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        태권도 정신의 정신 교육 활용방안

        류병관 국기원 2019 국기원태권도연구 Vol.10 No.3

        Nevertheless the success of Taekwondo in the sports world but the roles of Taekwondo in Korean society is uncertain even in the educational way in social education in some way although Taekwondo always stress the role’s of Taekwondo in education of humanism in Korean society. In this moment we better consider that the role’s of National sport as a means of enhance people’s health and strengthen the education that builds people’s character. The purpose of this paper is find out apply spirit of national Taekwondo to build Korean’s national character and mental education. To obtain the purpose. First. Research other nations which national character already revealed how to they set mind and what the procedure is. Second. How they teach the ways to learn. Third. How we use Taekwondo spirit to build national character and how it effects mental education. Busido: Change your thought of the world and how you can change it. Then how to change it in reality. This is taught where you are taught a certain philosophy and you live with that philosophy to become better. China is the biggest country in Asia and they still struggle in ways but, “hyup“ is the way of there philosophy. This ”hyup“ is a old historical philosophy in China that brought there strong mindsets. This concept once was a underground culture but now it is a main concept they follow. They all look up to God and always look after others and helpless others. It was a concept only for martial artist but now it is a concept to everyone and they enforce it in schools nowadays. For Korean Taekwondo that's the mindset everyone should have. In conclusion, 1. Kukkiwon should enforce these concepts and every Taekwondo schools should carry out these concept. 2. Every student elementary through college should have the levels of a cerain mindset getting them ready to understand the concept. 3. For middle and high school students they should enforce discipline and should keep it throughout there life. 4, In there belt promotion test they should look for not only skills but, there mindset through Taekwondo. 본 연구는 국기로서의 태권도의 위상을 재정립하고 태권도를 국민 정신 교육 수단으로 활용하는 구체적인 방안을 제시하고자 하는 목적이 있다. 첫째, 정신성이 구체적으로 드러나는 국가들의 국민정신 형성과정을 살펴보았다. 둘째, 이 국가들의 국가 차원의 정신 교육 방법에 대하여 살펴보았다. 셋째, 국기 태권도를 국민 정신 교육 수단으로 활용하는 방안을 살펴보았다. 이를 위해 스트라우스와 코빈이 제시한 근거이론연구 방법을 사용하여 자료를 분석하고 결과를 도출하였다. 그 결과, 일본은 무사도 정신을 국민의식과 행동을 개조하는 국민 교육적 규범으로 만들어 그것을 일본정신으로 확립함으로써 1900년 이후 거대한 사회적 변혁을 이루어 냈다. 이것은 지켜야 할 규범적 정신성을 제시하고 사회와 교육 체제가 이를 장기적으로 교육함으로써 국민적 정신성으로 승화되는 것을 보여 주는 사례이다. ‘협의(俠義)정신’은 오랫동안 중국 사회를 지탱해온 하나의 관념적 축이었다. 협의 개념은 사마천의 사기에서부터 시작하여 이백의 「협객행(俠客行)」으로 이어지고 통속문화의 주류를 이루면서 중국인들에게 하나의 정신적 덕목으로 자리매김해 왔다. . 일본과 중국의 상황에 견주어 보면 우리나라도 국기 태권도의 정신을 국민정신으로 승화해 강한 국민성을 배양하는데 국기로써 태권도가 반드시 그 역할 수행을 해 나가야 한다. 결론적으로, 첫째, 국기원에서 태권도 정신을 공식적으로 확립하여 제시하고 이를 공통적 정신수련의 근간으로 삼을 수 있도록 하여 태권도 정신이 우리나라의 국민성으로 승화해 나가도록 하여야 한다. 둘째, 정신성의 강화 및 실제적 체득을 위하여 각 단 혹은 단위별(초·중·고·대) 개념 구분과 실천방안을 제시하고 이를 수련의 목표로 제시하여 정신이 실제로 구현되도록 하여야 한다. 셋째, 태권도를 국기라는 위상에 걸맞게 훈육(discipline)의 수단으로 과감히 학교 교육의 교과과정에 도입하여야 한다. 넷째, 단 심사에 기술적인 부분만이 아니라 정신성을 강화하고 이를 파악할 수 있는 기준을 마련하고 시행해나가야 한다.

      • 레슬링 선수들의 8주간 circuit weight training이 무 산소성 파워와 혈중 피로물질에 미치는 영향

        류병관,손호진 龍仁大學校 武道硏究所 2003 武道硏究所誌 Vol.14 No.1

        The aim of the present investigate was to effect of long-term circuit weight training on anaerobic power and blood fatigue components in 6 amateur wrestlers who are 6 male from yong-in University amateur wrestler team. All subjects signed an approved University informed consent form and had no known health problems. The results this study was summarized as the follows: 1. It was showed that weight and soft lean mass was significantly, water% was not significantly after 4weeks, 8weeks than pre-training, 2. It was showed that peak power and mean power was sigruficantly, peak power sec was not significantly after 4weeks, 8weeks than pre-training. 3. It was showed that lactate acid and ammonia was not significantly after 4weeks but was significantly after 8weeks. From the study, long-term circuit weight training of amateur wrestlers was increased on Body-Composition, anaerobic power, tolerance of blood fatigue.

      • KCI등재

        가석방제도의 운영현황과 발전방향 - 회복적 사법을 중심으로 -

        류병관 한국교정학회 2019 矯正硏究 Vol.29 No.3

        Most of the previous studies on parole have recognized various positive functions of the parole system in terms of criminal policy. However, in reality, despite the steady demand from scholars and practitioners to promote the use of parole system, the parole rate of Korea still remains below 30%. In the process of this debate, the viewpoint of applying the restorative justice to the recent correction methods for prisoners, has been proving to benefit both the prisoner and the victim. The role of victims is becoming more and more important in the present practice of criminal law. So, in the following days, we have to approve the position of the victim in our practice of correction law. One of the ways to actively engage the victim is through the practice of the parole system. The introduction of the concept of restorative justice depends on the positive support from the general public for all the treatment regarding the re-socialization of prisoners at the correction stage including the parole. We can ultimately heal and recover the conflicts and wounds caused by crimes in our society. 형벌에 있어 자유형의 목적이 수형자의 교화・개선을 통한 사회복귀(rehabilitation)에 있는 이상 이미 개전(改悛)하여 사회적 위험성이 없는 자를 계속 구금한다는 것은 교정을 통한 재사회화라는 교정의 목적에도 합치하지 않으며, 수형시설의 과밀화를 초래하는 원인이 되는 등 교정행정에 있어 여러 현실적인 문제도 발생시킬 수 있다. 가석방제도는 불필요한 형집행기간을 단축함으로써 수형자의 사회복귀를 앞당기는 동시에 형집행에서 수형자의 자발적인 사회복귀동기를 부여하는 기능을 한다는 점에서, 교정을 넘어 범죄예방이라는 형사정책의 이념달성에 매우 효과적인 제도라는 점을 전세계적으로 인정하고 있다. 따라서 우리나라도 특히 1990년대 이후 가석방에 관련된 선행연구들의 대부분은 형사정책적으로 가석방제도가 갖고 있는 다양한 긍정적 기능을 인정하고, 보다 적극적으로 가석방제도를 활성화해야 한다고 주장하고 있다. 그러나 그동안 가석방제도 활성화에 대한 학계 및 실무의 요구에도 불구하고, 우리나라의 가석방 비율은 미국, 일본의 절반수준인 30%이하에 머물고 있다. 가석방제도가 활성화되지 못하는 여러 이유가 있으나 현실적으로는 범죄자에 대한 부정적인 ‘국민감정’이다. 최근 가석방제도를 활성화하기 위한 논의과정에서 교정분야에 회복적사법을 적용하여 범죄자와 피해자 모두에게 이익이 될 수 있는 방안을 찾아보자는 견해가 새롭게 대두되기 시작하였다. 대립관계인 응보적사법과 달리 가해자・피해자가 형사절차의 마지막 교정단계에서 만남의 자리를 통해 사죄・용서・화합의 과정을 통해 피해자에 대한 피해회복, 범죄자의 진정한 뉘우침을 통한 재사회화, 나아가 범죄로 인해 파괴되었던 우리사회의 갈등을 회복함으로써 ‘화해’를 통한 진정한 의미의 교정 이념(목표)을 달성할 수 있다고 보는 것이다. 이러한 회복적 사법개념의 도입은 가석방을 포함한 교정단계에서 수형자 재사회화를 위해 이루어지는 모든 처우에 대해 일반국민들의 이해와 긍정적 지지를 이끌어 냄으로써 수형자 처우에 대한 ‘인식전환’의 계기라 될 것이라 본다. 즉 교정에 있어 회복적 사법의 도입은 피해자의 피해회복이라는 측면과 실질적으로 수형자에 대한 사회복귀처우 강화라는 양면을 모두 충족시키면서, 우리사회의 범죄로 인한 갈등과 상처를 치유하고 회복하게 할 수 있다는 점에서 그 의미가 매우 크다고 본다.

      • KCI등재후보

        최근 미국소년사법의 현황과 전망

        류병관 한국소년정책학회 2015 少年保護硏究 Vol.28 No.2

        Historically, the United States has generally treated juvenile offenders as children in need of rehabilitation, within a separate justice system designed to recognize their special needs and immature character. However by the 1990s, the increased prosecution of juveniles in adult criminal courts was becoming a nationwide trend. Tough on crime policies in a political climate focused on the fear of remorseless young “superpredators” became commonplace. Juvenile justice models moved away from an emphasis on rehabilitation and towards a more retributive system, including mandatory transfer policies, life without parole sentences, and even capital punishment for homicide offences. Against this tide of reform, the United States Supreme Court issued three landmark decisions in the last decade--Roper v. Simmons, Graham v. Florida, and Miller v. Alabama--that addressed the criminal culpability of young persons and the constitutional limits on appropriate sentencing dispositions. In each of these cases, the Court built on its prior jurisprudence on the inherent frailty of juvenile defendants and further relied upon modern scientific studies of the adolescent brain in concluding that adolescents are not as morally responsible for their behaviour as adults.

      • KCI등재후보

        미국소년사법에 있어 소년정신건강법원(JMHC)에 관한 연구

        류병관 한국소년정책학회 2014 少年保護硏究 Vol.27 No.-

        Some skeptics claim that mental health disorders are prevalentin the juvenile justice system because the criteria used to defineconduct disorders are very similar to the general characteristicsof delinquent offenders. However, even if conduct disorders aredisregarded, juveniles with mental health disorders still accountfor a majority of all juvenile offenders. In fact, one study foundthat “66.3% of youth still met criteria for a mental healthdisorder other than conduct disorder.” Still, many juveniles are inthe system for drug-related offenses, and substance usedisorders are often categorized as mental illnesses. Aftereliminating both conduct disorders and substance use disordersfrom the analysis, 45.5% of juvenile offenders met the criteriafor a mental health disorderEarly signs of success among the existing mental healthcourts offer a lot of hope for the mental health court model. Mental health courts have the potential to reduce recidivism andcut costs by reducing the number of people who are incarcerated. Specifically, juvenile mental health courts have thegreatest potential to do this because providing treatment for amentally ill juvenile early in life, when criminal behavior startsto emerge, will have a lasting impact.

      • KCI등재후보

        미국 소년사법에 있어 범죄피해자권리 등장에 따른 논의

        류병관 한국소년정책학회 2011 少年保護硏究 Vol.17 No.-

        Although rehabilitation is no longer the only goal of the juvenile justice system, it certainly is and should remain an important component of our response to juvenile delinquency. Victim impact statements delivered in the strained and highly charged environment of the courtroom are unlikely to cultivate the healing and satisfaction victims seek after crime. Evidence suggests that many youth are not intellectually and emotionally equipped to meet the high expectations of judges and victims who expect offenders to demonstrate sincere remorse and contrition at the juvenile disposition hearing. Not only are victims disappointed by the child's inadequate responses to the victim impact statement, but judges are also more likely to penalize the child for his apparent disrespect and lack of empathy for the victim. These statements are valuable in the juvenile justice system because they allow victims to express pain and fear to the offender and may help victims find healing and closure after crime if they are meaningfully considered by the child. Victim impact statements may also aid in the child's rehabilitation if they are made at a time and in a forum that is safe and supportive for the child. Thus, to make better use of victim impact statements, these statements be excluded from the juvenile disposition hearing and instead be incorporated into pretrial diversion programs or post-disposition treatment plans that include counseling and other services for the child.

      • KCI등재후보

        성폭력 피해자 보호를 위한 증거제한에 관한 연구 - 미국의 강간피해자보호법(Rape Shield Law)을 중심으로

        류병관 전남대학교 법학연구소 2008 법학논총 Vol.28 No.1

        Rape shield laws were legislated to encourage the rape victim to report against the offender by protecting the victim’s privacy and promoting the victim’s prosecution. The United States legislated rape shield laws through the federal evidence law and fifty states law, starting 1980s, in order to protect the rape victim’s human rights. On the other hand, though our country introduced the system that protects the victim’s right in the criminal procedure which was reformed in 2007, June, and the punishment of sexual violence crime and the law for the protection of the victim which was reformed in 2003, we lack the actual system that could protect the victim’s second victimization. Therefore, it is time for our country to install the actual system for the protection of the rape victim through the law like the United Sates’ protection law for the rape victim. In relation with this, our country needs to reconsider whether the evidence concerning rape, such as the victim’s occupation, education, and the victim’s past sexual experience, which I think, are irrelevant, has any actual connection with the case of rape, or not. Especially, if this custom practiced in the criminal procedure is based on the patriarchal prejudice, this can be a problem related not only with question of the victim’s right in the criminal procedure, but also with the right of equality in the constitution. In conclusion, I insist that our penal law system has to accept the rape shield laws to protect the victim of sexual offence. Through this, by preventing the victim’s second victimization, the victim can be more accessible to prosecute against the sex offender. Therefore, the government can realize the social justice through the punishment of these criminals. Rape shield laws were legislated to encourage the rape victim to report against the offender by protecting the victim’s privacy and promoting the victim’s prosecution. The United States legislated rape shield laws through the federal evidence law and fifty states law, starting 1980s, in order to protect the rape victim’s human rights. On the other hand, though our country introduced the system that protects the victim’s right in the criminal procedure which was reformed in 2007, June, and the punishment of sexual violence crime and the law for the protection of the victim which was reformed in 2003, we lack the actual system that could protect the victim’s second victimization. Therefore, it is time for our country to install the actual system for the protection of the rape victim through the law like the United Sates’ protection law for the rape victim. In relation with this, our country needs to reconsider whether the evidence concerning rape, such as the victim’s occupation, education, and the victim’s past sexual experience, which I think, are irrelevant, has any actual connection with the case of rape, or not. Especially, if this custom practiced in the criminal procedure is based on the patriarchal prejudice, this can be a problem related not only with question of the victim’s right in the criminal procedure, but also with the right of equality in the constitution. In conclusion, I insist that our penal law system has to accept the rape shield laws to protect the victim of sexual offence. Through this, by preventing the victim’s second victimization, the victim can be more accessible to prosecute against the sex offender. Therefore, the government can realize the social justice through the punishment of these criminals.

      • KCI등재후보

        태권도 수련이 학령기 아동의 골격성숙도, 신체구성, 대사증후군 위험인자에 미치는 영향

        류병관,진영수,송성일,임윤택,김태완,정진욱,이혜영 대한운동사협회 2009 아시아 운동학 학술지 Vol.11 No.2

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of Taekwondo training on skeletal maturation, body composition, & metabolic syndrome. 61 male elementary school students participated in this study and were divided into two groups. Taekwondo Group(TG, n=32) has continued Taekwondo practice at least 6 month, 3days/wk, 1hr/session and control group(CG, n=29) hasn't participated in regular exercise. Greulich and Pyle method and Inbody 3.0 were used to measure skeletal maturation and body composition, respectively. Waist circumference, blood pressure, HDL-C, TG, blood glucose were measured to determine metabolic syndrome risk factors. As a result, there were significant differences between groups in skeletal maturation, BMI, %bodyfat, body fat(kg), waist circumference, systolic blood pressure, and TG. In conclusion, longitudinal Taekwondo training positively affect on delaying skeletal maturation, improving obesity, and protecting metabolic syndrome. 본 연구는 태권도 수련이 골격성숙도, 신체구성, 대사증후군 위험인자에 미치는 효과를 규명하는데 목적이 있다. 본 연구의 대상자는 서울시에 거주하는 초등학교 남학생 61명으로 하였으며, 이 중 1일 1시간, 주3일, 6개월 이상 태권도 수련을 규칙적으로 해 온 학생들을 태권도 그룹(n=32)으로, 규칙적인 운동을 하지 않는 학생을 일반 그룹(n=29)으로 나누었다. 골격성숙도는 Greulich and Pyle 방법을 사용하여 측정하였으며, 신체구성 변인은 Inbody 3.0을 이용하여 측정하였다. 대사증후군 위험 인자를 알아보기 위해 복부둘레, 혈압, 중성지방, 고밀도 지단백, 공복 혈당을 측정하였다. 연구 결과 골격성숙도와 신체구성변인 중 BMI, 체지방률, 체지방량, 대사증후군 위험인자 중 복부둘레, 수축기혈압, 중성지방에서 그룹 간 유의한 차이가 나타났다. 결론적으로, 장기간의 태권도 수련은 성장기 아동의 골격성숙도 지연과 비만해소 및 대사증후군 예방에 긍정적 효과가 있는 것으로 사료된다.

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