 관측에 의해 장기간의 자료가 축적되어야 한다. 대부분의 농촌지역은 소유역이기 때문에 유역의 수문순환과정이 상대적으로 단순하고 해석이 용이하다는 장점이 있다. 하지만 유역내에 저수지와 같은 저류시설이 있을 경우 저수지의 운영이 하류지역의 유출에 영향을 미치므로 이에 대한 고려가 필요하다. 지금까지 우리나라에서 사용되는 수문모형은 많이 있지만 한국농어촌공사에서 사용하는 HOMWRS와 미국에서 사용하는 SWAT모형을 선택하였다. 이 두 모형을 비교하기 위해 한국농어촌공사 시험지구의 수문관측자료를 이용하여 유출량을 산정하였다. SWAT 모형의 입력자료는 토지이용도, 토양도, 강우관측자료를 사용하고 있으며. HOMWRS의 입력자료는 토지이용도, 강우 자료로 유출량을 산정하고 있다. 실측자료는 2006년도 시험지구의 하천단면도, 수위-유량곡선식을 산정하여 하천 유출량을 산정하였다. 수문모형의 적용결과 SWAT모형의 평균유출량은 덕성교 지점의 경우 1,651천㎥, 묵방교는 619천㎥이며 HOMWRS의 경우 덕성교 3,155천㎥, 묵방교 885천㎥, 실측 유출량은 덕성교 3,500천㎥, 묵방교 1,610천㎥의 유출량을 보이고 있다. 수문모형과 실측값을 비교할 때 하천의 상류 저수지의 저수지운영에 따라 많은 양의 차이를 보이고 있다. 상류 저수지가 있는 덕성교, 재인교 지점의 하천유출량은 실측과 HOMWRS와 비슷한 경향을 보이고 있으며 묵방교와 미산교의 하천 유출량은 SWAT모형과 HOMWRS와 비슷한 경향을 보이고 있다. 향후 SWAT 모형은 수문모형의 대표적인 모형으로 상류 저수지 운영과 매개변수의 검보증을 통하여 시험지구의 실측관측 자료를 이용하여 국내 유역특성에 맞는 모형으로 개선이 필요할 것으로 판단된다.

      • 농업가뭄정보시스템의 현장적용성 평가

        박기욱 ( Park Ki-wook ) 한국농공학회 2006 한국농공학회 학술대회초록집 Vol.2006 No.-

        본 연구는 농업가뭄정보시스템의 운영에 따른 사용자의 요구도 조사를 바탕으로 시스템의 운영 및 개선 방안을 찾기 위하여 실시하였다. 본 시스템은 기상자료 및 농업용 저수지의 일별 저수율 자료로부터 농업가뭄을 분석하고 가뭄진행상황을 평가하고 있다. 가뭄분석결과를 기존의 가뭄분석 방법과 비교한 결과는 가뭄발생 1~3개월 이전에 예측할 수 있으며 가뭄상황 판단에 효과적으로 이용할 수 있을 것으로 판단되었다. 한국농촌공사 현장 유지관리 직원 1,050명을 대상으로 농업가뭄정보시스템의 운영실태를 분석한 결과 가뭄상황발생시 가뭄대책 수립을 위해 효과적으로 이용 할 수 있을 것으로 판단되었으며, 현재의 가뭄평가 기간 및 기준에 따른 분석보다는 영농기, 가뭄발생시에 순단위, 주단위로 분석자료를 얻을 수 있도록 하고, 기후변화 고려, 단위용수량, 용수공급 가능량 등의 인자에 대해서도 같이 고려할 수 있는 시스템을 구축하는 것이 필요할 것으로 판단되었다.

      • 농촌하천 건천화 특성조사 및 분석 -경기 진위천 중심-

        박기욱 ( Park Ki-wook ),윤여정 ( Yoon Yeo-jung ),주욱종 ( Ju Uk-jong ) 한국농공학회 2005 한국농공학회 학술대회초록집 Vol.2005 No.-

        The purpose of this study are to insure flow rate for rural stream in the rural area. The analysis of drying stream characteristics for two streams(Bong-mu, Wang-jang stream) from field survey data. Also, a study area has been determined, and criteria of estimation has been established : criteria such as, available hydrological data, the size of stream lengths and basin areas and regional characteristics. The spacial analysis is applied to stream slopes for upstream and downstream at weirs, stream networks and ground water pump stations, sinuosity of drying stream. As a result of drying streams survey analysis, drying stream characteristics are followed; levee types are earth and natural, cross sectional shapes are trapezoid, stream bed materials are gravels and sands, facilities in streams are weirs. The cause of the reduction analyzed by investigation of the current status of facilities for agricultural water use. Agricultural reservoirs block up the stream and water does not flow over the reservoirs except by storm. They also discharge water through diversion channels and the water diverted does not flow through the natural stream. Farmers directly take water from the stream by weirs.

      • 농업가뭄 분석을 위한 농업가뭄평가ㆍ정보제공시스템 개발

        박기욱 ( Park Ki-wook ),김진택 ( Kim Jin-taek ),정병호 ( Cheong Byung-ho ) 한국농공학회 2005 한국농공학회 학술대회초록집 Vol.2005 No.-

        There are two ways to mitigate the drought. One is the structural measures such as storage of irrigation water, development of emergency wells, etc. The other one is the nonstructural measures such as water saving management by the early warning system. To precast and evaluate the drought, we need to develop the drought indices for agriculture. In the present drought preparedness plans of Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MAF), it is prescribed that the preparedness levels should be classified by considering the precipitation, reservoir storage, soil moisture in paddy and upland, and the growing status of crops. However there are not clear quantitative criteria for consistent judgment. This shows that we have not selected and utilized the proper drought index for agriculture and we did not have the information system to calculate the drought indices periodically and warn the outbreak of the drought. The objectives of the study are to develope of Agricultural Drought Evaluation System and to evaluate this indices for current agricultural status using the system.

      • KCI등재

        농업용 저수지 증고에 따른 홍수조절효과 분석

        이관재,박기욱,정영훈,정인균,정광욱,전지홍,이지민,임경재,Lee, Gwan Jae,Park, Ki Wook,Jung, Young Hun,Jung, In Kyun,Jung, Kwang Wook,Jeon, Ji Hong,Lee, Ji Min,Lim, Kyoung Jae 한국농공학회 2013 한국농공학회논문집 Vol.55 No.4

        Annual average precipitation of Korea is 1,277 mm and around 2/3 of annual precipitation and 74 % of available water resources occurred during monsoon period. In recent years, many agricultural reservoirs have been heightened to increase flood control capacity, reduce flooding damage at downstream areas, and provide sustainable environmental flow during drought period. Thus in this study, the flood control effects of heightening of reservoir banks were simulated with HEC-ResSim and HEC-RAS models. These modes were applied to Bonghak reservoir and it was found that flood control effects were 3~4.5 % with 7 -m heightening. Also, with proper operation (1 m lower of full water level) of reservoir right before the monsoon period, flooding at downstream could be prevented even with design storm of 80 -year recurrence interval. As shown in this study, heightening of agricultural reservoir provides positive effects in flood control and flood damage reduction.

      • KCI등재

        논 관개 지역의 지하수위 관측을 통한 시공간적 지하수위 변동 특성 분석

        장민원,박기욱,김성준,배승종,Jang, Min-Won,Park, Ki-Wook,Kim, Seong Joon,Bae, Seung-Jong 한국농공학회 2015 한국농공학회논문집 Vol.57 No.6

        This study aimed to establish a field observation system for monitoring tempo-spatially precise changes of groundwater level and to analyze the impact of rainfall and irrigation practices on groundwater changes in paddy regions. The monitoring system comprising of all nine groundwater observation wells and four ponding depth sensors was installed in a part of paddy regions benefited from Gosam reservoir, Ansung-si. The result of grundwater level change during the irrigation period in 2002 was averagely 0.51 m higher than that during the non-irrigation period. In particular between March before puddling and June after transplanting, there was maximum 1.23 m rise in groundwater level. On the other hand, concerning the change in ponding depth, groundwater level changed similarly, and hourly rainfall was revealed to have better correlation with 24-hour delayed hourly groundwater level than with the corresponding groundwater level. Eventually, this study could be referenced for further studies to set up a more comprehensive and sustainable monitoring system of groundwater conditions.

      • 자동수위관측기를 이용한 농업용 저수지 모니터링 시스템

        김진택,박기욱,주욱종,Kim Jin Taek,Park Ki Wook,Ju Uk Jong 한국관개배수위원회 2005 한국관개배수논문집 Vol.12 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to develop the reservoir water monitoring system with automatic level meter. Until now, installation of water level meter for reservoir stage monitoring were not widely spread in agricultural area. This has several reason : to

      • KCI등재

        Development of A Single Reservoir Agricultural Drought Evaluation Model for Paddy

        정하우,최진용,박기욱,배승종,장민원,Chung, Ha-Woo,Choi, Jin-Yong,Park, Ki-Wook,Bae, Seung-Jong,Jang, Min-Won The Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers 2004 한국농공학회논문집 Vol.46 No.3

        This study aimed to develop an agricultural drought assessment methodology for irrigated paddy field districts from a single reservoir. Agricultural drought was defined as the reservoir storage shortage state that cannot satisfy water requirement from the paddy fields. The suggested model, SRADEMP (a Single Reservoir Agricultural Drought Evaluation Model for Paddy), was composed of 4 submodels: PWBM (Paddy Water Balance Model), RWBM (Reservoir Water Balance Model), FA (Frequency and probability Analysis model), and DCI (Drought Classification and Indexing model). Two indices, PDF (Paddy Drought Frequency) and PDI (Paddy Drought Index) were also introduced to classify agricultural drought severity Both values were divided into 4 steps, i.e. normal, moderate drought, severe drought, and extreme drought. Each step of PDI was ranged from +4.2 to -1.39, from -1.39 to -3.33, from -3.33 to -4.0 and less than -4.0, respectively. SRADEMP was applied to Jangheung reservoir irrigation district, and the results showed good relationships between simulated results and the observed data including historical drought records showing that SRADEMP explains better the drought conditions in irrigated paddy districts than PDSI.

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