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        금붕어 (Carassius auratus L.) 상처치유과정중 피부색소체계의 재분화에 관한 연구

        문명진,정문진,Moon, Myung-Jin,Jeong, Moon-Jin 한국현미경학회 1997 Applied microscopy Vol.27 No.1

        상처치유과정중 관상어류 피부 색소체계의 재분화경로를 규명하기 위하여 외부 색채가 화려한 담수산 금붕어 (Carassius auratus L.)를 실험재료로 하여 피부의 일정부위에 인위적인 상처를 유도한 후, 시간 경과에 따른 조직과 색소 체계의 치유과정을 고배율의 투과 전자현미경으로 관찰하였다. 금붕어 피부 색소세포는 정상조직에서 황색소세포, 백색소세포 그리고 혹색소세포 등 세 종류의 진피성 색소세포로 이루어져 있었다. 황색소세포에는 pterinosome과 carotenoid vesicle 등 두 종류의 색소과립이 분포되어 있었고, 백색소세포와 혹색소세포에는 무정형 색소결정인 leucosome과 전자밀도가 높은 구형의 색소과립인 melamosome이 각각 함유되어 있었다. 초기 상처치유반응은 상처 유도직 후에 표면 손상부위로 전이되는 상피세포와 혈구세포에 의하여 수행되었다. 상처 유도후 $5\sim7$일이 경과된 조직의 표본에서는 조면소포체가 특이하게 발달되어 진피성 색소세포의 공통 원기로 추정되는 세포의 출현이 확인되었다. 또한 재생된 조직내에서 재분화된 색소세포는 상처유도 후 3주가 경과된 표본에서 처음 관찰되었다. 색소과립의 재분화 경로는 세포 내에서의 색소과립 형성 과정과 마찬가지로 색소세포내에 잘 발달된 조면소포체와 골지체를 경유한 후, 분비소포의 형태로 생성림이 확인되었다. 그리고 재분화된 색소세포로 유입되는 색소 원기물질은 음세포과립을 통하여 수송되었는데, 특히 조면소포체가 풍부한 원기세포와 연접된 색소세포의 원형질막에서 매우 활발한 물질의 수송이 관찰되었다. 한편, 각 색소세포의 일차적인 재분화과정은 상처 유도후 4주가 경과되어 피부 상처가 치유되는 시점을 전후하여 완료되었으나, 재분화된 색소세포의 수나 분포밀도는 충분한 체색발현을 위한 상태에 비해 크게 미달되는 것으로 분석되었다. 따라서 특별한 환경의 변화가 없는 한, 상처유도 이전의 색소체계와 동일한 상태로의 복구에는 적어도 3개월 이상이 소요되는 것으로 확인되었다. The regeneration and differentiation of the cutaneous pigment system in the goldfish, Carassius auratus during the wound healing process were studied with high magnification electron microscope. The cutaneous pigment cells of the normal tissues were composed of three kinds of dermal chromatophores-xanthophores, leucoiphores and melanophores. While xanthophores contain two kinds of pigment granules-pterinosomes and carotenoid vesicles, leucophores and melanophores contain amorphous pigment granules (leucosomes) and oval shaped electron dense melanin pigment granules (melanosomes) respectively. After injury, primary wound healing responses being carried out by migration of epidermal cells and hemocytes spreading over the wound surface at the day of wounding. And at the time of primary wound closure, 5 to 7 days after wounding, rER rich cells-presumably common precursors of dermal chromatophores-immigrated into the wound area. First redifferentiated chromatophores appeared 3 weeks after wounding. Pigment granules of the chromatophores were emerged from the cytoplasmic Golgi complex via rough endoplasmic reticulum. Pinocytotic vesicles which associated with accumulation of pigment material, appeared only at the inner surface of the chromatophores adhering to the rER rich cells, characteristically. The differentiation of each chromatophore in addition to integumental wound repair were accomplished within 4 weeks after wounding at most cases, however the total numbers and densities of these repaired chromatophores still primitive state. Moreover, It has been revealed that complete repair of chromatophores at wounded tissues from burns requirs more than 3 months in normal environment.

      • KCI등재

        무당거미(Nephila clavata L. Koch) 병상선(甁狀腺)의 미세구조(微細構造) II. 대병상선(大甁狀腺)의 분비낭(分泌囊)과 말단분비부(末端分泌部)

        문명진,김창식,김우갑,Moon, Myung-Jin,Kim, Chang-Shik,Kim, Woo-Kap 한국현미경학회 1988 Applied microscopy Vol.18 No.2

        The ultrastructure of the sac and tail portion of the large ampullate gland and production of the silk materials in the orb web spider, Nephila clavata L. Koch, are studied with electron microscope. Large ampullate glands, the largest glands among the seven kinds of silk glands in this species, are composed of three parts which are the excretory duct, the storage sac and the convoluted tail. The wall of the sac is composed of a single layer of columnar epithelial cells. In the cytoplasm of these cells several kinds of the secretory granules, which are commonly associated with the rough endoplasmic reticula and had characteristic crystalloid, are seen. According to the morphology and internal textures of these granules, the sac portion is subdivided into proximal(connected with the convoluted tail) and distal(connected with excretory duct) portion. Between these two portions, the proximal portion is longer than the distal by four times. Silk materials, being synthesized to the shape of secretory granules, within the glandular epithelial cell of the tail portion are released to the inner cavity by the mechanism of the eccrine secretion. These secretory granules are originated from the rough endoplasmic reticula of the glandular epithelial cells, whereas no Golgi complexes has been found in any of the cells which have been examined.

      • KCI등재

        무당거미(Nephila clavata L. Koch) 병상선(甁狀腺)의 미세구조(微細構造) I. 대병상선(大甁狀腺)의 분비관(分泌管)

        문명진,김창식,김우갑,Moon, Myung-Jin,Kim, Chang-Shik,Kim, Woo-Kap 한국현미경학회 1988 Applied microscopy Vol.18 No.2

        The ultrastructure of the excretory duct of the large ampullate gland in the orb web spider, Nephila clavain L. Koch are studied with light and electron microscopes. The excretory ducts of the large ampullate glands connected with the large spinning tubes(spigots) on the anterior spinnerets are basically composed of three superposed types of the layers which are inner cuticles, monolayered epithelial cells and peripheral connective cells. According to the morphological characteristics of the cuticles and internal textures of the epithelial cells, the long excretory ducts are subdivided into three(distal, middle and proximal) portions. Especially, at the distal portion of the ducts near the spinning tubes, the electron lucent subcuticles which had the functions of water removal and orientation of silk fibers are well distributed, whereas at the middle and proximal portions these layers disappeared and instead of these, endocuticles are developed. The endocuticle contains two types of bands, which are electron dense and electron lucent. And along the length of the cuticular stem in the excretory duct, these two alternating bands are twisted spirally. In the cytoplasm of the columnar epithelial cells of the distal portion, rough endoplasmic reticula and Golgj complexes, related to the production of the cuticular materials are well developed. Between the adjacent epithelial cells, specialized septate junctions and desmosomes are formed along the plasma membranes. At the proximal portion of the duct, densely accumulated secretory materials appeared, and these are released to the inner canal by the apocrine secretion.

      • KCI등재

        거미(Nephila clavata L. Koch) 견사선 분비관에서의 큐티클 전구체 생성에 관한 연구

        문명진,Moon, Myung-Jin 한국현미경학회 1995 Applied microscopy Vol.25 No.3

        Ultrastructural aspects on the production of the duct cuticle and formation of cuticular precursors within silk glands of the orb web spider, Nephila clavata L. Koch(Araneae: Araneidae), were studied using transmission electron microscope. Four kinds of silk glands(ampullate glands, tubuliform glands, flageliform glands, and aggregate glands), which connected with large spinning tubes(spigots) of the spinnerets, were examined and discussed in terms of cuticle precursor production. Inner cuticular intima which composed of three layers of cuticles-subcuticle, endocuticle and exocuticle- were commonly originated from duct epithelial cells surrounding the cuticle. The morphology and internal textures of each cuticle precursors were very diverse according to the types of silk glands. However several common features were observed. These cuticle precursors were first produced from the rough endoplasmic reticulum and next concentration was accomplished through the Golgi complex. After this step, cuticle precursors were released to the cuticle layer as a form of secretory granule by the mechanism of merocrine secretion commonly.

      • KCI등재

        거미류 독액(毒液) 분필기관(分泌器官)의 미세구조(微細構造)에 관한 연구(硏究)

        문명진,Moon, Myung-Jin 한국현미경학회 1992 Applied microscopy Vol.22 No.1

        Ultrastructure of the poison secreting organ in the spiders, Agelena limbata Thorell and Nephila clavata L. Koch were studied using scanning and transmission electron microscopes. The venom glands located its secretory sac portion in cephalothorax and excretory duct in the fang of chelicera are one pair of simple alveolar glands composed of three kinds of basic tissues-outer spiral musculature, middle myoepithelium and inner glandular epithelium. The muscle cells of the venom gland junctioned with the motor nerve endings at neuromuscular contact area are composed of smooth muscle fibers, whereas the myoepithelial cells between the musculature and inner glandular epithelium have compact collagenous fibers within the cytoplasm. The glandular epithelial cells which arranged along the concentrical location are subdivided into basal light cells and apical dark cells according to electron densities of their cytoplasms.

      • KCI등재

        금붕어(Carassius auratus L.) 피부(皮膚) 색소세포(色素細胞)의 미세구조(微細構造) 및 색소과립(色素顆粒) 형성(形成)에 관한 연구(硏究) II. 백색소세포(白色素細胞)(leucophore) 및 흑색소세포(黑色素細胞)(melanophore)

        문명진,김창환,김우갑,Moon, Myung-Jin,Kim, Chang-Whan,Kim, Woo-Kap 한국현미경학회 1987 Applied microscopy Vol.17 No.1

        The ultrastructure of the cutaneous chromatophores and the origin of pigment granules in the goldfish, Carassius auratus L., are studied with electron microscope. Leucophores contain amorphous pigment granules, leucosomes and melanosomes contain oval shaped electron dense melanin pigment granules. These pigment granules are synthesized from the Golgi complexes of each chromatophores and released into the cytoplasm. Among the dermal chromatophores, another kind of dermal cells, named rER rich cells, are also observed. And pinocytotic vesicles are being formed only the inner surface of the chromatophores adhering to the rER rich cells. From these observations, such hypothesis are being possible that pigment materials are synthesized and transfered from the rER rich cells to dermal chromatophores by the pinocytosis. And next remodelizing mechanisms are carried out by the Golgi complexes of each chromatophores.

      • KCI등재

        Fine Structural Analysis of the Venom Apparatus in the Spider Araneus ventricosus

        문명진,유민희,Moon, Myung-Jin,Yu, Min-Hee Korean Society of Electron Microscopy 2007 Applied microscopy Vol.37 No.2

        The culticular substructure of the venom apparatus in the orb-web spider Araneus ventricosus are studied with scanning electron microscopy. The apparatus is composed of chelicera and paired venom glands in the cephalothorax. Each chelicera consists of a basal segment and a movable fang that articulates with each other. The chelicera of this spider is labidognathous form that moves at right angles to the body axis, and has two segments similar to that of a folding jackknife. Each cylindrical fang has a specialized hinge joint which articulate with the cheliceral groove which contains numerous small protrusions. In addition, each side of cheliceral groove is covered with a total of 7 cuticular teeth in two rows which composed of 4 promarginal and 3 retromarginal teeth. It has been also observed that a single venom pore is always located toward the direction of retromarginal teeth, and surface cuticular pits are distributed on the cuticular depressive area of cheliceral groove. 왕거미과의 산왕거미(Araneus ventricosus)를 실험재료로 하여 독 생성장치의 미세구조를 주사전자현미경으로 관찰하였다. 두흉부에 위치한 거미의 독 생성장치는 위턱(chelicera)과 한 쌍의 독선으로 이루어졌으며, 각각의 위턱은 기저마디와 가동성 엄니(fang)가 관절된 형태를 이루고 있었다. 산왕거미의 위턱은 체축에 대해 직각 방향으로 접히는 새실젖거미아목(Labidognata)의 특성을 지니고 있었으며, 관절을 통해 연결된 두개의 마디는 마치 접이식 재크 나이프와 유사한 구조를 하고 있음이 확인되었다. 원통형의 엄니는 다수의 돌기가 형성된 위턱고랑(cheliceral groove)과 분화된 접번관절로 연결되어 있었다. 또한, 위턱고랑에는 4개의 앞엄니두덩이(promarginal teeth)와 3개의 후엄니두덩이(retromarginal teeth) 등, 총 7개의 큐티클성 엄니두덩이가 두 줄로 융기된 구조를 형성하고 있었다. 엄니의 말단에는 독액을 분비하는 단일분비구멍이 후연돌기와 면한 쪽의 표면을 통해 개구되어 있었으며, 굴곡운동시 엄니와 접하는 위턱고랑의 표면에는 거친 함몰부가 형성되어 있었고 다수의 미세한 분비 구멍들이 확인되었다.

      • KCI등재

        Fine Structural Aspects of the Venom Production in the Black Widow Spider, Latrodectus mactans

        문명진,Moon, Myung-Jin,Tillinghast, Edward K. Korean Society of Electron Microscopy 1996 Applied microscopy Vol.26 No.1

        검은과부거미의 독 분비장치는 두흉부에 있는 가위턱과 한쌍의 독선으로 이루어져 있다. 독선은 한겹의 얇은 장막과 횡문근 섬유의 다발에 의해 둘러싸여 있었고. 근육층을 따라서 운동신경의 축삭 돌기와 근섬유 사이에 신경근육간 연접이 형성되어 있었다. 분비상피를 이루는 단층 원주상피세포에는 복잡한 수지상의 돌기가 형성되었고, 독선 전체가 단포상선을 이루고 있음이 관찰되었다. 상피의 분비면은 기저막으로부터 선의 내강쪽으로 확장된 세포질 돌기에 의해 표면적이 현저히 증가되었고, 상피의 내강면에는 조밀한 미세융모가 형성되어 있었다. 독성 분비물은 상피세포 내에서 두 종류의 분비과립으로부터 생성되었다. 분비기동안 이들 분비과립은 과적의 형태로 변형, 농축된 후, 이출분비의 형태로 내강으로 방출되었다. 방출 후의 기저부 상피세포들은 고도의 증식과정을 거쳐 원주상의 상피세포로 재생됨이 확인되었다. The venomous apparatus of the black widow spider, Latrodectus mactans, is composed of chelicera and paired venom glands in the cephalothorax. Each glands is surrounded by a thin adventitia and striated muscular bundles resting on a basal membrane. Along the musculature neuromuscular synaptic contacts are formed by a motor axon and the muscle fibers. The secretory epithelium, which made up of simple and long columnar cells with extensive finger-like processes, creates a simple acinar gland. The secretory surfac is increased by a sort of fringes extended from the basal membrane into the gland lumen, and the luminal surface of the epithelium is marked by the presence of closely spaced microvilli. The venoms of the black widow spider are produced from two types of secretory granules within the epithelial cells. During the secretory phase, these granules are transformed into droplets and suffering a condensation. Finally the secretory products are released by the apocrine secretion. After the gland is emptied, the basal epithelial cells present a high proliferative process and regenerate the columnar epithlial cells.

      • KCI등재

        미국흰불나방(Hyphantria cunea Drury) 정소(精巢)에 관한 연구 I. 정소(精巢)의 미세구조(微細構造)

        문명진,이근옥,김창환,김우갑,Moon, Myung-Jin,Lee, Keun-Ok,Kim, Chang-Whan,Kim, Woo-Kap 한국현미경학회 1988 Applied microscopy Vol.18 No.1

        Fine structures of the testis and vas deferens in the fall-web worm, Hyphantria cunea Drury, are studied with electron microscope. Adult worms have single testis close to the midlines of the abdomen. Testis is composed of 4 follicles which are incompletly separated from each other and bounded together by a peritoneal sheath. The peritoneal sheath consisted of outer cuticular layer and two kinds of inner layers, in which glycogen particles are dispersed commonly. These two layers are divided by the morphology of cytoplasmic granules. Follicular epithelium forming the wall of the follicles have melanin pigment granules, and trachea or tracheoles are extended through this epithelium. In the cysts of adult testis, matured spermatozoa are grouped together in bundles and after releasing the sperm bundles to the vas deferens, lamellar shaped lysosomes appeared in the cytoplasms of the cyst cells. The number of spermatozoa per cyst is exactly 256 ($2^8$), this number is characteristics of the Lepidoperan species. Vas deferens is a tube with a fairly thick bounding epithelium, a basement membrane and a layer of circular muscle outside it. At the apical portion of the epithelial cells, microvilli are well developed. And in the cytoplasms of these cells, numerous excretory granules are observed.

      • KCI등재

        나노섬유 방사노즐 설계를 위한 거미 실크 방적장치의 생체모사 분석

        문명진,김훈,박종구,Moon, Myung-Jin,Kim, Hoon,Park, Jong-Gu 한국현미경학회 2012 Applied microscopy Vol.42 No.2

        고강성 나노섬유 생산이 가능한 전기방사장치 방사노즐의 설계를 위해 자연을 모방하는 공학적 방법론을 도입하여, 무당거미(Nephila clavata L.Koch) 대병상선의 토사관과 그 생체방적 시스템이 지닌 미세구조적 특성을 고해상도의 전자현미경 관찰을 통해 분석하였다. 자연계에서 가장 강도가 높은 드래그라인을 생성, 분비하는 대병상선의 토사관은 bullet type spigot을 통해 전방적돌기 표면에 개구되어 있었으며, 신축성 구조를 지닌 토사관 말단마디의 노즐을 통해 고체상의 실크가 생성되었다. 분비낭과 토사관 사이를 연결한 분비관은 루프를 형성한 후 방적돌기에 수납되었고, 분비관 내강의 직경은 점진적으로 축소되어 노즐을 통해 방사되는 실크의 직경은 펀넬 부위의 1/10 이하인 것으로 관찰되었다. 한편, 실크 중합과정에서 수분을 제거하기 위한 큐티클의 특수구조가 관찰되었는데, 분비낭의 펀넬 부위에서는 해면상 큐티클 구조가 그리고 분비관의 말단부에서는 비후된 subcuticle 구조와 함께 잘 발달된 상피의 미세융모 층이 확인되었다. 또한 분비관의 내강부 큐티클 표면에서 확인된 나선형 강선구조는 실크 전구물질의 신속한 유동을 촉진하는 장치일 것으로 해석되었다. The biomimetic approach on the cuticular spinning nozzles of the major ampullate silk glands in the golden-web spider Nephila calvata has been attempted using various visualizing techniques of light and electron microscopes to improve the design of spinning nozzle for producing synthetic nanofibers spun from electrospinning apparatus. The major ampullate spigot which has the most effective nozzle system to produce nanofibers for dragline silk with high strength and elasticity is connected via the bullet type spigot on anterior spinneret with flexible terminal segment. The excretory duct which transports the liquid silk feedstock from ampulla to spigot is divided into 3 limbs by loops back on itself to form an S-shape morphology that is bundled in connective tissue. Final diameter of the nanofibers at nozzle was dramatically reduced by gradual narrowing of duct cuticle less than 10 times comparing to its original size of funnel region. Moreover, the funnel has a characteristic cuticular organization with porous microstructure which seems to be related to water removal from feedstock of silk precursors. High magnification electron micrographs also reveal the presence of the spiral grooves on the surface of the cuticular intima near the valve which presumed to reduce friction during rapid flow of liquid silk.

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