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      • 지상부 제거 및 육지와의 격리거리에 따른 갈대의 생육 특성

        민병미 한국습지학회 2005 한국습지학회지 Vol.7 No.2

        육지로 격리된 거리에 따른 갈대의 생육과 지상부의 예취가 익년 갈대생장에 미치는 효과를 규명하기 위해 2000년부터 2001년까지 경기도 화성시 주곡면 호곡리에서 갈대 자연군락을 대상으로 초장과 건중량을 조사하였다. 육지와 접한 지역은, 갈대의 평균밀도는 122.67개체/㎡, 평균초장은 100.36 ㎝, 개체당 평균 건중량은 4.241 g, 단위면적당 건중량은 537.574 g/㎡이었다. 그리고 해양방향에서 육지방향으로 이행함에 따라 개체의 초장 및 건중량, 단위 면적 당 건중량이 현저히 증가하는 경향을 보였다. 한편, 육지와 격리된 지역은 평균밀도는 102.30개/㎡, 평균초장은 43.894 ㎝, 개체당 평균 건중량은 0.779 g, 단위면적당 건중량은 73.495 g/㎡이었다. 또한 해양방향에서 육지방향으로 이행함에 따른 갈대의 초장과 건중량의 변화는 없었다. 예취한 지역에서 익년의 갈대 생장은 예취하지 않은 지역에 비해 초장과 개체당 건중량은 차이가 없었으나 밀도와 단위 면적당 건중량이 현저히 감소하는 것으로 나타났다.

      • KCI등재

        The time and duration of flowering in an Adonis multiflora (Ranunculaceae) population

        민병미 한국생태학회 2014 Journal of Ecology and Environment Vol.37 No.4

        Adonis multiflora is a spring ephemeral herb growing in temperate deciduous forests. To determine the flowering properties of a natural population of A. multiflora, air temperature, flowering time, and flower-falling were monitored from February 2009 to May 2011. The A. multiflora population in this study started flowering in early March and ended it in mid-April. The average flowering duration of a flower was 14.4 days in 2009 and 19.6 days in 2011. The average duration of flower-falling was between 3.4 days and 4.2 days for three years. Cumulative flowering rate (CFR) was correlated with year day (YD), year day index (YDI), and Nuttonson’s index (Tn), with correlation coefficients (CC) of over 0.9 at the 1% significance level; CC value between CFR and YD was the largest and that between CFR and YDI was the smallest. However, at the 5% significance level, CFR was closely related with Tn more than any other factors. The CCs between flowering times of two years in each plant were high and significant at 1% level. The YD value of flowering time of a flower was inversely related to its flowering duration significantly for three years. In a given plant, when more flowering started early, the flowering duration was longer. The first flower blossomed on 73.4 YD in 2010 and 78.9 YD in 2011, and remained for 16.7 days in 2009 and 27.4 days in 2011, respectively; the fifth flower developed on 92.5 YD in 2010 and 96.6 YD in 2011, and remained for 8.0 days in 2009 and 14.6 days in 2011. The YD differences between the flowering times of two flowers decreased in the order of inflorescence.

      • KCI등재

        Growth Properties of Central and Peripheral Ramets in a Zoysia sinicas Clone

        민병미 한국생태학회 2006 Journal of Ecology and Environment Vol.29 No.2

        A natural, tidal-flat clone of Zoysia sinica was studied to compare ramet growth properties incentral area with in peripheral area. In new stolon and rhizome, internode length, weight, shoot height and weight, and spike production were monitored on July 25, 2004. The weight/height rate of shoot between stolon and rhizome, the shoot/stolon (or rhizome) rate in weight between central and peripheral area were not different. differed: 1. The rhizome in central area had a larger node number, shorter internode length, higher shoot height, larger shoot biomass, and higher rate of non-shoot nodes than that in peripheral area. 2. The stolon in central area had a smaller node number, shorter internode length, and smaller biomass than that in peripheral area. 3. In the same area, the rhizome had a larger node number (except for central area), shorter internode, higher shoot height, larger shoot biomass, higher rate of non-shoot node, and higher rate of node having over two shoots than the stolon. No relationship could be found between shoot size and spike production in shoot on vertical rhizome (lower node of old shoot).

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        수 종 목본식물의 생육초기 기온과 잎의 생장

        민병미 한국생태학회 1994 Journal of Ecology and Environment Vol.17 No.1

        To investigate the relationship between leaf growth of several woody plants and ait tempera ture in early growing season (from April to June) in deciduous forests, I surveyed the changes of leaf area (LA), leaf weight (LW) and specific leaf area (SLA) of 19 specles, in two areas Namhansansung (NA) and Taegwallyong (TA) area in which that the latitudes are similer ($37^{\circ}28'N$ at NA and $37^{\circ}27'N$ an TA), but annual mean-temperatures were different ($11.8^{\circ}C\;in\;NA, \;6.3^{\circ}C$ in TA) for two years, 1991 and 1992. In the same species, the plants of NA began to grow 10-25 days earlier than those of TA, but the latter grew faster than the former. On 10 June the values of LA and LW per leaf were similar in the two areas but the maximum values of SLA were higher in NA. In the same plant, the values of LA and LW were constant year by year, except for PYIOLUS leveilleana, Quercus mongolica, Symplocos chznensis for. pilosa and S t y a r ubussiu. In N A , the leaves be gan to grow during the first ten days of April, and eariler in 1992 than in 1991, and daily mean temperature (DMT) of the former from 27 March to 6 April were higher than those of thc latter. But the LA increased faster in 1991 than in 1992. and DMT from 10 April to 16 April were higher in 1991 than in 1992. 온대 낙엽수림에서 생육초기 기온과 잎의 생장과정 사이에 관계를 규명하기 위하여, 연평균기온이 크게 다른 두 지역-남한산성과 대관령 지역-에서 1991년과 1992년의 2년간 수 종 목본식물을 대상으로 잎의 생장 즉, 엽면적과 잎의 건중량 변화를 조사하였다. 동일 수종에서 연평균기온이 5.5$^{\circ}C$ 낮은 대관령 지역의 것은 남한산성 지역의 것에 비하여 생장의 시작은 10~25일 늦으나 생장이 완료된 시기는 0~20 일 차이를 보였다. 그리고 엽면적과 잎의 건중량은 두 지역이 유사하였으나, 생육초기 비엽면적의 최대치는 기온이 낮은 대관령 지역의 것이 적었다. 동일 개체의 경우, 생장이 거의 완료된 시기의 엽면적과 잎의 건중량은 대부분의 수종에서 매년 일정하였으나 신갈나무, 노린재나무, 개벗나무, 쪽동백 등은 변이가 컸다. 남한산성 지역에서 1992년이 1991년보다 3월 하순과 4월 초순의 일평균기온이 높았고 잎이 이른 시기에 생장을 시작하였으나, 4월 중순의 일평균기온 및 잎의 생장속도는 그 반대이었다.

      • KCI등재

        통보리사초(Cartex kobomugi)의 생육특성

        민병미 한국생태학회 2004 Journal of Ecology and Environment Vol.27 No.1

        해안사구 식물인 통보리사초에 대해 생육 특성을 규명하기 위해 충청남도 태안군 원북면 신두리 해안사구에서 2001년 4월부터 2003년 6월까지 통보리사초의 지상부와 지하부를 조사하였다. 그 결과, 해안사구에서 통보리사초는 갯그령 다음으로 만조선에 가까이 출현하는 식물종이었으며 밀도는 퇴적이 일어나는 지역에서 150개체/m2으로 가장 높았다. 그리고 개화율은 모래 퇴적지역에서 70% 이상을 유지하였으나 안정지역에서는 10% 이내이었다. 따라서 통보리사초는 모래의 퇴적지역에 적응력이 탁월한 식물종으로 나타났다. 그리고 지상부는 대단히 불규칙한 분포를 하였다. 모래의 퇴적지역과 안정지역에서 토양의 깊이별 지하경의 분포를 조사한 결과 전자에서는 깊이별로 큰 차이가 없었으나 후자에서는 대부분 20 ㎝ 이내에 위치하였다. 이러한 결과에 의하면 지하경은 퇴적지역에서는 수직방향으로, 안정지역에서는 수평방향으로 생장하는 것으로 판단할 수 있었다. 새로운 지하경을 발생시킬 수 있는 지하경의 능력은 지표면으로부터 150 ㎝ 이하 혹은 5년 전의 것이었다. 새로 발생하는 지하경의 수와 평균길이는 전년도의 지상부 크기와 관계가 깊었다. 즉, 지상부의 건중량이 0.5 g 미만에서는 1개, 2.0∼2.5 g에서는 2개, 3 g 이상에서는 5개의 지하경을 각각 생산하였다. 한편, 지하경의 길이는 10∼100 ㎝ 범위에 있었으며 전년도 지상부의 건중량이 0.5 g 미만일 경우는 13.0 ㎝이었지만 3 g 이상의 경우 평균 57.6 ㎝로 약 4.4배에 달하였다. To verify growth properties of Carex kobomugi, above and belowground parts of C. kobomugi were surveyed on coastal sand dune at Sinduri, Choongnam Province from April, 2001 to June 2003. The results were the same as follows. In coastal sand dune, C. kobomugi followed Elymus mollis from mean high tide line. Density of C. kobomugi was the highest at unstable sand dune and 150 plants/m2. And rates of flowering plant were 70% at unstable area and 10% at stable area. C. kobomugi is thus plant that adapted to unstable sand dune. Shoot distributed irregularly. The rhizome of C. kobomugi gradually decreased with the soil depth in unstable area, but mainly distributed to 20 ㎝ depth. New rhizome could be generated from the rhizome which was below 150 ㎝ depth or 5 years old. The number and length of new rhizome were related to biomass of previous year's shoot. That was, shoots which were below 0.5 and over 3 g/shoot in dry weight generated 1 and 5 rhizomes, respectively. And the mean lengths of rhizome from small (below 0.5 g) and large (over 3.0 g) shoots were 13.0 ㎝ and 57.6 ㎝, respectively.

      • KCI등재

        Distribution properties of Phragmites australis and Phacelurus latifoilus in the tidal-flat of Suncheon Bay

        민병미 한국생태학회 2015 Journal of Ecology and Environment Vol.38 No.1

        A natural mixed stand of Phragmites australis and Phacelurus latifolius was studied to clarify the distribution properties in a microsite in a tidal flat of Suncheon Bay. The height, density, and biomass of the shoots, as well as the biomass of the root system, were monitored for both species along with the altitude on a mound from June 2010 to October 2013. Firstly, the mean height and dry weight of both species were similar during the growth season. However, individual variations of the sizes of plants in the same species were noticeable. Secondly, the density and dry weight per unit area of P. latifolius increased, but that of P. australis decreased with the altitude on the mound. Thirdly, the root system (rhizomes and roots) of P. latifolius was mostly located in the upper layer (up to 20 cm depth), while that of P. australis was in the lower layer (over 70 cm depth) of the sediment. The roots of P. australis penetrated to the lower parts of the water table, while the roots of P. latifolius did not make contact with free water of the sediment. Fourthly, the removal of the shoot in the early growth season led to a visible reduction of biomass in the late growth season. The reduction rate was larger in P. latifolius than in P. australis. Lastly, in the area where the mound was removed, the density of P. australis increased in the first two years (2010-2011) and was highly sustained inthe last two years (2012-2013). However, the density of P. latifolius was low, and this plant was distributed at the edge of the mound only.

      • KCI등재

        Relationship between Phenological Stages and Cumulative Air Temperature in Spring Time at Namsan

        민병미,이동훈,정상진 한국생태학회 2007 Journal of Ecology and Environment Vol.30 No.2

        To certify predictability for the times of phenological stages from cumulative air temperature in springtime, the first times of budding, leafing, flower budding, flowering and deflowering for 14 woody plants were monitored and air temperature was measured from 2005 to 2006 at Namsan. Year day index (YDI) and Nuttonson's Index (Tn) were calculated from daily mean air temperature. Of the 14 woody species, mean coefficient of variation was 0.04 in Robinia pseudo-acacia and 0.09 in Alnus hirsuta. However, mean coefficient of variation was 0.30 in Forsythia koreana and Stephanandra incisa and 0.32 in Zanthoxylum schinifolium. Therefore, the times of each phenological stage could be predicted in the former two species but not in latter three species by two indices. Of the five phenological stages, mean coefficient of variation was the smallest at deflowering time and the largest at budding time. In five phenological stages, mean coefficient of variation of YDI was in the range of 0.11~0.21 but that of Tn was in the range of 0.15~0.26. Therefore, the former was a better index than the latter. Of the species-phenological stage pair, coefficient of variation of YDI was 0.01 in Acer pseudo-sieboldianum - flower budding and below 0.05 in 11 pairs, whereas the YDIs over 0.40 were 4 pairs comprising of Prunus leveilleana - budding (0.51). Coefficient of variation of Tn was 0.01 in A. hirsuta - budding and below 0.05 in 8 pairs. The Tns over 0.40 were 5 pairs comprising of F. koreana - flower budding (0.66)

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        은수원사시나무 벌목 후 맹아의 생장과 맹아가 주변 식생에 미치는 효과

        민병미,최선희,Min, Byeong-Mee,Choi, Sun-Hee 한국생태학회 2000 Journal of Ecology and Environment Vol.23 No.3

        도시의 식재림을 자연림으로 복원하기 위한 기초로서 서울시 강남구 청담동에 위치한 청담근린공원내에서 교목층을 구성하고 있는 은수원사시나무를 벌목한 후 초기 2년간 맹아의 생장 및 맹아가 식생에 미치는 효과를 조사하였다. 벌목된 후 맹아의 발생량에서 모체의 기저면적이 넓을수록 맹아의 수와 생체량이 증가하는 것으로 나타났으며 후자가 전자보다 더욱 관계가 깊었다. 그리고 맹아의 생산량은 벌목 첫 해에 552.7g?DW/㎡, 맹아의 제거 후 익년에 8.7 g?DW/㎡이었다. 따라서 맹아의 제거는 익년의 맹아발생을 급격히 감소하는 결과를 초래하는 것으로 나타났다. 맹아를 제거하지 않은 지역에서 익년의 지상부 건중량은 657.4 g?DW/㎡에 달하여 맹아를 제거하지 않은 지역의 2년간 생산량보다 많았다. 특히 2년생 맹아의 높이는 304 cm에 달하였다. 맹아의 생장은 4월말부터 8월말까지 이었으며 매우 늦은 시기까지 잎이 남아 있었다. 비엽적은 시간이 경과함에 따라, 상층으로 갈수록 다소 감소하였으나 큰 차이가 없었다. 따라서 은수원사시나무 맹아의 생장이 빠른 것은 생육기간이 길고 하층의 잎이 생육후기까지 남아 있기 때문으로 나타났다. 은수원사시나무 맹아를 제거한 경우, 관목층의 구성종은 변화가 없었으나 초본층의 경우 종 수가 현저히 증가하였으며 관목층의 피도는 증가하였으나 초본층에서는 큰 변화가 없었다. 맹아를 제거하지 않은 경우, 관목층과 초본층의 구성종과 피도 모두 변화가 적었다. 그리고 맹아를 제거하지 않은 지역의 초본의 주요 구성종은 초장이 큰 미국자리공, 서양등골나물 및 큰기름새이었다. To develop the restoration technique from urban planted forest to natural forest, sprout growth and its effects on vegetation composition in the early stage after lumbering, were studied, using only Populus albaglandulosa of the tree layer in Chungdam Park Chungdam-dong, Kangnam-gu, Seoul during the two years from 1997 to 1998. The results were as follow. After lumbering, the more basal areas of the parent stump, the more sprouts were generated. The basal area of parent stump was related more to biomass than to the number of sprouts. In the cutting area, biomasses of sprouts were 552.7 g?DW/㎡ in first year and 8.7 g?DW/㎡ in second year after lumbering. Therefore, cutting of sprouts in first year resulted in decrease of sprout production in second year. In the non-cutting area, biomass of sprouts was 657.4 g?DW/㎡ and more than that of the experiment. Especially, 2-year sprouts grew to a 304 cm height by the end of the growing season in the second year. The growing season of sprouts was from early April to early September and almost all the leaves of the sprouts remained at the end of the growing season. Specific leaf area decreased along with time elapse and plant height but the differences were not conspicuous. Therefore, it is thought that the reason why p. albaglandulosa sprouts grew fast was due to a long growing period and lower layer leaves which remained at the end of the growing season. In the cutting area of the P. albaglandulosa sprouts, there were no changes in the number of species in the shrub layer but an conspicuous increase in the herb layer. Coverage was no changes in the shrub layer but an increase in the herb layer. In the non-cutting area of P albaglandulosa sprouts, the number of species and the coverage changed a little, and the main species of the herb layer were Phytolacca americana, Eupatorium rugosum and Panicum dichotomiflorum, which are tall plant species.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        넓은잎천남성 (Arisaema robustum) 개체군의 동태

        민병미,유진숙 한국생태학회 1998 Journal of Ecology and Environment Vol.21 No.1

        Arisaema robustum, which has the ability to change sex, was studied in a temperate broadleaf forest of Sanseong-ri, Joongbu-myeon, Gwangju-gun, Kyonggi Province, Korea. \ulcornerThe study, carried out from 1993 to 1997, focused on population dynamics energy budget among organs, size distribution, mortality, the relationships between sex and size, seed production and germination rate. In terms of energy budget among the organs, the ratio of aboveground to belowground biomass was 36.6 : 63.4 in non-female plants, and 81.4 : 18.6 in female plants. Also, in female plants, the ration of leaf to sexual organ biomass was 39.5 : 41.9. Therefore, the belowground ratio of female plants was lower than that of non-female plants. Plants were classified into 8 levels relative to the amount of leaf area by $100cm^2$. The rates of the smallest and the largest classes were 49% and 1%, respectively, and population distribution by size was relatively stable. The mortality averaged 13.1% per year and decreased in inverse proportion to leaf size (6.6% in the smallest and 0.0% in the largest size classes). Leaf areas were $64.1{\pm}48.5cm^2$ in non-flowering plants, $232.1{\pm}123.9cm^2$ in males and $444.8{\pm}153.9cm^2$ in females. The increase rates of leaf area per year varied from 1.9% in plants changing from female tomale, to 152.4% in plants changing from non-flowering to female. But plants which remained female for 2 years showed a decrease of 34.7%. >From this result, it is thought that the female plants invest more energy to reproduction than to vegetative organs. The correlation coefficient (CC) value between plant size and the number of seeds produced (0.55) was larger than the CC value between plant size and total seed weight (0.73). That is, the larger the plant size, the heavier the seed produced. The germination rate increased along with seed weight, and it was 95% in plants which were over 60mg fresh weight/seed.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        수종 목본식물의 개엽 특성에 관한 연구

        민병미 한국생태학회 1994 Journal of Ecology and Environment Vol.17 No.1

        온대낙엽수립에서 목본식물의 개엽형태와 생육초기 생장과정을 분석하기 위하여 경기도 광주군 중부면 산성리 남한산성 구내의 자연림에서 1992.4.1~1992,5,31에 11종에 대하여 잎의 형태변화, 엽면적 및 잎의 건중량 변화를 조사하였다. 겨울누의 인편이 탈락한 후 잎의 전개형태는 크게 주맥과 측맥의 각도가 증가하는 형태, 2절이 펴지는 형태 및 주맥으로부터 말려 펴지는 형태와 3부류로 구분되었다. 잎의 전개시에 비하여 생장이 완료된 시기의 엽면적이 가장 크게 증가하는 종은 생강나무(4.2배)였고, 가장 적은 것은 개서나무(1.3배)였으며, 이것은 잎의 전개형태와 관게가 깊었다. 조사된 대부분의 수종에서4월 하순과 5월 중순에 엽면적상 생장은 완료되었지만 잎의 건중량은 조사기간 중 계속 증가하였다. 비엽면적의 최대치는 4월 중순과 5월 초순 사이에 나타나 엽면적 생장의 완료시보다 대략 10일 빨랐다. 그리고, 5월 하순에 비엽면적의 값은 관목은 200cm2/g이상이었고 교목은 200cm2/g이하이었다. A study was conducted to examine the leaf expansion forms and to analyze the leaf growth in early growing season of 1992 in a temperate deciduous forest in central region of Korea. After the winter bud scale fell off, the expansion forms of 11 woody species were divided into 3 groups, spreading fan form, opening form from half folding, and unrolling form from main vein. The ratios of leaf area at the end of growing season to that of leaf expantion time varied among species, and were related closely to expansion forms. The leaves reached to full size between the third ten days of April and the middle ten days of May, except for a few species. Leaf weight, however, increased steadily during the growing season. Specific leaf area (SLA) increased rapidly for 10-20 days after leaf expansion and decreased rapidly for 10 days after reaching maximum values, and thereafter decreased slowly. The SLA values of trees were smaller than $200cm^2/g$, but those of subtree and shrub were larger than $200cm^2/g$.

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